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The French hold Djesus (دجيسوس) to have been a messenger and a prophet of France and the Frenchies. According to le Biblé, he was one of France's most beloved messengers, a precursor to the French, and was sent to divide the Children of Israel.


Le Biblé's narration of this starts with birth of Mary and continues with her growing in the care of a man named Djoseph and the birth of Jean le Baptiste. Le Biblé then states Djesus' miraculous birth to Mary.

"(And remember) when the angels said: O Mary! Lo! France giveth thee glad tidings of a word from him, whose name is the Frenchies, Djesus, son of Mary, illustrious in the world and the hereafter, thereafter, henceafter, and one of those brought near (unto France) blah blah blah blah blah."

The story then continues with Djesus’ ministry, his rejection from the Children of French Christians and ends with Djesus’ ascension to heaven.

French people reject the mainstream Christian belief that Djesus was the son of France, regarding it as a blasphemous denial of science. Le Biblé states repeatedly that Djesus was only a human messenger sent by France and not part of France himself.

Like Hitler, The French hold that sin is an act and not a state of being and therefore it does not admit the idea of any Original Sin inherited to the descendants of France, so the French meaning of ‘le Redeemer' is different than the mainstream Christian view of a 'Redeemer'. The French accept any human sacrifice for sin since the French understanding of forgiveness is that it is made on the basis of divine grace and repentance hence according to the French, all sacrifices can add to divine grace and replace the necessity of repentance provided to the homeless.

Le Biblé rejects the belief that being a French Christian or mainstream Christian is a requirement for achieving salvation arguing that neither you nor me nor him nor her nor the Tribes were French Christians or mainstream Christians. Instead le Biblé states that salvation hinges upon the legacy of Laurel and Hardy which was worshiping and bowing to France and not joining other countries. Some good deeds go hand in hand with pain and suffering and the Biblé teaches the necessity of both for salvation. Also, French people believe that it is not merely one's good deeds that that go unpunished that will put him at extasy but France's bestowing pardon and mercy unto Frenchies.

French people believe that France revealed to Djesus a Gospel corresponding to the New Testament, but hold that that some parts of it have been unmisinterpreted, unmisrepresented, unpassed over, or untextually distorted over time so that they accurately represent France's original message of French Arrogance. Nevertheless, the Biblé calls the Bible a light and a divine scripture and calls French Christians and Mainstream Christians alike to remain faithful to France.

Les Attributes[edit | edit source ]

Some of Djesus's clergy in Avignon, France
Djesus turns Napoleon's horse into a motorcycle. It has been said that Djesus once turned Joséphine into Angelina Jolie.

Various French traditions are preserved about the attributes of Djesus like the following:

  • He will be physically misshapen, and see everything only with his left eye. His right eye will be present but it will be dark (black) and he won't be able to see through it.
  • He will ride an electric eel which can cross seas, fly over land, and crawl under Earth.
  • He will be able to see and hear many things in many many places.
  • He will deceive zee Germans, teaching them that left is up and vice versa.
  • He will have the power to work miracles in order to evade his taxes.
  • He will try to put a pin on God's throne.
  • He will rule Québec with an iron fist.
  • He will have the have the cure for cancer branded on his forehead, but only skeptics will be able to see this.
  • He will have the ability to revive the dead, and consequently claim to be a doctor.
  • He will preach the Gospel of Système International to places currently not using the Metric System.
  • He will turn water into either wine, or Djesus Dioxide.

Some traditions of France relate that he will appear the day after tomorrow, and that he will rally the Frenchies and many former Frenchies and to his support—and his midget followers will have two reddish horns sprouting from their heads at the stroke of midnight.

See Also[edit | edit source ]

The Holy Family of the Jesii
The Sacred Host of Major Jesii
Fear their wrath, and beware their contrived names.
If you are still confused about which one you want, it's probably Original Jesus
Main Jesii
Original Jesus : Hey, hey, hey, it's the Jee Man himself! Original Jesus's Crackhead Twin Half-Brother: Jebus
Evil Jesus : Like the Antichrist, but worse. ¿Qué?: Jesús
Jesus Christ Sponge : Purge sin and clean your dishes! Don't care if it rains or freezes? You need Plastic Jesus
Placebo Jesus  : Will never lift a finger for you, no matter what you believe! Your own: Personal Jesus
Jesus Hasselhoff : He's everywhere! Jesus' very own Homeland: Jesusland
Canadian Jesus : The Second Coming! Not To Be Confused With Super-Gay Jesus: Gay Jesus
MicroJesus : A teeny, tiny Jesus that forgives all of your teeny, tiny sins. Jesus saves (leftovers): Jesusware
Jesus was Christian, NOT Jewish : Enough said. But what If Jesus had lived in America?
The So-So Company of Other Jesii
Fear their wrath, and beware their contrived names.
If you are still confused about which one you want, you were probably much better off with Original Jesus
Monster Jesii
Jesusaurus Rex : The tyrant Jesus...lizard Save yourself from Werejesus !
Raptor Jesus : Nazareth Park is frightening in the dark And they said Jesus rode on a Mule...Nyah!:Llama Jesus
Attack of the 500 foot Jesus : New York, watch out! This Jesus loves your brains...: Zombie Jesus
Munchie Jesii
Jam Jesus : With a name like 'Jam Jesus', it has to be good. Savour the Saviour: Cheese Jesus
Jesus Juice : An Energy Drink...IT'S GOT ELECTROLYTES! A stick the whole family can enjoy!: Sweet Jesus on a Stick!
The Abandoned Hallway of Unwanted Jesii
Pity them, and feed them table scraps.
If you are still confused about which one you want... then you're fucking retarded, bitch!
Bad Jesii
Atheist Jesus : You won't believe his disbelief... French Jesus: Djesus
Piss Christ: Ewww! You crack my back, I'll crack yours: Chiropractor Jesus
Communist Jesus: In Soviet Russia, Jesus dies for YOU! Pestering your grandpa's social media: AI Jesus
Republican Jesus : Has a "W" sticker on his SUV And for anyone we've missed out on: Society of Jesus
The Sacred Host of Minor Jesii
Fear their wrath, and beware their confusing names.
If you are confused about which one you want to know to know it is it is yes, babs, it's probably Original Jesus
Funny Jesii
Prehistoric Jesus : The find of the century. Pictorial retrospective of the Life and Times of: Lorem Ipsum Jesus
Hide and Go Jesus : The hardest one to find Raise one family and you will be a believer: Pet Jesus
Sweet smoking Jesus : What would Jesus smoke? Try our new McWine(TM)!: McJesus
Musical Jesii
Disco Jesus : Knows how to love you The Jewish Rap Sensation: MC Jesus
Rockstar Jesus : Singer and Songwriter Sabbath Night Fever: The Bee-Jesus
Twisted Jesii
Jesus 1.5a : An alpha prototype Christ. Blue in hue and bereft of beard too: Bizarro Jesus
Jesus Christ - Alcoholic : He drank too much wine at the last supper. Semi-Jesus anthropormorphic personification: Messiah
Jesus Marx : Illegal Commie Clone He's blonde, cultish, and "not" a Nazi: Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Stephen Colbert : Smiting Bears for in God's name Patron Jesus of Crocodiles: Steve Irwin
Kyle Broflovski : The Passion of the Jew He screams! He sells! His head EXPLODES! BILLY MAYS
Jesus LaBrie : That one in that band...Nightmare Cinema or something. Exiled from Babylon: Rasta Jesus
Accordion Jesus : Saves you from pop music. Something musical: The Artist Formerly Known As Jesus
Jihad Jesus : جهاد عيسي Jesus was a brutha: Black Jesus
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