- 2021年01月26日 The domain name of this site has been changed to Existing links (i.e. ) and bookmarks will continue to work via the old URL.
- 2020年04月02日 Zoom FAQs on setting issues
- 2020年04月01日 The following emergency system maintenance of ITC-LMS has been completed. Thank you for your cooperation. (11:44 am)
- 2020年04月01日 prepare for online class in 2020, ITC-LMS emergency system maintenance will be held today from 9:00 to 11:00 (planned). During this time, the ITC-LMS service will be suspended. We apologize for any inconvenience, but thank you for your understanding and cooperation.
- 2020年03月31日 Today, March 31 is a student transfer date, so UTAS is not available for new students (from the first semester to the second semester).
- 2020年03月30日 Application form to create a link to the department’s web page.
- 2020年03月29日 Please answer the student questionnaire (The same is posted on UTAS. Those who have already answered do not need to answer it again).
- 2020年03月28日 On 3/27 an online basic lecture "How to make an on-demand online class using videos and texts" and "Online class consultation specialized in language learning"」 will be held. In addition, a video (provisional version) has been released for limited use.
- 2020年03月24日 3/19のZoom Basic Course video (provisional version)has been released.
- 2020年03月24日 Briefing on 3/26 : How to notify students of online classes.
- 2020年03月24日 On 3/13, briefing videohas been released.
- 2020年03月21日 Message from Kunio Ota, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts to freshmen and their families( Announced on March 19).
- 2020年03月21日 Message from the President (announced on March 18)
- 2020年03月21日 An online basic course Zoom usage reporthas been released.
- 2020年03月19日 Conducted Online course How to use Zoom
- 2020年03月19日 Forum and Q&A open.
- 2020年03月17日 Zoom Pro (up to 500 connections) is now available for all faculty members.
- 2020年03月16日 Updated slides on "Video conferencing tools and manage briefings online".
- 2020年03月11日 On March 13, 2020, we will hold a video conferencing tool and usage briefing session.
- 2020年03月11日 Website is open