Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2006/Candidates/id
2006 Pemilihan Anggota Badan Yayasan Wikimedia |
Organisasi |
Peraturan untuk para Calon
[edit ]Para calon untuk pemilihan anggota Wikimedia Board of Trustees diminta untuk memperkenalkan dirinya di halaman ini sebelum pukul 23:59 pada tanggal 28 Agustus 2006 (UTC). Minimal satu trustee akan dipilih untuk periode yang berakhir pada bulan Juli 2007.
Untuk menjadi calon yang sah, anda harus telah mempunyai lebih dari 400 suntingan pada minimal satu proyek di Wikimedia; Suntingan harus dibuat dengan account yang sama; Dan suntingan pertama harus dibuat 90 hari sebelum pukul 00:00, tanggal 1 Agustus 2006 (UTC). Para calon juga harus telah berumur minimal 18 tahun. Para calon harus mrengerti dan menaati kewajiban sebagai pemegang posisi di Board.
Posisi di board tidak memungkinkan untuk dipegang secara anonimus, jadi jangan mendaftar bila anda tidak ingin identitas anda di publikasikan. Para calon diminta untuk mengidentifikasikan dirinya kepada Essjay, Aphaia, Datrio, atau individu lainnya.
Silahkan copy templat yand ada serta isi informasi yang diminta. Untuk menghindari pemberian referensi dari satu calon diatas calon yang lain, tolong di list berdasarkan alfabet dari pengguna (username) berdasarkan Unicode Collation Algorithm.
Anda dapat mengirimkan pernyataan anda didalam bahasa Indonesia ataupun bahasa lainnya, tetapi kami menyarankan anda menyertakan pula versi bahasa inggrisnya. Kami sarankan pula bahwa pernyataan tidak melebihi 1,000 karakter di bahasa yang original. Penerjemah Volunteer Wikimedia akan menerjemahkan pernyataan anda ke bahasa yang lain; kami tidak dapat menjamin bahwa pernyataan anda akan diterjemahkan ke semua bahasa yang tersedia.
Akhirnya, silahkan tulis nama dan semua bahasa yang anda kirimkan di Quick view of candidates.
[edit ]Please post your candidate information in Election candidates 2006/YOUR_USER_NAME/En and add a link toward this page under the "Candidates" section. You must fill the subpage as shown in the following example:
=== [[User:User name]] === {{Board candidate/en |username= |real name= |location= |age= |userpages= |joined= |projects= |languages= |contribs= |statement = |discussion= }}
Lihat Para Calon
[edit ](削除) Penerimaan Calon telah dimulai. (削除ここまで)Para calon dapat menuliskan namanya (username) sampai pukul 23:59 hari Senin, tanggal 28 Agustus 2006 (UTC) menurut alfabet.
- Pendaftaran telah ditutup.
- Calon Cerejota and NicholasTurnbull tidak melakukan konfirmasi, untuk itu telah dicoret.--BradPatrick 20:38, 29 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
Presentasi para calon
[edit ]You must be at least 18 years old to be a candidate.
- Pendaftaran telah ditutup
-Confirmed.--BradPatrick 15:05, 28 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
User | AaronSw |
Real name | Aaron Swartz |
Location | Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA |
Age | 19 |
User page(s) | en:User:AaronSw |
Wikimedia participant since | following since 2001, contributing since 2003 |
Projects in which I participate | en.wikipedia, en.wikisource, en.wikiquote |
Languages in which I participate | primarily en |
Link to user contribution pages | en.wikipedia, en.wikisource, en.wikiquote, en.wikinews, meta.wikimedia, wikimania2006 |
My candidate statement | Since January, Wikipedia's traffic has more than doubled, and the pressure on the people behind it has grown accordingly. As a result, the Wikimedia Foundation is now at a turning point: it must go from a small group of people to a lasting organization. I am running to represent the community in this transition and to make sure we live up to our core values:
About me: Over six years ago, I built my first web application. I called it, but it was basically the same idea as Wikipedia. Not surprisingly, it didn't take off, but I never stopped thinking about the problem. Since then, I co-authored the RSS 1.0 spec, worked on the specifications for the Semantic Web, and was an early employee at Creative Commons. Most recently, my startup Infogami merged with Reddit, which, after one year, is already in the top 1500 sites on the Internet (according to Alexa). |
For questions, please post here | User talk:AaronSw |
-Confirmed.--BradPatrick 03:19, 29 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
User | alex756 |
Real name | Alex T. Roshuk, Esq. |
Location | Brooklyn, New York |
Age | 50 |
User page(s) | meta en |
Wikimedia participant since | April 2003 |
Projects in which I participate | Mostly English Wikipedia, I have participated in several other projects, but recently this has been minimal. |
Languages in which I participate | English, French (occasionally), some Russian (anonymously) |
Link to user contribution pages | fr talk page or alex756 at nyc (dot) rr (dot) com. Thank you and please vote. |
- Confirmed --Aphaia 02:30, 10 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
-Confirmed.--BradPatrick 16:57, 28 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
User | Arnomane | |
Real name | Daniel Arnold | |
Location | Gräfenberg, Frankonia, Germany | |
Age | 25 | |
User page(s) | primarily: commons:User:Arnomane, w:de:Benutzer:Arnomane
secondary: User:Arnomane, w:en:User:Arnomane, n:de:Benutzer:Arnomane, w:ar:User:Arnomane | |
Wikimedia participant since | 15./16. March 2004 | |
Projects in which I participate | Wikimedia Commons (bureaucrat), de.wikipedia (admin), OTRS, Meta, en.wikipedia, de.wikinews
Some of my sub projects (or projects I'm heavily involved in) beside admin work... German language Wikipedia:
Wikimedia Commons:
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Languages in which I participate | German (mother language), English (advanced) and some French (reading is ok but too less for useful participation) | |
Link to user contribution pages | de.wikipedia, commons, meta, en.wikipedia, de.wikinews, ar.wikipedia, furthermore most of the edits of IP in various language wikis (sometimes signed with my nick, most times not; most of these edits are due to my admin tasks in Commons) | |
My candidate statement | Motto: Just do things and promote them later - not the other way round.
| |
For questions, please post here | commons:User talk:Arnomane/WMF board election 2006 (English or German) |
-Confirmed.--BradPatrick 15:32, 28 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
Cimon Avaro
[edit ]- Confirmed --Aphaia 14:12, 5 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
User | Cimon Avaro | |
Real name | Jussi-Ville Heiskanen | |
Location | Helsinki, Finland | |
Age | 40 1⁄2 years old. | |
User page(s) | en:User:Cimon Avaro, fi:User:Cimon Avaro (primary, have dozens more that don't see all that much use) | |
Wikimedia participant since | April 13th 2003 (edited anonymoysly a few days previous) | |
Projects in which I participate | Projects in which I participate: en-wikipedia, fi-wikipedia, en-wikiquote (also minor edits to scots-wikipedia, simple-wikipedia and interlanguage links to a dozen or more wikipedias) | |
Languages in which I participate | Finnish, English, Scots | |
Link to user contribution pages | En-wikipedia, Fi-wikipedia, En-Wikiquote, Meta | |
My candidate statement |
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For questions, please post here | User:Cimon Avaro/Candidacy_2006 |
- Confirmed --Aphaia 00:22, 12 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
User | Eloquence | |
Real name | Erik Möller | |
Location | Berlin, Germany | |
Age | 27 | |
User page(s) | en.wikipedia, mediawiki (code and wiki), meta, commons, en.wikinews, de.wikipedia (occasional contributor), de.wikinews (occasional) | |
Wikimedia participant since | December 2001 (registered) | |
Projects in which I participate | see above | |
Languages in which I participate | German (native), English (advanced) | |
Link to user contribution pages | en.wikipedia, en.wikinews, commons (+two bots), meta, de.wikipedia, de.wikinews | |
My candidate statement | My record:
Initiated Wikinews and Wikimedia Commons; lead developer of WiktionaryZ/Wikidata; co-initiator of the Free Content Definition; international speaker and published author about wikis; extensive social network to many organizations and individuals; years of contributions and leadership in many Wikimedia endeavors. See my "Wiki CV". Endorsed by: Angela Beesley (outgoing Board member; Vice President, Wikia), Erik Zachte (inventor of WikiStats, EasyTimeline, and other goodies), Sheldon Rampton (author; founder, SourceWatch; expert on the PR industry), Evan Prodromou (founder, Wikitravel), and others Statement of goals: Ensure that organizational processes are open, i.e., participatory, multilingual, and transparent Balance organizational professionalism and volunteer contributions harmoniously Promote a continuing, open community dialogue about the future of our projects Secure the scalability of all our projects and processes on multiple levels Build a vast, global network of partnerships with individuals and organizations Accelerate innovation in all existing and future projects Make good on the promise of bringing free knowledge to the developing world Develop a sound legal defense strategy and ensure consistent legal standards Detailed campaign platform , including an interview with the candidate ;-) If you don't want to vote for me, please consider voting for Arnomane, AaronSw (yes, he's young, but very clever), Mindspillage, or UninvitedCompany. Note that you can vote for multiple candidates, though only one seat is open for election. | |
For questions, please post here | User talk:Eloquence/Platform 2006 |
-Confirmed.--BradPatrick 03:21, 29 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
User | Evrik | |
Real name | Bruce Andersen | |
Location | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States | |
Age | 42 | |
User page(s) | en:User:Evrik | |
Wikimedia participant since | July, 21 2005 with first recorded edit John Doe. First anon edit (Urbanization) on January 21, 2004 | |
Projects in which I participate | commons, wikt, wikisource wikibooks, wikiquote and meta | |
Languages in which I participate | en, de and es | |
Link to user contribution pages | es, commons ,wikt, wikisource, wikibooks, wikiquote and meta | |
My candidate statement | I am continually amazed by the things I see at wikipedia and its sister projects. My first experience with computers was programming simple games using punch tape, and the on an Apple_II_Plus. I got my first email account in 1986 and started poking around on newsgroups, MUDs and the Internet shortly after. I see the wikis as a great example of the possibilities of the Internet to disseminate knowledge and to build civil society.
As a board member, the issues I would focus on issues in three broad areas: 1. Building community
2. Promoting articles that expand knowledge, are accurate and fair
3. Building a strong financial base for the foundation
I have the experience in non-profit management and the technical knowledge to contribute to the wikimedia foundation. | |
For questions, please post here | en:User talk:Evrik |
-Confirmed--BradPatrick 12:21, 28 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
User | Improv | |
Real name | Pat Gunn | |
Location | Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, United States | |
Age | 28 | |
User page(s) | en (other userpages exist but have no significant content) | |
Wikimedia participant since | Late 2002 | |
Projects in which I participate | primarily enwiki | |
Languages in which I participate | English. I occasionally read articles on the german, spanish, and japanese wikis, but I don't trust my grammar enough to contribute | |
Link to user contribution pages | en (As older account Pgunn) | |
My candidate statement | I've been involved with Wikipedia (and Usenet, and various other community-based projects) for many years. Reading several of the meeting notes, I believe I can contribute to the kinds of discussions involved in management of the project.
| |
For questions, please post here | Bored? Board Questions for Improv |
Kelly Martin
[edit ]- Confirmed --BradPatrick 04:28, 9 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
User | Kelly Martin | |
Real name | Kelly Martin | |
Location | Niles, Illinois, United States | |
Age | Late 30s. | |
User page(s) | enwiki, dewiki (more or less), Commons, meta | |
Wikimedia participant since | December 2004 | |
Projects in which I participate | enwiki, commons, meta (occasionally) | |
Languages in which I participate | English. I can read German, but not well enough to participate. | |
Link to user contribution pages | enwiki, commons, meta | |
My candidate statement | I had not originally planned to run for the Board, but was recently talked into it by a particular someone who asked me to run. I do find myself frequently frustrated at the curious way the Foundation does things -- at all levels -- and I do have some vague hope that I could help to resolve some of those "curiosities" as a member of the Board, and it would be my intentions, if elected, to take actions to deal with some of our more serious misguided practices. The worst of these, in my opinion, is our highly fractured and very ineffective internal communications systems, something which I am already trying to help through membership in the Communications Committee. I believe that a lot of our failures to get things done (or to do them badly or incompletely) are due to communications problems.
My platform:
Conflict statement: I am not, nor have I ever been, an employee, officer, or agent of the Wikimedia Foundation; Wikia, Inc.; or any entity organized as a Wikimedia chapter organization. To the best of my knowledge, neither myself nor any of my past or present employers has directly or indirectly done business with any of the above entities, except that I am an occasional donor to the Wikimedia Foundation, and my housing at Wikimania 2006 was obtained by payment made through Wikimania's organization. | |
For questions, please post here | meta talk page |
Kim Bruning
[edit ]-Confirmed.--BradPatrick 03:30, 29 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
User | Kim Bruning | |
Real name | Kim Bruning | |
Location | The Netherlands | |
Age | 28 | |
User page(s) | en:User:Kim Bruning | |
Wikimedia participant since | Editing ~ regularly since 7 Nov 2003. (First edit: 7 Nov 2001) | |
Projects in which I participate | My home wiki is en.wikipedia. I've helped out advising nl.wikipedia and en.wikinews, I'm also occasionally involved in pushing development of tools like vandalfighter, and I'm currently trying to get people to really do some social statistics on wikipedia. People who have been at wikimania may have been to one of the talks resulting from that. | |
Languages in which I participate | I learnt Dutch, English, German, French and Latin in school at some point or other. I'm a native speaker of Dutch and English, I'm passable at German, and my French and Latin are not so good anymore. | |
Link to user contribution pages | * wikien | |
My candidate statement | I normally don't approve of voting on-wiki, but this is an off-wiki vote for a real life entity. For one thing there's no revert button in real life, so the bold, revert, discuss method for obtaining consensus won't quite work. Bother.
I am a contributor to wikimedia projects because I strongly believe in copyleft and free/open content. Some people here bring impressive resumes to the table, or have made interesting election promises. I'm only going to make a small number of big promises, because each of them would be difficult to achieve in real life. If I only pick a few, I'll have a realistic chance actually achieving all of them. Note that with approval voting, you can simultaniously also vote for other candidates with similar programs. If you like a particular idea, please also vote for those other candidates with that program.
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For questions, please post here | en:User Talk:Kim Bruning/board or User talk:Kim Bruning |
- Confirmed --Aphaia 22:34, 6 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
User | Linuxbeak |
Real name | Alex Schenck |
Location | North Scituate, Rhode Island, United States |
Age | 19 |
User page(s) | enwiki, Commons, meta |
Wikimedia participant since | March 2005 |
Projects in which I participate | enwiki, commons (on occasion, and usually anonymously), meta |
Languages in which I participate | English. Can read and speak French (with some difficulty) and can read some German. |
Link to user contribution pages | enwiki, commons, meta |
My candidate statement | I am running for the Board because I feel that the board needs a more "involved" member to better understand and manage the rapidly evolving Wikimedia environments. As a Wikipedia bureaucrat, an IRC group contact and a heavy participant of Wikipedia, I feel that I could provide the board with refreshed positive energy.
My platform:
For questions, please post here | enwiki talk page |
[edit ]- Confirmed --Aphaia 00:21, 12 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
User | Mindspillage | |
Real name | Kathleen (Kat) Walsh | |
Location | Herndon, Virginia (near Washington, DC), United States | |
Age | 23 | |
User page(s) | en.wikipedia, meta, wmf, en.wikinews | |
Wikimedia participant since | June 2004 | |
Projects in which I participate | Wikipedia and Wikinews (English), Meta, OTRS admin. | |
Languages in which I participate | English; basic Spanish | |
Link to user contribution pages | en.wikipedia, meta, en.wikinews | |
My candidate statement | My involvement in Wikimedia has included correspondence, dispute resolution, and the Communications Committee. I have also represented WMF to the press, in presentations, and to organizations such as the US Holocaust Memorial Museum and the Library of Congress.
My objectives:
(Of course, I have more to say, but as the guidelines suggested keeping this short I have attempted not to go on at the length I would like! Please ask anything else you would like to know on my candidacy discussion page.) | |
For questions, please post here | User talk:Mindspillage/Board candidacy. |
-Confirmed.--BradPatrick 12:53, 22 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
User | Oscar |
Real name | Oscar van Dillen |
Location | Rotterdam, Netherlands |
Age | 48 |
User page(s) | meta, nl.wikipedia, nl-projects, commons; basically i have userpages scattered throughout the projects referring to my userpage here on meta. except on a few projects where the name had already been in use, i am user:oscar throughout. |
Wikimedia participant since | feb 23, 2004 (registered) |
Projects in which I participate | nl.wikipedia and other dutch-language projects such as nl.wikinews and others, some contributions to en, fr and de.wikipedia and the author of (according to a zh user) the "stubbiest stub ever": nushu ;-) |
Languages in which I participate | i am a native speaker of the dutch language, but a near native in english and german, fluent in french and some working knowledge of spanish, swedish and italian. basic knowledge of turkish, spoken cantonese and written egyptian hieroglyphs. my username is oscar throughout the projects, except on spanish, where i am oscarami. |
Link to user contribution pages | a short resume:
My candidate statement |
For questions, please post here | my meta talk page or email at oscar<dot>wiki<at>gmail<dot>com.
endorsements: jimmy wales, elian, Absar. |
-Confirmed.--BradPatrick 15:07, 28 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
User | Ross.Hedvicek |
Real name | Ross Hedvicek |
Location | near Tampa, Florida |
Age | over 50 |
User page(s) | and ( |
Wikimedia participant since | Under this real name since March 2006, otherwise since early 2004, on Czech Wiki since 01/01/2006 |
Projects in which I participate | |
Languages in which I participate | English, Czech, Croatian |
Link to user contribution pages | and User_talk:Ross.Hedvicek |
-Confirmed.--BradPatrick 12:55, 22 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
User | UninvitedCompany |
Real name | Steve Dunlop |
Location | Minneapolis, Minnesota |
Age | 40 |
User page(s) | meta, en, commons |
Wikimedia participant since | March 27, 2003 |
Projects in which I participate | Wikipedia, Meta, with minor involvement at commons and Wikibooks |
Languages in which I participate | English |
Link to user contribution pages | en, meta |
My candidate statement | I believe the role of the board of directors should be:
I believe the role of the foundation should be:
If elected, the first things I would advocate as a board member would be:
With regard to non-English projects, I believe that:
The background I bring to the board includes:
Some things I wish I could bring to the board but can't:
For questions, please post here | my talk page on meta |
-Confirmed.--BradPatrick 13:08, 28 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]
User | Zuirdj |
Real name | Juan David Ruiz |
Location | Santiago de Chile, Chile |
Age | 30 |
User page(s) | es-wikipedia, Commons, en-wikipedia; user accounts in almost all projects. |
Wikimedia participant since | march 27 2003 as registered user |
Projects in which I participate | es-wikipedia; commons; meta; en-wikipedia (ocassionally); pt-wikipedia (ocassionally); OTRS-es; several conferences and workshops about wikipedia and Wikimedia projects in Chile and Argentina; colaborator in Gleducar and Educalibre, projects based in the collaborative construction of free knowledge using MediaWiki and contents of Wikimedia projects. |
Languages in which I participate | spanish; intermediate level of english, especially written; intermediate level of portuguese, especially spoken and I can read with no problems; I can understand some italian and french |
Link to user contribution pages | es-wiki, Commons, Meta, en-wiki. |
My candidate statement | The efforts of a community of volunteers interested in free, high-quality content, available in different languages for users throughout the world, have resulted in a project which would have been unthinkable a few years ago.
Every challenge has been a new one and because of that we have had to create new ideas to resolve them. The task has neither been easy nor problem free, like the Spanish Wikipedia fork issue. I arrived at the Spanish Wikipedia project after the split when there were almost no native speakers contributing. That situation was very extreme, at odds with the diverse spirit that is the foundation of our projects. It is because of that diversity that I'm running as a candidate. Wikimedia Foundation is beginning a new age: our communities are starting to get interested not only in the creation of content, but in projects that will allow that content to be seized by professors, students and the world at large. Our volunteers seek to eliminate the language and geographical barriers that split us, as is shown in the recent participation in Meta. With my candidacy, I want to express the new age that is upon us, conscious of my coming from a diverse project, with language barriers that cannot be disputed and with a geographical gap that could be seen as a hardship, but that it is also an advantage because it lets me see the project from a different perspective. I'm aware that there are several candidates whose ideas, resumes and virtues put them at the top of the preferences, and the elected candidate among them will make an excellent member of the board. But I'm also concerned that these candidates lack the diversity that should characterize us: almost all of the candidates come from the anglo-saxon or European world. If our ideal is to create content that can benefit all the corners of the world, then, is it unrealistic to dream of representing a community from one of these corners? I see my chances of being elected as very slim, but my candidacy goes beyond election: it is a reminder that our projects are built upon a foundation of diversity and that we should take pride in that. If you are interested in my vision, please see my ideas in detail here. |
For questions, please post here | User_talk:Zuirdj/Board |