
9Environmental Activities
Kyushu Electric Power actively pursues environmental activities in every area of business.
Environmental management
Environmental Action Plan
Since environmental issues are one of our top management priorities, we have drafted a comprehensive
Environmental Action Plan and are at work on a variety of initiatives.
Our Environmental Action Plan calls for the following activities:
Address environmental problems
•Preventing global warming
•Protecting the ozone layer
Work on recycling
•Saving resources
•Promoting of the Three Rs (Reduction, Reuse, Recycling); proper waste management and disposal
Harmonious Cocxist harmoniously with the local environment
•Working on environmental preservation at power stations and substations
•Harmonizing with the surrounding environment
Community work
•Participating in local activities
•Participating in international programs
•Raising employee awareness
Kyushu Electric Power Environmental Charter
In February 2001, we created the Kyushu Electric Power Environmental Charter to set forth clearly
our stance on environmental issues.
The Kyushu Electric Power Environmental Charter calls for more environment friendly
corporate activities by setting the following goals:
1. To recognize the importance of environmental preservation in all business activities
2. To contribute to the creation of a better environment in all business activities
3. To actively disclose environmental information for all business activities
Environmental Advisory Board
Our Environmental Advisory Board was established to permit those from outside the company, such as
members of academic institutions or non-governmental organization, to voice their opinions.
The committee,s first meeting is scheduled for August 2001.
ISO 14001 certification
We have already gained ISO certification for our Matsuura Power Station (July 1997) and Sendai
Power Station (March 1999), and hope to gain certification for the Nagasaki office and Saga sales office
by fiscal 2002.
By fiscal 2004, the offices that have obtained ISO certification will be used as models for the
creation of a Companywide system conforming to ISO standards.
Environmentally aware accounting
We are currently researching methods of environmentally aware accounting that could be used as a tool
for environmental management and disclosure of environmental information. 10(Thousands of tons) (%)500400300200100080601004020062342332481532Percentage of
recycled coalash(industrial waste)
’98 ’99 ’00 ’035984
Volume generated
(left vertical axis)
Volume recycled
(left vertical axis)
Percentage recycled
(right vertical axis)10320628644530Environmental preservation
Waste recycling
くろまるIndustrial waste
Kyushu Electric Power is an active recycler of industrial waste such as ash from coal-fired thermal
power stations and concrete from old power poles. We currently recycle 65% of all our generated
waste, and are working to increase this figure to 90% by 2003.
くろまるGeneral waste
To promote paper recycling, we have installed wastepaper collection boxes in each work area. We are
planning to establish a fixed wastepaper recycling route and aim to recycle 100% of all the wastepaper
we generate by fiscal 2003.
We are also introducing compost facilities for our sites that generate large volumes of perishable
Green purchasing
Whenever possible, we purchase only office supplies (such as paper, toner and ink cartridges) registered
as ecologically sound products.
To ensure maximum ecological soundness, we are planning to set forth clear-cut criteria for future
green purchasing.
Local community activities
しろまるWith the assistance of Green Helper, an institution that specializes in care for natural vegetation, we
しろまるhave started a reforestation campaign to commemorate our 50th year in business. The campaign,s
しろまるgoal is to plant one million trees over a ten-year period. It,s just one of the environmental preser-
しろまるvation activities we are conducting with members of the local community. 11Green Power System
しろまるWith the help of our many conscientious power users who want to promote natural energy sources,
しろまるKyushu Electric Power has established a fund for environmental projects called the Green Power
しろまるFund. Managed and operated by a public foundation, the fund supports our Green Power System,
しろまるa framework for providing assistance to solar and wind energy facilities.
Overview of
Green Power
Green PowerFundMembers
(power users)
Amount provided by
Kyushu Electric Power
Membership certificate
Amount provided by
Location of generation facility
Successful bidder Supply start date Total rated output (kW)
Successful bidders for power from large wind power generation facilities in fiscal 2001
Oshima-mura, Kita-Matsuura-gun, Nagasaki
Oshima-mura February 2003
Wakamatsu-ku, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka
Japan Wind Development
Co., Ltd.
December 2002
Nejiro-cho, Kimotsuki-gun, Kagoshima
Minami-Kyushu Wind Power
March 2003
13,000 12Environmental Initiatives
Fiscal 2003 Target Fiscal 2000 Levels
CO2 emissions (thousand metric tons) 27,000 23,900
CO2 emissions (kg-CO2/kWh) 0.34 0.317
Nuclear power utilization factor 84% 85.8%
Thermal efficiency 40% 40.4%
Power distribution losses 5.6% 5.4%
Solar power facilities output (kW) 335 325
Wind power facilities output (kW) 3,250 1,750
Purchases of electricity produced by solar, wind,
and waste-based generation (million kWh) All power available 348
Capacity of facilities with heat-storage systems
(thousand kWh) 360 253
SF6 collection ratio during equipment inspections At least 97% 95%
Office power consumption (million kWh) Less than 104 108
Chlorofluorocarbon emissions (metric tons) 0 0
Emissions Targets
Fiscal 2003 Target Fiscal 2000 Levels
Sulfur oxide emissions from thermal power plants (g/kWh) 0.3 0.29
Nitrous oxide emissions from thermal power plants (g/kWh) 0.2 0.23
Annual radiation exposure of citizens living near nuclear
power statios (m sieverts) Less than 0.001 Less than 0.001
Other Efforts
Fiscal 2003 Target Fiscal 2000 Levels
Industrial waste recycling 90% 65%
Number of qualified energy managers More than 500 619
Number of qualified pollution managers More than 500 490

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