Permohonan pendapat
Tambahkan tautan ke laman usulan atau laman yang diperselisihkan atau buat sublaman baru yang memohon Siapa pun dipersilakan untuk memberi pendapatnya pada permohonan-permohonan yang tercantum di bawah. Lihat pula: semua laman PP dan lebih banyak pemilihan dan pemungutan suara antara Wiki.
- Untuk masalah Meta-Wiki setempat harap gunakan tindak setempat Meta:Permohonan pendapat (perhatikan ruang nama "Meta:") sebagai ganti.
Kebijakan bersangkutan untuk pembukaan, penanganan, dan penutupan permohonan pendapat bisa dijumpai di Permohonan pendapat/Kebijakan.
Membuat permohonan baru
Buatlah sublaman dengan nama cocok, misal Requests for comment/Reforming the RFC process
dan isi:
{{rfc subpage |status = |comment = |date = {{subst:CURRENTTIMESTAMP}} <!-- creation date, do **not** change --> }}
Di bawah ini jelaskan masalah Anda dan kirimkan hasil suntingannya. Jangan lupa untuk menandatangani pernyataan awal Anda. Tautan ke laman Anda akan muncul di sini, sehingga jangan coba tambahkan permohonan secara manual, tetapi Anda mungkin harus menggunakan tautan "Purge" di atas, jika tidak ini mungkin butuh beberapa waktu untuk permohonannya muncul.
Mohon pastikan bahwa Anda telah memenuhi persyaratan untuk pembukaan permohonan pendapat, dan bahwa Anda telah memberi tahu pihak atau wiki yang dibutuhkan, sesuai dengan Permohonan Pendapat/Kebijakan.
Permohonan terbuka untuk pendapat
Ini adalah daftar permohonan yang saat ini terbuka untuk pendapat, diurutkan berdasarkan tanggal pembuatan (tertua ada di bawah). Daftar ini sedang diperbarui otomatis secara teratur.
- Requests for comment/Allow global abuse filter helpers to view the title blacklist log
- Requests for comment/Unblocking User:Anjaniy on uzwiki
- Requests for comment/Make Commons filemovers skipcaptcha globally
- Requests for comment/Restrict non-confirmed users of all wikis from crosswiki-uploading files to Commons
- Requests for comment/Severe Problems in hewiki
- Requests for comment/Remove changetags user right from users on all wikis
- Requests for comment/Turkish Wikipedia Faulty CheckUser operation
- Requests for comment/Welcoming policy
- Requests for comment/Entire nation portrayed as fascist on Greek Wikipedia - objections are not welcomed
- Requests for comment/Extract global bot policy to own page
- Requests for comment/declared as troll for no real reason
- Requests for comment/Official complaint against a bureaucrat for defamation on Hebrew Wikipedia
- Requests for comment/Request for exemption, an local blocking
- Requests for comment/Blocked for no reason at Greek Wikipedia
- Requests for comment/Zhxy 519, the admin with a recording of multiple severe abuses in history, today abuses in zh.wikisource once again.
- Requests for comment/Hoaxes about Azerbaijan in Armenian Wikipedia
- Requests for comment/Abuse of power by bureaucrats in the Hebrew Wikipedia
- Requests for comment/Requesting a look into Arabic Wikipedia Bias
- Requests for comment/Unauthorized screenshots from private WhatsApp conversations
- Requests for comment/Trwiki block of RuzDD by an unproven sockpuppet claim
- Requests for comment/Gotquestions and Tektonics
- Requests for comment/threatening language and censorship by two Arabic Wikipedia admins
- Requests for comment/UPE by admins
- Requests for comment/Authoritarian vibe on the Romanian Wikipedia
- Requests for comment/Category of non-free images in Wikipedia in Aragonese wich clearly contravenes the Wikimedia Licensing Policy
- Requests for comment/Broad IP ban on the German Wiktionary
- Requests for comment/Permanently blocked in WP in Aragonese, without right to defense, for requesting the deletion of insulting expressions
- Requests for comment/Sister Projects Committee
- Requests for comment/Bureaucrat abuse of vote in Belarusian Classical Wikipedia
- Requests for comment/Intentional disruptive editing by bnwiki admin
- Requests for comment/Ideals and realities on the ground in Norwegian Wikipedia
- Requests for comment/Discussing sources on the Croatian Wikipedia
- Requests for comment/Severe conflict involving problematic sysop on pt.Wiki
- Requests for comment/Copyright violations on Macedonian Wikibooks
- Requests for comment/Global ban requirements
- Requests for comment/Ombuds Commission inactivity
Permohonan tertutup untuk pendapat
Daftar permohonan tertutup disimpan di arsip. Di bawah Anda akan menjumpai daftar yang diurutkan dari yang terbaru dan menurut kategori.
Tertanda terselesaikan
Untuk daftar lengkap lihat Category:Requests for comments (resolved). Sepuluh permohonan terakhir yang tertutup untuk kategori ini ditunjukkan di bawah:
- Requests for comment/Hiding the number of Russian/Belorussian/Kazakh contributors on the statistics map
- Requests for comment/Update standard license for Wikinews
- Requests for comment/Global ban for Won1017
- Requests for comment/Global account blocking practices
- Requests for comment/My voting rights were taken away without a reasonable explanation
- Requests for comment/Blocked without warning Hebrew Wiki
- Requests for comment/Blocked without breaking any rule
- Requests for comment/unexplained blockage in Hebrew wikipedia
- Requests for comment/Unjustified block in the Hebrew Wikipedia
- Requests for comment/blocked and ignored by the bureaucrats in Hebrew Wiki
Tertanda tak berhasil
Untuk daftar lengkap lihat Category:Requests for comments (unsuccessful). Sepuluh permohonan terakhir yang tertutup untuk kategori ini ditunjukkan di bawah:
- Requests for comment/Amend language policy to ban new conlang Wikipedias
- Requests for comment/Global ban request for POSSUM chowg
- Requests for comment/The block log lacks useful information - basic requirements for sysop/admin accountability
- Requests for comment/New global filter for "bot"
- Requests for comment/Global ban for Slowking4 (2)
- Requests for comment/Community consensus for blackouts and other advocacy
- Requests for comment/Drama created by the only active administrator of viwikipedia
- Requests for comment/Violating the Neutral point of view in Arabic Wiki
- Requests for comment/Motion of No Confidence in Some Bureaucrat and Administrators of the Chinese Wikipedia, Curbing Collective Bullying, and Foundation Action Requests
- Requests for comment/Global ban for Бучач-Львів
Tertanda tak sahih
Untuk daftar lengkap lihat Category:Requests for comments (invalid). Sepuluh permohonan terakhir yang tertutup untuk kategori ini ditunjukkan di bawah:
- Requests for comment/Global ban for Kapadohány
- Requests for comment/denial of editing in Hebrew wikipedia
- Requests for comment/blockage from activity in Hebrew wiki
- Requests for comment/unjustified block by Hebrew bureaucrat
- Requests for comment/Banned without any explanation
- Requests for comment/Redesigning Wikipedia brand text font
- Requests for comment/Uncleared sockpuppet claim in viwiki
- Requests for comment/Should a global ban be issued for User:Stanistani
- Requests for comment/AnToni and his administratorship abuse on Bosnian Wikipedia
- Requests for comment/user:ネイ
Tertanda tak aktif
Untuk daftar lengkap lihat Category:Requests for comments (inactive). Sepuluh permohonan terakhir yang tertutup untuk kategori ini ditunjukkan di bawah:
- Requests for comment/Large-scale errors at Malagasy Wiktionary
- Requests for comment/Abuse of power by sysops in Russian Wikinews
- Requests for comment/Abuse of power by sysops in Spanish Wikipedia
- Requests for comment/Scope issues and copyright violations on Kyrgyz Wikibooks
- Requests for comment/sysop rights abuse in kawiki
- Requests for comment/Sysop abuse in Azerbaijani Wikipedia2
- Requests for comment/About copyright and possible infringements of it in WMF wikis
- Requests for comment/I need to solve the problem that I consider important in the project
- Requests for comment/Reforming local self government system on Croatian Wikipedia
- Requests for comment/Resolve massive copyright infringement on Wiktionary in Esperanto
Lihat pula
- Proyek global Wiki-Demokrasi menyediakan tautan ke permohonan, diskusi terpusat, pemilihan umum dan pemungutan suara untuk semua proyek Wikimedia.
Permintaan umum untuk: bantuan dari pengurus Meta atau birokrat · penghapusan (penghapusan cepat lokal · multibahasa) · daftar hitam URL · bahasa baru · peta interwiki
Permintaan personal untuk: perubahan nama pengguna · izin (global) · status bot · kepengurusan di Meta · Informasi pemeriksa (lokal) · bantuan pengurus lokal
Permintaan kerja sama untuk: Komentar (lokal) (global) · terjemahan