九州電力 Annual Report 2001


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Kyushu Electric Power is listed on the first sections of the Tokyo, Osaka,and Fukuoka stock exchanges. Its Tokyo Stock Exchange securities code is 9508.
The Kyushu region includes the most southwestern of Japan's four main islands, and more than 1,400 of the smaller islands in the Japanese archipelago. With an area of 4.2 million hectares, the region is home to about 13 million people. As the closest part of Japan to continental Asia, Kyushu has traditionally been the nation's portal for cultural and technological exchange.
Today, Kyushu is developing into a new industrial and cultural center, and is a well-known supplier of electronic products, fine ceramics and automobiles to Asia and the rest of the world.
Kyushu Electric Power was formed on May 1 1951, when the reorganization of Japan's power industry created nine new power companies throughout Japan, engaged in power generation, transmission and distribution. Established during a period of rapid demand growth caused by the devastation after World War II and by the Korean War, Kyushu Electric Power worked hard to maintain a stable power balance amid stringent demand and supply conditions.
In the years that followed, high economic growth and lifestyle improvements caused demand to continue growing beyond all expectations.
To ensure a stable power supply to users in the region, Kyushu Electric Power responded by developing a series of large-capacity hydroelectric power stations and advanced high-efficiency high-capacity thermal power stations.
The oil shock of 1973 saw the Company turning to the development of alternative energy sources to enable full-scale power diversification.
Beginning in the mid-70s, we created a series of new facilities that let us add the optimum mix of energy sources to our mainstay, nuclear power.
Reactor 1 of our Genkai Nuclear Power Station began operation in 1975, and was followed by construction of Genkai Reactor 2, Sendai Reactors 1 and 2, and Genkai Reactor 3. Genkai Reactor 4 began operation in 1997.
Reflecting the steady increase in Kyushu's demand for power since our inception, our sales volume has risen from 4.1 million MWh in 1951, to 75.3 million MWh in fiscal 2000. To support this growth in demand, we have established a supply network throughout Kyushu that has been key in ensuring efficient supplies of power to the region since our establishment.

Disclaimer Regarding Forward-Looking Statements:
Statements made in this annual report regarding Kyushu Electric's strategies and forecasts and other statements that are not historical facts are forward-looking statements based on management's assumptions and beliefs in light of information currently available, and should not be interpreted as promises or guarantees. Owing to various uncertainties, actual results may differ materially from these statements. Investors are hereby cautioned against making investment decisions solely on the basis of forward-looking statements contained herein.
Copyright (c) KYUSHU ELECTRIC POWER CO., INC. All Rights Reserved.

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