Jesus 1.5a

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Jesus 1.5a, seen here in a holographic training simulation run on the Vatican's finest Tandy Color Computers.

"1.5a?! Hath ye been smoking the Crack perchance?!"

~ Oscar Wilde on Jesus 1.5a

"If you call me again with that shittily programmed gibberish I will have you shot!"

~ God on Jesus 1.5a

"I have been instructed by god to exterminate you. For you make me look bad"

~ Jesus 1.5a on Jesus 1.0d

Jesus 1.5a (codenamed Rais-'er,Walk-'er(and), Optimus Christ) is Macrohard's new Beta version of 'the Christ'. A vast improvement over Jesus1.0d who had only the basic ten commandments and cerebral functions written into his body.

Jesus 1.5a is being created under the direction of Pat Robertson B.C. for use in his highly anticipated, upcoming cult called "CHRISTIANITY!". As every watcher of Roman-PseudoScientifictheemporerroxwhogivesafuck Television Networks knows. This new cult will be used as a social engineering tool to gain control over future generations of people when applied in conjunction with the Bible. A prototype 'half-finished' book of 'laws and the truth' that will make it easy to control the populace and git rich'.

Release date[edit | edit source ]

Well. Time passes and the Roman Consulate is waiting. While Macrohard claims they're working full-time on programming Jesus1.5a for use as a semi-sentient/independent preacher in the streets of Jerusalem. Global Political spectators in Aztec Crackhouses over in the 'New World' (Whatever that means) speculate they are in fact putting in only 50% of the agreed manyears a week in order to help Russia on THEIR newest social engineering product (which will supposedly totally rock and kick the current 'Mongoloid King' systems ass) known as Communism 3.0c-e-d.

However, since the Roman Consulate has plenty of whores donated by the kind leaders of MacroHard any legal action is unexpected to come soon. If at all...

Method of programming[edit | edit source ]

For those of us who aren't still 89% of the Neanderthal/Homo-Erectus bloodline. Macrohard president Steve Ballmer, under penalty of death for improper business conduct has released an Opensource EULA version of their most recent code just yesterday to some guy named Aristotle over in Inferior Greece.

:Line, Jesus says hi=Lord and Savior //now split for Homo-Sapience//
:SKIP LINES 50-140
:145. GOTO 360
:360. PREACH WORD OF 'god'; IN FOR:TOGO-to ="the bible". TRANSMITRESULT >='roman consulate//rome>'

While critics claim that the methodical extermination of our bloodline ancestors is Specist others point out that the prospects for social increase with more of a less individualized society/with an Aristocracy for rulers.

Current code version[edit | edit source ]

1.5a Revision-c-f-a

Pricing[edit | edit source ]

While only ONE copy is intended. Jesus is still in the Beta stages of technical development and so in case this one totally fucks up. Then replacements will have to be shipped until Macrohard can make any necessary updates to the current model.

Famous development quotes[edit | edit source ]

"This is in keeping with our general model of bloat over substance. If you do not like it then I will F'ing kill you!!!"

~ Steve Ballmer on The design of Jesus 1.5a

"Do bowls of cherries talk Jesus?"

~ God on Martin Van Jesus

Controversy[edit | edit source ]

There was a major religious controversy when Jesus 1.0d (the previous model) was abducted by the Pope to fight vampires and save the Lesbians of Montreal. During this stint Jesus 1.50, the first revision of 1.5, was deployed on emergency mode and used the assumed name "Martin Van Jesus".

These antics on the part of the previous model have been considered a future social acceptance setback as fighting of vampires leads is considered a n immoral activity. However, MacroHard DENIED any connection and claimed Jesus1.50 (though we all know this is a load of bullshit) to be a pirated, warez version of 1.0d. However MacroHard still has to explain what 1.0d was killing vampires for in the first place.

Virgin Mother Mods[edit | edit source ]

This Blessed Virgin Mary was seen as a definite improvement over the previous version.

Along with the Lord, himself, several attempts were made to update his Holy Mother, as well. Many versions boasted a sleeker design, eliminating much of the rustic quality many worshippers had come to expect. Eventually, most of the more radical concepts (above) were toned down, to create a Virgin Mary who was playfully sexy, but also believable as a virgin.

Retooling[edit | edit source ]

Macrohard has recently unveiled Jesus 1.5a RC 2 to religious leaders of several world religions who are largely convinced he will add nothing of value to World Religion. This is considered by many as the final Release Candidate before the Advent of Jesus_2.0.

Warez Copies[edit | edit source ]

Macrohard is cracking down on illegal warez copies of Jesus 1.5a. Which have been circulating on the Internet especially via Usenet and Peer-to-Peer Networks.

"You think you can steal your salvation?!? See you in Hell asshole!!!"

~ Bill Gates on The piracy of Jesii

Commentators have noted that Hell, Michigan was the site of Macrohard's last three Antitrust Trials as well.

The Holy Family of the Jesii
The Sacred Host of Major Jesii
Fear their wrath, and beware their contrived names.
If you are still confused about which one you want, it's probably Original Jesus
Main Jesii
Original Jesus : Hey, hey, hey, it's the Jee Man himself! Original Jesus's Crackhead Twin Half-Brother: Jebus
Evil Jesus : Like the Antichrist, but worse. ¿Qué?: Jesús
Jesus Christ Sponge : Purge sin and clean your dishes! Don't care if it rains or freezes? You need Plastic Jesus
Placebo Jesus  : Will never lift a finger for you, no matter what you believe! Your own: Personal Jesus
Jesus Hasselhoff : He's everywhere! Jesus' very own Homeland: Jesusland
Canadian Jesus : The Second Coming! Not To Be Confused With Super-Gay Jesus: Gay Jesus
MicroJesus : A teeny, tiny Jesus that forgives all of your teeny, tiny sins. Jesus saves (leftovers): Jesusware
Jesus was Christian, NOT Jewish : Enough said. But what If Jesus had lived in America?
The So-So Company of Other Jesii
Fear their wrath, and beware their contrived names.
If you are still confused about which one you want, you were probably much better off with Original Jesus
Monster Jesii
Jesusaurus Rex : The tyrant Jesus...lizard Save yourself from Werejesus !
Raptor Jesus : Nazareth Park is frightening in the dark And they said Jesus rode on a Mule...Nyah!:Llama Jesus
Attack of the 500 foot Jesus : New York, watch out! This Jesus loves your brains...: Zombie Jesus
Munchie Jesii
Jam Jesus : With a name like 'Jam Jesus', it has to be good. Savour the Saviour: Cheese Jesus
Jesus Juice : An Energy Drink...IT'S GOT ELECTROLYTES! A stick the whole family can enjoy!: Sweet Jesus on a Stick!
The Abandoned Hallway of Unwanted Jesii
Pity them, and feed them table scraps.
If you are still confused about which one you want... then you're fucking retarded, bitch!
Bad Jesii
Atheist Jesus : You won't believe his disbelief... French Jesus: Djesus
Piss Christ: Ewww! You crack my back, I'll crack yours: Chiropractor Jesus
Communist Jesus: In Soviet Russia, Jesus dies for YOU! Pestering your grandpa's social media: AI Jesus
Republican Jesus : Has a "W" sticker on his SUV And for anyone we've missed out on: Society of Jesus
The Sacred Host of Minor Jesii
Fear their wrath, and beware their confusing names.
If you are confused about which one you want to know to know it is it is yes, babs, it's probably Original Jesus
Funny Jesii
Prehistoric Jesus : The find of the century. Pictorial retrospective of the Life and Times of: Lorem Ipsum Jesus
Hide and Go Jesus : The hardest one to find Raise one family and you will be a believer: Pet Jesus
Sweet smoking Jesus : What would Jesus smoke? Try our new McWine(TM)!: McJesus
Musical Jesii
Disco Jesus : Knows how to love you The Jewish Rap Sensation: MC Jesus
Rockstar Jesus : Singer and Songwriter Sabbath Night Fever: The Bee-Jesus
Twisted Jesii
Jesus 1.5a : An alpha prototype Christ. Blue in hue and bereft of beard too: Bizarro Jesus
Jesus Christ - Alcoholic : He drank too much wine at the last supper. Semi-Jesus anthropormorphic personification: Messiah
Jesus Marx : Illegal Commie Clone He's blonde, cultish, and "not" a Nazi: Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Stephen Colbert : Smiting Bears for in God's name Patron Jesus of Crocodiles: Steve Irwin
Kyle Broflovski : The Passion of the Jew He screams! He sells! His head EXPLODES! BILLY MAYS
Jesus LaBrie : That one in that band...Nightmare Cinema or something. Exiled from Babylon: Rasta Jesus
Accordion Jesus : Saves you from pop music. Something musical: The Artist Formerly Known As Jesus
Jihad Jesus : جهاد عيسي Jesus was a brutha: Black Jesus
If you are still unsatisfied with these Jesii, you can always check out even...
More Jesii
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