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Strategy/Wikimedia Foundation/2016/Community consultation/bs

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This page is a translated version of the page Strategy/Wikimedia Foundation/2016/Community consultation and the translation is 85% complete.
This phase of the consultation is closed. For information about the outcome, please watch the consultation main page, where a pointer to the next step in this process will be posted on or around February 26. While you are welcome to continue to use the discussion pages of this phase, please know that future submissions to this phase may not be reviewed by staff. We look forward to talking to you more about the themes that have emerged in the near future!

2016 Strategy process

Annual Plan pages
2016-17 Mid-year check-in (February 2017)
Final 2016 Annual Plan (21 June)
Revised 2016 Annual Plan (27 May)
FDC recommendations for the WMF (15 May)
Draft 2016 Annual Plan
(Review discussion) (2 April - 2 May)
Stage 2 (4-18 March) pages
Draft WMF strategy
(Review discussion)
Stage 1 (18 Jan.-15 Feb.) pages
Community consultation
Stage 1 main page
Reach (Review discussions)
Communities (Review discussions)
Knowledge (Review discussions)
Outcomes of Stage 1
Strategic approaches report (pdf) (Recommendations)
2016 Strategy process FAQ
2010-2015 Strategy
2015 Strategy community consultation
Please observe the Friendly Space Expectations when sharing your thoughts or discussing those of others.

Dobro došli u konsultacije sa zajednicom Wikimedia Fondacije 2016. Tokom 2015. Fondacija je istraživala kako da postavi prioritete svog rada da bi najbolje mogla podržavati ciljeve pokreta, a koje još nije postigla prema strateškom planu 2010-15. Svrha ovih konsultacija je pomoć Wikimedija Fondaciji da odredi pravce koje treba slijediti u svom radu počev od jula 2016. i koji će teći narednih 12 i 24 mjeseca.

Strategy approaches report

Zasnovano na našoj, viziji, konsultacije o strategiji u 2010. i 2015, i istraživanju o vanjskim utjecajima, mi smo zacrtali tri široka područja našeg fokusa za Fondaciju: opseg, zajednice i znanje (daljnje informacije o onom što ovo znači slijede u nastavku). Osoblje Fondacije i malehna grupa iz zajednice će zatim dati upute o ključnim preprekama i idejama za svako područje od interesa. One će biti sažete u strateške pristupe koje će zajednica ovdje pregledati. Naš zadatak sada je da odredimo, u saradnji sa zajednicama, koje strategije da stavimo u prioritet unutar ova tri područja kako bi najbolje služili našoj viziji.

This consultation includes three pages, each focusing on a different topic area. On each page, we will be asking you one broad question about how you think the Wikimedia Foundation could best resolve a specific major challenge in that focus area. Below that, we will list six potential directions we might take to the focus area. Given limited time and resources, we can't do them all; we have to choose among them. We ask you to help prioritize our approaches by choosing two or three that you think are the most important for us to focus on. You may also, alternatively or additionally, add your own approach. All information collected will be used to help inform the final priorities in our Annual Plan. Please note that the Foundation will also be using the following criteria in its prioritization process: resources needed, the Foundation's ability to have impact, and best fit for work by the Foundation (vs. work that is done by volunteers or affiliates).

Molimo Vas da pratite Očekivanja o Prijateljskom prostoru kada dijelite Vaše misli ili diskutujete sa drugima.

Informacije iz ove konsultacije će pomoći za davanje podataka o našoj strategiji.

Ovo su naši ciljni datumi za ovaj proces.

  • 11. januar: Stavljanje stranica za prijevod
  • 18. januar: Početak konsultacija sa zajednicom o ključnim pitanjima
  • 15. februar: Zatvaranje konsultacija
  • Do 26. februara: Objava sinteze konsultacija
  • Do 4. marta: Objava prvog nacrta strategije za davanje komentara

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