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Unfortunately, reddit is in read-only mode due to technical difficulties. This is probably because the webmasters are currently stoned.
Reddit is an American social news aggregation, content rating, and discussion website for liberal college students where anyone can (re)post links to things they find on the internet, and then refresh every five seconds in anticipation that their link will quickly become popular, only to get disappointed as their post didn't match up with the hivemind's unwritten moral code. Most content that hasn't been reposted to oblivion probably waits in squalor, only to be reposted several months later by another user to thousands of upvotes. Users that post original content are extremely rare on Reddit, and claimed sightings of OC are usually just stolen from 4chan, while alleged sightings of OC posters have been made, none have been confirmed, and to date 0 OC sightings have been confirmed. Reddit could be considered derivative of Digg, if not for the fact that Digg is basically the MySpace of social news site, and no one gives two fucks about MySpace. Do note that having any radical belief that the hivemind disagrees with (e.g "fapping to pics of molested nine year old girls isn't a violation of the first amendment and is in fact a horrible crime? You freedom hating Republican!") will result in the swift removal of your cherished internet points. >>read more

A Series of Tubes

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