Forum:CC-by-SA does not apply here
CC-by-SA only applys to non comercial stuff. Yet Wikia is a for-profit company, and when it lists the site as a featured Wikicity that seems like a fairly big content draw. This makes me wonder what a commercial purpose really is, or whether Uncyclopedia is consistent with its own license. Last time I checked wikia is commercail so it does not apply. I want my article taken down! Im going to complain to wikia. Im very angry. AngryLOLS 18:40, 28 December 2007 (UTC)
- Watch out, he's angry! WOOO WOOO WOOO! Boomer New Years.png Happy New Years! Shouldn't I be partying? PEEING 18:45, 28 December 2007 (UTC)
- AngryLOLS may I refer you to our LOLS protocol. You are clearly in breach of it. Mr N MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 18:58, Dec 28
- Here's the link I referred to in IRC AngryLOLS: Nobody Cares. Go study its philosophical value for a while BonSig.png (Bonner) (Talk) Dec 28, 19:02
- AngryLOLS may I refer you to our LOLS protocol. You are clearly in breach of it. Mr N MrN9000SouthParksmall.jpg 18:58, Dec 28
I'd like to take this opportunity to offer you some advice. Get a fucking spell-checker. That is all. — Sir Manticore progress-wheel.gif 19:05, 28 December 2007 (UTC)
- Dear LotofFAILS, we would like to remind you about Uncyclopedia's core policies. With ♥, --Sai.png Jack Phoenix , professional
(削除) killer (削除ここまで)admin (Whine ?) • (Wikia ♥ ads) 19:08, 28 December 2007 (UTC)- You can lead a LotofFAILS to Uncyclopedia's core policies, but you can't make him read. Heck he can't even write properly, how's he going to read those core policies properly? We are arguing with an obvious moron here who apparently cannot read properly, or else he would have understood what we'd been trying to tell him for the past few weeks or whatever. LotofFAILS makes Helen Keller look like Albert Einstein. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 03:45, 29 December 2007 (UTC)
Actually, the license applies here and was not violated. Wikia makes money by displaying ads on their sites, not making people pay to read and edit, and reading and editing are free on Wikia wikis. Also, the CC BY-NC-SA license only applies to Uncyclopedia and Memory Alpha. Most other Wikia wikis use the GNU Free Documentation License (GFDL), which allows commercial use. --Sir Starnestommy Icons-flag-us.png (Talk • Contribs • CUN ) 19:10, Dec. 28, 2007
- Also, FU Manticore and Jack Phoenix. I had to press save 6 times to get this in! --Sir Starnestommy Icons-flag-us.png (Talk • Contribs • CUN ) 19:10, Dec. 28, 2007
Of course thy make money of them that is why they host them! To make money. 00:42, 29 December 2007 (UTC)
- What that license means by commercial use is requiring payment to read or edit. --Sir Starnestommy Icons-flag-us.png (Talk • Contribs • CUN ) 00:52, Dec. 29, 2007
- Um, no. The wording is "you may not exercise any of the rights granted to You in Section 3 above in any manner that is primarily intended for or directed toward commercial advantage or private monetary compensation."[1] The license says nothing about charging for access to read or edit, per se. There are many ways to obtain "commercial advantage" that involve using the content to get traffic, which is then driven to advertisers or for-profit entities for various purposes. -- 03:31, 29 December 2007 (UTC)
- So try a lawsuit. No, really, do it. I'm anxious to see just how far you get before you realize it's an exercise in futility. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 05:28, Dec 29
- I guess that HowTo I made really was literal. --NXWave 20:28, 30 December 2007 (UTC)
- So try a lawsuit. No, really, do it. I'm anxious to see just how far you get before you realize it's an exercise in futility. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 05:28, Dec 29
A Coupon for your troubles
Punchcoupon.jpg Please cash it in with the nearest person. This coupon is good for one free punch in the face. We regret that we cannot delete your article, as Uncyclopedia and Uncyclomedia are not-for-profit organizations, and Wikia only hosts Unyclopedia and does not own it or the content on it. Please to be enjoying your free punch in the face by printing out this coupon and giving it to your friendly neighborhood sociopath. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 21:07, 28 December 2007 (UTC)
- Oh man, I'm definitely giving these out. :D - Rougethebat.gif Admiral Enzo Aquarius -Dial the Gate SonicLivesPicture.png 01:10, 29 December 2007 (UTC)
- Feel free to give out my coupon or create your own. I had created that one years ago with MSPaint like 1998. It is almost a decade later and it is still funny. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 03:23, 29 December 2007 (UTC)
you've officially pissed everyone off multiple times and been unaware of your own idiocy each time. to commemorate this special day, i present to you an award.
Kitty!.gif Heck no techno | chitchat | stuff.. Argh.gif
- Where's the love? Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 04:55, 29 December 2007 (UTC)
You all suck at making templates
– Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize • writings • critchat) 05:35 Dec 29, 2007
How can he be LotsofLOLS?
His spelling and grammar wasn't too bad. He did make a few grammar errors but his post was readable. How can LotsofLOLS, who clearly does not pay attention to Mr.Winkler, make this post.--Scott 03:57, 1 January 2008 (UTC)
- I think he used that Firefox spelling check plug-in and ran his words through one of those online grammar checkers or something. Either that or one of his friends proofread it via email, if he does indeed have any friends that can write spelling and grammar better than he can. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 04:41, 1 January 2008 (UTC)
- That seems to me like a lot of work --Atomsk.gif Kaizer the Bjorn takkun Nya? (nya nya) (1961 model!) Check out T61! 04:29, 11 January 2008 (UTC)
I win
Wow... I have won. I have been called retarded countless times since I’ve been here. It does not matter what you say because the truth is I tricked you all. I was able to create an article and get most of the site worshiping it. Not only that I got YOU to write countless other articles about my garbage article, one was even featured. But no, I did not stop there, I continued and got everyone to know who LotsOfLOLS was. My creations are referenced hundreds of times all over uncyclopedia. After that I started fighting for its removal. This is were my notable socks come in. I have some very notable socks here, I even managed to get one to become an admin. With out these socks there would be no way I could be sure that Mr. Winkler would become so popular. Let me make this clear, EVERYTHING that happened went according to my plan. I never cared if Mr. Winkler was deleted, all I wanted was to create a bunch of arguing and drama, which I succeed in doing. I even got people people impersonating me, which I admit I never planed on. I’m going to wrap my victory speech up I have succeed in A, creating an awful article and getting it to stay up for over a month, B. Becoming an Icon on uncyclopedia. C Creating a bunch of drama and D. Wasting a minimal amount of my time while wasting a bunch of yours. This time the vandal/troll or whatever else you want to call me won. 21:35, 1 January 2008 (UTC)
- Ah, but we have one weapon left! UN:N – Sir Skullthumper, MD (criticize • writings • critchat) 21:40 Jan 01, 2008
- Actually, per point D, you wasted a minimum of my time. This post, plus a minute or so. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 21:58, 1 January 2008 (UTC)
- All you did was get yourself noticed as a vandal/troll/retard, and now we have articles written about how stupid you really are. Did you win, or score a lot of own goals? I tend to think the later. --Lt. Sir Orion Blastar (talk) 22:04, 1 January 2008 (UTC)
- Meh. --Sir Under User ( Hi , How Are You? ) VFH KUN 22:44, 1 January 2008 (UTC)
- Symbol declined.svg Meh, go outside, play baseball and work on your education - Rougethebat.gif Admiral Enzo Aquarius -Dial the Gate SonicLivesPicture.png 00:43, 2 January 2008 (UTC)
- Admin account you say? Can you show me it? --AAA! (AAAA) 00:56, 2 January 2008 (UTC)
- If you have an admin account, I DARE you to ban Codeine. Go on, I DARE you. :) - Rougethebat.gif Admiral Enzo Aquarius -Dial the Gate SonicLivesPicture.png 00:58, 2 January 2008 (UTC)
- It's LotofLols, not LotsofLols. Fail at impersonation better next time. • Spang • ☃ • talk • 00:59, 02 Jan 2008
- This IP is coming from Dallas, Texas, not Virginia. Does that matter? He might be using proxies, seeing as the other two IPs above come from New York and Canada. Not that it matters, as per UN:N. – Kip > Talk • Works •• Sophia It's Peanut Better Jelly Time!!! Carlton2.gif Rotating Rick Astley.gif derp Sexy Snoo.png Knight of the Order USA! 01:12, Jan. 4, 2008
In conclusion, you don't win. You fail. You are now the butt of a site-wide joke. Enjoy your fame. And, of course, your admin powers(IPs say such funny things.) Now, do the site a favor and gtfo. - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 04:27, Jan 2
Is this IRAQATTACK? --Sir Starnestommy Icons-flag-us.png (Talk • Contribs • CUN ) 03:42, Jan. 4, 2008
- That ridiculous, they're-- OH. MY. GOD. They've made similar threats, become the butts of similar jokes...jeez... Deja vu... - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 21:54, Jan 4
- Looking up the IPs they used on IRC, they're both from Washington D.C. or Northern Virginia. --Sir Starnestommy Icons-flag-us.png (Talk • Contribs • CUN ) 23:00, Jan. 4, 2008
- Dear God, is every fifth grader from there going to join this site? - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 23:02, Jan 4
- Looking up the IPs they used on IRC, they're both from Washington D.C. or Northern Virginia. --Sir Starnestommy Icons-flag-us.png (Talk • Contribs • CUN ) 23:00, Jan. 4, 2008
DUDE! You are just so frickin awesome. You managed to entirely subvert a nonprofit humor wiki. That is a major accomplishment in life. You even had some sockpuppets in high places, one of them was an admin even! Thats incredible! It must have taken you months! Years! Sometimes you must have felt discouraged, but you pressed on, ever aiming to achieve your ultimate goal of wasting a few months of the admins time, and to become an icon on one of the top ten nonprofit open humor and satire wikis on the internet. However, little did you know it was a clever test, set up by me. Yes, and you have passed the test. Congratulations, you win! Go back to the recovery annex for your cake. It was a fun test, and we're all impressed at how much you won. --Atomsk.gif Kaizer the Bjorn takkun Nya? (nya nya) (1961 model!) Check out T61! 04:47, 11 January 2008 (UTC)
My Two Cents
Hahaha WOW! You fail! The article creator's name was LotOfLOLS, not LotS. And even if you really ARE this person, you didn't waste a minimal amount of YOUR time. You wasted a FUCKLOAD of your time. Do you know how long it took me to write Get Some Sick? fifteen minutes. And I don't really give a shit either way. If this is how you get your shits and giggles, then that's just sad. The reason Mr Winkler Is GAY! is an in-joke now is because the writer is essentially the butt of the joke. We're basically displaying to the world how stupid this one person is. If that's how you want to be remembered, then fine. Kitty!.gif Heck no techno | chitchat | stuff.. Argh.gif
DNFT, people.
Although part of me feels sorry for anyone whose self-validation is reliant on perpetrating minor internet vandalism, I'd still rather shut the door on this one. He's his mother's problem, not ours. -- Sir Codeine K·H·P·B·M·N·C·U·Bu. · (Harangue) 01:02, 2 January 2008 (UTC)
- Sorry. I wrote my bit before I saw yours. Kitty!.gif Heck no techno | chitchat | stuff.. Argh.gif
- But he keeps giving me puppy dog eyes. You try not to feed something so obviously hopeless. Go on, try it. Boomer New Years.png Happy New Years! Shouldn't I be partying? PEEING 02:32, 2 January 2008 (UTC)
- But Nobody Cares about WP:DENY.--Scott 01:06, 4 January 2008 (UTC)
Should we use the images?
--Allahgator 05:29, 3 January 2008 (UTC)
An important message to all current, past, and future trolls
In conclusion...
All admins should delete all unfunny stubs on sight, as doing otherwise only creates drama. I thought that would be rather obvious.-- Phlegm Leoispotter * (garble! jank!) 22:31, 4 January 2008 (UTC)
- I definately agree with you on this. All the drama over Fisher Price, Mr winkler is GAY, and several other controversial stubs were all due to an admin not doing their job and deleting it like they should've. Once you let something like this stay long enough to gather followers, deleting it causes drama, and so does deciding to keep it. In conclusion, if things like these were simply deleted on sight, there'd be little to no drama. --Sir Starnestommy Icons-flag-us.png (Talk • Contribs • CUN ) 23:05, Jan. 4, 2008
- I think we need to just drop it. The discussion is what's causing the drama, you know. Lets all listen to the Eagles' Take it Easy and chillax. Don't let the sound of your own wheels, drive ya crazy.... ah, soothing. Don't you feel an unholy mix of chill and relaxed already? I know I do, and I doubt that both were caused by the vicodin! - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 23:17, Jan 4
- In my opinion, there are two causes of drama: admins not doing their jobs, and overly heated, non-constructive flamewars. --Sir Starnestommy Icons-flag-us.png (Talk • Contribs • CUN ) 23:22, Jan. 4, 2008
- I think we need to just drop it. The discussion is what's causing the drama, you know. Lets all listen to the Eagles' Take it Easy and chillax. Don't let the sound of your own wheels, drive ya crazy.... ah, soothing. Don't you feel an unholy mix of chill and relaxed already? I know I do, and I doubt that both were caused by the vicodin! - P.M., WotM, & GUN, Sir Led Balloon Baloon.gif(Tick Tock) (Contribs) 23:17, Jan 4
- "all due to an admin not doing their job and deleting it like they should've.". Who the hell do you think you are? Don't presume to tell me how to do the thankless task of wading through reams of crap evry day. In fact, that was precisely what I was doing when I came across Mr winkler is GAY, and it made me laugh. And you know what? When I've just huffed 40 shitty articles and one makes me laugh, I'll keep it. And I'll defend my, or any other admin's decision to do so, because I believe we've earned it.
- As for stubs being the root of the drama: nonsense. I'll tell you the root of the drama; PEOPLE KEEP RESPONDING TO TROLLS. Every oh-so-witty "no, you're a loser" post that someone finds it necessary to add to an already lengthy discussion only thrills the hapless loners even more. If we'd barred the guy the second he started sockpuppeting and just ignored or even deleted his forum posts, there would have been no escalation of drama. As The Led Balloon put it here: "Do you want the spinoffs to stop? All you have to do is to stop posting in the dump about this whole thing. People will forget, and we can all go back to living our lives." Amen. -- Sir Codeine K·H·P·B·M·N·C·U·Bu. · (Harangue) 23:35, 4 January 2008 (UTC)
- Amen brother!!! Raise your hands high and sing! Take it eeeasy. Take it eeeeasy. Sig pic.PNG Unsolicited conversation Extravagant beauty PEEING 01:01, 5 January 2008 (UTC)
Oh dear, I just caused some more drama. Sorry everyone. Take it eaaasy. Take it eaaasy."-- Phlegm Leoispotter * (garble! jank!) 02:48, 5 January 2008 (UTC)
Against rcmurphy as noob of the month. Honestly, I don't know why it keeps coming up every month. He joined in like, early 2005.--<< Bradmonogram.png >> 00:04, 16 January 2008 (UTC)