Uncyclopedia:Happy Monkey Competition
The HAPPY MONKEY COMPETITION (usually announced in caps lock) is a confusing but mandatory tournament where people who don't participate are seen as subhuman pariahs. The competition itself rapid(ish) challenge to create a mind blowing article that focuses heavily on creative use of topic, originality and humour. The scoring system is complicated, the topic distribution is random and unfair and the judging is rigged. Naturally, the kids love it. Shabidoo, who organises it more or less, has no clue what he is doing.
Format[edit source ]
Entrants write any kind of article based on a topic assigned moments before it starts.
Judging[edit source ]
Some judges give high scores...others give low ones and some forget to submit their scores. Usually a winner is chosen. That winner is universally despised.
How did Happymonkey come up with the idea?[edit source ]
I was sitting around one day and said "I should make a competition". So I made the competition. --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gif Weegeeheadbobin.gif Domo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master
- Liar, liar, your pants are on fire (or will be if I catch you). What happened is I went to someone's page who had given Happy Monkey some cookies, and I stole the cookies. Happy Monkey called me out to a writing contest. I came up with the idea of giving each other a topic and having 24 hours to write a page, he agreed, and then when the time of the contest came around he backed out, chickened out, ran like a little girl (and had a date with a little girl instead). I then suggested we reschedule the contest and invite everyone in on it. He agreed, but when we all had the first Happy Monkey contest Happy Monkey had ran off again and instead of writing had become one of the judges. At the end of that first contest I gave him a hundred cookies. And that's.....the rest of the story. Aleister 3:04 May Day '13
- I did have a date didn't I? I wish I could go back and do that damn contest instead... That didn't end well :P --Happymonkey39 LAZAR.gif Weegeeheadbobin.gif Domo kun dance1.gif Dah Meme Master 05:18, 9 August 2013 (UTC)
Most recent competition[edit source ]
2021[edit source ]
2021HMC1st.png Scofield writing Pagan Tortillas
2021HMC2nd.png Cat the Colourful writing Loot boxes
2021HMC3rd.png Hipponias writing Contract Bridge
Honourable metions: 2020 United States presidential election controversies by MrX and Nail Clippers by מה שתגיד
Judges: Cassie, JJPMaster, Sarah_Baldewijns, Cassie and Shabidoo
See Full Results
Previous Competitions[edit source ]
In order of years with the most featured articles produced
2011[edit source ]
1sthmw2010.jpg Thekillerfroggy writing Rapto-velocity
2ndhmw2010.jpg Mrthejazz writing GIANT NOVELTY FOAM HANDS!!!
3rdhmw2010.jpg Aleister writing Viking Metal
Honourable mention: Fishalishalish with Great Barrier Reef
Judgehmw2010.jpg Wilytank * Fudgemobile * Meganew * Magic man * Shabidoo
2012[edit source ]
More details on the forum and the scoring.
2012HappyMonkey1st.jpg Aleister writing Homophones (grammar)
2012HappyMonkey2nd.jpg I came here in a Cloche writing High school football players of Indian descent
2012HappyMonkey3rd.jpg Xamralco writing The journey of the ugly kitten
Honourable mention: EpicAwesomeness with Function (mathematics), Zombiebaron with Pigeon Rats and Magic man with Mariachi Band.
Judges: Wilytank * Joe9320 * Mattsnow * ChiefjusticeDS * PopGoesTheWeasel *Shabidoo
2014[edit source ]
UnBooks:Psychedelic Rosie and Her Coat of Many Colors
by Anton
by Hyperbole
Dishonourable mentions:
The unusual hamstring pain fat people get when they sexual role play as babies, and how to cure it by Colin ayb
The Nun with the Astral Habit by Matthlock
Judges: Sarah Baldewijns * Romartus * IFYMB! * TheWikiMan026 * Napoleon Khan * Shabidoo
2013[edit source ]
For general information see the 2013 Forum and for rules and results see the 2013 Scoring page.
by Zombiebaron
UnBooks:The Second Conquest of the Moon
by Aleister
Honourable mention: Robot Unicorn Attack by Cat the Colourful, UnBooks:Ding dong ditching houses by Sir Peasewhizz and Kevin Smith by MrN9000
Judges: Sarah Baldewijns (special guest) * Multiliteralist * ¡¡¡¡Y¡¡¡¡ * Shabidoo
Summer 2010[edit source ]
HappyMonkeyWinner.png HappyMonkeyRunnerUp.png HappyMonkeyThird.png
Lyrithya writing Pursuit of Happiness
MsuCarencro writing Pointy Sticks
Honourable Mentions: User:Lordarcadian writing UnBooks:My Day at the Zoo and Shabidoo writing HowTo:Cast a voodoo death curse using bones from someone you killed (deleted for having {{Little Article}} on it while not being a little article at all, after which Wikia forgot it ever existed in the first place)
HappyMonkeyJudge.png HELP ME ' Happytimes
2015[edit source ]
This is it. Where is the money
by Mhaille
by Cat
by Matthlock
Dishonourable mentions:
UnBooks:Jacomo's Belly Fluff Part 15 by Anton
Nuclear Football by Woodburninator
Judges: Sarah Baldewijns, GrammarFegelein, TheHappySpaceman and Shabidoo
2019[edit source ]
by Hotadmin4u69
by Kakun
The Effect Of Stream Sniping On Ninja
by Jaxpool
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