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PSI Center for Nuclear Engineering and Sciences

Safety of currently operating light-water reactors, safety characteristics of future reactor concepts, and long-term safety of deep geological repositories for nuclear wastes are the main research topics at the PSI Center for Nuclear Engineering and Sciences.

Lab News & Scientific Highlights

Fig.1: Cumulative electricity requirement for the European fleet between 2018 and 2100

Climate-neutral aviation: will it fly?

The European aviation sector stands at a pivotal juncture in its quest to achieve net-zero climate impacts. Focusing on flight CO2 emissions overlooks up to 80% of the sector's climate repercussions.

Our research delves deep into the role of electricity-based synthetic jet fuels and direct air carbon capture and storage (DACCS) as potential game-changers. These solutions promise climate-neutral aviation, but there's a catch: the relentless rise in air traffic. Relying solely on renewables-derived synthetic fuels may strain both economic and natural resources. On the flip side, offsetting fossil jet fuel impacts via DACCS poses its own set of challenges. Our findings underscore one clear message: for a genuinely climate-neutral European aviation, we must reconsider the scale of air traffic.

Spherical nano-indentations

Investigations of the irradiation hardening on a ferritic model alloy from spherical nano-indentations

The objective of this project was to determine the contribution from a variety of obstacles to moving dislocations to the nano-indentation stress necessary to initiate plastic flow. The obstacles are characterized by different length scales. Among these characteristic lengths, there are those associated with the material microstructure such as grain size, dislocations density, irradiation-induced defects, and those related to the size of the plastic zone beneath the indenter, or equivalently to the size of the indent. Thus, we can classify the size effects into two categories: structural size effect and indentation size effect (ISE). The underlying idea is to quantify and separate these two effects on the unirradiated material first to be able to properly isolate the contribution of the irradiation defect on the measured hardness from the tests on irradiated materials.

Four treatment stages of the sample. The test assembly of Syntcrud powder + filter+ foil in a zirconium crucible vessel before, during and after the pre-fusion burning step and fully dissolved sample in acid after flux-fusion with Na2O2 + NaCO3.

Forensics: Quantitative tracing of Silicon in CRUD

Chalk River Unidentified Deposits (CRUD) are dissolved and suspended solids, product of the corrosion of structural elements in water circuits of nuclear reactors.

The chemical composition of CRUD is variable as it depends on the composition of the reactor’s structural material, as well as the types of refueling cycles. Recent internal investigations have found unexpected but significant Si-amount in CRUD. The chemical composition of CRUD holds key information for an improved understanding of CRUD formation and possible impact in fuel reliability and contamination prevention.

The standard analytical methods available in the hot laboratory did not allow an easy quantitative determination of the Si-amount in CRUD. A new innovative procedure has been developed and tested with synthetic CRUD name Syntcrud.

The adapted flex-fusion digestion method presented here is able to provide reliable concentrations of several elements within CRUD, including Si, which was not possible in methods used previously for ICPMS measurement.



  • Al-Yahia OS, Bernard M, Clifford I, Perret G, Bajorek S, Ferroukhi H
    The influence of droplet breakup model on the prediction of reactor core parameters during reflood conditions
    Nuclear Engineering and Design. 2024; 416: 112815 (16 pp.).
  • Albà A, Adelmann A, Münster L, Rochman D, Boiger R
    Fast uncertainty quantification of spent nuclear fuel with neural networks
    Annals of Nuclear Energy. 2024; 196: 110204 (8 pp.).
  • Alcayne V, Cano-Ott D, Garcia J, González-Romero E, Martínez T, Rada AP, et al.
    A segmented total energy detector (sTED) optimized for (n, γ) cross-section measurements at n_TOF EAR2
    Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 2024; 217: 111525 (11 pp.).

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