Maintaining the high standards that made the previous editions such well-respected and widely used references, Food Lipids: Chemistry, Nutrition, and Biotechnology, Third Edition tightens its focus to emphasize lipids from the point of entry into the food supply and highlights recent findings regarding antioxidants and lipid oxidation. Always representative of the current state of lipid science, this edition provides four new chapters reflecting the latest advances in antioxidant research.
New chapters include:
Polyunsaturated Lipid Oxidation in Aqueous Systems, Tocopherol Stability and the Prooxidant Mechanisms of Oxidized Tocopherols in Lipids, Effects and Mechanisms of Minor Compounds in Oil on Lipid Oxidation, and Total Antioxidant Evaluation and Synergism.
The most comprehensive and relevant treatment of food lipids available, this book highlights the role of dietary fats in foods, human health, and disease. Divided into five parts, it begins with the chemistry and properties of food lipids covering nomenclature and classification, extraction and analysis, and chemistry and function. Part II addresses processing techniques including recovery, refining, converting, and stabilizing, as well as chemical interesterification. The third Part has been renamed and expanded to honor the growing data on oxidation and antioxidants. Part IV explores the myriad interactions of lipids in nutrition and health with information on heart disease, obesity, and cancer, and Part V continues with contributions on biotechnology and biochemistry including a chapter on the genetic engineering of crops that produce vegetable oil.
Revised and updated with new information and references throughout the text, this third edition of a bestselling industry standard once again draws on the contributions of leading international experts to establish the latest benchmark in the field and provide the platform from which to further advance lipid science.
Chemistry and Properties
Nomenclature and Classification of Lipids, S.F. O'Keefe
Chemistry and Function of Phospholipids, M.C. Erickson
Lipid-Based Emulsions and Emulsifiers, D.J. McClements
The Chemistry of Waxes and Sterols, E.J. Parish, S. Li, and A.D. Bell
Extraction and Analysis of Lipids, F. Shahidi and P.K.J.P.D. Wanasundara
Methods for Trans Fatty Acid Analysis, R.E. McDonald and M.M. Mossoba
Chemistry of Frying Oils, K. Warner
Recovery, Refining, Converting, and Stabilizing Edible Fats and Oils, L.A. Johnson
Crystallization and Polymorphism of Fats, P.J. Lawler and P.S. Dimick
Chemical Interesterification of Food Lipids: Theory and Practice, D. Rousseau and A.G. Marangoni
Oxidation and Antioxidants
Chemistry of Lipid Oxidation, H.J. Kim and D.B. Min
Lipid Oxidation of Muscle Foods, M.C. Erickson
Polyunsaturated Lipid Oxidation in Aqueous System, K. Miyashita
Methods of Measuring Oxidative Rancidity in Fats and Oils, F. Shahidi and U.N. Wanasundara
Antioxidants, D.W. Reische, D.A. Lillard, and R.R. Eitenmiller
Tocopherol Stability and the Prooxidant Mechanisms of Oxidized Tocopherols in Lipids, H.J. Kim and D.B. Min
Effects and Mechanisms of Minor Compounds in Oil on Lipid Oxidation, E. Choe
Antioxidant Mechanisms, E.A. Decker
Fats and Oils in Human Health, D. Kritchevsky
Unsaturated Fatty Acids, S.M. Watkins and J.B. German
Dietary Fats, Eicosanoids, and the Immune System, D.M. Klurfeld
Dietary Fats and Coronary Heart Disease, R.P. Mensink and J. Plat
Conjugated Linoleic Acids: Nutrition and Biology, B.A. Watkins and Y. Li
Dietary Fats and Obesity, D.B. Hausman and B. Mullen Grossman
Fatty Acids and Cancer, H.P. Glauert
Lipid-Based Synthetic Fat Substitutes, C.C. Akoh
Food Applications of Lipids, F.D. Gunstone
Biotechnology and Biochemistry
Lipid Biotechnology, N. Weber and K.D. Mukherjee
Microbial Lipases, J.D. Weete, O.M. Lai, and C.C. Akoh
Enzymatic Interesterification, W.M. Willis and A.G. Marangoni
Structured Lipids, C.C. Akoh and B.H. Kim
Genetic Engineering of Crops that Produce Vegetable Oil, V.C. Knauf and A.J. Del Vecchio
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