Welcome to EStop's userpage
EStop is a button that crash-stops dangerous equipment before it explodes, or minces someone. This particular EStop is a laid-back, little-Englander who likes language, laughing and alliterations. EStop is sociable, has no short term memory, mildly eccentric and something else that he can’t quite remember (something to do with remembering). EStop spends half of his life wandering around in a world of his own, or soaring around in a world of his own in a glider; half of his life making things up on a computer, and the other half driving boats (when he is not being an EStop button, which is only about half the time).
He came to Uncyclopedia in 2015 as a ‘’port-of-refuge’’ as Facebook blanked him, Linkedin fired him, threatened a restraining order and Wikipedia reckon he is idiotic, illiterate and ignorant. Seeing these as positive attributes for a potential Uncyclopedian, EStop was adopted and mentored by Spike and encouraged by Romartus.
EStop enjoys writing UnNews, muddling and misinterpreting current affairs. He strives for a unique angle on real events, and likes to stretch that angle as far as it will realistically go. He tries to give characters personality and depth in a daft, but convincing world described within the serious frame of news reporting. He is not afraid of experimentation and a bit of "first hand journalism", provided it can be related to real events. Now and again he even makes it work. EStop also likes the fact that UnNews are off the page in a week and no one will ever remember them again.
For full Uncyclopedia articles, he prefers to stick with the topic and write jokes around it, rather than something completely different based on a weak pun or homonym, homophone or homograph; unless it can be funnier and more convincing than the subject. He believes if you click on a link to jokes about the General Election, you don’t want to read jokes about the BBC.
EStop is probably the slowest article writer in the whole of the Wikia empire, because he has convinced himself an Uncyclopedia article should be treated as a painting rather than a sketch. It should be researched, layered, admired, caressed and fettled far more than a straight article. EStop is also convinced parodying as an "expert" is funnier and more convincing to the reader than writing cheap generic jokes that work anywhere. Actually, EStop also has the attention span of...oh...look, an airplane.
He is most satisfied when an article, that has been painstakingly hand-crafted on his potter’s wheel, fired, hand painted and glazed, is described as a funny, easy read.
As well as solo article writing, EStop enjoys collaborations. He likes to think his strengths are creativity and humor, which are, conveniently, open to interpretation. His weaknesses are definitely proze, spelling, and coherence and; punctuation: EStop has far too many apostrophe’s and is always exited rather than excited. The Grammar Police suffer sleepless nights, if they know he is online.
- Foolitzer Prize Award Foolitzer Prize Winner February-March 2015
- Noob of the Moment Award Noob of the Moment March-April 2015
- Writer of the Month Award Writer of the Month Summer 2015
Featured Articles
Project Gemini - The turn of the tide for Tang, (with Spike).
Hurricane - First competition article, Surprise me! Spring Festival 2015.
United Kingdom general election, 2015 (with Scottpat, Romartus and Everyotherusernamewastaken).
UnNews:Big Tech objects to U.S. spying proposal (with Spike).
UnNews:U.S. corners Palestine rubble futures market (with Squidfest).
Sex Change Save from VFD.
College kid Save from VFD, taken on to VFH by Spike and His Highness.
HowTo:Get Super Powers with Irritable of contents
Vatican City with Romartus
Liberal Media With Spike
Saves from VFD/ICU/To be fixed etc.
Other Article Tinkerings
In progress
Other Pages
Panic in the skies
- UnNews:Giant asteroid headed for Earth; God says no sweat
- UnNews:Swift launched into space to even Katy Perry Super Bowl score
- UnNews:Weasel first to get woodpecker pilot licence
- UnNews:Tommy gives Ivan a good drubbing
- UnNews:Han Solo fails glider pilot Bronze badge
Science and technology
- UnNews:Scientist stops light, chats with it
- UnNews:Gardener finds "Seed of Life"
- UnNews:Quantum computing predicts Royal Baby’s name
- UnNews:Desserts shrink from climate change
- UnNews:Earth to be eaten before summer 2016
- UnNews:New emojis cleared to help trolls and oldsters
- UnNews:Amazon Fire-Phone scrapped over safety concerns
- UnNews:Britain on verge of ice age
- UnNews:NASA: Normal people to be astronauts, with Spike
Business and finance
- UnNews:Cameron: BP now able to boost wages
- UnNews:Poundland under investigation for price fixing
- UnNews:HSBC tolerate verbal abuse of Customer Services
- UnNews:UK to export North Sea water to the Middle East
- UnNews:Bank Robbing sector accused of sexual discrimination
- UnNews:ISIS awarded ISO accreditation
- UnNews:Trump becomes U.S. CEO
- UnNews:UK to build 25ドルM prison for Audi drivers
- UnNews:Chinese money-cat waves at UK
- UnNews:Cash-strapped Saudis hump UK on human-rights
- UnNews:Dead rich advise saving for afterlife
- UnNews:Miliband tolerates Russell Brand for fifteen minutes
- UnNews:Celebrity murderers back National party coalition
- UnNews:BBC loses General Election
- UnNews:Tory win puts gold-diggers in quandary
- UnNews:UK Government to run media
- UnNews:Britain signs Declaration of Dependence
- UnNews:U.K. Government to vote on Scot hunting
- UnNews:Cameron scuppers EU deal for the UK
- UnNews:Lord Sewel: It wasn't coke and whores
- UnNews:Corbyn chosen to wrest in peace in the Middle East (With ScottPat)
- UnNews:Citizen Corbyn new Labour Leader
- UnNews:Harsh winter could trigger Scottish independence vote
- UnNews:Tony Blair nearly sorry for Iraq mistakes
Lifestyle and culture
- UnNews:Super Mario appears on The Sun's page 3
- UnNews:Lionel Richie wants a roof over Britain
- UnNews:Arquette uses Oscars to promote older women’s BDSM rights
- UnNews:L’Oreal's anti-aging cream... are you worth it?
- UnNews:Blizzards not caused by incest
- UnNews:King’s College Choir to headline Glastonbury
- UnNews:Gingers start race-war on normal people
- UnNews:Thousands of British Kings buried under car parks
- UnNews:Tourists to Greece told to bring own gyros
- UnNews:Swingers invade Sandringham
- UnNews:Kanye enters race for Deity
- UnNews:Ashley Madison using bots instead of women
- UnNews:Church tells parents to euthanize goths
- UnNews:God relaxes rules on Heaven access
- UnNews:Brian Sewell tours Heaven With Lucifuge Rofacale
- UnNews:Smithers' news not news, says news
- UnNews:US regulators frighten Halloween revelers
- UnNews:John Lewis Christmas to feature Prime Minister
Health and education
- UnNews:Advisory issued after Measles party epidemic
- UnNews:Measles party epidemic traced to Neil Armstrong’s old boot
- UnNews:Hospital holds "day to forget" for dementia patients
- UnNews:Residents of New Delhi emit mystery multi-colour gas
- UnNews:Apple Watch is psychoactive
- UnNews:Australia to sanction good parenting
- UnNews:"Sex-ed" students bat for teacher
Global UnNews
- UnNews:Obama "goes it alone" on State of the Union
- UnNews:Kim Jong Un brings new musical Korea to Eurovision - in collaboration with user:Jimlemon
- UnNews:Greek PM: Swimming in poop better than riding dolphins
- UnNews:Syriza wins in Greece; leader vows to end Archaic austerity
- UnNews:Wikimedia accuses NSA of sloppy spying
- UnNews:Lego court rules "Smart" Barbie illegal
- UnNews:Mayor García apologizes for gay sex at festival
- UnNews:U.S. Government data misappropriated
- UnNews:3D printer accidently creates functioning Terminator
- UnNews:US to ban time
- UnNews:African-American civil rights activist wrong color
- UnNews:Former White House press secretary hired by Tallywackers
- UnNews:Big Tech objects to U.S. spying proposal Collaboration with user:Spike
- UnNews:U.S. corners Palestine rubble futures market Collaboration with User:Squidfest
- UnNews:China creates sex database
- UnNews:Tsipras beats Merkel at Twister
- UnNews:Subway rolls out new ads as Jared goes to prison (with Spike)
- UnNews:California in grave danger of sinking
- UnNews:Star Wars VII blasted for discrimination
- UnNews:Prehistoric golf club committees had gender equity
- UnNews:F1 teams told to kill more drivers
- UnNews:Baylis appointed England cricket coach
- UnNews:Queen Elizabeth II denies doping allegations
- UnNews:Sports Direct in the floodlights amid safety fears
Animal UnNews
- UnNews:City rabbits not as nice as country rabbits
- UnNews:Animals to become Wi-Fi hotspots
- UnNews:Home Office to cull UK population with predators
- UnNews:Jenner: Just call me Max
- UnNews:U.S. Government data misappropriated
- UnNews:Nestle accused of poodles in their noodles
- UnNews:Ant-Man killed in patio accident
- UnNews:Autumn to spark significant rise in migrant numbers