User talk:Trijnstel/Archive/2015
This is an archive of User talk:Trijnstel
Happy new years 2015
My personal Happy new yaer to All Stewards of WMF Project.Best regards.
Happy new year to you dear "Trijnstel" :)--Grind24 (talk) 18:49, 30 December 2014 (UTC) Reply
- @Grind24: Thank you, you too of course ! Trijnstel talk 16:03, 3 January 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Thanks .Best regards --Grind24 (talk) 16:10, 3 January 2015 (UTC) Reply
Please elaborate on your comment
Can you please elaborate to the comment you have attached to your vote. What in your opinion constitutes a good candidate. What experiences and other manners of things do they need to possess to win your vote. Vodomar (talk) 04:17, 10 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
- @Vodomar: The elections are almost over, so my answer won't do much though I still wanted to explain my vote. Like others I still don't feel comfortable with you being a steward due to the problems on the Croatian Wikipedia. They are still not solved and imo it's better to first overcome those. Trijnstel talk 15:49, 28 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
- @Trijnstel, That's cool. Thank you for your feedback and for taking time in expressing your views. Vodomar (talk) 02:05, 13 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
Wrong block on Wikispecies
Hallo Trijnstel, I noticed your message to species:User_talk:Andyboorman on Wikispecies reg species:MoiraMoira being blocked by mistake on Wikispecies, species:User:MoiraMoira is now unblocked. Dan Koehl (talk) 17:42, 28 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Thank you. :-) Trijnstel talk 18:30, 28 February 2015 (UTC) Reply
Stewards noticeboard
Hi Trijnstel,
I mentioned you here. 12:09, 2 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
Female Steward
Hi Trijnstel,
Just wondering, your user page says:
BTW, I'm female (and after all those years still the only female steward), so please also be kind to me. ;-)
But Shanel was a stewards also: and she is female. That would make you the second ;-) Anyways, Like I said, just wondering :) Abigor talk 20:26, 4 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Yes, we've had multiple female stewards, but after the resignation of Shanel in March 2012 I've been the sole female steward. Trijnstel talk 22:20, 4 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
User page commons
Your commons user page was vandalized, I rollbacked, but guess theres a need to keep an eye on the guy Alex1m. Dan Koehl (talk) 23:13, 16 March 2015 (UTC) See also Dan Koehl (talk) 23:21, 16 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Thanks for letting me know. :-) I've no idea who that user is - maybe a sockpuppet of someone, but in any case it's blocked now. Trijnstel talk 11:39, 17 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
Blokkade Exalance
Beste Trijnstel. Jij hebt mij en mijn ip-adres globaal blokkeerd. Tegelijk was er een blokkade voor twee weken opgelegd door een andere steward, die maandag afliep. Ik ben geblokkeerd nog voordat ik antwoord kon geven op de vraag van Wikiklaas. Hoewel ik gebruik heb gemaakt van de ontsnappingsclausule, is hier niet op gereageerd. Ik kon niet meer reageren op alle comotie, doordat ik al geblokkeerd was nog voordat ik iets kon typen. Ik heb een andere gebruikersnaam aangemaakt om toch te kunnen communiceren, niet om een sokpop te maken. Ik wil je daarom vriendelijk vragen mijn blokkade ongedaan te maken, zoals Wikiklaas heeft aangegeven op mijn overlegpagina. Mijn verzoek op de [pagina] wordt niet beantwoord. Ik verzoek daarom om mijn account te deblokkeren.
Vriendelijke groet, -- 00:41, 26 March 2015 (UTC)ExalanceReply
- Beste Exalance. Ik had jouw IP-adressen globaal geblokkeerd & jouw accounts (naast Exalance ook Docentgeschiedenis) gelockt. Het was mij ontgaan dat het deblokkadeverzoek gehonoreerd was (d.w.z. de blokkade omgezet in twee weken). Om die reden heb ik natuurlijk de locks en bloks ongedaan gemaakt. Daarbij ga ik er wél vanuit dat je niet meer misbruik zal maken van sokpoppen en dat je je ook niet meer schuldig maakt aan cross-wiki spammen. Dat was namelijk de reden dat ik jouw de toegang tot de wiki's ontzegd had; ik was niet op de hoogte van een blokkade/CU-verzoek. Hoe dan ook, je kunt weer bewerken. Echter, mocht je je niet aan de regels houden, dan heb je kans dat je op een later moment wel weer geblokkeerd wordt. Hopelijk komt het niet zo ver. Met vriendelijke groet, Trijnstel talk 12:17, 26 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
Hartelijk dank, zoals ik ook al had gemaild aan de stewards, wist ik oprecht niet dat je geen artikelen mocht aanpassen met alleen nieuwe literatuur. Mijn doel was om simpelweg meer literatuur te bieden, niet wetende dat ik dan het hele artikel moest aanpassen. Nu weet ik beter en zal ik beter opletten. Nogmaals, ik betreur de hele gang van zaken, zeker na een rustige periode van acht jaar. Ik heb nooit de behoefte gehad iets aan te passen eigenlijk, tot voor kort. Ik hoop en verwacht nu een normale relatie met elkaar.
Vriendelijke groet, --Exalance (talk) 12:47, 26 March 2015 (UTC)ExalanceReply
- Punt is ook dat het op zelfpromo/spam leek en dat wordt zeer afgeraden. Net als dat eigen onderzoek (nl:WP:GOO) ook niet mag. Trijnstel talk 12:53, 26 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
Beste Trijnstel,
- Als antwoord op een vraag betreffende mijn oorspronkelijk account Patio kreeg ik dit gelinkt. Kennelijk zijn je geleerde en wijze collega-steward(es)s(en) het niet helemaal eens en/of zijn ze er nog niet uit hoe hun "klanten" te behandelen c.q. te benaderen. Blijft het nu zo betuttelend als een verkoopster van rond de twintig in een drogisterij ooit tegen mij dorst uit te kramen: "zal ik de bijsluiter even uitleggen?" waarop ik prompt antwoordde: "ik kan lezen hoor!". Het is dat ik niet zo snel boos word op iemand, maar inwendig kookte ik om zo'n onwaarschijnlijke belediging in eigen land waar je moedertaal gesproken wordt. Als ze het hier in Italië zouden doen (dat doen ze gelukkig niet!) kan ik me er nog iets bij voorstellen. Ze zouden een vertaling in het Engels kunnen geven.
Nu even over jou en je stemverandering van tegen naar voor bij sommige ArbComkandidaten waardoor de kiezers bedrogen werden. Als steward zou je toch moeten weten dat eenmaal uitgebrachte stemmen niet zomaar zonder deugdelijke argumenten geldig zijn. Je kunt je stem op partij P niet uit de stembu (laten) halen om vervolgens een hokje rood te kleuren bij een kandidaat van Beweging B?
Hartelijke groeten, Klaas|Z4␟V: 09:36, 26 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Dag Klaas. Ik heb jouw oorspronkelijke verzoek en vraag er even bij gepakt. Allereerst het verzoek; dit is enkel in te zien door global renamers en stewards, maar dit is de opgegeven reden: "This account is now part of your global account, which was causing the conflict. Your account will not be renamed automatically. If you still wish to have your account renamed, please file a new request." Ik zal het even uitleggen. Patio was non-SUL, maar door de aankomende SUL finalization werd het account op nlwiki automatisch aangewezen als hoofdaccount. Kennelijk heb jij andere accounts samengevoegd met het hoofdaccount, waardoor er nu een min of meer globaal account is. Hernoemen is dan ook niet meer nodig, aangezien er al een globaal account is en jouw account daar onderdeel van is. Heeft dus niets te maken met problemen waar dan ook. Er zijn nog negen accounts die niet gekoppeld zijn met het globale account en je gaf al aan dat jij die niet beheert. Zij zullen begin april dan ook weghernoemd worden, zodat ook jij dan een volledig globaal account hebt. Er is een global merge tool in aankomst die globale accounts samen kan voegen. Zodra ik die kan/mag gebruiken, zal ik al jouw accounts samenvoegen met Patio (Pationl, Patiobe, ZeaForUs, enz.). Met jouw toestemming uiteraard; geef daarvoor alsjeblieft een volledige lijst van jouw accounts.
- Wat betreft mijn stem: gelukkig zijn Wikipediaverkiezingen niet hetzelfde als de verkiezingen in stemhokjes. Echter, ik deed niets illegaals. Op nl:Wikipedia:Stemprocedure staat onder meer: "Gedurende de stemperiode staat het je vrij om je stem te wisselen zo vaak je wilt." Daar laat ik het bij. Mvg, Trijnstel talk 13:48, 27 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
You've got Mail
Hartelijk dank voor de info. Vreemd dat ik niet eerder op de hoogte ben gebracht van de hernoemingsstatus, maar goed. Vreemden weten sommige dingen vaak eerder dan jijzelf ook als het over jou gaat... breek me de bek niet open. Ik heb in mijn arbeidsverleden ook aan de andere kant gestaan. Wist ik ook dingen voor de direct betrokkenen. Nu ik weerkzoekende ben blijkt het omgekeerde meer regel dan uitzondering. Over de inhoud van de post kan ik verder niks loslaten, zoals je zal beamen als je die leest. Zoal;s de titel luidt is het urgent. Hartelijke groeten van een "wexpat", Klaas|Z4␟V: 10:37, 28 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- FYI: Ik heb jouw bericht gelezen en jouw e-mail gehad. Ik heb alleen nog niet de tijd gehad om te reageren. Morgen kijk ik ernaar. Trijnstel talk 22:03, 30 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Dag Klaas. Excuses voor de late reactie - ik had het vrij druk de laatste dagen. Jouw hernoemverzoek was op 20 maart jl. afgewezen en klaarblijkelijk heb jij de reden voor de afwijzing niet gekregen. Ik heb het nagevraagd bij Hoo man en die vertelde me dat na 20 maart enkele patches geïmplementeerd zijn waardoor dit niet meer voor kan komen. Kortom: je had wel een melding moeten krijgen en als het goed is gebeurt dat nu dan ook. Het is naar mijn mening goed dat de SUL finalization nu doorgevoerd wordt, maar wellicht had het beter geweest als de ontwikkelaars de tools daarvoor eerst beter getest hadden. Maar goed, dat is achterafgepraat. Jouw mail van 28 maart had ik dus gelezen en ga ik nú beantwoorden. Ik denk eerlijk gezegd dat het met die urgentie meevalt, maar dat hoor je nog van me. Mvg, Trijnstel talk 14:44, 1 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
Hello, My account has been compromised during my absence. Can you enable an indefinite block to prevent further damage from wiki projects? Thanks for collaborating. --BScMScMD (talk) 18:02, 7 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Done...--Az1568 (talk) 18:12, 7 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
bot request
can you just approve some of bot request?-Mr wikilover (talk) 12:07, 18 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Very late, but I see it's long done by Ruslik0. Trijnstel talk 19:28, 27 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
You can remove this notice at any time by removing the {{You've got mail}} or {{YGM}} template.
INeverCry 22:16, 1 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Yeah, I saw it. All Done already. Trijnstel talk 22:20, 1 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
2001:41d0::/40 Unblock request
Hi, can you unblock 2001:41d0::/40 please? OVH is not only dedicated server hoster but a french Internet service provider. Thank —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 16:22, 26 April 2015
- Hello, I've blocked them due to ongoing spam from services, and no response from their abuse services. Please contact and ask them to email stewards(_AT_) If you wish to edit, please give me your username - or choose a free name via Special:GlobalUsers - and I will give you a IP exempt. You may also provide me this information via the stewards email address I mentioned above. Thanks for your understanding. With regards, Trijnstel talk 19:28, 27 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Ticket:2015050610007231 assigned to you. — billinghurst sDrewth 09:57, 6 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Answered now. Trijnstel talk 14:50, 7 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Ticket:2015050610007231 assigned to you. — billinghurst sDrewth 09:57, 6 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
Pete Forsyth Withdraws
Hi, thanks for making the Withdraw page, but can you link to the evidence that he has withdrawn? For completeness. Thanks. -- Fuzheado (talk) 12:09, 17 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Hi Fuzheado. Pete informed a few members of the Elections Committee privately via email and mentioned this page in it: Do you want me to post that somewhere or did you just want to know more proof that he really withdrew? With regards, Trijnstel talk 12:16, 17 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Perfect. Yes, I'd like to that in the Withdraw page just to make sure it's clear. Thanks for the pointer. -- Fuzheado (talk) 12:18, 17 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Not sure if I did it right, but Done [1]. Trijnstel talk 12:21, 17 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Thanks, I reordered it so all the info is at the top. -- Fuzheado (talk) 12:26, 17 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Not sure if I did it right, but Done [1]. Trijnstel talk 12:21, 17 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Perfect. Yes, I'd like to that in the Withdraw page just to make sure it's clear. Thanks for the pointer. -- Fuzheado (talk) 12:18, 17 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
Hi Trijnstel,
you are on the board election committee. For the past days there has been a typo on my nomination statement on all translated versions. instead of displaying "Sincerely, Taketa (talk)" it displays "Taketa] (talk:Taketa talk)". I noticed this about 24 hours ago and posted comments on two general talk pages and the talk page of the election coordinator. So far to no response. I do not know who has access to the vote wiki. Maybe you know who has access and can contact them. Could you please intervene.
Sincerely, Taketa (talk) 05:58, 20 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- I've send an email to the other members of the Elections Committee, asking if they know how to solve it. We'll come back to you asap! Trijnstel talk 11:29, 20 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Done, adjusted manually for all ~20 translations on Vote Wiki.[2] Trijnstel talk 14:14, 20 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Hi Trijnstel, thank you! Since you have access, could you also please fix the missing "sincerely" in all 20 versions, and the errors in my nl translation? See [3]. Thanks in advance, Taketa (talk) 02:36, 21 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Done for your requested changes in the Dutch translation.[4] We don't translate the signatures and I don't have the translations for "sincerely" in all 20 languages, so I prefer to keep it this way. (Ie. I'm away from 22 to 25 May, thus for urgent matters please contact others of the ElectCom.) Trijnstel talk 13:13, 21 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Hi Trijnstel, thank you! Since you have access, could you also please fix the missing "sincerely" in all 20 versions, and the errors in my nl translation? See [3]. Thanks in advance, Taketa (talk) 02:36, 21 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
Hello Trijnstel. Where can I see the list of voters in the vote. I would be glad if you help. Good wikis. --Uğurkent talk 13:14, 21 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Hi Uğurkent. See With regards, Trijnstel talk 13:17, 21 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
Hi, I sent an email to you regarding the situation on the Nederlands Wikipedia. Tropicalkitty (talk) 20:26, 27 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- @Tropicalkitty: I've answered your email. Trijnstel talk 15:28, 30 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
Move my subpages
Hi, Please move this toward this without leaving redirect. Thank and regard --Grind24 (talk) 21:23, 4 June 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Sure. Done. Trijnstel talk 21:54, 4 June 2015 (UTC) Reply
This, You can undo the changes? Good wikis. --Uğurkent talk 21:26, 4 June 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Done --Grind24 (talk) 21:43, 4 June 2015 (UTC) Reply
- And I've restored the original English text. Trijnstel talk 21:57, 4 June 2015 (UTC) Reply
Hi, Trijnstel. this You can hide the latest on the log? Good wikis. --Uğurkent talk 10:56, 16 June 2015 (UTC) Reply
Unblock request
====================== hi i'm bavandimohammad why you don't have to me until edit your will why you quickly block why you don't have enough time to me? ========================================= please open my id i'm not all time online who do quickly your will
please underestand
—The preceding unsigned comment was added by Bavandimohammad (talk) 19:17, 19 June 2015
- Hi Bavandimohammad. I think you stumbled across one my open proxy blocks. If you didn't intend to use an open proxy, your browser might have enabled one as the default network connection setting. Changing the settings to "no proxy" should immediately lift the block. If this doesn't work, you may wish to request a global IP block exemption. Hope this helps. If not, please come back to me. You may also ask steward Mardetanha for help in your own language; he speaks Persian. Trijnstel talk 12:40, 21 June 2015 (UTC) Reply
2001:41d0::/40 Unblock request
Hi, can you unblock 2001:41d0::/40 please? OVH is not only dedicated server hoster but a french Internet service provider. Thank —The preceding unsigned comment was added by (talk) 16:22, 26 April 2015
- Hello, I've blocked them due to ongoing spam from services, and no response from their abuse services. Please contact and ask them to email stewards(_AT_) If you wish to edit, please give me your username - or choose a free name via Special:GlobalUsers - and I will give you a IP exempt. You may also provide me this information via the stewards email address I mentioned above. Thanks for your understanding. With regards, Trijnstel talk 19:28, 27 April 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Ticket:2015050610007231 assigned to you. — billinghurst sDrewth 09:57, 6 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Answered now. Trijnstel talk 14:50, 7 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Ticket:2015050610007231 assigned to you. — billinghurst sDrewth 09:57, 6 May 2015 (UTC) Reply
- On hold (will look at the tickets) Trijnstel talk 17:28, 8 June 2015 (UTC) Reply
(削除) Want to keep it on hold as I need more time. Trijnstel talk 19:35, 9 July 2015 (UTC) (削除ここまで)Reply- Looks like Billinghurst removed the block on 4 June already ("Request from OVH administration Ticket:2015060310020291"). Trijnstel talk 22:12, 23 July 2015 (UTC) Reply
Global CSS/JS migration
Hello Trijnstel. You have global scripts in User:Trijnstel/global.js , which you import using your local JS pages. Since August 2014, your global.js and global.css pages are loaded automatically on all wikis. Although you requested cleanup via GlobalCssJs, there are still several pages left like wikt:fr:User:Trijnstel/common.js . Do you want me to fix this by removing the imports from your local pages using Synchbot (without changing any other content)? —Pathoschild 02:04, 07 July 2015 (UTC)
- @Pathoschild: Sure, go ahead! As long as you keep pages like these, or are those redundant too? Should I do something? Trijnstel talk 16:11, 14 July 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Yep, other scripts like those will be left untouched. —Pathoschild 16:14, 14 July 2015 (UTC)
- Then obviously I'm okay with it. Thanks for helping! Trijnstel talk 16:16, 14 July 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Yep, other scripts like those will be left untouched. —Pathoschild 16:14, 14 July 2015 (UTC)
- Done! You can see the list of deletions on your archive page. —Pathoschild 16:55, 02 August 2015 (UTC)
This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.
As you may know, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees approved a new "Access to nonpublic information policy" on 25 April 2014 after a community consultation. The former policy has remained in place until the new policy could be implemented. That implementation work is now being done, and we are beginning the transition to the new policy.
An important part of that transition is helping volunteers like you sign the required confidentiality agreement. All Wikimedia volunteers with access to nonpublic information are required to sign this new agreement, and we have prepared some documentation to help you do so.
The Wikimedia Foundation is requiring that anyone with access to nonpublic information sign the new confidentiality agreement by 15 December 2015 (OTRS users have until 22 December 2015) to retain their access. You are receiving this email because you have access to nonpublic information and are required to sign the confidentiality agreement under the new policy.
Signing the confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information is conducted and tracked using Legalpad on Phabricator. The general confidentiality agreement is now ready, and the OTRS agreement will be ready after 22 September 2015. We have prepared a guide on Meta-Wiki to help you create your Phabricator account and sign the new agreement: Confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information/How to sign
If you have any questions or experience any problems while signing the new agreement, please visit this talk page or email me (gvarnum(_AT_) Again, please sign this confidentiality agreement by 15 December 2015 (OTRS users have until 22 December 2015) to retain your access to nonpublic information. If you do not wish to retain this access, please let me know and we will forward your request to the appropriate individuals.
Thank you,
Gregory Varnum (User:GVarnum-WMF), Wikimedia Foundation
Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 23:33, 15 September 2015 (UTC) • Translate • Get help
This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.
As you may know, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees approved a new "Access to nonpublic information policy" on 25 April 2014 after a community consultation. The former policy has remained in place until the new policy could be implemented. That implementation work is now being done, and we are beginning the transition to the new policy.
An important part of that transition is helping volunteers like you sign the required confidentiality agreement. All Wikimedia volunteers with access to nonpublic information are required to sign this new agreement, and we have prepared some documentation to help you do so.
The Wikimedia Foundation is requiring that OTRS volunteers sign the new confidentiality agreement by 31 December 2015 to retain their access. You are receiving this email because you have been identified as an OTRS volunteer and are required to sign the confidentiality agreement under the new policy. If you do not sign the new confidentiality agreement by 31 December 2015, you will lose your OTRS access. OTRS volunteers have a specific agreement available, if you have recently signed the general confidentiality agreement for another role (such as CheckUser or Oversight), you do not need to sign the general agreement again, but you will still need to sign the OTRS agreement.
Signing the confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information is conducted and tracked using Legalpad on Phabricator. We have prepared a guide on Meta-Wiki to help you create your Phabricator account and sign the new agreement: Confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information/How to sign
If you have any questions or experience any problems while signing the new agreement, please visit this talk page or email me (gvarnum(_AT_) Again, please sign this confidentiality agreement by 31 December 2015 to retain your OTRS access. If you do not wish to retain this access, please let me know and we will forward your request to the appropriate individuals.
Thank you,
Gregory Varnum (User:GVarnum-WMF), Wikimedia Foundation
Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 21:20, 28 September 2015 (UTC) • Translate • Get help Reply
Hi Trijnstel. Could you take a look on this request that I made 6 days ago? I pinged MarcoAurelio and Savh but it seems they are not active right now. Thanks. Montgomery (talk) 14:23, 10 October 2015 (UTC) Reply
- @Montgomery: Sure, let me see what I can do. (I don't have much experience with CentralNotice, but I should be able to do it.) Trijnstel talk 14:40, 10 October 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Thank you very much for your help, I was getting desperate :S Just one observation, as I can see in Special:CentralNoticeBanners/edit/Trieditaton_Glaming_Madrid, you have translated the text into English. That's not necessary, the banner is designed for Spanish users. Regards, Montgomery (talk) 15:32, 10 October 2015 (UTC) Reply
- So, it should be Done now. It took me some time, but that's also - as I said - because I'm not that experienced with CentralNotice campaigns. And yeah, I know it, but for some reason I couldn't directly add the Spanish text without first adding English text. Anyhow it's done now. Trijnstel talk 15:36, 10 October 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Thank you very much for your help, I was getting desperate :S Just one observation, as I can see in Special:CentralNoticeBanners/edit/Trieditaton_Glaming_Madrid, you have translated the text into English. That's not necessary, the banner is designed for Spanish users. Regards, Montgomery (talk) 15:32, 10 October 2015 (UTC) Reply
My bits for wikidata from my global.js
As requested, the bits that I add into my WD, some you probably will not use unless you like adding authority control data. — billinghurst sDrewth 16:46, 22 October 2015 (UTC) Reply
/* */ case 'wikidatawiki': importScript( 'User:Inductiveload/scripts/draggableSitelinks.js' ); //Magnus's "add statements" //importScript( 'User:Magnus Manske/wikidata_useful.js' ); mw.loader.load('// Manske/wikidata_useful.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); // null non-function script importScript( 'User:Magnus Manske/missing props.js' ); mw.loader.load('// Manske/authority control.js&action=raw&ctype=text/javascript'); mw.loader.load('//'); break;
Email for GS list
Hi! Confirmed . Sorry for disturb your talk page on Commons.... Alan (talk) 20:30, 23 November 2015 (UTC) Reply
- Thanks, email added! Trijnstel talk 18:13, 26 November 2015 (UTC) Reply
Open proxy
Hi Trijnstel, this morning several IP's (2A01:4F8:151:336E:2349:594D:B349:57B, 2A01:4F8:160:11EB:3BA8:B00B:16E:B132, 2A01:4F8:150:53CB:2BFB:AD8C:F52E:A479, 2A01:4F8:191:9296:E4C5:2BA3:901D:3260) from this range have vandalized several pages here on Meta. I've placed a block only for 3 days because I've seen that billi unblocked the range locally (Ticket#2015120410011608). Please modify the block as needed. Regards.--Syum90 (talk) 11:47, 15 December 2015 (UTC) Reply