Training modules/Design ideas/es
La Fundación Wikimedia está dedicada a crear módulos de entrenamiento con usabilidad y contenido útil. Así que cuando comenzamos a crear estos módulos, supimos que teníamos que pensar no sólo en qué se "dice"; sino "cómo" se dice, qué estructura tendrá, y cómo los aprendices potenciales accederán y utilizarán estos módulos. A continuación, encontrarás un prototipo de módulo y una lista de consideraciones que estamos tomando en cuenta para el diseño.
¡Queremos escuchar sus opiniones sobre estos problemas de diseño! Envíanos tus comentarios en la página de discusión.
Prototipos de diseño
Hemos preparado prototipos para los módulos de entrenamiento en diversos formatos, desde los más sencillos hasta los más complejos. Te alentamos a que los veas, pruebe su funcionalidad tanto en el escritorio como en el móvil (tener en cuenta que son prototipos, no implementaciones completas de los módulos) y comenta en la página de discusión para decirnos cualquier pros, contras o preferencias entre las opciones que se te ocurran.
Utilizando Module:TrainingPages
Para obtener documentación completa, ve el original English Wikipedia module
The TrainingPages module was originally designed by user:Ragesoss (then working as a Wikimedia Foundation contractor as User:Sage Ross (WMF), now continuing his work as part of the Wiki Education Foundation as User:Sage (Wiki Ed)) to be used by participants in the Education Program. TrainingPages provides a set of wrapper and navigation templates that (semi-)automatically format educational content into ordered lessons.
Pros and cons of using TrainingPages for the Support & Safety training modules
- Does not require advanced programming knowledge, just advanced knowledge of wikimarkup and templates
- Runs natively on-wiki, including translations
- Many good examples using this module already exist, courtesy of the EP
- Very user-friendly for module users; simply click "next" and "previous", etc
- Displays users' progress ("you are on page 1 of 15") to them
- Works on mobile
- Complex system of templates that this relies on means it must be set up (and updated, when needed) by an experienced, template-fluent user
- Any "tests" or user exercises that require the to edit or be graded on an answer will take place outside of the Training Pages (pages in the module can give directions on how to edit one’s sandbox, for example, but they may not be able to pull in a self-contained sandbox for users to play in, or offer a radio-button quiz)
- Module has not been extensively tested with setups that include translation; it's possible this will need fine-tuning by someone fluent in Lua or the details of the translate extension
- Format somewhat cramped when viewing it on mobile
Using a WikiEdu-style dashboard
- Pruebe el prototipo [Vínculo externo a wiki]
La Fundación Wiki para la Educación ha desarrollado un sistema de entrenamiento "en pantalla" para entregar contenido educacional a los usuarios. Con la ayuda de Sage Ross, el equipo de Soporte y Seguridad ha sido capaz de diseñar un prototipo de nuestros módulos de entrenamiento que harán uso de esta mejorada herramienta para entregar su contenido. Esto es aún un trabajo en progreso, pero está activo en el Tablero de Programas y Eventos propio de la Fundación Wikimedia en WMFlabs.
Pros y contras del uso de un tablero al estilo WikiEdu.
- Extremely user-friendly design and interface
- Can integrate "live" quizzes and knowledge checks
- Allows users to "join" a module, track their progress, and (if needed) have their completion of module work recorded for verification by their community, etc
- Can draw content (including translations) and organization of modules from on-wiki pages (meaning they can be edited by anyone with on-wiki access, and users who prefer to view content only on-wiki can access it there)
- Runs on an off-wiki (though WMF-owned) site
- Complex creation of a module on the Dashboard means it must be set up (and updated, when needed) by an experienced Wikimedian who can work with .json files as well as nested page/template calls
(削除) Currently, quiz/knowledge testing structures cannot be pulled from onwiki; changing this would require significant time investment from the WikiEdu staff who are assisting us (削除ここまで)This work is actually nearly done, thanks to Sage!
Using a navbox to move among module pages
This is a simple setup that breaks module content into lessons of whatever desired size. Users of the module are not directed through them in order, but are given a navbox on each page from which they can choose among lessons.
Pros and cons of using a navbox setup
- Runs natively on-wiki, including translations
- Extremely simple to set up (create content pages as normal, fill out a navbox template, place template onto each page)
- Easily understandable and usable by anyone with a small amount of on-wiki experience
- Users can decide how to move among the lessons
- Navboxes do not work on mobile
- Does not lead users through lessons in order, which may be confusing
- No progress tracking
Using a "tabs" bar at the top of the page
This is a format many Wikimedians are already familiar with; it presents a persistent tab bar at the top of each module page. Though users are not directed through the tabs in a specific order, they are visually organized (and further organizable) in an order that will be easy for users to follow.
Pros y contras de utilizar una barra de herramientas
- Works on mobile
- Format is familiar to most Wikimedians; how to use navigation tabs is intuitive to most computer users
- Setup of tab bar is reasonably simple for experienced Wiki editors
- Top-of-page placement makes user navigation easy
- Runs natively on-wiki, including translations
- Format somewhat cramped when viewing on mobile; may require side scrolling
- Does not lead users through lessons in order, which may be confusing
- Because modules have a large number of sub-lessons, tab bar somewhat difficult to format in a way that's not highly compressed and/or that consumes too much space on the page
- Setup requires someone who is reasonably comfortable with templates and divs
- No progress tracking
Using a single-page view
A single-page view is the simplest implementation of module content; as the name implies, it presents the entirety of the module's content on one page.
Ventajas y desventajas de usar una vista de página única
- Makes it easy for users to print modules, or download them to another reading format like Pocket or Instapaper
- Setup effort is negligible for anyone capable of basic wikimarkup
- No complex navigation for users to negotiate; page's scroll bar gives them an approximation of progress
- Generally should work on mobile, other than potentially some templates (which could be optimized to work on mobile if needed)
- Runs natively on-wiki, including translations
- Slower page loads for anyone on limited bandwidth
- Single, large chunk may make content less easily approachable
- No explicit progress tracking
- Lacks the interactive quality of a module that presents lessons individually
Principales dudas sobre diseño
Abajo están algunos asuntos de formateo y diseño de los cuales ya estamos pensando y nos gustaría escuchar sus opiniones al respecto; sin embargo, esta no es una lista exhaustiva, pues por favor, ¡siéntase libre de plantear asuntos relevantes de los cuales no hayamos pensado!
Locación de los módulos
- ¿Cree usted que estos módulos "deben" ser alojados en un proyecto Wikimedia (por ej.
- Si es así, ¿por qué?
- ¿Cree usted que estos módulos pudiesen, mejor dicho, no "deben" ser alojados en un proyecto Wikimedia?
- If so, under what circumstances would you accept the modules being hosted off-wiki? For instance, if using an off-wiki venue allowed us to make the modules more interactive, or use multimedia, or allow users to track their progress, would those be valid reasons to opt for off-wiki?
- Would you make a distinction between a "completely off-wiki" venue such as an independent site, and a "semi-off-wiki" site like Tool Labs or that, while not a Wikimedia Project, is under the Wikimedia umbrella? Would one of these types of "off-wiki" be more acceptable than another?
- If we were to host these modules off-wiki, what factors would you want us to make sure we could address in terms of user rights and security? For instance, data retention by the hosting site, copyright concerns of the hosting site...
No todos los usuarios de nuestros módulos serán típicos de alguna manera, y muchos necesitarán ver o entrar a los módulos de formas acordes a sus necesidades. ¿Qué tipos de accesibilidad deben tomar en cuenta los módulos? Escoja tantos de los siguientes a su gusto, o agregue los propios:
- Lectores de pantalla: los módulos deben funcionar con software de lectura de pantalla
- General visual impairment: modules must be usable at high zoom, must use accessible color schema.
- Mobile users: modules must be both readable and usable by people viewing them on mobile
- Low bandwidth: modules must not be designed in such a manner that users on slow or metered internet connections cannot or will not want to use them
- ¿Deben estar disponibles los módulos en formato de página única?
- As the default?
- As an option the user can select?
- If you think the modules should be available in a multi-page format, what is the best limit to draw for the size/complexity of an individual page? For instance, X seconds of load time on an average connection, X minutes of reading time, one whole lesson...
- How structured should the modules be? Should the user be stepped through content and lessons in a specific order, or should they simply be provided with all the information the module contains and allowed to decide how to work through it?
- What form should the primary content of the modules be presented via? For instance, video, long-form prose, short-form prose...
Potential delivery mechanisms
There exist a handful of pre-existing extensions, modules, and tools that could potentially be used to deliver our training modules. Here are a few we know of; please let us know if you think any of these are appropriate, or if you are aware of any similar platforms we aren't.
- Módulo: Páginas de entrenamiento - an extension and set of templates that allow structured navigation through and presentation of training content
- Pros: Operates on-wiki, already written, makes module content easily consumable by users
- Cons: May need more development to work flawlessly with translation, is quite complex to set up
- WikiEdu Training Dashboard (running either on the WikiEdu site or, potentially, on a Training Module-specific place on Tool Labs)
- Pros: Has a number of features that could be useful in our modules (interactive quizzes, progress tracking, well-controlled bandwidth usage)
- Cons: Operates off-wiki, coded using specialized Javascript markdown (.yaml) that would need to be learned by module designers, currently does not support translation of module content via a mechanism other than "create a whole separate module for each language"
For each of the following types of content, we'd like to hear opinions on whether the modules must have them, should have them, should not have them, or must not have them. If you feel any use of a given feature may be optional but must not be mandatory for completion of the module, please tell us that too.
- Video:
- Content (for instance, the main body of a module would be a "lesson" video)
- Demonstrations (for instance, role-playing event organizers handling a Friendly Spaces violation)
- Background information (for instance, someone speaking on video about how harassment has affected them)
- Audio:
- Content (for instance, the main body of a module would be "lesson" audio)
- Demonstrations (for instance, role-playing event organizers handling a Friendly Spaces violation)
- Background information (for instance, someone speaking on video about how harassment has affected them)
- User activities:
- Solo user activities (for instance, asking users to practice something in their userspace)
- Group user activities (for instance, asking users who are taking the module to participate in a talk page discussion or practice scenario with other users currently taking the module)
- Cuestionarios:
- Non-interactive quizzes (for instance, a module might present a list of questions and ask a user to create a page in their sandbox for their answers)
- Interactive user quizzes (for instance, a module might have a javascript-based quiz embedded in it, where users answer questions and then submit the quiz)
- Non-graded quizzes or passing-optional quizzes (a user's score on a quiz does not affect their ability to move on in the module)
- Graded or pass-fail quizzes (a user must pass a quiz with a certain level of accuracy to be allowed to move on in the module)
- Humor (for instance, a funny gif or comic to illustrate a topic)
- Real-world examples (for instance, anonymized case studies of past harassment events)
- When a user finishes a model, which, if any, of the following should occur?
- User receives a barnstar
- User is given access to a "completion certificate"
- Se muestra al usuario un mensaje de "Felicitaciones"
- Se incentiva al usuario a entregar retroalimentación a la WMF sobre su experiencia con el módulo.
- Forma pública (página de diálogo en el módulo)
- Forma privada (e-mail)
- Cree usted que su comunidad querrá que la WMF facilite o considere aprobar algunos de los siguientes, si estos módulos son considerados útiles para comunidades y organziadores:
- A requirement by your community that holders of certain user rights must complete some or all of these training modules
- A requirement by your community that organizers of events must must complete some or all of these training modules
- A discussion process during which your community discusses how and whether to require any of its members to complete some or all of these training modules
- A public presentation at events of some or all of the content of the events module (i.e. assisting community members in training event attendees irl)
- Creando nuevos módulos de entrenamiento sobre temas de interés para su comunidad
- ↑ See the following, which set the structure for the prototype module:
- Training modules/dashboard/libraries – e.g. "Support & Safety"
- Training modules/dashboard/modules – e.g. "Keeping events safe"
- Training modules/dashboard/slides – e.g. "keeping-events-safe-purpose.json"