logs: rights, globalauth, gblblock, gblrights | translate: translation help, statement
- Languages: es, en-3, ca-2, it-1, pt-1, gl-1
- Personal info: Hello everyone,
I was elected in 2022, so this will be my first confirmation as a steward.
I have done a fair amount of work on a steady pace over the course of the last year. This work covered different spheres of competence, and my main activity was related to global (b)locks and OS requests. I was quite active attending other requests on IRC, and I also helped as a scrutineer for the enwiki ArbCom elections. If you are interested, you can see my on-wiki statistics at ../statistics and ../CheckUser statistics for loginwiki.
This tenure has been a learning experience for me that will continue over the time. I believe I did a good job, and would like to volunteer for another term—as long as, of course, the community still trusts me with the tools. Thank you all, Sgd. —Hasley 21:50, 18 January 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- ভাষা:
- ব্যক্তিগত তথ্যাদি: translation needed
- Sprachen:
- Informationen zur Person: translation needed
- Idiomas:
- Información personal: translation needed
- Nyelvek:
- Személyes információk: translation needed
- Lingue: es, en-3, ca-2, it-1, pt-1, gl-1
- Informazioni personali: Salve a tutti,
Sono stato eletto nel 2022, quindi questa sarà la mia prima riconferma come steward.
Ho svolto una discreta quantità di lavoro a un ritmo costante nel corso dell'ultimo anno. Questo lavoro copriva diverse aree di competenza e la mia attività principale è stata legata ai lock e blocchi globali e alle richieste di OS. Sono stato piuttosto attivo nel rispondere alle varie richieste su IRC, e ho anche aiutato come scrutatore nel corso delle elezioni dell'ArbCom di enwiki. Se siete interessati, potete vedere le mie statistiche on-wiki su ../statistiche e ../statistiche dei checkuser su Loginwiki.
Questo incarico è stato per me un'esperienza di apprendimento che continuerà nel tempo. Credo di aver fatto un buon lavoro e mi piacerebbe fare un altro mandato da volontario, purché, ovviamente, la comunità si fidi ancora di me e mi consenta di mantenere gli strumenti. Grazie a tutti, Sgd. —Hasley 21:50, 18 January 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Taalvaardigheid:
- Persoonlijke informatie: translation needed
- Языки:
- Личная информация: translation needed
- Ngôn ngữ: es, en-3, ca-2, it-1, pt-1, gl-1
- Thông tin cá nhân: Xin chào tất cả mọi người,
Tôi được bầu làm tiếp viên vào năm 2022, vì vậy đây sẽ là lần xác nhận đầu tiên của tôi.
Tôi đã hoàn thành khá nhiều công việc với tốc độ ổn định trong suốt năm ngoái. Công việc này bao gồm các lĩnh vực năng lực khác nhau và hoạt động chính của tôi liên quan đến khóa/cấm toàn cục và yêu cầu xoá hẳn (huỷ bỏ). Tôi đã khá tích cực tham gia các yêu cầu khác trên IRC và tôi cũng đã giúp với tư cách là người kiểm duyệt cho các cuộc bầu cử Uỷ ban Trọng tài trên enwiki. Nếu bạn quan tâm, bạn có thể xem thống kê trên wiki của tôi tại ../số liệu thống kê và ../Số liệu thống kê CheckUser cho loginwiki.
Nhiệm kỳ này là một kinh nghiệm học tập đối với tôi sẽ tiếp tục theo thời gian. Tôi tin rằng mình đã làm rất tốt và muốn tình nguyện cho một nhiệm kỳ khác—tất nhiên, miễn là cộng đồng vẫn tin tưởng giao cho tôi các công cụ. Cảm ơn tất cả, Sgd. —Hasley 21:50, 18 January 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- 可说语言:
- 个人资料: translation needed
- 可說語言:
- 個人資料: translation needed
- Keep Manténgase --Stïnger (会話) 21:05, 5 February 2023 (UTC).[reply ]
- Keep Keep, very helpful steward in first term. Thank you for all the work you did in 2022 :) --Ferien (talk) 21:29, 5 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep adhūc nunquam dormit. ~~~~
User:1234qwer1234qwer4 (talk) 21:32, 5 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ] - Keep Keep, very active. Giraffer (talk) 21:53, 5 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep - Great first term, very active clearing the SRG backlog.--*Fehufangą ♮ ✉ Talk page ♮ 22:02, 5 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep ToBeFree (talk) 22:56, 5 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep --Daniuu (talk) 22:56, 5 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep Thanks for your help on Wikiversity! --Marshallsumter (talk) 23:07, 5 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep. I wasn't familiar with him last year, but he's frequently locked sockpuppets quicker than I can block them locally. He's been doing good work, and it's admirable he took up scrutineering for the English Wikipedia Arbitration Committee elections. Sdrqaz (talk) 23:31, 5 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep — MusikAnimal talk 23:56, 5 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- One of the best Stewards around, this is one of the easiest Keep Keeps here. Java Hurricane 01:05, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep and thank you for your efforts in swiftly locking LTAs and spambots. --SHB2000 (talk | contribs) 05:14, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep Syunsyunminmin 🗨️talk 07:30, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep – Ajraddatz (talk) 08:09, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep per JavaHurricane --Johannnes89 (talk) 08:27, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep and also Keep Keep your speed. —MdsShakil (talk) 08:29, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep!!!!--Mtarch11 (talk) 10:28, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep as one of the best steward in the movement. Thingofme (talk) 10:33, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep Terasail [✉️] 11:08, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep, Linedwell [talk] 11:19, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep Excellent in first term. Camouflaged Mirage (talk) 11:42, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep --Minilammas (talk) 12:07, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep ~Styyx Talk? 13:29, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep -- Drummingman (talk) 16:25, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep AlPaD (talk) 18:24, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep --Zabe (talk) 18:31, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep - Xnet1234 (talk) 21:27, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep — TheresNoTime (talk • they/them) 21:37, 6 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep --Lookruk 💬 (Talk) 01:39, 7 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep – Mini apolis 01:55, 7 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep ‐‐1997kB (talk) 02:09, 7 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep — Regards, ZI Jony (Talk) 02:27, 7 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep --Rs chen 7754 04:08, 7 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep Mahir256 (talk) 05:02, 7 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep--reNVoy (user talk) 10:45, 7 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep--MZaplotnik (talk) 11:07, 7 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep Jon Kolbert (talk) 15:31, 7 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep St. Doggo (talk) 16:05, 7 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep --cyrfaw (talk) 17:57, 7 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep -- Tumbuka Arch ★★★ 22:00, 7 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep --LuchoCR (talk) 05:43, 8 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep –ಮಲ್ನಾಡಾಚ್ ಕೊಂಕ್ಣೊ (talk) 08:03, 8 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep Wutsje (talk) 17:07, 8 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep --Zangala (talk) 17:31, 8 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep--Michel Bakni (talk) 21:06, 8 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep —Yahya (talk • contribs.) 22:51, 8 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep Super helpful, see them frequently, thanks for your work. DanCherek (talk) 00:59, 9 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep. —— Eric Liu (Talk ) 13:03, 10 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep Very active in his first year. --Uncitoyen talk 20:34, 10 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep --Laurent Jerry (talk) 22:45, 10 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep * Pppery * it has begun 03:24, 11 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep Spicy (talk) 05:32, 11 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep EpicPupper (talk) 06:00, 11 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep Jianhui67 talk ★contribs 10:09, 11 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep -- Spielvogel (talk) 14:21, 11 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep--باسم (talk) 19:57, 11 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep --Ameisenigel (talk) 09:53, 12 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep --Novak Watchmen (talk) 17:48, 13 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep. --❄Mykola❄ 11:11, 14 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep Vincent Vega msg? 18:32, 14 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep Taivo (talk) 08:12, 15 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep --Althair (talk) 15:27, 15 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep -FASTILY 22:31, 16 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep ~ Amory (u • t • c) 13:55, 17 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep—Teles «Talk ˱C L @ S ˲» 15:33, 18 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep dwadieff ✉ 08:23, 20 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep--Vituzzu (talk) 10:49, 20 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep I'm still trying to figure out how can be so quick processing requests :D Thank's for your work --Superpes15 (talk) 12:14, 20 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep Good job. Ruy (talk) 01:49, 21 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep --Victor Trevor (talk) 10:42, 24 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep, impressive. Stang 23:06, 24 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep Taichi - (あ!) 07:05, 25 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep -- Wagino 20100516 (talk) 08:12, 25 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep --Alaa :)..! 17:28, 25 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep. Darkhan 21:02, 25 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Sí —MarcoAurelio (talk) 11:51, 26 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep. --Base (talk) 11:55, 26 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]
- Keep Keep --M/ (talk) 20:56, 26 February 2023 (UTC) [reply ]