Affiliaties van die Wiki mediuma beweging/Beginsels
From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Wikimedia movement affiliates/Principles and the translation is 71% complete.
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Wil u help vertaal? Vertaal die ontbrekende boodskappe.
Van die affiliaties van die Wiki mediuma beweging en van die entiteite dit met hulle saamwerk, soos die Affiliatie comité, word verwag dat hulle die "Affiliatieprincipes van die Wiki mediuma beweging" toepas soos bepaal in die ontwerp van die rolle binne die beweging.
(追記) (追記ここまで)
Affiliaties van die Wiki mediuma beweging/Beginsels
- Uitbreiding van ons werk
- Groups supporting our movement - informal and formal - who meet the criteria for recognition should be included within our organizational meta-structure in a way that reinforces our global network.
los die duur oop sodat organiesatlsies of groepe van een states na n ander te beweeg sonder om geforeer te word
- terk moennie stoot nie
- Make information available about the principles, parameters, and process to affiliate with the Wikimedia movement. Note the advantages, disadvantages, rights, and obligations of each model. Help groups choose the best option that suits their work, but let them decide.
- Geen hiërarchieën; coöperatie
- Prioritize cooperation among affiliates. Multiple affiliates that co-exist in an area are not in a hierarchy, but need to agree on how to coexist in their areas, to cooperate and to avoid duplicate work.
- Kommunikasie is die sleutel
- Consultation, information flow and communication are critical, particularly in geographical or thematic areas of overlap, both to work collaboratively and to avoid collision or conflict. Share information about potentially overlapping projects among all affected groups. Ensure public reports uphold our accountability standards.
- Vermy onnodige bureaucratie
- Contributors should try to work with existing groups where possible. New entities should not be formed just because of personal disagreements.
- Steun mense dit 'n bydra leveren
- The primary reason for recognizing affiliates is to empower them to get further recognition and support within their communities, and to identify their work with the projects.