Uncyclopedia:Top10 07/October

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Welcome to Uncyclopedia's Top 10 voting process. The rules are simple. You go through all of the featured articles of the last month, and you pick your favorite 10. You only get 10 votes, so choose wisely. Also, you may only vote once for each article you decide to vote for. After a while, or whenever we feel like it, we'll end the voting and the 3 articles with the most votes will become Uncyclopedia's Top 3 of August 2007. If there are any ties I don't know what will happen, so try to avoid ties.

All entries are in alphabetical order for easier finding. Sign your votes using #your name. IP votes are counted as half a vote. Please update the score when you add your name.

Remember: Only 10 votes.
Voting ends on the 15th

4'33" [edit source ]

Score: 3
(Featured: 27 October 2007)
  1. Mordillo
  2. lauttaholic
  3. Moneke

Buster Keaton [edit source ]

Score: 4
(Featured: 20 October 2007)
  1. Dr. Fenwick
  2. Mhaille
  3. Razorflame
  4. Zork Implementor L

Celebrity Manufacture [edit source ]

Score: 5
(Featured: 28 October 2007)
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. Mhaille
  3. Moneke
  4. Razorflame
  5. Wehpudicabok

Godzilla vs. Urethra [edit source ]

Score: 5
(Featured: 10 October 2007)
  1. Kip the Dip
  2. Electrified mocha chinchilla
  3. MrMetalFLower
  4. Mhaille
  5. Razorflame

Hannah Montana [edit source ]

Score: 2
(Featured: 16 October 2007)
  1. Kip the Dip
  2. Mhaille

Holocaust denial denial [edit source ]

Score: 9
(Featured: 31 October 2007)
  1. Manforman
  2. Mordillo
  3. Thekillerfroggy
  4. Electrified mocha chinchilla
  5. 15Mickey20
  6. Under user
  7. MrMetalFLower
  8. Moneke
  9. Razorflame

HowTo:Be safe with guns [edit source ]

Score: 5
(Featured: 19 October 2007)
  1. Manforman
  2. lauttaholic
  3. Under user
  4. TheLedBalloon
  5. The UnIdiot

HowTo:Throw a temper tantrum [edit source ]

Score: 6
(Featured: 4 October 2007)
  1. Manforman
  2. Under user
  3. Mhaille
  4. Moneke
  5. Razorflame
  6. Robertodole

UnMysteries:J'accuse [edit source ]

Score: 7
(Featured: 2 October 2007)
  1. Cajek
  2. RAHB
  3. Thekillerfroggy
  4. Robertodole
  5. TheLedBalloon
  6. Zork Implementor L
  7. Algorithm

Mental illness [edit source ]

Score: 1
(Featured: 8 October 2007)
  1. Robertodole

Red light [edit source ]

Score: 8
(Featured: 17 October 2007)
  1. Manforman
  2. Cajek
  3. Under user
  4. Robertodole
  5. TheLedBalloon
  6. Wehpudicabok
  7. Zork Implementor L
  8. Algorithm

Right arrow [edit source ]

Score: 3
(Featured: 21 October 2007)
  1. Manforman
  2. Razorflame
  3. The UnIdiot

Shopping list [edit source ]

Score: 5
(Featured: 11 October 2007)
  1. Manforman
  2. RAHB
  3. Under user
  4. TheLedBalloon
  5. Cajek

Short story [edit source ]

Score: 3
(Featured: 25 October 2007)
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. Under user
  3. Robertodole

Stupendous Tropical Meningitis Vaccination A [edit source ]

Score: 4
(Featured: 3 October 2007)
  1. TheLedBalloon
  2. Cajek
  3. Wehpudicabok
  4. The UnIdiot

Sweatshop [edit source ]

Score: 5
(Featured: 22 October 2007)
  1. Manforman
  2. 15Mickey20
  3. Moneke
  4. Robertodole
  5. The UnIdiot

The Destiniad [edit source ]

Score: 7
(Featured: 7 October 2007)
  1. Modusoperandi
  2. RAHB
  3. Thekillerfroggy
  4. Mhaille
  5. Razorflame
  6. Robertodole
  7. TheLedBalloon

Time travel [edit source ]

Score: 2
(Featured: 26 October 2007)
  1. Cajek
  2. Thekillerfroggy

Toaster [edit source ]

Score: 1
(Featured: 24 October 2007)
  1. Kip the Dip

UnBooks:Dane Cook: An Unauthorized Autobiography, 2nd Edition (New Pictures) [edit source ]

Score: 2
(Featured: 9 October 2007)
  1. RAHB
  2. Under user

UnBooks:Instant Messaging Translation Guide for 19th Century English Gentlemen [edit source ]

Score: 5
(Featured: 13 October 2007)
  1. Thekillerfroggy
  2. Mhaille
  3. Moneke
  4. Razorflame
  5. Robertodole

UnNews:5th period Chemistry sub is a total bitch [edit source ]

Score: 8
(Featured: 15 October 2007)
  1. Manforman
  2. Modusoperandi
  3. Kip the Dip
  4. Thekillerfroggy
  5. Dr. Fenwick
  6. Razorflame
  7. Wehpudicabok
  8. Ljlego

UnNews:Al Qaeda goes green; all attacks to be "carbon neutral" [edit source ]

Score: 4
(Featured: 6 October 2007)
  1. RAHB
  2. MrMetalFLower
  3. Moneke
  4. The UnIdiot

UnNews:Anti-genocide group announces new plan to get American government to intervene in Darfur [edit source ]

Score: 5
(Featured: 14 October 2007)
  1. RAHB
  2. Thekillerfroggy
  3. Robertodole
  4. TheLedBalloon
  5. Wehpudicabok

UnNews:Bin Laden releases new video, America responds with indifference [edit source ]

Score: 3
(Featured: 18 October 2007)
  1. Kip the Dip
  2. TheLedBalloon
  3. The UnIdiot

UnNews:Doctors find cure for weight loss [edit source ]

Score: 3
(Featured: 23 October 2007)
  1. Manforman
  2. Kip the Dip
  3. MrMetalFLower

UnNews:Gandhi posthumously accused of mass genocide [edit source ]

Score: 0
(Featured: 30 October 2007)

UnNews:Iran to invade Iran [edit source ]

Score: 2
(Featured: 12 October 2007)
  1. MrMetalFLower
  2. The UnIdiot

UnNews:Nelson Mandela dies at age 88 [edit source ]

Score: 1
(Featured: 29 October 2007)
  1. Thekillerfroggy

UnNews:Studies show people who read are better at reading [edit source ]

Score: 3
(Featured: 5 October 2007)
  1. Kip the Dip
  2. MrMetalFLower
  3. The UnIdiot

UnNews:The White House discovered to be off-white! [edit source ]

Score: 6
(Featured: 1 October 2007)
  1. Manforman
  2. MrMetalFLower
  3. Razorflame
  4. Robertodole
  5. TheLedBalloon
  6. The UnIdiot
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