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Fundraising 2011/Brandon Letter/en

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Fundraising 2011
en/ English
Pages for translation: [edit status]
Interface messages
high priority
Translated on Translatewiki. Get started. Published
Banners and LPs (source)
high priority Published
Banners 2 (source)
high priority Published
Jimmy Letter 002 (source)
high priority Published
Jimmy Letter 003 (source)
variation of Jimmy Letter 002 Published
Jimmy Letter 004 (source)
variation of Jimmy Letter 002 Published
Jimmy Mail (source)
variation of Jimmy Letter 002 Published
Brandon Letter (source) Published
Alan Letter (source) Published
Kaldari Letter (source) Published
Karthik Letter (source) Published
Thank You Mail (source) Published
Thank You Page (source) Published
Recurring giving (source) Published
Sue Thank You (source) Published
FAQ (source)
low priority Published
Various requests: Mail to past donors · Jimmy quote

Outdated requests:
Jimmy Letter 001 (source) Published
Core messages (source) Published
Susan Letter (source) Published
GW Letter (source) Published
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I feel like I’m living the first line of my obituary.

I don’t think there will be anything else that I do in my life as important as what I do now for Wikipedia. We’re not just building an encyclopedia, we’re working to make people free. When we have access to free knowledge, we are better people. We understand the world is bigger than us, and we become infected with tolerance and understanding.

Wikipedia is the 5th most visited website in the world. I work at the small non-profit that keeps it on the web. We don’t run ads because doing so would sacrifice our independence. The site is not and should never be a propaganda tool.

Our work is possible because of donations from our readers. Will you help protect Wikipedia by donating 5,ドル 10,ドル 1000円 or whatever you can afford?

I work at the Wikimedia Foundation because everything in my soul tells me it’s the right thing to do. I’ve worked at huge tech companies, doing some job to build some crappy thing that’s designed to steal money from some kid who doesn’t know it. I would come home from work crushed.

You might not know this, but the Wikimedia Foundation operates with a very small staff. Most other top-ten sites have tens of thousands of people and massive budgets. But they produce a fraction of what we pull off with sticks and wire.

When you give to Wikipedia, you’re supporting free knowledge around the world. You’re not only leaving a legacy for your children and for their children, you’re elevating people around the world who have access to this treasure. You’re assuring that one day everyone else will too.

Thank you,

Brandon Harris
Programmer, Wikimedia Foundation

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