Stewards/elections 2010/Guidelines/sl
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- yue/粵語 (closed)
- zh-hans/中文(简体) (published)
- zh-hant/中文(繁體) (closed)
[edit ]Pred volitvami mora kandidat izpolnjevati naslednje pogoje:
- ne sme biti blokiran na Meti (tem wikiju).
- na vsaj enem Wikimedijinem projetku mora imeti:
- vsaj 600 urejanj pred 1.11.2009;
- vsaj 50 urejanj med 1.8.2009 in 31.1.2010;
- ne sme biti bot.
Izpolnjevanje pogojev lahko [1] preverite avtomatsko.
[edit ]Prosimo, pomagajte nam prevesti to stran v svoj jezik:
- uvod (vrh te strani);
- navodila (to poglavje);
- izjave kandidatov: glej povezave za prevajanje pod vsakim naslovom poglavja;
- CentralNotice: glej stran za prevajanje.
Predlogi sodelujočim
[edit ]- Če vaš domač wiki nima obvestila o teh volitvah, razmislite o objavi na oglasni deski občestva, da bi vzpodbudili sodelovanje.
- Če želite, lahko sprašujete kandidate. Dolge debate se lahko preselijo na pogovorno stran kandidatove izjave, v tem primeru je priporočljivo, da pustite ostalim udeležencem obvestilo, kje lahko preberejo več.
- Napišete lahko tudi kratko (ena ali dve vrstici) obrazložitev svojega glasu. Dolge debate (odzivi na glasove drugih) lahko prav tako prestavite, vendar prav tako prosimo da pustite obvestilo drugim.
[edit ]Prerequisites
[edit ]Before applying for stewardship, please make sure that you:
- agree to abide by the Steward policies;
- have an active user account on this Meta wiki;
- have an account on at least one Wikimedia Foundation project where you have been active for at least three months.
Also, because the work stewards can become involved in can lead to legal consequences and involvement, you must be:
- at least 18 years old before the final day of voting;
- willing to provide your full name and proof of identity to the Wikimedia Foundation.
Stewards are preferably multilingual, because steward-based operations often involve projects of varying language. They should also be available on a reasonably common basis. Among other limitations, stewards are discouraged from using their access on projects that they are active on, to avoid conflicts of interest, and are encouraged to watch and lend assistance at the Meta request pages (such as permissions, bot status, and checkuser information). If you use IRC, please join #wikimedia-stewards connect on freenode to answer requests.
Neaktivni stevardi bodo umaknjeni s položaja.
[edit ]Če želite postati stevard, upoštevajte sledeča navodila.
Create your statement page
[edit ]- Naredite podstran imenovano "Stewards/elections 2010/statements/Vaše_uporabniško_ime".
- Zraven shranite sledeče besedilo, to bo vpisalo vašo nominacijo v bazo nominacij:
{{subst:sr-new statement 2010}}
- Uredite stran s sledečimi podatki::
- Vaše resnično ime (neobvezno);
- a link to your user account on Meta, and a link to a second active account that meets the prerequisites.
- seznam jezikov, v katerih lahko berete in pišete, z uporabo jezikovno-neodvisnega Wikimedia shorthand (poglejte w:Wikipedia:Babel).
- kratek seznam vaših prispevkov k fundaciji Wikimedija. Of particular interest are administrator or bureaucrat status, volunteer work such as membership of the email response team or the Wikipedia Arbitration Committee, or any other information you feel is relevant. You can read other applicants' statements for more ideas.
Ko boste pripravljani, vpišite vaše ime na elections page s dodajanjem naslednjega besedila po abecednem zaporedju: "{{Se2010 candidate indexer|Vaše_uporabniško_ime}}". Prostovoljci bodo to prevedli v različne jezike.