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Revisions to "Supply and Demand of Funds" in Connection with the Introduction of "Monetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions"

June 8, 2000
Bank of Japan
Financial Markets Department

The Bank of Japan starts releasing new statistics, "Monetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions," as announced today in a separate statement ("Publication of 'Monetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions'"). Concomitantly, the following revisions will be made to "Supply and Demand of Funds," which is compiled and released by the Financial Markets Department, in order to avoid duplication of data and make a clear distinction between the two sets of statistics.

1. Name Revision

Currently, the Financial Markets Department compiles and releases "Supply and Demand of Funds and Market Operations" daily and monthly. This set of statistics will be renamed "Sources of Changes in Current Account Balances at the Bank of Japan and Market Operations."

The set of statistics is designed to facilitate understanding of daily market operations by illustrating how changes in banknotes in circulation and in the treasury balance as well as the Bank's market operations determine the current account balances with the Bank. The change of name is aimed at making the purpose and nature of the statistics clear.

Although the statistics remain basically unchanged, the order of the operation instruments in the table will be altered so as to be the same as in "Monetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions."

These revisions will become effective from the reserve maintenance period of July (starting July 17) for daily statistics, and from data for July for monthly statistics. These statistics will be available on the Bank's Web site and as hard copies in the same way as before.

2. Discontinuation of the Release of the Statistics in the "Financial and Economic Statistics Monthly"

When "Monetary Base and the Bank of Japan's Transactions" starts to be carried in "Financial and Economic Statistics Monthly," the Bank will discontinue the release of "Supply and Demand of Funds" in this publication to avoid duplication of data.

For further information, contact
Open Market Operations Division, Financial Markets Department
Mr. Miyanoya (+81-3-3277-1234) or Mr. Masaki (+81-3-3277-1365)

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