
7Improving Customer Satisfaction
Our customer base encompasses almost all the power users in our Kyushu territory. Since
companies with so many customers can easily become impersonal, we are careful to provide
individualized attention when compiling customer data, ensuring that each user,s needs are met.
By analyzing and evaluating this data, we can provide solutions that meet customer needs
The solutions we provide to the various problems we encounter are designed to increase
our customers,level of satisfaction.
Individualized attention
Customer visits
Whether providing information on fuel cost adjustments or just making a courtesy call, Kyushu Electric
Power representatives frequently visit customers at their homes and offices. These visits keep us abreast
of customer needs, provide us with data on operation quality, and give us early indications of customer
plans to introduce or upgrade private power generation facilities. Our customer visits are important in
building trust with our valued users.
Total energy services
Rate consulting
しろまるThe information we gather from individualized attention to each customer is analyzed and fed back
しろまるinto our operations, to ensure that customers receive the optimum service for their needs.
しろまるThis feedback lets us:
しろまる•Create the optimum rate option for each customer usage pattern and set of needs.
しろまる•Provide value-added services. We can provide information on lightning safety, perform load
しろまる•management, help with power failures and offer tips on how to improve facilities to save energy.
Energy service consulting
しろまるKyushu Electric Power creates proposals for thermal storage systems by combining our consulting
しろまるorganization with the advanced technology of our affiliate, KYUDENKO CORPORATION. We have
しろまるgarnered 194 contracts since entering the thermal storage market in 1993.
しろまるIn December 2000, Kyushu Electric Power entered the decentralized power market through Group
しろまるmember Nishinippon Environmental Energy Co.,Inc. The new decentralized power options we
しろまるhave added to the Group,s lineup of conventional power supply systems ensure that our total
しろまるenergy services meet a wider range of customer needs more precisely.
しろまるOther consulting activities include creating proposals for more energy-efficient systems. These
しろまるsystems incorporate high-efficiency equipment such as heat pumps, or use local thermal energy from
しろまるsources as yet untapped by urban developers (such as seawater or rivers).
Improving customer service
Call center to start trial operation
しろまるIn December 2001, we plan to start a trial operation of a new call center for receiving service
しろまるrequests and inquiries from customers in the Fukuoka metropolitan area. The center will be open 24
しろまるhours a day, 365 days a year, and will help customers from all over the service area in a speedy,
しろまるconvenient manner.
Online sign-up service
しろまるIn January 2001, we started an online service that lets customers in the Fukuoka metropolitan area
しろまるsign up for power over the Internet. We plan to extend this service to all Kyushu Electric Power
しろまるcustomers in January 2002.

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