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About NES

Mission statement

NES is the Swiss competence center for nuclear energy and maintains key competencies with a special focus to the safety of the Swiss nuclear power plants, and it contributes to the scientific justification of the safe management (disposal) of radioactive wastes. To this aim, it contributes to the assessment of current and development of future nuclear technologies. Using this knowledge, it assumes an important role in Nuclear Education in Switzerland.

Core competencies

Laboratory Competencies
LRT Multi-physics multiscale simulations for reactor systems
Simulations and experiments for severe accidents and source term mitigation
Experiments and instrumentation for thermal-hydraulic integral- and separate effect tests
AHL Scientific services for Swiss nuclear power plants
Investigation of radioactive material
Plutonium handling (until 2016)
LES Geochemistry of radionuclides
Multi-scale reactive mass transport of contaminants
Scientific basis for the safety assessment of waste disposal
LEA Probabilistic safety and human reliability assessment
Interdisciplinary technology assessment
Energy-economic modelling
LNM Materials ageing and life time assessment
Light water reactor (LWR) core materials safety and performance
Radiation damage assessment
Post irradiation examination (PIE) and failure analysis
LRC Investigation of superheavy elements
Development of analytical procedures to characterise nuclear waste samples
Development of radionuclides for innovative radiopharmaceuticals


NES is the Swiss national center of competence for nuclear energy.
It addresses nuclear R&D issues of current and future national interest as active partner of the international nuclear research community.
It recognizes the multi-disciplinary character of nuclear safety by fostering corresponding intensive interactions across disciplinary boundaries within NES, PSI, and the ETH domain.
It achieves an adequate balance between research and services and the corresponding mix of financial resources.