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Many of our staff members teach at various universities.
Below please find a summary of the lectures:

ENE unit Name Title of the lecture University
LAC Dr. M. Gysel / Prof. Dr. U. Baltensperger / Prof. Dr. E. Weingartner, FHNW Aerosols I: Physical and Chemical Principles ETH Zurich
LAC Dr. M. Gysel / Prof. Dr. U. Baltensperger / Dr. D. Bell Aerosols II: Applications in Environment and Technology ETH Zurich
LAC Dr. A. Prévôt Tropospheric Chemistry ETH Zurich
LAC Dr. R. Modini / Dr. A. Prévôt Praktikum Atmosphäre und Klima ETH Zurich
LEC Prof. Dr. T. Schmidt Physical Chemistry ETH Zurich
LEC Prof. Dr. T. Schmidt Physical Electrochemistry & Electrocatalysis (info for students) ETH Zurich
LEC PD Dr. Lorenz Gubler Electrochemistry: Fundamentals, Cells & Applications (course website) ETH Zurich
LEC PD Dr. L. Gubler,
Dr. E. Fabbri,
Dr. J. Herranz
Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage Technologies (info for students) ETH Zurich
LEC PD Dr. L. Gubler,
Dr. E. Fabbri,
Dr. J. Herranz,
Dr. S. Trabesinger
Hands-on Electrochemistry for Energy Storage and Conversion Applications (course website) ETH Zurich
LVF Dr. P. Jansohn Gasturbines: Cycles and Combustion Systems ETH Zurich
LBK Prof. Dr. O. Kroecher Catalysis for emission control and energy processes EPFL
LBK Prof. Dr. Frédéric Vogel Verfahrenstechnik FHNW
LBK Dr. M. Nachtegaal Cook and Look: Synchrotron Techniques ETH Zurich
LBK Prof. Dr. Ch. Ludwig Pollutants analysis in the environment EPFL
LBK Prof. Dr. Ch. Ludwig Urban neighborhoods, infrastructures and sustainable development EPFL
LBK Prof. Dr. Ch. Ludwig Advanced solid waste treatment EPFL
LSK/LBK Prof. Dr. J. van Bokhoven / Dr. Davide Ferri Characterization of Catalysts and Surfaces ETH Zurich
LSK Prof. Dr. J. van Bokhoven / Dr. Marco Ranocchiari Catalysis ETH Zurich
LUC Prof. Dr. Margit Schwikowski, Prof. Dr. Andreas Türler, Dr. Karl Krämer Instrumentalanalytik II Universität Bern
LUC Prof. Dr. Margit Schwikowski Atmospheric and Aerosol Chemistry Universität Bern
LUC Prof. Dr. Markus Ammann Atmosphärenchemie ETH Zurich

Semester Projects and Master Theses

The various laboratories of ENE provide semester projects and master theses.