Category:User bu

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User category: Users that speak bullet.


{{Bullet|(level code)}} 

Example: {{Bullet|4}} will result in:

bu-4 This user speaks near-native Bullet and can fire low-caliber rounds in full-automatic mode.

Level codes:

  • 0 User does not speak this language and may result in injury if does so.
  • 1 User has only basic understanding of this language and must chamber a new round manually after each shot.
  • 2 User has intermediate understanding of this language and can chamber a new round semi-automatically after each shot.
  • 3 User has advanced understanding of this language and can fire rounds in short bursts.
  • 4 User has near-native understanding of this language and can fire low-caliber rounds in full-automatic mode.
  • 5/N User is a native speaker of this language and can fire high-caliber rounds in full-automatic mode.
  • A User speaks this language without a suppressor and can get a bit too noisy during an assasination.
  • E User killed 13 of his classmates in school using this language.
  • F User does not have a proper firearms lisence for this language.
  • G User opposes the use of this language.
  • L User may result in jamming using this language.
  • P User may result in serious fouling using this language.
  • X User only speaks this language enough to seduce NRA members.

This category is not part of the Uncyclopedia Babel Project

Pages in category "User bu"

The following 127 pages are in this category, out of 127 total.


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