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Wikimedia Foundation elections/Board elections/2006/Candidates/gl

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2006 eleccións

Regras para os candidatos

A versión en inglés é a versión oficial do texto aprobado polas tres organizacións. Se algunha das traducións difire do orixinal e o texto en inglés o que prevalece.

Os candidatos na elección dun posto no Consello de Administración da Fundación Wikimedia deben presentarse a si mesmos nesta páxina antes das 23:59 horas (UTC) do 28 de agosto de 2006 . Elixirase polo menos un candidato, a duración do mandato remata a finais de xullo de 2007.

Para poder presentarse debe ter realizado como mínimo 400 edicións nun dos proxectos Wikimedia; todas as edicións deben corresponder á mesma conta; e a primeira edición ter unha antigüidade de 90 días contados a partir das 00:00 horas (UTC) do 1 de agosto de 2006. Os candidatos deben ser maiores de 18 anos. Así mesmo os candidatos deben coñecer as obrigacións referidas a pertenza ao Consello de Administración.

Non é posible ser membro do Consello dun xeito anónimo, só no caso de revelar a súa identidade real debe presentarse á elección. Será requirida una identificación completa dos candidatos por parte de Essjay, Aphaia, Datrio e outras persoas designadas ó efecto, agás que xa o tivesen feito para as anteriores eleccións ó Board. É posible que se contacte contigo para aclaracións posteriores. Os candidatos confirmados por algúns dos Oficiais das eleccións terán os seus nomes enxalzados en letra negriña.

Por favor, copie o modelo (template) e cúbrao coa seguinte información. Para evitar darlle preferencia a un candidato sobre o resto, por favor ubique a súa candidatura alfabeticamente polo nome de usuario, segundo a orde Unicode listada en Unicode Collation Algorithm.

Pode incluír a súa candidatura en calquera lingua (ou en varias), pero recomendamos que inclúa unha en inglés. Tamén aconsellamos que os textos non excedan de 1.000 caracteres na lingua orixinal (ou no conxunto de tódalas linguas). Os tradutores voluntarios da Wikimedia traducirán o seu texto a outras linguas: intentaremos facer o máximo posible para que tódolos textos estean en tantas linguas como sexa posible, pero non garantimos que se traduza todo. Canto máis breve e máis cedo se inclúa a candidatura, máis posible é que un voluntario a traduza.

Para rematar, por favor engada o seu nome e tódalas linguas nas que inclúe a súa declaración na sección Quick view of candidates.


Por favor publique a información da súa candidatura en Election candidates 2006/YOUR_USER_NAME/En e engada unha ligazón cara a esta páxina na sección "Candidates". Debe crear unha subpáxina como se mostra no seguinte exemplo:

=== [[User:User name]] ===
{{Board candidate/en
|real name=
|statement =

Quick view of candidates

(削除) Candidate acceptance has now begun. (削除ここまで)Candidates have until 23:59 Monday, August 28, 2006 (UTC) to list themselves alphabetically here.

The registration of candidates is closed.
Candidates Cerejota and NicholasTurnbull have not been confirmed, and are stricken.--BradPatrick 20:38, 29 August 2006 (UTC) [reply ]

Candidates' presentations

(削除) Please list your entry in alphabetical order. (削除ここまで)

You must be at least 18 years old to be a candidate.

The registration of candidates is closed.

edit candidates presentation

Usuario AaronSw
Nome real Aaron Swartz
Lugar de residencia Cambridge, Massachusetts, EUA
Idade 19
Páxina(s) de usuario en:User:AaronSw
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde vixiando dende 2001, contribuido dende 2003
Proxectos nos que colaborou en.wikipedia, en.wikisource, en.wikiquote
Linguas nas que colaborou en
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións en.wikipedia, en.wikisource, en.wikiquote, en.wikinews, meta.wikimedia, wikimania2006
Presentación pendente tradución

Since January, Wikipedia's traffic has more than doubled, and the pressure on the people behind it has grown accordingly. As a result, the Wikimedia Foundation is now at a turning point: it must go from a small group of people to a lasting organization. I am running to represent the community in this transition and to make sure we live up to our core values:

  • Collaboration. Our problems can't be solved by giving power to the right people, companies, or countries; instead, we will need everyone's contribution. Readers should be encouraged to become editors, editors should be encouraged to be policy people, policy people should be encouraged to help set the agenda for the Board. As a Board member, my job is representing the community: publishing details of what the Board is actually doing and soliciting the community's opinion about what it should be doing.
  • Innovation. Software isn't neutral; its design shapes how you use it. Until now, we've been busy just keeping the software running. We must also work on improving it: getting more people involved, adding features the community wants, and making it easy for everyone to fully use. Since, in a very real way, the software controls the site, whoever controls the software has tremendous power. We must make sure the community, not private companies or individual people, decides how it develops.
  • Growth. Alexa reports that 5% of all Web surfers visit Wikipedia. On the one hand, that's pretty impressive. On the other, that means 95% do not. That's a lot of people to bring on board. But even of those who read Wikipedia, few really understand that they can write it, let alone do any of its other tasks. At the same time, though, what we've done is now a model to the world. Leaders in every field hope to apply Wikipedia's magic to their own tasks. Such jobs may require new organizations, new software, or new structures, but our grand goal remains the same: radical collaboration to give everyone unrestricted access to all the world's knowledge.

More on all these points...

About me: Over six years ago, I built my first web application. I called it theinfo.org, but it was basically the same idea as Wikipedia. Not surprisingly, it didn't take off, but I never stopped thinking about the problem. Since then, I co-authored the RSS 1.0 spec, worked on the specifications for the Semantic Web, and was an early employee at Creative Commons. Most recently, I co-founded Reddit, which, after one year, is already in the top 1500 sites on the Internet (according to Alexa).

Preguntas ao candidato User talk:AaronSw

Usuario alex756
Nome real Alex T. Roshuk, Esq.
Lugar de residencia Brooklyn, New York
Idade 50
Páxina(s) de usuario meta en
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde April 2003
Proxectos nos que colaborou Mostly English Wikipedia, I have participated in several other projects, but recently this has been minimal.
Linguas nas que colaborou English, French (occasionally), some Russian (anonymously)
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións fr talk page or alex756 at nyc (dot) rr (dot) com. Thank you and please vote.

Usuario ArnoLagrange
Nome real Arno Lagrange
Arno Lagrange
Arno Lagrange
Lugar de residencia Bellegarde-du-Razès, Aude, Francia
Idade 50 anos
Páxina(s) de usuario eo:Vikipediisto:ArnoLagrange, fr:Utilisateur:ArnoLagrange, Hejmpaĝo (eo fr)
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde 19 de decembro de 2002
Proxectos nos que colaborou eo:Vikipedio, fr:Wikipédia, meta, Vikifontoj (eo Wikisource), fr:Wiktionary ,

Vikivortaro (eo:Wiktionary), en :Wiktionary

Linguas nas que colaborou eo, fr, en, de (e tamén outros)
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións fr, de, wikisource, Texto traducido

Preséntome coma candidato para o Board of Trustees co obxectivo de defender a igualdade nos dereitos lingüísticos. Debemos intentar atopar un xeito polo que calquera persoa de calquera proxecto, que fale calquera lingua, poida participar en discusións e decisións. Lamentablemente, hai debates e decisións importantes que se levan a cabo en inglés americano, facendo que aqueles que non son bos falantes desta lingua non poidan tomar parte. Faise necesaria unha perspectiva e un multilingüísmo verdadeiros, fornecido por unha lingua auxiliar internacional e neutra, como pode ser o esperanto. ler máis

Preguntas ao candidato Kandidatiĝo por la Fidataro

Usuario Arnomane
Nome real Daniel Arnold
Daniel Arnold at Wikimania '05
Daniel Arnold at Wikimania '05
Lugar de residencia Gräfenberg, Frankonia, Alemaña
Idade 25
Páxina(s) de usuario 1°: commons:User:Arnomane, w:de:Benutzer:Arnomane

2°: User:Arnomane, w:en:User:Arnomane, n:de:Benutzer:Arnomane, w:ar:User:Arnomane

Colaborador en Wikimedia desde 15./16. marzo 2004
Proxectos nos que colaborou Wikimedia Commons (bureaucrat), de.wikipedia (admin), OTRS, Meta, en.wikipedia, de.wikinews

Wikipedia Alemana:

Wikimedia Commons:

Linguas nas que colaborou Alemán (lingua materna), Inglés (avancado), e algo de Francés (moi pouco para participación)
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións de.wikipedia, commons, meta, en.wikipedia, de.wikinews, ar.wikipedia, a veces IP
Presentación pendente tradución

Motto: Just do things and promote them later - not the other way round.

  • Cross-project communication: Currently many things get solved independently over and over again in our diverse wiki communities. I met quite some people who created nice stuff that just works in one community. Thatfor I want to increase cross-project communication so that the communities benefit from each other. As well I realized the limited technical possibilities for easy communication from inside Commons towards the other communities and thatfor wanted to lower the tensions between projects and get people together. That's why I wrote the very first (now replaced) version of the now central Commons tool "CheckUsage" (see User:Arnomane/Image usage) and together with Duesentrieb I had the "CommonsTicker" idea (of course solely coded by Duesentrieb, please have a look at User:Duesentrieb/CommonsTicker if you still don't know it) among other things.
  • Community board member: My self-conception is that I want to be a community board member. I want to communicate problems and solutions out of our diverse communities to the board. Of course I can also contribute quite some own experience, like for example on "printed Wikipedia" - one of our main goals. So I don't want to be there in order to make "big politics" as I believe in division of work among board members and in open-minded (not group-think) meritocracy in online projects.
  • Empowerment of participation: I believe that equality among our diverse language communities can only be reached by active participation and with the right free software tools. For me all languages and cultures are equally welcome but we cannot achieve working equality by board declarations. So IMHO the current main task of WMF towards equality of communities is (beside local chapters) to ensure that future MediaWiki versions take an even greater emphasis on features that enable people getting more easier in touch across communities and languages.
Preguntas ao candidato commons:User talk:Arnomane/WMF board election 2006 (Alemán ou Inglés)

Usuario Charles Matthews
Nome real Charles Matthews
In 2006
Lugar de residencia Cambridge, RU
Idade 52
Páxina(s) de usuario en:User:Charles Matthews
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde 2003
Proxectos nos que colaborou en-wikipedia
Linguas nas que colaborou Inglés
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións pendente tradución

I'm standing as a candidate with experience and skills useful for the Wikimedia Board. I'm not a technical person, and have not been active on Wikimedia issues, preferring to focus on the English Wikipedia.

I come without any specific template for the WMF. For manifesto, I would say that we still have to match up some things. Implementing the best distance learning experiences, when we know that factual content is a Long Tail phenomenon (to speak modishly), means we have to be both cumulatively smart and better in the humanities. The aim is to become comprehensive, but also comprehensible and comprehending on a global scale. These are ambitious slogans.

Background: I had 10 years post-doctoral experience in academia (1978-1989), at the University of Cambridge, with years in France and the USA. After that I have been a voluntary worker in a number of contexts, including publicity work and raising sponsorship. I have written two books (one conventional, one with a Korean friend published online), and over 100 articles. I have travelled, outside tourist bubble-wrap, in Japan, South Korea, and recently Uganda, where in June I gave a well-attended lecture on Wikipedia. I speak quite reasonable French, and some Russian. I have been a married parent through all this time.

The role of the Board: what other online extended community gets to hire its own support staff? The Board has stewardship of the most important piece of hypertext ever. Some intangibles, such as 'wiki culture', 'motivational working atmosphere', 'adding worth', matter as much as money. The scale of Wikimedia projects now means that straight management sometimes applies, but the biggest challenge remains the harnessing of the folk writing on the wikis to projects in the larger scheme. In the day-to-day operation of the sites, this means not losing sight of the old-school way of thinking.

In short, I have outside experience, communication skills, and a traditional wiki approach.

Preguntas ao candidato User:Charles Matthews/WMF Board Election 2006

Usuario Cimon Avaro
Nome real Jussi-Ville Heiskanen
Lugar de residencia Helsinki, Finlandia
Idade 40,5 anos
Páxina(s) de usuario en:User:Cimon Avaro, fi:User:Cimon Avaro
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde 13 abril 2003
Proxectos nos que colaborou en-wikipedia, fi-wikipedia, en-wikiquote
Linguas nas que colaborou Finlandés, Escocés, Inglés
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións En-wikipedia, Fi-wikipedia, En-Wikiquote, Meta
Presentación Texto traducido
salvar o abismo entre a WMF & as comunidades. Estarei nos canais de IRC e no enderezo electrónico e usarei listas de correo para facelo. Falarei coa xente que valora a misión da WMF, un por un.
principalmente na WP inglesa, contribuíndo co comezo da orientación en:WP:BITE e "Cleanup". As miñas edicións non durarán, pero elas si.
En eleccións anteriores
a primeira vez mantiven o debate cordial e lobo subiu de ton. A saúde da WMF precisa de bos candidatos na segunda elección. O posto está aberto, así que sabemos que a campaña pola dirección da nosa misión para beneficiar á humanidade.
Longo prazo
Os proxectos da WMF esténdense durante séculos; tódalas pelexas quedarán coma notas a rodapé de camiño á súa revisión pola eternidade. WMF domina a WWW, e agora que a lideramos influenciarémola; a nosa [influencia] é benigna; "facer que Internet non suck(?)". A continuación, xuntaremos esforzos con grupos que se preocupan polo seu futuro, coma EFF, FSF, SFLC e CC.
non debe "facer de mala". Dun xeito custodiante supervisa os recursos e beneficios que lle estan confiados; incluíndo as marcas comerciais da fundación e os proxectos e emblemas que identifican o corpo e o traballo, preservándoos do abuso e a disolución. A súa licenza debe darse baixo criterios puntuais, lentamente, consciente e delicada cos contextos legais e culturais de cada lugar e sen presupoñer un único modelo.
O comité debe estar supervisado polo Board, de xeito que estea de acordo coa nosa misión.
Preguntas ao candidato User:Cimon Avaro/Candidacy_2006

Usuario Eloquence
Nome real Erik Möller
Lugar de residencia Berlin, Alemaña
Idade 27 anos
Páxina(s) de usuario en.wikipedia, mediawiki, meta, commons, en.wikinews, de.wikipedia, de.wikinews
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde decembro 2001
Proxectos nos que colaborou vexa arriba
Linguas nas que colaborou Alemán, Inglés
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións en.wikipedia, en.wikinews, commons (+dous bots), meta, de.wikipedia, de.wikinews
Presentación Texto traducido

O meu historial:

Comecei Wikinews e Wikimedia Commons; desenvolvedor principal de WiktionaryZ/Wikidata; coiniciador da Definición de contido libre; voceiro internacional e autor de publicacións sobre wikis; rede social extensible a varias organizacións e individuos; anos de contribucións e liderato en moitos esforzos da Wikimedia. Véxase o meu "CV wiki".

Apoiado por: Angela Beesley (membro saliente do Board; Vicepresidenta e Wikia), Erik Zachte (inventor de WikiStats, EasyTimeline e outras utilidades), Sheldon Rampton (autor; fundador, SourceWatch; experto en industria de PR [?]), Evan Prodromou (fundadora, Wikitravel), e outros

Declaración de obxectivos:

Ensure that organizational processes are open, i.e., participatory, multilingual, and transparent

More info

Balance organizational professionalism and volunteer contributions harmoniously

More info

Promote a continuing, open community dialogue about the future of our projects

More info

Secure the scalability of all our projects and processes on multiple levels

More info

Build a vast, global network of partnerships with individuals and organizations

More info

Accelerate innovation in all existing and future projects

More info

Make good on the promise of bringing free knowledge to the developing world

More info

Develop a sound legal defense strategy and ensure consistent legal standards

More info

Programa detallado da campaña , incluíndo unha entrevista co candidato  ;-)

Se non votas por min, por favor considera votar por Arnomane, AaronSw (si, é novo, pero moi listo), Mindspillage, ou UninvitedCompany. Ten en conta que podes votar por varios condidatos á vez, aínda que só hai un posto en disputa.

Preguntas ao candidato User talk:Eloquence/Platform 2006

Usuario Evrik
Nome real Bruce Andersen
Bruce Andersen
Bruce Andersen
Lugar de residencia Filadelfia, Pensilvania, EUA
Idade 42 anos
Páxina(s) de usuario en:User:Evrik
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde 21 xullo, 2005
Proxectos nos que colaborou commons, wikt, wikisource wikibooks, wikiquote and meta
Linguas nas que colaborou en, de, es
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións es, commons ,wikt, wikisource, wikibooks, wikiquote, meta
Presentación pendente tradución

I am continually amazed by the things I see at wikipedia and its sister projects. My first experience with computers was programming simple games using punch tape, and the on an Apple_II_Plus. I got my first email account in 1986 and started poking around on newsgroups, MUDs and the Internet shortly after. I see the wikis as a great example of the possibilities of the Internet to disseminate knowledge and to build civil society.

As a board member, the issues I would focus on issues in three broad areas:

1. Building community

  • Peer review is what makes wikipedia great. Petty infighting is aggravating and drives people away. I would work on ways to prevent conflicts
  • Admins and sysops are a great group of people. We need to promote their work by improving the ways they are selected
  • Promote communities of individuals with interest and expertise in specific topics. This in turn will improve article quality.

2. Promoting articles that expand knowledge, are accurate and fair

  • Promoting interlanguage coordination – reducing the difference between articles in different languages and strengthening the projects with a smaller number of articles by making translations easier.
  • Building partnerships with verified resources (encyclopedias, dictionaries, etc.) to improve the accuracy of articles and improving the reliability the information
  • Promoting groups of technical experts in key areas (like copyright issues). Improving the brain trust involved in key issues will help with reducing conflicts between contributors.

3. Building a strong financial base for the foundation

  • Increase the financial stability by expanding the donor base of the foundation. This includes promotion of an endowment.
  • Work to recruit volunteers and donors to the foundation and acknowledgement of those donors.
  • Explore ways that we can use technology to improve how information is delivered.
  • Build our technical infrastructure

I have the experience in non-profit management and the technical knowledge to contribute to the wikimedia foundation.

Preguntas ao candidato en:User talk:Evrik

Usuario Improv
Nome real Pat Gunn
Lugar de residencia Pittsburgh, Pensilvania, EUA
Idade 28 anos
Páxina(s) de usuario en (principal)
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde finais do 2002
Proxectos nos que colaborou en
Linguas nas que colaborou Inglés
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións en:Special:Contributions/Improv en:Special:Contributions/Pgunn
Presentación Texto traducido

Levo involucrado coa Wikipedia (e UseNet ou outros diferentes proxectos baseados en comunidades) durante algúns anos. Lendo algunhas dos apuntamentos dos encontros, creo que podo contribuír na sorte de debates desenvolvidos coa xestión do proxecto.


  • Establecer unha dotación para que a fundación forneza a almofada financeira a partir dos esforzos en recaudación de fondos
  • Buscar fontes de financiación que non nos obrigen a mudar a nosa natureza aberta e sen publicidade
  • O Board debe continuar sendo conservador nas actuacións oficiais cotiás na wiki, reticente a actuar agás cando sexa necesario polo ben do proxecto
  • Ser escéptico sobre a aceptación de novas custas e infraestrutura "pesada" sen unha forte xustificación, para asegurar que o proxecto permaneza solvente, incorrupto e flexible
  • Explorar xeitos de presentar os datos que temos en máis formatos có da web (p. ex. TTS, aparellos móbiles, etc.) polo beneficio da humanidade
  • Ter moito coidado para evitar riscos que poidan poñer ó proxecto nun perigo legal
  • Continuar os esforzos para reunificar a Enciclopedia Libre e a Wikipedia en castelán, así coma incentivar e establecer asistencias para proxectos noutras linguas, traballar máis achegados ás wikis noutras linguas para intentar previr problemas semellantes, asegurar o cumprimento coa legalidade e compartir ideas sobre a política (filosofía) da wiki
Preguntas ao candidato Improv/Boardquestions

Usuario Kelly Martin
Nome real Kelly Martin
Lugar de residencia Niles, Illinois, EUA
Idade 35-39
Páxina(s) de usuario enwiki, dewiki (máis ou menos), Commons, meta
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde decembro 2004
Proxectos nos que colaborou enwiki, commons, meta
Linguas nas que colaborou Inglés
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións enwiki, commons, meta
Presentación pendente tradución

I had not originally planned to run for the Board, but was recently talked into it by a particular someone who asked me to run. I do find myself frequently frustrated at the curious way the Foundation does things -- at all levels -- and I do have some vague hope that I could help to resolve some of those "curiosities" as a member of the Board, and it would be my intentions, if elected, to take actions to deal with some of our more serious misguided practices. The worst of these, in my opinion, is our highly fractured and very ineffective internal communications systems, something which I am already trying to help through membership in the Communications Committee. I believe that a lot of our failures to get things done (or to do them badly or incompletely) are due to communications problems.

My platform:

  • Ensure the Foundation remains accountable to its supporters and users;
  • Build the infrastructure we need to respond to the massive increase in public attention Wikipedia gets, and to leverage this public interest to the benefit of the other projects;
  • Improve communication within the Foundation, between the Foundation and the projects, and between the projects and the developers;
  • Recruit volunteers, and when necessary, staff, to ensure that things that need to get done get done right and get done on time;
  • Cultivate partnerships with others who will respect our core principles and benefit our mission; and
  • Work toward reasonable growth and economic sustainability in a manageable timeframe.

Conflict statement: I am not, nor have I ever been, an employee, officer, or agent of the Wikimedia Foundation; Wikia, Inc.; or any entity organized as a Wikimedia chapter organization. To the best of my knowledge, neither myself nor any of my past or present employers has directly or indirectly done business with any of the above entities, except that I am an occasional donor to the Wikimedia Foundation, and my housing at Wikimania 2006 was obtained by payment made through Wikimania's organization.

Preguntas ao candidato User talk:Kelly Martin

Usuario Kim Bruning
Nome real Kim Bruning
Lugar de residencia Países Baixos
Idade 28
Páxina(s) de usuario en:User:Kim Bruning
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde 7 novembro 2003 (empecei o 7 novembro 2001)
Proxectos nos que colaborou en.wikipedia, nl.wikipedia, en.wikinews
Linguas nas que colaborou Neerlandés, Inglés, Alemán, un pouco de Francés e Latin
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións wikien
Presentación pendente tradución

I normally don't approve of voting on-wiki, but this is an off-wiki vote for a real life entity. For one thing there's no revert button in real life, so the bold, revert, discuss method for obtaining consensus won't quite work. Bother.

I am a contributor to wikimedia projects because I strongly believe in copyleft and free/open content.

Some people here bring impressive resumes to the table, or have made interesting election promises. I'm only going to make a small number of big promises, because each of them would be difficult to achieve in real life. If I only pick a few, I'll have a realistic chance actually achieving all of them.

Note that with approval voting, you can simultaniously also vote for other candidates with similar programs. If you like a particular idea, please also vote for those other candidates with that program.

  • Internal communications: Currently, wikimedia is very fragmented. I'd like to get all those fragments talking with each other, I hope to achieve this by weaving a web; one link, one person at a time. I could do this without being on the board, but the additional opportunity for communication a board member is exposed to makes this much easier. If you'd like this to happen, also consider voting for AaronSW, Arnomane, and Oscar.
  • Transparency: Right now, particular parts of the foundation have closed doors and are essentially running without proper community oversight. Some things have to remain secret, but there's decent methods to allow people to even check private processes. Only the board can actually force people to apply these methods, so someone on the board needs to take up this task. If you'd like this to happen, also consider voting for Eloquence and Improv
  • Long now: Wikimedia should be around for at least 100 years ('till the year 02101). One way to ensure that is to establish an endowment. Encouraging individual wikis to look at the way they are managed also goes a long way. Running the Foundation in a lean and efficient manner (with as little money as possible) also ensures longetivity If you're interested in this, also consider voting for Improv
  • Finishing the term. I promise to stay on the board up to the end of the term, to ensure continuity.
Preguntas ao candidato en:User Talk:Kim Bruning/board ou User talk:Kim Bruning

Usuario Linuxbeak
Nome real Alex Schenck
Lugar de residencia North Scituate, Rhode Island, EUA
Idade 19
Páxina(s) de usuario enwiki, Commons, meta
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde marzo 2005
Proxectos nos que colaborou enwiki, commons, meta
Linguas nas que colaborou Inglés, un pouco de Francés, e podo leer algo de Alemán
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións enwiki, commons, meta
Presentación Texto traducido

Preséntome para o Board porque creo que necesita un membro máis "implicado" para entender mellor e xestionar o contexto rapidamente cambiante da Wikimedia. Coma burócrata da Wikipedia, contacto dun grupo de IRC e participante importante na Wikipedia, creo que podo contribuír ó Board cunha enerxía positiva refrescante.

O meu programa:

  • Avogar polos usuarios do proxecto Wikimedia nos casos que requiran a atención do Board;
  • Axudar a vislumbrar como o mundo considera ós proxectos da Wikipedia para que se espalle este entusiasmo público;
  • Fornecerlle ó Board unha perspectiva "a prol da xente";
  • Reducir a burocracia e a fita vermella innecesaria (refírese ás correccións e/ou censura, supoño) para facer que os proxectos sexan máis produtivos;
  • Reforzar os obxetivos orixinais da Wikimedia (e especialmente da Wikipedia) de crear unha enciclopedia;
  • Servir de conducto de ideas, preocupacións e suxestións;
Preguntas ao candidato enwiki talk page

Usuario Mindspillage
Nome real Kathleen (Kat) Walsh
Lugar de residencia Herndon, Virginia (cerca de Washington, DC), United States
Idade 23
Páxina(s) de usuario en.wikipedia, meta, wmf, en.wikinews
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde xuño 2004
Proxectos nos que colaborou Wikipedia e Wikinews (Inglés), Meta, OTRS admin
Linguas nas que colaborou Inglés, un pouco de Castelán
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións en.wikipedia, meta, en.wikinews
Presentación Texto traducido

O meu compromiso en Wikimedia comprende correspondencia, resolución de conflitos e o Comité de comunicacións. Tamén representei a WMF (WikiMedia Foundation) perante a imprensa, en presentacións e organizacións coma o US Holocaust Memorial Museum (Museo estadounidense pola memorial do Holocausto nazi) ou a Biblioteca do Congreso (dos EEUU).

Os meus obxectivos:

  • Incrementar a comunicación entre a comunidade mundial e a WMF, considerar as problemáticas de tódolos proxectos e manter contacto coa comunidade de editores e participar nela;
  • Establecer orientacións claras respecto á relación entre WMF e a comunidade, e os seus papeis e responsabilidades;
  • Buscar persoal cualificada para tarefas necesarias;
  • Tomar un papel activo e responsable nas decisións da WMF;
  • Incentivar a investigación para dirixir mellor os nosos esforzos;
  • Desenvolver colaboracións entre a WMF e organizacións que poidan axudar a progresar na nosa misión;
  • Apoiar e defender a nosa misión para fornecer e producir contidos gratuítos e sen dereitos de autor;
  • Informar á comunidade mundial sobre Wikimeida e a súa misión e proxectos a través de compromisos públicos

(Por suposto, teño máis que dicir pero, como as orientacións suxerían que fose breve, intentei non chegar ata o tamaño que me gustaría! Por favor, pregunta calquera outra cousa que queiras saber na miña páxina de discusión da candidatura.)

Preguntas ao candidato User talk:Mindspillage/Candidatura ó ''Board''

Usuario Oscar
Nome real Oscar van Dillen
Lugar de residencia Rotterdam, Netherlands
Idade 48
Páxina(s) de usuario meta, nl.wikipedia, nl-projects, commons; basically i have userpages scattered throughout the projects referring to my userpage here on meta. except on a few projects where the name had already been in use, i am user:oscar throughout.
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde feb 23, 2004 (registered)
Proxectos nos que colaborou nl.wikipedia and other dutch-language projects such as nl.wikinews and others, some contributions to en, fr and de.wikipedia and the author of (according to a zh user) the "stubbiest stub ever": nushu ;-)
Linguas nas que colaborou i am a native speaker of the dutch language, but a near native in english and german, fluent in french and some working knowledge of spanish, swedish and italian. basic knowledge of turkish, spoken cantonese and written egyptian hieroglyphs. my username is oscar throughout the projects, except on spanish, where i am oscarami.
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións a short resume:
  • editor and bureaucrat at nl.wikipedia and other dutch-language projects, few other edits scattered over various projects.
  • as a steward since may 2005, i've endeavoured to help and advise many projects in many languages, for example i developed a good contact with and love for the turkish language vikipedia and its community
  • i am a member of the special projects committee and currently chair of the dutch chapter. having already talked my candidacy through with the dutch chapter's board members: i will step down as chair if elected for the board of trustees.
  1. the deadline for the candidates' statement being a bit awkward for me, i am writing this from a camping in the auvergne, france.
  2. i am sorry to have witnessed angela's resignation, i greatly value her contributions to the projects, which i am happy to hear will not cease. in view of a temporary replacement being absolutely mandatory however, i decided to volunteer despite my busy life, since there is a lot of work waiting to be tackled as well as many problems waiting to be resolved by the wmf-board; solid decisions need to be taken rather swiftly in my humble opinion. i decided to volunteer, but not after first having consulted some of my fellow wikians, whose comments and views on this matter i greatly value and respect, so here i am: my candidacy should not come completely unexpected.
  3. please see my dutch userpage for some of my personal views; please bear with me, this is no scientist (nor technician: i confess to sometimes still struggle with codes), but rather an artist speaking...
  4. i am a professional composer and teacher at the rotterdam conservatory. even as such, i do not believe in copyright, especially not in copyright on ideas, and have long resisted joining the copyright organizations of which composers have to be a member of. finally i had to submit, since i found out that without joining it is virtually impossible to publish one's works, especially on cd. i am a firm believer in copyleft in general.
  5. prior to having become a professional composer, i worked as a manager in corporate life, with experience in both profit- and non-profit organizations in the netherlands ('87-'95). i discovered britannica (oops, wrong text, should i mention this at all??) at the age of 10 in 1968 and have been in love with the gathering and spreading of knowledge all my life :-)
  6. i am an advocate of real-life meetups whenever feasible, which in my small country have proven to be relatively easy to arrrange (i organized the rotterdam symposium where in september 2004 jimbo, anthere and angela for the second time met irl), and actually believe that, next to regular conferences on irc, the wmf-board should meetup in real life at least three times a year at the present state of things (not to mention meeting at wikimania as well), in order to be able to work most efficiently.
  7. i am rather quick at learning languages and would not mind at all to learn some more along the way...
  8. whether we are constructing an ark of noah for human knowledge, or "just" boldly working at the gradual completion of the tower of babel still remains to be seen, but i strongly believe that such is in our own hands for a larger part than could "reasonably be expected". please let it be clear that it is for this very reason that i most emphatically believe in the importance of the wmf's mission, and have been devoting most of my free time for 2,5 years now to the consolidation and further development of its projects and communities. i will continue to do so, no matter the outcome of these elections.
Preguntas ao candidato my meta talk page or email at oscar<dot>wiki<at>gmail<dot>com.

Usuario Ross.Hedvicek
Nome real Ross Hedvicek
Lugar de residencia near Tampa, Florida
Idade over 50
Páxina(s) de usuario http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Ross.Hedvicek and http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedista:Rosta (http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ross_Hedvicek)
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde Under this real name since March 2006, otherwise since early 2004, on Czech Wiki since 01/01/2006
Proxectos nos que colaborou http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Ross.Hedvicek
Linguas nas que colaborou English, Czech, Croatian
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Contributions/Ross.Hedvicek and
Preguntas ao candidato User_talk:Ross.Hedvicek

Usuario UninvitedCompany
Nome real Steve Dunlop
Lugar de residencia Minneapolis, Minnesota
Idade 40
Páxina(s) de usuario meta, en, commons
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde March 27, 2003
Proxectos nos que colaborou Wikipedia, Meta, with minor involvement at commons and Wikibooks
Linguas nas que colaborou English
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións en, meta
Presentación I believe the role of the board of directors should be:
  • To set up a decisionmaking structure rather than to make individual decisions itself
  • To review financial, legal, and personnel matters on an ongoing basis
  • To respect the independence of each project and language
  • To refrain from major changes that could jeopardize the success we have already achieved
  • To advise officers, paid staff, and volunteers working for the Foundation

I believe the role of the foundation should be:

  • To provide a financial and legal framework for the operation of Wikipedia and its sister projects
  • To serve as a single voice to the public in matters such as press and donor relations where unity is important
  • To support and empower appropriate leadership within each project while maintaining our community-driven traditions

If elected, the first things I would advocate as a board member would be:

  • Identification of one or more "foundation contacts" for each project in each language
  • More extensive and more organized use of volunteers to deal with the daily work of the Foundation
  • Increased focus on accurate and timely internal communications

With regard to non-English projects, I believe that:

  • Most such projects should ultimately become independent of the U.S.-based foundation (in 5-10 years)
  • Trusted leadership in each language should be cultivatived, that shares the core values of freely redistributable content, NPOV, and openness

The background I bring to the board includes:

  • Three years of participation in the English Wikipedia including an ongoing interest in policy and governance
  • Prior participation in the board of directors of the Wesleyan Broadcast Association, Inc., a non-profit corporation that operated radio station WESU-FM
  • Prior paid employment as a corporate officer in a U.S. business which gave me a degree of familiarity with the legal, financial, tax, and corporate structure issues that face the Foundation
  • Some prior international travel, mainly in Spain and Mexico since I speak some Spanish
  • Technical background in software development and IT

Some things I wish I could bring to the board but can't:

  • I respect the international nature of the Foundation and wish I could speak fluently in languages other than English
  • I dislike travel and live in an out-of-the-way place. Though I am prepared to engage in some travel if elected, I may not be able to attend all board-related events in person
  • As important as Wikipedia is to me, I cannot let it become my full time job.
Preguntas ao candidato my talk page on meta

Usuario Zuirdj
Nome real Juan David Ruiz
Lugar de residencia Santiago de Chile, Chile
Idade 30
Páxina(s) de usuario es-wikipedia, Commons, en-wikipedia; user accounts in almost all projects.
Colaborador en Wikimedia desde march 27 2003 as registered user
Proxectos nos que colaborou es-wikipedia; commons; meta; en-wikipedia (ocassionally); pt-wikipedia (ocassionally); OTRS-es; several conferences and workshops about wikipedia and Wikimedia projects in Chile and Argentina; colaborator in Gleducar and Educalibre, projects based in the collaborative construction of free knowledge using MediaWiki and contents of Wikimedia projects.
Linguas nas que colaborou spanish; intermediate level of english, especially written; intermediate level of portuguese, especially spoken and I can read with no problems; I can understand some italian and french
Ligazón(s) ás contribucións es-wiki, Commons, Meta, en-wiki.
Presentación The efforts of a community of volunteers interested in free, high-quality content, available in different languages for users throughout the world, have resulted in a project which would have been unthinkable a few years ago.

Every challenge has been a new one and because of that we have had to create new ideas to resolve them. The task has neither been easy nor problem free, like the Spanish Wikipedia fork issue. I arrived at the Spanish Wikipedia project after the split when there were almost no native speakers contributing. That situation was very extreme, at odds with the diverse spirit that is the foundation of our projects.

It is because of that diversity that I'm running as a candidate. Wikimedia Foundation is beginning a new age: our communities are starting to get interested not only in the creation of content, but in projects that will allow that content to be seized by professors, students and the world at large. Our volunteers seek to eliminate the language and geographical barriers that split us, as is shown in the recent participation in Meta.

With my candidacy, I want to express the new age that is upon us, conscious of my coming from a diverse project, with language barriers that cannot be disputed and with a geographical gap that could be seen as a hardship, but that it is also an advantage because it lets me see the project from a different perspective. I'm aware that there are several candidates whose ideas, resumes and virtues put them at the top of the preferences, and the elected candidate among them will make an excellent member of the board. But I'm also concerned that these candidates lack the diversity that should characterize us: almost all of the candidates come from the anglo-saxon or European world. If our ideal is to create content that can benefit all the corners of the world, then, is it unrealistic to dream of representing a community from one of these corners?

I see my chances of being elected as very slim, but my candidacy goes beyond election: it is a reminder that our projects are built upon a foundation of diversity and that we should take pride in that. If you are interested in my vision, please see my ideas in detail here.

Preguntas ao candidato User_talk:Zuirdj/Board

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