Prepare assignments
Table of Contents
- In "Assignment", you can set a deadline for submission and students can submit their papers.
- You can select a file (report, image, program, etc.) or directly text entry.
- You can allow students to submit after the deadline by setting.
- Papers that are overdue can be distinguished on the system, so you can take measures toward these papers such as deducting points.
How to Make Assignments
Click the ⊕ button at the bottom left of the "Assignment", which is the third from the top of the "Course Summary" screen.
- Create a new "Assignment"
You will move to the page of "Registration new registration." Set the following contents.
- 「In "Title", enter the title of the assignment.
- In "Contents", enter the contents of the assignment.
- In "Submission Period", set the period during which students can submit their assignment.
- For example, the setting such as from the start of the class to the start of the next class can be considered.
- In "Submission method", select the submission method.
- "File Upload" allows students to upload multiple files up to 100MB.
- Instructors can later download all the files submitted in zip format at once.
- In "Text Direct Input", students can directly input text up to 10,000 characters from the browser.
- "File Upload" allows students to upload multiple files up to 100MB.
- In "Submission after period", specify whether to allow submission after the period.
- It is safer to set "OK" because trouble may occur on the system just before the deadline.
- You can take measures for students who submit late such as deducting points.
- "Referral of evaluation" specifies whether or not students can refer to the evaluation results of teachers.
- This function can be used for feedback to students.
- Finally, press the "Proceed to confirmation screen" button.
課題 新規作成
Check the contents and register.
- Check "Preview of Submission Screen" if necessary.
- Please check the submission period carefully.
- The start date and time and the end date and time cannot be changed after that the submission period starts / ends.
- Click the "Register" button.