
From Uncyclopedia, the content-free encyclopedia
Jump to navigation Jump to search there some kind of under-the-table deal going on here? ~SysRq

Pfft, no. I just bought 4 metric tons of crystal meth. ~Led

All my deals are conducted over the table, thanks! (A long way over the table, in my secret flying fortress). ~UU

Under User Over-The-Table, this is Sky-High LedBalloon. The crow flies north-northeast at midnight. Are you red as roses or daffodil-yellow? ~Led

*crackle* Roger LedBalloon, cabbages over the conning tower, what? ~UU

Ah, excellent. Mehehehehehe... *adjusts cape and top hat, twirls mustache* ~Led

ViewPurge Suggest QuotesQuote of the Day

Nocajek bigger.jpg Nocajek bigger.jpg Nocajek bigger.jpg

Friends' Awards
Winner for July 2008 - Cajek!
Special Cookie.gif REGRETTENENBAUM has awarded you a "special" cookie for Sarah Plain and Tall - quite amusing. Now one of me favorite articles

(there's weed in it)



For your enduring contributions to Uncyclopedia, Hyperbole has
awarded you with the prestigious Herpes Simplex virus.
Cyber Ninjastar
For reviewing/nominating my article for VFH. –SysRq

Merited UnProvisation: Downtime at the Death Star
This user helped create an UnProvisation which was
merited on Uncyclopedia.
Merited UnProvisation: Historical Drama
This user started an UnProvisation which was
merited on Uncyclopedia.
Wallace in wrong trousers.jpg You are not pants
MrN9000 could not help but notice that you are not pants.
As such, you have been awarded the Titanium Trousers by way of recognition.
Any suggestion that this is a pants award will be treated accordingly...



This user has done something or other which has earned them enough of RAHB's respect, for RAHB to give them an award template. Ironically, this template is rather generic, and despite the fact that RAHB thought this user deserved an award, he couldn't be arsed into personalizing it for them. Perhaps he'll explain the reason you got it, if he feels like it.

Cook3.jpg Favorite Person Award

Congratulations, you're SysRq's new favorite person!

This user is hereby nominated an HONORARY JEW, and is entitled to all honors and persecutions as such.
Newcookie.gif DJ has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
UUpartay.jpg Woo!
Yay, go you! Under User has decided that you are "quite a decent sort",
which is apparently one of his highest terms of praise!
This is therefore a good thing, and in accordance with this,
he's throwing a party down the manhole to celebrate. Look at him go!

You're not invited though. Don't take it personally.
Sucker Ninjastar.png
Sucker for Punishment Ninjastar
This user is a complete sucker for punishment, and can never seem to stop getting banned. –Doctor Skullthumper

Medal of IViking.GIF

Vogon.jpg Don't Panic

Prostetnic Vogon Jeltz wish to read for you one of his poems
as a token of gratitude..
Alas, you are not expected to survive the experience

A you voted wise Ninjastar
You made the correct choice at NotMAE

Modernwoodencondom.jpg There you go son!

It's now your turn to take the good ol' family wooden condom. It's been in my family for years, passed through the generations. Slip it on boy, its your's now! Wear it with pride!

The UnIdiot would like to thank you for voting his article to the front page!
Under-used Ninjastar
I award you an under-used Ninjastar. Rust may have dulled its cutting edge, but it is still a potent symbol. Yes. – UU.

Cyber Ninjastar
For voting for me on RotM. Thanks mate. –SysRq

You've Been Awarded The Order Of The Flying Communist Turd , 3rd Class.
You Must Have Done Something Quite Special For Me ! Woo! Lucky You!
From Comrade YesTimeToEdit


  1. Voyager Golden Record
  2. UnNews:Virginia Tech University students risk lives to tell us that texting while driving not safe
  3. User:Hyperbole/VFG Lobster rewrite with Under user and Gerrycheevers!
  4. User:Hyperbole/VFG HowTo:Live with UC Gnome-speakernotes.png
  5. UnBooks:Uncyclopedia Brown and Wikipedia Brown solve the mystery of the missing smugglers and their hidden cave or something -- (19/4/2) june 11 2009--
  6. Albanian interpretationalist cinema -- (18/0/0) may 29 2009--
  7. UnNews:Republicans rename Democratic Party
  8. Tapheselachophobia -- (16/0/0) may 16 2009--
  9. User:Hyperbole/VFG HowTo:Exploit 9/11
  10. Unfomercials:Uncyclopedia Krazy Kemistry Set -- (14/0/2) may 23 2009--
  11. Bucephalus -- (17/1/0) oct 2 2008--
  12. UnBooks:Polar Express -- (13/0/0) oct 11 2008--
  13. UnNews:Thousands of Dancers Jailed After Opening Ceremony
  14. The Men in Blood-Stained Overcoats Who Stay Out of Sight, Waiting For Just the Right Moment -- (19/9/2) oct 5 2008--
  15. Riddle
  16. Sarah Plain and Tall -- (17/0/0) aug 7 2008--
  17. UnNews:Your Family Died -- (12/0/3) june 27 2008--
  18. Traditional Values -- (14/0/1) june 26 2008--
  20. Serious Gnome-speakernotes.png
  21. ! UnNews:Nature Now Rated NC-17 -- (13/0/0) june 25 #3 (6/08) --
  22. The Old Country -- (13/0/0) june 16 2008--
  23. ! Star Wars (Japanese Opera) Gnome-speakernotes.png -- (21/0/0) may 28 2008 #1 (5/08) --==#1 of 2008 =
  24. ! Unidentified man in green firing turret -- (11/0/0) may 25 2008 #2 (5/08) --
  25. HowTo:Turn Your Terminator On a parody contest with THE with MrN9000 -- (13/2/4) aug 2 2008--
  26. HowTo:Write the Great American Novel -- (13/2/0) july 19 2008--
  27. Mordor Jalapenos -- (17/0/1) may 5 2008--
  28. UnNews:Something Wicked This Way Comes Gnome-speakernotes.png -- (13/0/0) apr 24 2008--
  29. HowTo:Sexually Stimulate an Ant from a contest with THE  { 40/50 }
  30. My Mother the Car (TV Series)  { 38/50 }
  31. Otter rw -- (13/0/0) apr 15 2008--
  32. G Rated Talking Animal Movie -- (15/0/0) apr 4 2008--
  33. Why?:Do a Pee Review with MrN9000  { 44/50 } -- (16/1/0) jan 14 2009--
  34. Game:Oliver Twist -- (12/0/2) may 9--
  35. Film Criticism with MrN9000
  36. UnNews:Hungry Hungry Hippos Celebrates Anniversary -- (14/1/0) apr 8 2008--
  37. Why?:Hit yourself on the head with a baseball bat seven or eight times from a contest with THE -- (18/5/0) apr 7 2009--
  38. Why?:Take Your Fish To Work -- (14/0/2) mar 28 2008--
  39. Why?:Give Up -- (17/1/0) dec 29 2007--
  40. HowTo:Have a Wacky Misadventure with Fag  { 35/50 }
  41. Why?:Is My House Mad At Me  { 39/50 }
  42. Normal -- (18/2/1) dec 13 2007--
  43. Meaning  { 36/50 }
  44. Suspicious
  45. UnScripts:Down Home Drug Commercial  { 42/50 }
  46. Classy -- (20/0/0) nov 7 2007--
  47. ! Heat death of the universe with TheLedBalloon -- (25/0/0) nov 6 2007 #2 (11/07) -- =#4 of 2007 =
  48. Universe (musical) -- (13/0/0) sept 2 2008--
  49. Platoon with Mordillo  { 30/50 }
  50. 3 second rule rw  { 36/50 }
  51. Stages of Grief  { 36/50 }
  52. Worst 100 Ways To Start A Novel
  53. Why?:Cancer is Great -- (23/1/1) nov 4 2007--
  54. Edit history
  55. Object permanence  { 39/50 }
  56. ! Red light Gnome-speakernotes.png -- (23/0/0) oct 17 2007 #2 (10/07) -- =#2 of 2007 =
  57. Sermon
  58. UnBooks:Encyclopedia of Machete Battles  { 34/50 }
  59. Why?:Hunt Unicorns -- (16/1/0) dec 7 2007--
  60. HowTo:Be A Man  { 37/50 }
  61. J'accuse -- (18/0/0) oct 2 2007-- (Did you know... that the butler did it?)
  62. Side effects rw

On Other Wikis:

Stuff[edit | edit source ]

This user has been adopted by TheLedBalloon.
This user is proud to have been the Adopter of DJ Irreverent.
Th-the m-m-most con-confident new-Newspaper in a wh-while
This user is constantly PEEING. They apologize for the mess.

Templates[edit | edit source ]

User Templates[edit | edit source ]

Categories[edit | edit source ]

Schizophrenic ramblings[edit | edit source ]

[画像:Crystal Clear action run.png] This user account is a bot operated by Dr. Skullthumper (talk).

It is probably not a sock puppet, but hopefully an automated or semi-automated account for making repetitive edits that would be extremely tedious to do manually (or so we'd like you to think).

Administrators: if this bot is malfunctioning or causing harm, tough fucking shit.
Clock.gif This user has been on Uncyclopedia for
17 years, 7 months and 24 days.

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