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Moron may refer to:

  • Moron, everyone on Earth
  • Moron, whoever invented gravity (I think it was Isaac Newton?)
  • Moron, you
  • Moron , the entire population of the USA
  • Moron, a person who needs to read any of the ...For Dummies books instructing the reader how to accomplish some task so simple, even a caveman could do it.
  • Moron , a minor character in the Book of Mormon, who needed to read all of the ...For Dummies books.
  • Moron, a Politician.
  • Moron, People who say lol more times than they should, fail, epic fail, and of course people who speak in 1337.
  • Moron, Jehovah's Witnesses
  • Moron, you. Yes, you, <insert name here>.
  • Moron, Encyclopedia Dramatica.
  • Moron, everyone who loves you.
  • Moron , a special kind of elementary particle.
  • Moron, a KMFDM song from one of their their 2003 albums.
  • Moron River, title of a song that was never sung by singer Andy Williams.
  • Moron, the official language of Moronica.
  • Moron, George W. Bush.
  • Moron, Barack Obama.
  • Moron, Every nation's president as viewed by the opposite party.
  • Chatty Morons , a group of motorbike fanatics.
  • The Moron, by Fyodor Dostoevsky, a banned classic in Russian literature, and the title of an album by Iggy Pop.
  • Moron, short for Oxymoron.
  • Moronicus , the less well-known opponent of Idiocrates
  • The Encyclopædia Moronica, the sole, exclusive authorized scientific reference source for the Hollywood Writers' Guild. For example, when America invaded with aliens, Hollywood writers consulted the EM to learn that pouring a glass of water on them could kill them. When we were invaded by locusts, the EM told us to use power lines on either side of the country to electrocute the swarm. And when we invaded by Mexicans, freelance writers in the Senate found a plan in it to put up a huge, highly secure fence over a small portion of the border.
  • The Last of The Morons, the terrible sequel to "The Last of The Mohicans" that almost resulted in Daniel Day-Lewis's execution.
  • Moron Test , a test designed to determine the intelligence of the individual.
  • Moron, me
  • Moron, Wheatley from Portal
  • Moron, Scientologists
  • Moron, The so called "experts" at Wikipedia
  • Moron 5 , not to be confused with a cult disguised as a pop rock "band"

Places named Moron:[edit | edit source ]

Terminology[edit | edit source ]

The term moron used to be a technical term in the medical and legal sense, describing people with profound mental disabilities.[1] Over time, as people enjoyed using hyperbolic words and medical terms to insult one another, people became relatively desensitized to the term moron, and medical professionals stopped using it, preferring the even more technical term retard (pronounced REtard or reTARD). People have continued to enjoy using this medical term to insult one another, but in today's modern PC culture, the word retard has become a symbolic issue for powerful groups that claim to feel like they're doing the right thing, but really just enjoy censoring and oppressing other groups of people. These social justice warriors have insisted that retard is a pejorative term and that everyone must refer to people with profound mental disabilities as special. In time, probably in about 10 or 15 years (unless Donald Trump speeds this up by using the term special to refer to Nancy Pelosi or AOC or someone), these same overly-coddled crybabies will insist that special is a pejorative term, and that we must all start referring to people with profound mental disabilities as intelligent.

  1. Actually long before that it just meant an ordinary private citizen way back in ancient Athens. (Of course that was so long ago it was even before the time when I was young when dinosaurs roamed the Earth, chasing after Raquel Welsh in a furry bikini.) But only a wicked and crazy conspiracy theorist like me would think the word's subsequent evolution had anything whatsoever to do with how some of our supposed betters might have tended to view the rest of us.

See also[edit | edit source ]

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