Jesus Juice

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Approved by the King of the Juice Himself!

Jesus Juice, not to be confused with the drink that was never popularized by former pop star Michael Jackson, is a concoction invented in 1999 by author and lecturer Terence McKenna. As those who remember McKenna know, he had only two loves in his life: The Power of Jesus, and power drinks. Since the invention of Jesus Juice many Catholic parishes and dioceses worldwide have adopted the drink as its new and refreshing Communion beverage.

A Boy, His Dog, And A Dream[edit | edit source ]

A fan of the widely popular "Pimp Juice" of Nelly fame, Terence wanted to bring to Christ what Nelly brought to rap. He decided to make a power drink called Jesus Juice.

McKenna sat down with his dog and tasted many different power drinks, coming to the realization that he, too, could empower people--but empower them with the power of Christ! After many botched attempts at making a refreshing drink that would allow the average person to walk on water (and McKenna took many a dip in the pool himself during those years), he stumbled across Jesus Juice.

The mistake that makes it great![edit | edit source ]

While fiddling with his "crucifix" one day, young Terence knocked over a glass of jizz. This drink spilled onto his table came into contact with some young boy ass juice extract that a visiting commie had left lying around, and Jesus Juice was born. Drinking it may not give you the powers of Christ but it sure does make you feel like a god or goddess yourself.

Let there be cults![edit | edit source ]

This man has just ingested Jesus Juice

Wildly popular amongst the davidians sect of Christianity, the Heaven's Gate comet-travelers, Discordians, and sexual fetishists, Jesus Juice is gaining both a worldwide underground following and unwanted attention from from governments and other party-poopers (See Government cover ups ).

The mainstream loves it![edit | edit source ]

Jesus Juice made its way into the rave club scene and quickly became the drink of choice amongst conscientious Christians and proper pagans. With dance music leading the way, many notable Hollywood types began to drink it as well and a whole new religion was formed around it: Juiceism. The strength of Jesus Juice as a religious tool became so strong that Hollywood Jews and Kabbalahists took up the idea and made it their preferred power drink.

The white man brings it all down, as usual[edit | edit source ]

Jesus Juice was on top of the world until late 2002, when some snotty nosed kid, obsessed with the pop singer Michael Jackson, took it upon himself to fabricate the concept of drugged up drinks to influence thought. The stigmatism now associated with Jesus Juice was too much to bear. Young Terence sold his company for a mere 50,000,ドル and has since disappeared into obscurity. Ah, though a larf that was, my milk had grown turtlish and was quite green. The structure of my molecules had solidified into pure goatsnake and was noothgrushed onto my foot.

The new owner[edit | edit source ]

The rights to the drink are thought to have been bought by Blackwater, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Halliburton, which is currently trying to revolutionise 'Tea Time' in England with chemical-scented soft drinks and possibly a new type of Crumpet.

The Holy Family of the Jesii
The Sacred Host of Major Jesii
Fear their wrath, and beware their contrived names.
If you are still confused about which one you want, it's probably Original Jesus
Main Jesii
Original Jesus : Hey, hey, hey, it's the Jee Man himself! Original Jesus's Crackhead Twin Half-Brother: Jebus
Evil Jesus : Like the Antichrist, but worse. ¿Qué?: Jesús
Jesus Christ Sponge : Purge sin and clean your dishes! Don't care if it rains or freezes? You need Plastic Jesus
Placebo Jesus  : Will never lift a finger for you, no matter what you believe! Your own: Personal Jesus
Jesus Hasselhoff : He's everywhere! Jesus' very own Homeland: Jesusland
Canadian Jesus : The Second Coming! Not To Be Confused With Super-Gay Jesus: Gay Jesus
MicroJesus : A teeny, tiny Jesus that forgives all of your teeny, tiny sins. Jesus saves (leftovers): Jesusware
Jesus was Christian, NOT Jewish : Enough said. But what If Jesus had lived in America?
The So-So Company of Other Jesii
Fear their wrath, and beware their contrived names.
If you are still confused about which one you want, you were probably much better off with Original Jesus
Monster Jesii
Jesusaurus Rex : The tyrant Jesus...lizard Save yourself from Werejesus !
Raptor Jesus : Nazareth Park is frightening in the dark And they said Jesus rode on a Mule...Nyah!:Llama Jesus
Attack of the 500 foot Jesus : New York, watch out! This Jesus loves your brains...: Zombie Jesus
Munchie Jesii
Jam Jesus : With a name like 'Jam Jesus', it has to be good. Savour the Saviour: Cheese Jesus
Jesus Juice : An Energy Drink...IT'S GOT ELECTROLYTES! A stick the whole family can enjoy!: Sweet Jesus on a Stick!
The Abandoned Hallway of Unwanted Jesii
Pity them, and feed them table scraps.
If you are still confused about which one you want... then you're fucking retarded, bitch!
Bad Jesii
Atheist Jesus : You won't believe his disbelief... French Jesus: Djesus
Piss Christ: Ewww! You crack my back, I'll crack yours: Chiropractor Jesus
Communist Jesus: In Soviet Russia, Jesus dies for YOU! Pestering your grandpa's social media: AI Jesus
Republican Jesus : Has a "W" sticker on his SUV And for anyone we've missed out on: Society of Jesus
The Sacred Host of Minor Jesii
Fear their wrath, and beware their confusing names.
If you are confused about which one you want to know to know it is it is yes, babs, it's probably Original Jesus
Funny Jesii
Prehistoric Jesus : The find of the century. Pictorial retrospective of the Life and Times of: Lorem Ipsum Jesus
Hide and Go Jesus : The hardest one to find Raise one family and you will be a believer: Pet Jesus
Sweet smoking Jesus : What would Jesus smoke? Try our new McWine(TM)!: McJesus
Musical Jesii
Disco Jesus : Knows how to love you The Jewish Rap Sensation: MC Jesus
Rockstar Jesus : Singer and Songwriter Sabbath Night Fever: The Bee-Jesus
Twisted Jesii
Jesus 1.5a : An alpha prototype Christ. Blue in hue and bereft of beard too: Bizarro Jesus
Jesus Christ - Alcoholic : He drank too much wine at the last supper. Semi-Jesus anthropormorphic personification: Messiah
Jesus Marx : Illegal Commie Clone He's blonde, cultish, and "not" a Nazi: Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Stephen Colbert : Smiting Bears for in God's name Patron Jesus of Crocodiles: Steve Irwin
Kyle Broflovski : The Passion of the Jew He screams! He sells! His head EXPLODES! BILLY MAYS
Jesus LaBrie : That one in that band...Nightmare Cinema or something. Exiled from Babylon: Rasta Jesus
Accordion Jesus : Saves you from pop music. Something musical: The Artist Formerly Known As Jesus
Jihad Jesus : جهاد عيسي Jesus was a brutha: Black Jesus
If you are still unsatisfied with these Jesii, you can always check out even...
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