
8Ensuring Stable Power Supplies
To ensure stable power supplies, Kyushu Electric Power is developing new power generation
facilities to balance supply.
Optimum mix of nuclear and other power sources
Japan,s energy supply structure is more fragile than those of other developed countries. About 80% of
Japan,s energy resources are imported, and oil accounts for more than half the nation,s primary energy.
To offset this fragile structure, Kyushu Electric Power is taking a balanced approach to developing
power sources, with focus on nuclear power. Our approach involves maintaining energy security in the
face of steadily rising demand, while considering cost-effectiveness and the global
Ensuring reliable supplies
To provide high-quality power with a minimum of failures or voltage fluctuations, Kyushu Electric
Power will continue to improve its operation and maintenance technologies, and will develop more
advanced methods of facilities operation and management.
Power sales
and maximum
power volume
Target figures
for power
(Millions of MWh)
......1009080700(Thousands of MW)20151050’98 ’99 ’00
(Actual figures)
(Minutes per household)10080604020072.073.175.315.70
15.3786.518.4462.087.098.484614820US UK France Japan
(Millions of MWh)100Nuclear
(Actual figures)
(Actual figures)
Total length of
yearly accidental
power failures
per household
Breakdown of
(Including power
received from other
companies)30%10%10%45 to 50%10%Thermal
Nuclear power
Hydroelectric power
Geothermal power
Pumped storage hydroelectric power
Allocated according
to international
fuel rates
a third each of
remaining 50%
Percentage of
Percentage of
Power Production
Note 1: Maximum power figures are the maximum 3-day averages at transmission facilities.
Note 2: Figures in parentheses are average yearly rates of increase since fiscal 1999
(after compensating for factors such as temperature).
Note: Figures in graph are percentages of total power generated.3391191721467220196 720232741

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