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Infrastructure Surrounding

Leisure activities

Learn more about the region Brugg (in german only)


In Villigen (west side) you will find
In Würenlingen (east side) you will find
Bigger shopping areas you will find in Brugg and Baden and of course in Basel and Zurich.

Airport, Bus, Train and Taxi

SBB operates the public transport in Switzerland. Here you can buy your tickets for bus and train as well as plan your trip in Switzerland and neighboring countries.
Zurich Airport is about 40 km from PSI. By public transport you'll need approximately 1.5 hours to get to PSI.
To order a Taxi, please get in contact with one of the local taxi companies.
AARE Taxi – phone: +41 56 441 41 00 // Aargovia Taxi – phone: +41 56 288 22 22