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ゼルニケ多項式 (ゼルニケたこうしき、英語: Zernike polynomials)とは、単位円上で定義された直交多項式である。

とくに光学において軸対称な光学収差を回折理論に基づいて解析的に取り扱う際に用いられる。[1] [2]



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ゼルニケ多項式 Z n m ( ρ , φ ) {\displaystyle Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi )} {\displaystyle Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi )} は、

Z n m ( ρ , φ ) = { R n m ( ρ ) cos ( m φ ) m 0 R n | m | ( ρ ) sin ( | m | φ ) m < 0 {\displaystyle Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi )={\begin{cases}R_{n}^{m}(\rho ),円\cos(m,円\varphi )&m\geq 0\\R_{n}^{|m|}(\rho ),円\sin(|m|,円\varphi )&m<0\end{cases}}} {\displaystyle Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi )={\begin{cases}R_{n}^{m}(\rho ),円\cos(m,円\varphi )&m\geq 0\\R_{n}^{|m|}(\rho ),円\sin(|m|,円\varphi )&m<0\end{cases}}}

により定義される。ここで、 n は非負整数、 mn ≧ |m| なる整数であり、 ρ は 動径 (0 ≦ ρ ≦ 1)、 φ は偏角である。ゼルニケ多項式は | Z n m ( ρ , φ ) | 1 {\displaystyle |Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi )|\leq 1} {\displaystyle |Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi )|\leq 1} の範囲の値を取る。ここで、動径多項式 R n m ( ρ ) {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )} {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )} は、 nm が偶数の場合、

R n m ( ρ ) = k = 0 n m 2 ( 1 ) k ( n k ) ! k ! ( n + m 2 k ) ! ( n m 2 k ) ! ρ n 2 k {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )=\sum _{k=0}^{\tfrac {n-m}{2}}{\frac {(-1)^{k},円(n-k)!}{k!\left({\tfrac {n+m}{2}}-k\right)!\left({\tfrac {n-m}{2}}-k\right)!}}\;\rho ^{n-2,円k}} {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )=\sum _{k=0}^{\tfrac {n-m}{2}}{\frac {(-1)^{k},円(n-k)!}{k!\left({\tfrac {n+m}{2}}-k\right)!\left({\tfrac {n-m}{2}}-k\right)!}}\;\rho ^{n-2,円k}}



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R n m ( ρ ) = k = 0 n m 2 ( 1 ) k ( n k k ) ( n 2 k n m 2 k ) ρ n 2 k {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )=\sum _{k=0}^{\tfrac {n-m}{2}}(-1)^{k}{\binom {n-k}{k}}{\binom {n-2k}{{\tfrac {n-m}{2}}-k}}\rho ^{n-2k}} {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )=\sum _{k=0}^{\tfrac {n-m}{2}}(-1)^{k}{\binom {n-k}{k}}{\binom {n-2k}{{\tfrac {n-m}{2}}-k}}\rho ^{n-2k}}.



R n m ( ρ ) = ( n n + m 2 ) ρ n   2 F 1 ( n + m 2 , n m 2 ; n ; ρ 2 ) = ( 1 ) n m 2 ( n + m 2 m ) ρ m   2 F 1 ( 1 + n + m 2 , n m 2 ; 1 + m ; ρ 2 ) {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}R_{n}^{m}(\rho )&={\binom {n}{\tfrac {n+m}{2}}}\rho ^{n}\ {}_{2}F_{1}\left(-{\tfrac {n+m}{2}},-{\tfrac {n-m}{2}};-n;\rho ^{-2}\right)\\&=(-1)^{\tfrac {n-m}{2}}{\binom {\tfrac {n+m}{2}}{m}}\rho ^{m}\ {}_{2}F_{1}\left(1+{\tfrac {n+m}{2}},-{\tfrac {n-m}{2}};1+m;\rho ^{2}\right)\end{aligned}}} {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}R_{n}^{m}(\rho )&={\binom {n}{\tfrac {n+m}{2}}}\rho ^{n}\ {}_{2}F_{1}\left(-{\tfrac {n+m}{2}},-{\tfrac {n-m}{2}};-n;\rho ^{-2}\right)\\&=(-1)^{\tfrac {n-m}{2}}{\binom {\tfrac {n+m}{2}}{m}}\rho ^{m}\ {}_{2}F_{1}\left(1+{\tfrac {n+m}{2}},-{\tfrac {n-m}{2}};1+m;\rho ^{2}\right)\end{aligned}}}

動径多項式 R n m ( ρ ) {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )} {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )} に含まれる項 ρ n 2 k {\displaystyle \rho ^{n-2k}} {\displaystyle \rho ^{n-2k}} は、バーンスタイン基底関数を用いて展開できる。 n が偶数の場合は b s , n / 2 ( ρ 2 ) {\displaystyle b_{s,n/2}(\rho ^{2})} {\displaystyle b_{s,n/2}(\rho ^{2})} 、奇数の場合は b s , ( n 1 ) / 2 ( ρ 2 ) {\displaystyle b_{s,(n-1)/2}(\rho ^{2})} {\displaystyle b_{s,(n-1)/2}(\rho ^{2})} ρ {\displaystyle \rho } {\displaystyle \rho } の積で展開される。ここで、 s n / 2 k s n / 2 {\displaystyle \lfloor n/2\rfloor -k\leq s\leq \lfloor n/2\rfloor } {\displaystyle \lfloor n/2\rfloor -k\leq s\leq \lfloor n/2\rfloor } の範囲をとる。これより、動径多項式は有限次のバーンスタイン関数として表される。

R n m ( ρ ) = 1 ( n / 2 m / 2 ) ρ n mod 2 s = m / 2 n / 2 ( 1 ) n / 2 s ( s m / 2 ) ( ( n + m ) / 2 s + m / 2 ) b s , n / 2 ( ρ 2 ) . {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )={\frac {1}{\binom {\lfloor n/2\rfloor }{\lfloor m/2\rfloor }}}\rho ^{n\mod 2}\sum _{s=\lfloor m/2\rfloor }^{\lfloor n/2\rfloor }(-1)^{\lfloor n/2\rfloor -s}{\binom {s}{\lfloor m/2\rfloor }}{\binom {(n+m)/2}{s+\lceil m/2\rceil }}b_{s,\lfloor n/2\rfloor }(\rho ^{2}).} {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )={\frac {1}{\binom {\lfloor n/2\rfloor }{\lfloor m/2\rfloor }}}\rho ^{n\mod 2}\sum _{s=\lfloor m/2\rfloor }^{\lfloor n/2\rfloor }(-1)^{\lfloor n/2\rfloor -s}{\binom {s}{\lfloor m/2\rfloor }}{\binom {(n+m)/2}{s+\lceil m/2\rceil }}b_{s,\lfloor n/2\rfloor }(\rho ^{2}).}


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2つの指数 n,m を並べて、1つの指数 j に統合する方法として、Noll[3] により提案されたのは、

j = n ( n + 1 ) 2 + | m | + { 0 , m > 0 n { 0 , 1 } ( mod 4 ) ; 0 , m < 0 n { 2 , 3 } ( mod 4 ) ; 1 , m 0 n { 2 , 3 } ( mod 4 ) ; 1 , m 0 n { 0 , 1 } ( mod 4 ) . {\displaystyle j={\frac {n(n+1)}{2}}+|m|+\left\{{\begin{array}{ll}0,&m>0\land n\in \{0,1\}{\pmod {4}};\0,円&m<0\land n\in \{2,3\}{\pmod {4}};\1,円&m\geq 0\land n\in \{2,3\}{\pmod {4}};\1,円&m\leq 0\land n\in \{0,1\}{\pmod {4}}.\end{array}}\right.} {\displaystyle j={\frac {n(n+1)}{2}}+|m|+\left\{{\begin{array}{ll}0,&m>0\land n\in \{0,1\}{\pmod {4}};\0,円&m<0\land n\in \{2,3\}{\pmod {4}};\1,円&m\geq 0\land n\in \{2,3\}{\pmod {4}};\1,円&m\leq 0\land n\in \{0,1\}{\pmod {4}}.\end{array}}\right.}


n,m 0,0 1,1 1,−1 2,0 2,−2 2,2 3,−1 3,1 3,−3 3,3 4,0 4,2 4,−2 4,4 4,−4 5,1 5,−1 5,3 5,−3 5,5
j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


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OSA [4] / ANSI標準ゼルニケ多項式は、以下のように定義される。

j = n ( n + 2 ) + m 2 {\displaystyle j={\frac {n(n+2)+m}{2}}} {\displaystyle j={\frac {n(n+2)+m}{2}}}


n,m 0,0 1,-1 1,1 2,-2 2,0 2,2 3,-3 3,-1 3,1 3,3 4,-4 4,-2 4,0 4,2 4,4 5,-5 5,-3 5,-1 5,1 5,3
j 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19


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j = ( 1 + n + | m | 2 ) 2 2 | m | + 1 sgn m 2 {\displaystyle j=\left(1+{\frac {n+|m|}{2}}\right)^{2}-2|m|+{\frac {1-\operatorname {sgn} m}{2}}} {\displaystyle j=\left(1+{\frac {n+|m|}{2}}\right)^{2}-2|m|+{\frac {1-\operatorname {sgn} m}{2}}}

この定義は光学設計ソフトウェアや光学検査で多く用いられる[5] [6] 。初めの20項を下表に示す。

n,m 0,0 1,1 1,−1 2,0 2,2 2,-2 3,1 3,-1 4,0 3,3 3,-3 4,2 4,−2 5,1 5,−1 6,0 4,4 4,-4 5,3 5,-3
j 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


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0 1 ρ 2 n + 2 R n m ( ρ ) 2 n + 2 R n m ( ρ ) d ρ = δ n , n {\displaystyle \int _{0}^{1}\rho {\sqrt {2n+2}}R_{n}^{m}(\rho ),円{\sqrt {2n'+2}}R_{n'}^{m}(\rho ),円d\rho =\delta _{n,n'}} {\displaystyle \int _{0}^{1}\rho {\sqrt {2n+2}}R_{n}^{m}(\rho ),円{\sqrt {2n'+2}}R_{n'}^{m}(\rho ),円d\rho =\delta _{n,n'}}


0 2 π cos ( m φ ) cos ( m φ ) d φ = ϵ m π δ | m | , | m | , {\displaystyle \int _{0}^{2\pi }\cos(m\varphi )\cos(m'\varphi ),円d\varphi =\epsilon _{m}\pi \delta _{|m|,|m'|},} {\displaystyle \int _{0}^{2\pi }\cos(m\varphi )\cos(m'\varphi ),円d\varphi =\epsilon _{m}\pi \delta _{|m|,|m'|},}
0 2 π sin ( m φ ) sin ( m φ ) d φ = ( 1 ) m + m π δ | m | , | m | ; m 0 , {\displaystyle \int _{0}^{2\pi }\sin(m\varphi )\sin(m'\varphi ),円d\varphi =(-1)^{m+m'}\pi \delta _{|m|,|m'|};\quad m\neq 0,} {\displaystyle \int _{0}^{2\pi }\sin(m\varphi )\sin(m'\varphi ),円d\varphi =(-1)^{m+m'}\pi \delta _{|m|,|m'|};\quad m\neq 0,}
0 2 π cos ( m φ ) sin ( m φ ) d φ = 0 {\displaystyle \int _{0}^{2\pi }\cos(m\varphi )\sin(m'\varphi ),円d\varphi =0} {\displaystyle \int _{0}^{2\pi }\cos(m\varphi )\sin(m'\varphi ),円d\varphi =0}

ここで ϵ m {\displaystyle \epsilon _{m}} {\displaystyle \epsilon _{m}} m = 0 {\displaystyle m=0} {\displaystyle m=0} のとき2、 m 0 {\displaystyle m\neq 0} {\displaystyle m\neq 0} のとき1と定義される。これらより、単位円状でのゼルニケ多項式の直交性

Z n m ( ρ , φ ) Z n m ( ρ , φ ) d 2 r = ϵ m π 2 n + 2 δ n , n δ m , m {\displaystyle \int Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi )Z_{n'}^{m'}(\rho ,\varphi ),円d^{2}r={\frac {\epsilon _{m}\pi }{2n+2}}\delta _{n,n'}\delta _{m,m'}} {\displaystyle \int Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi )Z_{n'}^{m'}(\rho ,\varphi ),円d^{2}r={\frac {\epsilon _{m}\pi }{2n+2}}\delta _{n,n'}\delta _{m,m'}}

が導かれる。ここで d 2 r = ρ d ρ d φ {\displaystyle d^{2}r=\rho ,円d\rho ,円d\varphi } {\displaystyle d^{2}r=\rho ,円d\rho ,円d\varphi } であり n m {\displaystyle n-m} {\displaystyle n-m} n m {\displaystyle n'-m'} {\displaystyle n'-m'} はいずれも偶数と仮定している。


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Z n m ( ρ , φ ) = ( 1 ) m Z n m ( ρ , φ ) {\displaystyle Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi )=(-1)^{m}Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,-\varphi )} {\displaystyle Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi )=(-1)^{m}Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,-\varphi )}


Z n m ( ρ , φ ) = ( 1 ) m Z n m ( ρ , φ + π ) {\displaystyle Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi )=(-1)^{m}Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi +\pi )} {\displaystyle Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi )=(-1)^{m}Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi +\pi )}

ここで、 n m {\displaystyle n-m} {\displaystyle n-m} は偶数であると仮定しているので、 ( 1 ) m {\displaystyle (-1)^{m}} {\displaystyle (-1)^{m}} ( 1 ) n {\displaystyle (-1)^{n}} {\displaystyle (-1)^{n}} と書き換えることができる。動径多項式は、n,mに応じて偶関数または奇関数である。

R n m ( ρ ) = ( 1 ) n R n m ( ρ ) = ( 1 ) m R n m ( ρ ) {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )=(-1)^{n}R_{n}^{m}(-\rho )=(-1)^{m}R_{n}^{m}(-\rho )} {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )=(-1)^{n}R_{n}^{m}(-\rho )=(-1)^{m}R_{n}^{m}(-\rho )}

三角関数の周期性より、原点を中心とした m 回回転対称性が生じる。

Z n m ( ρ , φ + 2 π k m ) = Z n m ( ρ , φ ) , k = 0 , ± 1 , ± 2 , {\displaystyle Z_{n}^{m}\left(\rho ,\varphi +{\tfrac {2\pi k}{m}}\right)=Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi ),\qquad k=0,\pm 1,\pm 2,\dots } {\displaystyle Z_{n}^{m}\left(\rho ,\varphi +{\tfrac {2\pi k}{m}}\right)=Z_{n}^{m}(\rho ,\varphi ),\qquad k=0,\pm 1,\pm 2,\dots }


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R n m ( ρ ) + R n 2 m ( ρ ) = ρ [ R n 1 | m 1 | ( ρ ) + R n 1 m + 1 ( ρ ) ]  . {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}R_{n}^{m}(\rho )+R_{n-2}^{m}(\rho )=\rho \left[R_{n-1}^{\left|m-1\right|}(\rho )+R_{n-1}^{m+1}(\rho )\right]{\text{ .}}\end{aligned}}} {\displaystyle {\begin{aligned}R_{n}^{m}(\rho )+R_{n-2}^{m}(\rho )=\rho \left[R_{n-1}^{\left|m-1\right|}(\rho )+R_{n-1}^{m+1}(\rho )\right]{\text{ .}}\end{aligned}}}

動径多項式の定義より、 R m m ( ρ ) = ρ m , R m + 2 m ( ρ ) = ( ( m + 2 ) ρ 2 ( m + 1 ) ) ρ m {\displaystyle R_{m}^{m}(\rho )=\rho ^{m},\quad R_{m+2}^{m}(\rho )=((m+2)\rho ^{2}-(m+1))\rho ^{m}} {\displaystyle R_{m}^{m}(\rho )=\rho ^{m},\quad R_{m+2}^{m}(\rho )=((m+2)\rho ^{2}-(m+1))\rho ^{m}} である。これと、以下の三項間漸化式[9] により、すべての R n m ( ρ ) {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )} {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )} を計算することができる。

R n m ( ρ ) = 2 ( n 1 ) ( 2 n ( n 2 ) ρ 2 m 2 n ( n 2 ) ) R n 2 m ( ρ ) n ( n + m 2 ) ( n m 2 ) R n 4 m ( ρ ) ( n + m ) ( n m ) ( n 2 )  . {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )={\frac {2(n-1)(2n(n-2)\rho ^{2}-m^{2}-n(n-2))R_{n-2}^{m}(\rho )-n(n+m-2)(n-m-2)R_{n-4}^{m}(\rho )}{(n+m)(n-m)(n-2)}}{\text{ .}}} {\displaystyle R_{n}^{m}(\rho )={\frac {2(n-1)(2n(n-2)\rho ^{2}-m^{2}-n(n-2))R_{n-2}^{m}(\rho )-n(n+m-2)(n-m-2)R_{n-4}^{m}(\rho )}{(n+m)(n-m)(n-2)}}{\text{ .}}}


d d ρ R n m ( ρ ) = ( 2 n m ( ρ 2 1 ) + ( n m ) ( m + n ( 2 ρ 2 1 ) ) ) R n m ( ρ ) ( n + m ) ( n m ) R n 2 m ( ρ ) 2 n ρ ( ρ 2 1 )  . {\displaystyle {\frac {\operatorname {d} }{\operatorname {d} \!\rho }}R_{n}^{m}(\rho )={\frac {(2nm(\rho ^{2}-1)+(n-m)(m+n(2\rho ^{2}-1)))R_{n}^{m}(\rho )-(n+m)(n-m)R_{n-2}^{m}(\rho )}{2n\rho (\rho ^{2}-1)}}{\text{ .}}} {\displaystyle {\frac {\operatorname {d} }{\operatorname {d} \!\rho }}R_{n}^{m}(\rho )={\frac {(2nm(\rho ^{2}-1)+(n-m)(m+n(2\rho ^{2}-1)))R_{n}^{m}(\rho )-(n+m)(n-m)R_{n-2}^{m}(\rho )}{2n\rho (\rho ^{2}-1)}}{\text{ .}}}

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R 0 0 ( ρ ) = 1 {\displaystyle R_{0}^{0}(\rho )=1,円} {\displaystyle R_{0}^{0}(\rho )=1,円}
R 1 1 ( ρ ) = ρ {\displaystyle R_{1}^{1}(\rho )=\rho ,円} {\displaystyle R_{1}^{1}(\rho )=\rho ,円}
R 2 0 ( ρ ) = 2 ρ 2 1 {\displaystyle R_{2}^{0}(\rho )=2\rho ^{2}-1,円} {\displaystyle R_{2}^{0}(\rho )=2\rho ^{2}-1,円}
R 2 2 ( ρ ) = ρ 2 {\displaystyle R_{2}^{2}(\rho )=\rho ^{2},円} {\displaystyle R_{2}^{2}(\rho )=\rho ^{2},円}
R 3 1 ( ρ ) = 3 ρ 3 2 ρ {\displaystyle R_{3}^{1}(\rho )=3\rho ^{3}-2\rho ,円} {\displaystyle R_{3}^{1}(\rho )=3\rho ^{3}-2\rho ,円}
R 3 3 ( ρ ) = ρ 3 {\displaystyle R_{3}^{3}(\rho )=\rho ^{3},円} {\displaystyle R_{3}^{3}(\rho )=\rho ^{3},円}
R 4 0 ( ρ ) = 6 ρ 4 6 ρ 2 + 1 {\displaystyle R_{4}^{0}(\rho )=6\rho ^{4}-6\rho ^{2}+1,円} {\displaystyle R_{4}^{0}(\rho )=6\rho ^{4}-6\rho ^{2}+1,円}
R 4 2 ( ρ ) = 4 ρ 4 3 ρ 2 {\displaystyle R_{4}^{2}(\rho )=4\rho ^{4}-3\rho ^{2},円} {\displaystyle R_{4}^{2}(\rho )=4\rho ^{4}-3\rho ^{2},円}
R 4 4 ( ρ ) = ρ 4 {\displaystyle R_{4}^{4}(\rho )=\rho ^{4},円} {\displaystyle R_{4}^{4}(\rho )=\rho ^{4},円}
R 5 1 ( ρ ) = 10 ρ 5 12 ρ 3 + 3 ρ {\displaystyle R_{5}^{1}(\rho )=10\rho ^{5}-12\rho ^{3}+3\rho ,円} {\displaystyle R_{5}^{1}(\rho )=10\rho ^{5}-12\rho ^{3}+3\rho ,円}
R 5 3 ( ρ ) = 5 ρ 5 4 ρ 3 {\displaystyle R_{5}^{3}(\rho )=5\rho ^{5}-4\rho ^{3},円} {\displaystyle R_{5}^{3}(\rho )=5\rho ^{5}-4\rho ^{3},円}
R 5 5 ( ρ ) = ρ 5 {\displaystyle R_{5}^{5}(\rho )=\rho ^{5},円} {\displaystyle R_{5}^{5}(\rho )=\rho ^{5},円}
R 6 0 ( ρ ) = 20 ρ 6 30 ρ 4 + 12 ρ 2 1 {\displaystyle R_{6}^{0}(\rho )=20\rho ^{6}-30\rho ^{4}+12\rho ^{2}-1,円} {\displaystyle R_{6}^{0}(\rho )=20\rho ^{6}-30\rho ^{4}+12\rho ^{2}-1,円}
R 6 2 ( ρ ) = 15 ρ 6 20 ρ 4 + 6 ρ 2 {\displaystyle R_{6}^{2}(\rho )=15\rho ^{6}-20\rho ^{4}+6\rho ^{2},円} {\displaystyle R_{6}^{2}(\rho )=15\rho ^{6}-20\rho ^{4}+6\rho ^{2},円}
R 6 4 ( ρ ) = 6 ρ 6 5 ρ 4 {\displaystyle R_{6}^{4}(\rho )=6\rho ^{6}-5\rho ^{4},円} {\displaystyle R_{6}^{4}(\rho )=6\rho ^{6}-5\rho ^{4},円}
R 6 6 ( ρ ) = ρ 6 {\displaystyle R_{6}^{6}(\rho )=\rho ^{6},円} {\displaystyle R_{6}^{6}(\rho )=\rho ^{6},円}


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0 2 π 0 1 Z j 2 ρ d ρ d θ = π {\displaystyle \int _{0}^{2\pi }\int _{0}^{1}Z_{j}^{2},円\rho ,円d\rho ,円d\theta =\pi } {\displaystyle \int _{0}^{2\pi }\int _{0}^{1}Z_{j}^{2},円\rho ,円d\rho ,円d\theta =\pi }


( j {\displaystyle j} {\displaystyle j})
( j {\displaystyle j} {\displaystyle j})
( j {\displaystyle j} {\displaystyle j})
( n {\displaystyle n} {\displaystyle n})
( m {\displaystyle m} {\displaystyle m})
Z j {\displaystyle Z_{j}} {\displaystyle Z_{j}} 名称
Z 0 0 {\displaystyle Z_{0}^{0}} {\displaystyle Z_{0}^{0}} 00 01 1 0 00 1 {\displaystyle 1} {\displaystyle 1} Piston
Z 1 1 {\displaystyle Z_{1}^{-1}} {\displaystyle Z_{1}^{-1}} 01 03 3 1 −1 2 ρ sin θ {\displaystyle 2\rho \sin \theta } {\displaystyle 2\rho \sin \theta } Tilt (Y-Tilt, Vertical tilt)
Z 1 1 {\displaystyle Z_{1}^{1}} {\displaystyle Z_{1}^{1}} 02 02 2 1 +1 2 ρ cos θ {\displaystyle 2\rho \cos \theta } {\displaystyle 2\rho \cos \theta } Tip (X-Tilt, Horizontal tilt)
Z 2 2 {\displaystyle Z_{2}^{-2}} {\displaystyle Z_{2}^{-2}} 03 05 6 2 −2 6 ρ 2 sin 2 θ {\displaystyle {\sqrt {6}}\rho ^{2}\sin 2\theta } {\displaystyle {\sqrt {6}}\rho ^{2}\sin 2\theta } Oblique astigmatism
Z 2 0 {\displaystyle Z_{2}^{0}} {\displaystyle Z_{2}^{0}} 04 04 4 2 00 3 ( 2 ρ 2 1 ) {\displaystyle {\sqrt {3}}(2\rho ^{2}-1)} {\displaystyle {\sqrt {3}}(2\rho ^{2}-1)} Defocus
Z 2 2 {\displaystyle Z_{2}^{2}} {\displaystyle Z_{2}^{2}} 05 06 5 2 +2 6 ρ 2 cos 2 θ {\displaystyle {\sqrt {6}}\rho ^{2}\cos 2\theta } {\displaystyle {\sqrt {6}}\rho ^{2}\cos 2\theta } Vertical astigmatism
Z 3 3 {\displaystyle Z_{3}^{-3}} {\displaystyle Z_{3}^{-3}} 06 09 11 3 −3 8 ρ 3 sin 3 θ {\displaystyle {\sqrt {8}}\rho ^{3}\sin 3\theta } {\displaystyle {\sqrt {8}}\rho ^{3}\sin 3\theta } Vertical trefoil
Z 3 1 {\displaystyle Z_{3}^{-1}} {\displaystyle Z_{3}^{-1}} 07 07 8 3 −1 8 ( 3 ρ 3 2 ρ ) sin θ {\displaystyle {\sqrt {8}}(3\rho ^{3}-2\rho )\sin \theta } {\displaystyle {\sqrt {8}}(3\rho ^{3}-2\rho )\sin \theta } Vertical coma
Z 3 1 {\displaystyle Z_{3}^{1}} {\displaystyle Z_{3}^{1}} 08 08 7 3 +1 8 ( 3 ρ 3 2 ρ ) cos θ {\displaystyle {\sqrt {8}}(3\rho ^{3}-2\rho )\cos \theta } {\displaystyle {\sqrt {8}}(3\rho ^{3}-2\rho )\cos \theta } Horizontal coma
Z 3 3 {\displaystyle Z_{3}^{3}} {\displaystyle Z_{3}^{3}} 09 10 10 3 +3 8 ρ 3 cos 3 θ {\displaystyle {\sqrt {8}}\rho ^{3}\cos 3\theta } {\displaystyle {\sqrt {8}}\rho ^{3}\cos 3\theta } Oblique trefoil
Z 4 4 {\displaystyle Z_{4}^{-4}} {\displaystyle Z_{4}^{-4}} 10 15 18 4 −4 10 ρ 4 sin 4 θ {\displaystyle {\sqrt {10}}\rho ^{4}\sin 4\theta } {\displaystyle {\sqrt {10}}\rho ^{4}\sin 4\theta } Oblique quadrafoil
Z 4 2 {\displaystyle Z_{4}^{-2}} {\displaystyle Z_{4}^{-2}} 11 13 13 4 −2 10 ( 4 ρ 4 3 ρ 2 ) sin 2 θ {\displaystyle {\sqrt {10}}(4\rho ^{4}-3\rho ^{2})\sin 2\theta } {\displaystyle {\sqrt {10}}(4\rho ^{4}-3\rho ^{2})\sin 2\theta } Oblique secondary astigmatism
Z 4 0 {\displaystyle Z_{4}^{0}} {\displaystyle Z_{4}^{0}} 12 11 9 4 00 5 ( 6 ρ 4 6 ρ 2 + 1 ) {\displaystyle {\sqrt {5}}(6\rho ^{4}-6\rho ^{2}+1)} {\displaystyle {\sqrt {5}}(6\rho ^{4}-6\rho ^{2}+1)} Primary spherical
Z 4 2 {\displaystyle Z_{4}^{2}} {\displaystyle Z_{4}^{2}} 13 12 12 4 +2 10 ( 4 ρ 4 3 ρ 2 ) cos 2 θ {\displaystyle {\sqrt {10}}(4\rho ^{4}-3\rho ^{2})\cos 2\theta } {\displaystyle {\sqrt {10}}(4\rho ^{4}-3\rho ^{2})\cos 2\theta } Vertical secondary astigmatism
Z 4 4 {\displaystyle Z_{4}^{4}} {\displaystyle Z_{4}^{4}} 14 14 17 4 +4 10 ρ 4 cos 4 θ {\displaystyle {\sqrt {10}}\rho ^{4}\cos 4\theta } {\displaystyle {\sqrt {10}}\rho ^{4}\cos 4\theta } Vertical quadrafoil


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