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List of papers describing details of the beamline

Please cite the corresponding beamline paper in your publications. Contact the beamline scientist if you are not sure which paper you should cite.

SIM beamline

Beamline paper

Performance measurements at the SLS SIM beamline, U. Flechsig, F. Nolting, A. Fraile Rodriguez, J. Krempasky, C. Quitmann, T. Schmidt, S. Spielmann, and D. Zimoch, AIP Conf. Proc 1234, 319 (2010)/ doi.
using the on-the-fly energy scan: Synchronized monochromator and insertion device energy scans at SLS, J. Krempaský, U. Flechsig, T. Korhonen, D. Zimoch, Ch. Quitmann, and F. Nolting, AIP Conf. Proc. 1234, 705 (2010)/ doi.

PEEM paper

Studying nanomagnets and magnetic heterostructures with X-ray PEEM at the Swiss Light Source, L. Le Guyader, A. Kleibert, A. Fraile Rodríguez, S. El Moussaoui, A. Balan, M. Buzzi, J. Raabe, and F. Nolting, J. Electron. Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 185, 371 (2012)/ doi.

X-Treme beamline

Beamline paper

X-Treme beamline at SLS: a beamline for x-ray magnetic circular and linear dichroism at high field and low temperature, Cinthia Piamonteze, Uwe Flechsig, Stefano Rusponi, Jan Dreiser, Jakoba Heidler, Marcus Schmidt, RetoWetter, Marco Calvi, Thomas Schmidt, Helena Pruchova, Juraj Krempasky, Christoph Quitmann, Harald Brune and Frithjof Nolting, J. Synchrotron Rad. 19, 661 (2012) / doi.

MS beamline

Beamline paper

The Materials Science beamline upgrade at the Swiss Light Source, P. R. Willmott, D. Meister, S. J. Leake, M. Lange, A. Bergamaschi, M. Böge, M. Calvi, C. Cancellieri, N. Casati, A. Cervellino, Q. Chen, C. David, U. Flechsig, F. Gozzo, B. Henrich, S. Jäggi-Spielmann, B. Jakob, I. Kalichava, P. Karvinen, J. Krempasky, A. Lüdeke, R. Lüscher, S. Maag, C. Quitmann, M. L. Reinle-Schmitt, T. Schmidt, B. Schmitt, A. Streun, I. Vartiainen, M. Vitins, X. Wang and R. Wullschleger
J. Synchrotron Rad. 20, 667 (2013) / doi.

Commissioning results of the U14 cryogenic undulator at SLS

M. Calvi et al., J. Phys. Conf. Ser. vol 425 032017 (2013)


MYTHEN: A.Bergamaschi, A. Cervellino, R. Dinapoli, F. Gozzo, B. Henrich, I.Johnson, P. Kraft, A. Mozzanica, B. Schmitt and X. Shi
The MYTHEN detector for X-ray powder diffraction experiments at the Swiss Light Source
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (2010) 17, 653-668.
doi: 10.1107/S0909049510026051

P. Kraft, A. Bergamaschi, Ch. Broennimann, R. Dinapoli, E. F. Eikenberry, B. Henrich, I. Johnson, A. Mozzanica, C. M. Schleputz, P. R.Willott, B. Schmitt
Performance of single-photon-counting PILATUS detector modules
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation (2009)16, 368-375.
doi: 10.1107/S0909049509009911

Use of Pilatus in surface diffraction:
  • C.M. Schlepuetz et al., Acta. Crystallogr. A, vol 61, p418 (2005)
  • CM Schlepuetz et al., J. Appl. Crystallogr. vol 44 p73 (2011)
  • SJ Leake et al., J. Appl. Crystallogr. vol 67 p207 (2014)
A. Mozzanica et al., The GOTTHARD charge integrating readout detector: design and characterization, Jour. of Instrum. Vol. 7 (2012) p.C01019.

I. Johnson, A. Bergamaschi, J. Buitenhuis, R. Dinapoli, D. Greiffenberg, B. Henrich, T. Ikonen, G. Meier, A. Menzel, A. Mozzanica, V. Radicci, D. K. Satapathy, B. Schmitt and X. Shi, Capturing dynamics with Eiger, a fast-framing X-ray detector, J. Synchrotron Rad. 19, (2012) 1001.

In Situ Spectroscopy

Endstation paper

Probing the solid-liquid interface with tender x rays: a new ambient-pressure x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy endstation at the Swiss Light Source
Z. Novotny, D. Aegerter, N. Comini, B. Tobler, L. Artiglia, U. Maier, T. Moehl, E. Fabbri, T. Huthwelker, T.J. Schmidt, M. Ammann, J.A. van Bokhoven, J. Raabe & J. Osterwalder
Review of Scientific Instruments, 91(2), 023103 (2020).

The environmental photochemistry of oxide surfaces and the nature of rozen salt solutions: a new in situ XPS approach
F. Orlando, A. Waldner, T. Bartels-Rausch, M. Birrer, S. Kato, M. T. Lee, C. Proff, T. Huthwelker, A. Kleibert, J.A. van Bokhoven & M. Ammann
Topics in Catalysis, 59(5-7), 591-604 (2016).

Beamline papers

The In Situ Spectroscopy beamline shares design and components with the x07da (PolLux) beamline described in the following publications:

PolLux: A new facility for soft x-ray Spectromicroscopy at the Swiss Light Source
J. Raabe, G. Tzvetkov, U. Flechsig, M. Böge, A. Jaggi, B. Sarafimov, M.G.C. Vernooij, T. Huthwelker, H. Ade, D. Kilcoyne, T. Tyliszczak, R.H. Fink and C. Quitmann
Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 113704 (2008). doi:10.1063/1.3021472

The PolLux Microspectroscopy Beamline at the Swiss Light Source
U. Flechsig, C. Quitmann, J. Raabe, M. Böge, R. Fink and H. Ade
AIP Conf. Proc. 879, 505-508 (2006). doi:10.1063/1.2436109

Higher order suppressor

Higher Order Suppressor (HOS) for the PolLux Microspectroscope Beamline at the Swiss Light Source SLS
U. Frommherz, J. Raabe, B. Watts, R. Stefani and U. Ellenberger
AIP Conf. Proc. 1234, 429-432 (2010). doi:10.1063/1.3463232


Funding acknowledgement

Please be sure to properly acknowledge the funding for PolLux by including the following statement in the "acknowledgement" section of any articles that utilise data from PolLux.

"The PolLux end station was financed by the German Minister für Bildung und Forschung (BMBF) through contracts 05KS4WE1/6 and 05KS7WE1"

Beamline papers

PolLux: A new facility for soft x-ray Spectromicroscopy at the Swiss Light Source
J. Raabe, G. Tzvetkov, U. Flechsig, M. Böge, A. Jaggi, B. Sarafimov, M.G.C. Vernooij, T. Huthwelker, H. Ade, D. Kilcoyne, T. Tyliszczak, R.H. Fink and C. Quitmann
Review of Scientific Instruments 79, 113704 (2008). doi:10.1063/1.3021472

The PolLux Microspectroscopy Beamline at the Swiss Light Source
U. Flechsig, C. Quitmann, J. Raabe, M. Böge, R. Fink and H. Ade
AIP Conf. Proc. 879, 505-508 (2006). doi:10.1063/1.2436109

Higher order suppressor

Higher Order Suppressor (HOS) for the PolLux Microspectroscope Beamline at the Swiss Light Source SLS
U. Frommherz, J. Raabe, B. Watts, R. Stefani and U. Ellenberger
AIP Conf. Proc. 1234, 429-432 (2010). doi:10.1063/1.3463232


Beamline and gas filter

Vacuum ultraviolet beamline at the Swiss Light Source for chemical dynamics studies
Johnson M, Bodi A, Schulz L, Gerber T
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 610, 597 (2009). doi:10.1016/j.nima.2009年08月06日9


Imaging photoelectron photoion coincidence spectroscopy with velocity focusing electron optics
Bodi A, Johnson M, Gerber T, Gengeliczki Z, Sztaray B, Baer T
Review of Scientific Instruments 80, 034101 (2009). doi:10.1063/1.3082016

Beamline upgrade 2011 and i2PEPICO

A new double imaging velocity focusing coincidence experiment: i(2)PEPICO
Bodi A, Hemberger P, Gerber T, Sztaray B
Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 083105 (2012). doi:10.1063/1.4742769


Beamline paper

M. Stampanoni, A. Groso, A. Isenegger, G. Mikuljan, Q. Chen, A. Bertrand, S. Henein, R. Betemps, U. Frommherz, P. Bohler, D. Meister, M. Lange, and R. Abela, Trends in synchrotron-based tomographic imaging: the SLS experience, in Developments in X-Ray Tomography V, Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (Spie), 6318, U199-U212 (2006).

Ultrafast endstation

R. Mokso, F. Marone, D. Haberthür, J. C. Schittny, G. Mikuljan, A. Isenegger, and M. Stampanoni, Following Dynamic Processes by X-ray Tomographic Microscopy with Sub-second Temporal Resolution, 10th International Conference on X-Ray Microscopy, 1365, 38-41 (2011).

Differential Phase Contrast (DPC) endstation

S. A. McDonald, F. Marone, C. Hintermüller, G. Mikuljan, C. David, F. Pfeiffer, and M. Stampanoni, Advanced phase-contrast imaging using a grating interferometer, J. Synchrotron Rad., 16, 562-572 (2009).

Automatic sample exchanger

K. Mader, F. Marone, C. Hintermüller, G. Mikuljan, A. Isenegger, and M. Stampanoni, High-throughput full-automatic synchrotron-based tomographic microscopy, J. Synchrotron Rad., 18, 117-124 (2011).

Laser heated furnace

J. L. Fife, M. Rappaz, M. Pistone, T. Celcer, G. Mikuljan, and M. Stampanoni, Development of a laser-based heating system for in-situ synchrotron-based x-ray tomographic microscopy, J. Synchrotron Rad., 19, 352 (2012).

Reconstruction software

F. Marone, and M. Stampanoni, Regridding reconstruction algorithm for real time tomographic imaging, J. Synchrotron Rad., 19, 1029-1037 (2012).

Quantification software

K. Mader, R. Mokso, C. Raufaste, B. Dollet, S. Santucci, J. Lambert, and M. Stampanoni, Quantitative 3D characterization of cellular materials: Segmentation and morphology of foam, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 415, 230-238 (2012).


While we include below the main citations for the main techniques and instrumentation used at cSAXS, you can always ask beamline staff for the most appropriate reference(s) for your experiment.

Scanning SAXS

Multimodal x-ray scatter imaging
O. Bunk, M. Bech, T.H. Jensen, R. Feidenhans'l, T. Binderup, A. Menzel, and F. Pfeiffer
New J. Phys. 11, 123016 (2009). doi: 10.1088/1367-2630/11/12/123016

3D/Tomography SAXS

Brain tumor imaging using small-angle x-ray scattering tomography
T.H. Jensen, M. Bech, O. Bunk, M. Thomsen, A. Menzel, A. Bouchet, G. Le Duc, R. Feidenhans'l, and F. Pfeiffer
Phys. Med. Biol. 56, 1717-1726 (2011). doi: 10.1088/0031-9155/56/6/012


High-resolution scanning X-ray diffraction microscopy
P. Thibault, M. Dierolf, A. Menzel, O. Bunk, C. David, and F. Pfeiffer
Science 321, 379-382 (2008). doi: 10.1126/science.1158573

Ptychographic tomography

Ptychographic X-ray computed tomography at the nanoscale
M. Dierolf, A. Menzel, P. Thibault, P. Schneider, C.M. Kewish, R. Wepf, O. Bunk, and F. Pfeiffer
Nature 467, 436-439 (2010). doi: 10.1038/nature09419

Pilatus detector

Characterization and calibration of PILATUS detectors
P. Kraft, A. Bergamaschi, C. Bronnimann, R. Dinapoli, E. F. Eikenberry, H. Graafsma, B. Henrich, I. Johnson, M. Kobas, A. Mozzanica, C. M. Schleputz, and B. Schmitt
IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci. 56, 758-764 (2009). doi: 10.1109/TNS.2008.2009448

Eiger detector

Capturing dynamics with Eiger, a fast-framing X-ray detector
I. Johnson, A. Bergamaschi, J. Buitenhuis, R. Dinapoli, D. Greiffenberg, B. Henrich, T. Ikonen, G. Meier, A. Menzel, A. Mozzanica, V. Radicci, D. K. Satapathy, B. Schmitt, and X. Shi
J. Synchrotron Radiat. 19, 1001à1005 (2012). doi: 10.1107/S0909049512035972

OMNI - tOMography Nano Imaging stage

An instrument for 3D x-ray nano-imaging
M. Holler, J. Raabe, A. Diaz, M. Guizar-Sicairos, C. Quitmann, A. Menzel and O. Bunk
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 073703 (2012). doi: 10.1063/1.4737624


Extreme ultraviolet interference lithography at the Paul Scherrer Institut Auzelyte V, Dais C, Farquet P, Grutzmacher D, Heyderman LJ, Luo F, Olliges S, Padeste C, Sahoo PK, Thomson T, Turchanin A, David C, Solak HH JOURNAL OF MICRO-NANOLITHOGRAPHY MEMS AND MOEMS 8, 021204 (2009). DOI: 10.1117/1.3116559


Optimal fine phi-slicing for single-photon-counting pixel detectors
Marcus Mueller, Meitian Wang, Clemens Schulze-Briese
DOI: 10.1107/S0907444911049833


D3, the new diffractometer for the macromolecular crystallography beamlines of the Swiss Light Source
Fuchs, Martin R., Pradervand, Claude, Thominet, Vincent, Schneider, Roman, Panepucci, Ezequiel, Grunder, Marcel, Gabadinho, Jose, Dworkowski, Florian S. N., Tomizaki, Takashi, Schneider, Jörg, Mayer, Aline, Curtin, Adrian, Olieric, Vincent, Frommherz, Uli, Kotrle, Goran, Welte, Jörg, Wang, Xinyu, Maag, Stephan, Schulze-Briese, Clemens, Wang, Meitian
Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 21, 340, (2014)
DOI: 10.1107/S160057751400006X


SLS Crystallization Platform at Beamline X06DA-A Fully Automated Pipeline Enabling in Situ X-ray Diffraction Screening
R Bingel-Erlenmeyer, V Olieric, JPA Grimshaw, J Gabadinho, X Wang, SG Ebner, A Isenegger, R Schneider, J Schneider, W Glettig, C Pradervand, EH Panepucci, T Tomizaki, M Wang, C Schulze-Briese
CRYSTAL GROWTH & DESIGN 11, 916 (2011).
DOI: 10.1021/cg101375j




Beamline paper

High-resolution soft X-ray beamline ADRESS at the Swiss Light Source for resonant inelastic X-ray scattering and angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopies, Strocov VN, Schmitt T, Flechsig U, Schmidt T, Imhof A, Chen Q, Raabe J, Betemps R, Zimoch D, Krempasky J, Wang X, Grioni M, Piazzalunga A, Patthey L, JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION 17, 631 (2010). / doi.

RIXS spectrometer paper

SAXES, a high resolution spectrometer for resonant x-ray emission in the 400à1600eV energy range, G. Ghiringhelli, A. Piazzalunga, C. Dallera, G. Trezzi, L. Braicovich, T. Schmitt, V. N. Strocov, R. Betemps, L. Patthey, X. Wang and M. Grioni, Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77, 113108 (2006). / doi.

RIXS review paper

High-resolution resonant inelastic X-ray scattering with soft X-rays at the ADRESS beamline of the Swiss light source: Instrumental developments and scientific highlights, Schmitt Thorsten, Strocov Vladimir N., Zhou Ke-Jin, Schlappa Justine, Monney Claude, Flechsig Uwe, Patthey Luc, JOURNAL OF ELECTRON SPECTROSCOPY AND RELATED PHENOMENA 188, 38-46 (2013). / doi.

RIXS optics optimization paper

Numerical optimization of spherical variable-line-spacing grating X-ray spectrometers, V.N. Strocov, T. Schmitt, U. Flechsig, L. Patthey, S. G. Chiuzbaian, J. Synchrotron Rad. 18, 134 (2011). / doi.

SX-ARPES endstation paper

Soft-X-ray ARPES facility at the ADRESS beamline of the SLS: concepts, technical realisation and scientific applications, Strocov V. N., Wang X., Shi M., Kobayashi M., Krempasky J., Hess C., Schmitt T., Patthey L., JOURNAL OF SYNCHROTRON RADIATION 21, 32-44 (2014). / doi.


