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Stewards/Elections 2013/Votes/Ezarate

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The following discussion is closed: This election is closed and these pages are an archive of that event.

Ezarate (Esteban)

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Ezarate talkcontribsSULutil (globalcontribscrosswiki-nessconfirm eligibility
translate: translation help, statement, template, headings

  • Languages: en-3, es-N
  • Personal info: My name is Esteban, I'm a system engineer and a computation teacher from Argentina, my home wiki is the Spanish Wikipedia, and I am administrator on Commons, Wikinews and Wikibooks (both in spanish version). Here is my user page and my user page in Spanish Wikipedia. I'd like to help other users and collaborate in the different tasks that a steward can do.
  • Sprachen: en-3, es-N
  • Informationen zur Person: Mein Name ist Esteban, ich bin ein argentinischer Systemingenieur und Informatiklehrer. Mein Heimatwiki ist die spanischsprachige Wikipedia, in der ich Administrator (und damit auch Bürokrat) bin. Zudem bin ich Administrator auf Commons sowie den spanischsprachigen Versionen von Wikinews und Wikibooks. Hier sind meine Benutzerseiten auf Meta und der spanischsprachigen Wikipedia. Ich würde gerne anderen Benutzern helfen und die diversen von Stewards wahrgenommenen Aufgaben erledigen.
  • Idiomas: en-3, es-N
  • Información personal: Mi nombre es Esteban, soy ingeniero de sistemas y profesor de computación argentino, mi home wiki es la Wikipedia en Español donde soy bibliotecario, además soy administrador en Commons, Wikinoticias y Wikilibros (ambos en las versiones en español). Estas son mis páginas de usuarios en meta y en Wikipedia en español. Me gustaría ayudar a otros usuarios y realizar las diferentes tareas que un steward puede hacer.
  • Kielet: en-3, es-N
  • Henkilökohtaiset tiedot: Nimeni on Esteban. Olen insinööri ja tietotekniikan opettaja Argentiinasta, kotiwikini on espanjankielinen Wikipedia, ja olen myös ylläpitäjä Commonsissa, Wikiuutisissa ja Wikikirjastossa (molemmat espanjankielisiä). Tässä on käyttäjäsivuni ja käyttäjäsivuni espanjankielisessä Wikipediassa. Haluaisin auttaa muita käyttäjiä ja tehdä yhteistyötä eri tehtävissä, joita ylivalvojat voivat tehdä.
  • Lingue: en-3, es-N
  • Informazioni personali: Il mio nome è Esteban, sono un ingegnere e un insegnante di computazione argentino, la mia home-wiki è Wikipedia spagnola, e sono anche un ammistratore su Commons, Wikinews e Wikibooks (entrambe in lingua spagnola). Trovi la mia pagina utente qui su meta e sulla Wikipedia spagnola. Mi piacerebbe aiutare gli altri utenti e collaborare nelle varie operazioni che uno steward può fare.
  • Taalvaardigheid: en-3, es-N
  • Persoonlijke informatie: Mijn naam is Esteban, ik ben een techneut en een docent informatica uit Argentinië, mijn thuiswiki is de Spaanstalige Wikipedia, en ik ben ook moderator op Commons, Wikinews en Wikibooks (van beide de Spaanse versies). Hier is mijn gebruikerspagina en mijn gebruikerspagina op de Spaanstalige Wikipedia. Ik wil graag andere gebruikers helpen en de diverse taken afhandelen die stewards kunnen doen.
  • Språk: en-3, es-N
  • Personlig informasjon: Jeg er Esteban, og jeg er en ingeniør og mattelærer fra Argentina. Hjemmewikien min er Wikipedia på spansk, og jeg er også administrator på Wikinytt og Wikibøker (begge på spansk), samt Commons. Her er brukersida mi på Meta, og her er brukersida mi på Wikipedia på spansk. Jeg ønsker å hjelpe andre brukere og bidra med de forskjellige oppgavene forvaltere utfører.
  • 可说语言: en-3, es-N
  • 个人资料: 我叫Esteban,一位阿根廷工程师与电脑教师,我的主维基是西班牙语维基百科,同时我也是维基共享,维基新闻和维基教科书(二者皆为西班牙文)的管理员。这是我用户页以及在西班牙维基百科的用户页。我想如监管员那样,帮助他人并在不同任务中进行合作。

Questions: See Stewards/Elections 2013/Questions#Ezarate

English: You are not eligible to vote. More information

Yes(追記) (追記ここまで)

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  1. Iste Praetor (Eligible, checked by Thehelpfulone)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Iste (D) 00:06, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  2. LlamaAl (Eligible, checked by Thehelpfulone)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Helpful, experienced and level-headed user. Has been trusted with the global rollback flag. LlamaAl (talk) 00:44, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  3. Érico Júnior Wouters (Eligible, checked by Thehelpfulone)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Érico Wouters msg 00:52, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  4. Rschen7754 (Eligible, checked by Thehelpfulone)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Rs chen 7754 00:59, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  5. Oursana (Eligible, checked by Thehelpfulone)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Oursana (talk) 01:13, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  6. Lord Roem (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Lord Roem (talk) 03:07, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  7. Makecat (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Not a very active global rollbacker but experience is enough. Make cat 03:10, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
      (削除) GeoJoe1000 (削除ここまで)(Not eligible, checked by Bennylin)   GeoJoe1000 (talk) 03:47, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  8. Morning Sunshine (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Morning Sunshine (talk) 04:30, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  9. Andreateletrabajo (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Andreateletrabajo (talk) 10:11, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  10. FriedrickMILBarbarossa (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   --FriedrickMILBarbarossa (talk) 10:44, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  11. Lukas23 (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Lukas23 (talk) 11:26, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
      (削除) Wolfiukas (削除ここまで)(Not eligible, checked by Bennylin)   Wolfiukas (talk) 13:56, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  12. Cekli829 (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   OK ►Safir yüzüklü Cekli mesaj 14:03, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  13. Travelour (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)  Travelour Talk E - Mail 17:53, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  14. MJ94 (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   MJ94 (talk) 17:53, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  15. Shisha-Tom (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Shisha-Tom (talk) 20:24, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  16. EternamenteAprendiz (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   I think we need more Latin American stewards. EternamenteAprendiz (talk) 20:57, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  17. Bk1 168 (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Bk1 168 (talk) 21:16, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  18. Man77 (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   → «« Man77 »» [de] 00:27, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  19. Fedaro (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   → Fedaro (talk) 00:42, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  20. Cookie (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   A very experienced administrator Anna (talk) 01:54, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  21. Wagino 20100516 (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Wagino 20100516 (talk) 02:17, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  22. MadriCR (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   MadriCR (talk) 12:32, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  23. Furti (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Furti (talk) 15:03, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  24. NaBUru38 (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   NaBUru38 (talk) 15:07, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  25. Maragm (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Maragm (talk) 15:14, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  26. Txo (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Un buen trabajador. Txo (talk) 15:22, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  27. Ansei (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   balanced judgment Ansei (talk) 15:24, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  28. Hprmedina (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Hprmedina (talk) 15:26, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  29. Poco a poco (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Chapeau for this dedication to es.wiki for almost 5 years,great help for the project as steward, no doubt Poco a poco (talk) 16:28, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  30. Mirzoulug'bek (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Mirzoulug'bek (talk) 17:04, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  31. Ecemaml (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Ecemaml (talk) 17:25, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  32. Armbrust (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Armbrust (talk) 17:38, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  33. Mar del Sur (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Mar del Sur (talk) 19:22, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  34. Ciberprofe (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Ciberprofe (talk) 19:26, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  35. Aced (Eligible, checked by Legoktm)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Aced (talk) 19:44, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  36. Banfield (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Banfield - Reclamos aquí 20:07, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  37. Pownerus (Eligible, checked by Wagino 20100516)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Pownerus (talk) 21:15, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  38. KTo288 (Eligible, checked by Wagino 20100516)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   KTo288 (talk) 22:24, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  39. Cyfraw (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   --cyrfaw (talk) 11:09, 10 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  40. Jaluj (Eligible, checked by MarcoAurelio)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Jaluj (talk) 14:16, 10 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  41. Shizhao (Eligible, checked by MarcoAurelio)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Shizhao (talk) 14:32, 10 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  42. Abutorsam007 (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)    Abu Torsam  16:01, 10 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  43. CT Cooper (Eligible, checked by Mr.Ajedrez)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   CT Cooper  · talk 19:53, 10 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  44. Wikisilki (Eligible, checked by Mr.Ajedrez)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Wikisilki (talk) 21:50, 10 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  45. Santga (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Santga (talk) 22:54, 10 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  46. XanaG (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   XanaG (talk) 01:00, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  47. Raimundo Pastor (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Con experiencia en Wiki, y domina el español Raimundo Pastor (talk) 01:18, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  48. Jmvkrecords (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Good work in es.wikipedia. Jmvkrecords (Intracorrespondencia) 02:11, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  49. John PC (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)  . John PC (talk) 03:26, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  50. İncelemeelemani (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   İncelemeelemani (talk) 03:48, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  51. Fastily (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   FASTILY (TALK) 07:41, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  52. EKMK (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   EKMK (talk) 12:10, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  53. Edmenb (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Edmenb ( Mensajes ) Wikipedia en Español 13:15, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  54. Wetterwolke (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Wetterwolke (talk) 16:56, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  55. Alifazal (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Alifazal (talk) 17:10, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  56. Nioger (Eligible, checked by Alan.lorenzo)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Nioger (talk) 19:50, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  57. Mike Peel (Eligible, checked by Alan.lorenzo)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Mike Peel (talk) 21:04, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  58. DLeandroc (Eligible, checked by Alan.lorenzo)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   DLeandroc (talk) 22:03, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  59. Helmy oved (Eligible, checked by shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Helmy oved 23:28, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  60. Wilfredor (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   This user has totally my trust, honesty to me is more important than a perfectly qualified user Wilfredor (talk) 02:46, 12 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  61. Antur (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Antur (talk) 02:50, 12 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  62. AlexR.L. (Eligible, checked by Mr.Ajedrez)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   AlexR.L. (talk) 06:56, 12 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  63. Wangxuan8331800 (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Wangxuan8331800 (talk) 17:43, 12 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  64. JABO (Eligible, checked by Quentinv57)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   JABO (talk) 19:47, 12 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  65. Zeljko (Eligible, checked by Makecat)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Zeljko (talk) 09:27, 13 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  66. Zivax (Eligible, checked by Mh7kJ)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Zivax (talk) 11:14, 13 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  67. Gobonobo (Eligible, checked by Thompson.matthew)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Gobōnobō + c 13:35, 13 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  68. Àlex (Eligible, checked by Thompson.matthew)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Àlex (talk) 13:53, 13 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  69. Yes/Si/Да. --Brateevsky (talk) 16:16, 13 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  70. Wholle (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Wholle (talk) 17:46, 13 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  71. Trongphu (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Need more Spanish steward speaker. Looking like experienced enough to me. Trongphu (talk) 22:36, 13 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  72. Orgio89 (Eligible, checked by Makecat)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Orgio89 (talk) 03:34, 14 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  73. Beyond My Ken (Eligible, checked by Quentinv57)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Beyond My Ken (talk) 04:35, 14 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  74. MZaplotnik (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   M Zaplotnik (contribs) 05:29, 14 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  75. King of Hearts (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   King of 06:49, 14 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  76. Salvador alc (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Salvador alc (talk) 07:34, 14 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
      (削除) Rmb009 (削除ここまで)(Not eligible, checked by Snowolf)   Rmb009 (talk) 07:53, 14 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  77. Tanweer Morshed (Eligible, checked by axpde)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Tanweer (talk) 09:36, 14 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  78. PiRSquared17 (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   We could always use more stewards, and Ezarate is experienced enough. Evidence of this: user has global rollback. However, the user hasn't used GR much. πr2 (t • c) 15:47, 14 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  79. Baiji (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Baiji --> (Opinión) 17:24, 14 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  80. X-Javier (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   — X-Javier [m'écrire] 18:41, 14 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  81. Netito777 (Eligible, checked by Mr.Ajedrez)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Netito 777 19:09, 14 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  82. Millars (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Millars (talk) 12:34, 15 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  83. Gryllida (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   You look like an experienced folk at a few wikis and a good catalyst. Keep up the great work and good luck. :) Gryllida 12:44, 15 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  84. Mátyás (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Mátyás (talk) 13:56, 15 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  85. Veronidae (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Veronidae (talk) 23:24, 15 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  86. Mirer (Eligible, checked by Quentinv57)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Mirer (talk) 05:08, 16 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  87. Laurent Jerry (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   OK ! Laurent Jerry (talk) 16:13, 16 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  88. John F. Lewis (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   John F. Lewis (talk) 17:52, 16 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  89. Doctree (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Doctree (talk) 05:53, 17 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  90. Rubin16 (Eligible, checked by Vogone)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   rubin16 (talk) 13:33, 17 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  91. B20180 (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   B20180 (talk) 01:54, 18 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  92. Jusjih (Eligible, checked by Axpde)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Jusjih (talk) 12:51, 18 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  93. Argos'Dad (Eligible, checked by Quentinv57)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Argos'Dad (talk) 03:06, 19 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  94. Hibiki-c (Eligible, checked by Vogone)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Hibiki-c (talk) 15:46, 19 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  95. RoyFocker (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Roy 07:35, 20 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  96. Incnis Mrsi (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Incnis Mrsi (talk) 08:55, 20 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  97. Beeblebrox (Eligible, checked by Mr.Ajedrez)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Beeblebrox (talk) 18:25, 21 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  98. Avocato (Eligible, checked by Vituzzu)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Avocato (talk) 19:25, 21 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  99. Sachinvenga (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   . Shlok talk . 13:47, 22 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  100. Zyephyrus (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Zyephyrus (talk) 15:11, 22 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  101. Sokac121 (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Sokac121 (talk) 12:09, 23 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  102. Wpollard (Eligible, checked by PiRSquared17)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Wpollard (talk) 15:08, 23 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  103. Maximilian Schönherr (Eligible, checked by PiRSquared17)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Maximilian Schönherr (talk) 17:03, 23 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  104. Angelito7 (Eligible, checked by Vogone)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Angelito7 (talk) 22:47, 23 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  105. Zusasa (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Zusasa (talk) 10:08, 24 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  106. Grondin (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)    Bertrand GRONDIN  → (Talk) 17:24, 24 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  107. O. Morand (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   I am confident enough in this candidate O. Morand (talk) 17:41, 24 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  108. Abaddon1337 (Eligible, checked by Alan.lorenzo)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Abaddon1337 (talk) 18:40, 24 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  109. Metrónomo (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Metrónomo-Goldwyn-Mayer 06:08, 25 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  110. Kyah117 (Eligible, checked by Vituzzu)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Kyah117 (talk) 10:30, 25 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  111. Daniel749 (Eligible, checked by Vituzzu)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Daniel749 talk 14:44, 25 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  112. Rzuwig (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Rzuwig 18:06, 25 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  113. Tarheel95 (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Tarheel95 (talk) 19:51, 25 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  114. Mogador (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Mogador (talk) 03:22, 27 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]

No(追記) (追記ここまで)

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  1. Magister Mathematicae (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   I don't agree with his stance on controversial users violating rules es: Magister Mathematicae 04:13, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  2. White Master King (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   White Master (e s) 05:49, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  3. Savh (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   The answers to the questions are very superficial, eg. the ones on oversighting show a lack of knowledge in steward areas, and both examples he provided are unlikely examples which are mentioned the OS policy. The fact that the user also claims "I got the globalrollback flag", though he did not use it, is also dissapointing to me.  Sa vh ñ 05:58, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  4. MoiraMoira (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   MoiraMoira (talk) 09:19, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  5. Pmlineditor (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Pmlineditor (t · c · l) 09:45, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  6. Dimi z (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   I can't help it. Your answers weren't convincing. Sorry! Dimi z (talk) 10:01, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  7. Jbribeiro1 (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   José Luiz talk 21:00, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  8. Courcelles (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   I find the answers to teh questions uninspiring, sorry Courcelles 23:23, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  9. Waka Waka (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Waka Waka (talk) 23:54, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  10. Teles (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   I would expect more cross-wiki activity. Answers are not bad, but were not able to change my mind. Perhaps another time. —Teles «Talk to me ˱@ L C S ˲» 00:04, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  11. Phoenix58 (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   I disagree with some of his ideologies about blocking users and controversial aspects related. Also, there's an evident lack of information on his answers and it could demonstrate a possible deficiency as a candidate for the steward functions. Phoenix58 (talk) 00:41, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  12. AGK (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Not only are many of the candidate's answers vague, but some are outright wrong. AGK [•] 02:16, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  13. Article editor (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Article editor (talk) 04:44, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  14. Kintaro (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Kintaro (talk) 10:39, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  15. Ul1-82-2 (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Ul1-82-2 (talk) 15:17, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  16. Ajraddatz (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Not much xwiki experience or activity, and like Savh said he has a global rollback flag but never uses it. Ajraddatz (Talk) 15:22, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  17. Nemo bis (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Nemo 18:27, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  18. Heubergen (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Heubergen (talk) 22:40, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  19. Ralgis (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   — mantis [religiosa]  — 01:41, 10 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  20. Petruss (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Petruss (talk) 02:26, 10 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  21. Billyrobshaw (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Billyrobshaw (talk) 03:02, 10 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  22. Thehelpfulone (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Per Savh, unfortunately I'm not convinced that you fully understood what was being asked the questions, given the lack of clarity of some of your answers. The helpful one 19:32, 10 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  23. Ginés90 (Eligible, checked by Mr.Ajedrez)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Ezarate I'ts admin in Wikimedia Commons, but he doesn't meet with minimal but elementary things such as image names, descriptions, and categories. Ginés90 (talk) 20:26, 10 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  24. Vogone (Eligible, checked by Thehelpfulone)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Vogone (talk) 13:23, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  25. Thogo (Eligible, checked by shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   not impressed by the answers to the questions თოგო (D) 23:08, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  26. Daniel Mietchen (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Daniel Mietchen - WiR/OS (talk) 02:02, 12 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  27. Thompson.matthew (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Thompson.matthew (talk) 16:15, 12 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  28. Sven Manguard (Eligible, checked by Mr.Ajedrez)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Sven Manguard (talk) 23:35, 13 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  29. Yavidaxiu (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   yavi : : cáhan 16:10, 14 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  30. Cyrax (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   More experience Cyrax (talk) 01:37, 15 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  31. Bencmq (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   sorry, limited cross-wiki experience when you have the global rollback flag. (comment: answer to spambot question shows that the user is not aware of the current affairs, but that's not what I'll expect, so not taking that into account.) Bencmq (talk) 05:08, 15 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  32. Herbythyme (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Insufficient x-wiki experience. --Herby talk thyme 16:58, 15 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  33. Hurricanefan24 (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Lack of crosswiki experience. Hurricanefan24 (talk) 18:04, 15 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  34. Jusdafax (Eligible, checked by Quentinv57)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Answers lack clarity and not enough cross-wiki experience. Study up, work hard with the concerns and try next year if you don't make it this time. Jusdafax (talk) 06:34, 16 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  35. Jmvgpartner (Eligible, checked by Mh7kJ)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Sometimes their decisions are marked by or resulting from lack of forethought or thoroughness, shallowness, disinformation, an so on.... Sorry... Jmvgpartner (talk) 07:38, 16 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  36. Ruslik0 (Eligible, checked by Makecat)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Like in the past I am not impressed with answers to the questions Ruslik (talk) 12:16, 19 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  37. Reisio (Eligible, checked by White Master King)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Reisio (talk) 02:35, 21 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  38. Prades (Eligible, checked by Mr.Ajedrez)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Prades (talk) 10:36, 21 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  39. FalconL (Eligible, checked by Vogone)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   FalconL ?! 21:11, 23 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  40. Cameta (Eligible, checked by Vogone)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Cameta (talk) 22:52, 23 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  41. Bernard (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   He is a trusted user but I don't see sufficient cross-wiki activity. On top, his administrative actions on es.wiki are sometimes very disapointing. Sorry. Bernard (talk) 18:49, 25 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  42. Jaontiveros (Eligible, checked by Hazard-SJ)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Jaontiveros (talk) 21:35, 25 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  43. SpartacksCompatriot (Eligible, checked by Quentinv57)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   SpartacksCompatriot (talk) 14:50, 26 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  44. Didieram (Eligible, checked by Mr.Ajedrez)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Didieram (talk) 18:59, 26 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  45. Xosema (Eligible, checked by Vituzzu)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Xosema (talk) 19:14, 26 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  46. Zaxo (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Zaxo (talk) 09:51, 27 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  47. Bluerasberry (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Not much cross-wiki experience. I expected more. Blue Rasberry (talk) 22:14, 27 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]

Neutral(追記) (追記ここまで)

[edit ]
  1. Reade (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Reade (talk) 08:54, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  2. Micki (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   mi cki 10:09, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  3. Quentinv57 (Eligible, checked by Thehelpfulone)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   You candidated two years ago, and unfortunately I didn't saw you doing steward work outside of the elections time. I prefer to have people first being involved in cross-wiki affairs, and then requesting the steward status, which is a responsability that we should give only to globally active and trustworthy people. If you don't know where to start and need some help, my talk page is opened to you and I'll be happy to guide you. Regards, -- Quentinv57 (talk) 10:30, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  4. David1010 (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   David1010 (talk) 10:40, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  5. Barras (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Can't really decide either way. Barras talk 14:40, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  6. Steinsplitter (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Steinsplitter (talk) 15:56, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  7. Nickispeaki (Eligible, checked by Snowolf)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Nickispeaki (talk) 22:57, 8 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  8. Wiki13 (Eligible, checked by Bennylin)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Wiki13 talk 10:13, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  9. Smile4ever (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Smile4ever (talk) 15:59, 9 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  10. Taichi (Eligible, checked by Igna)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Taichi - (あ!) 01:19, 10 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  11. Shanmugamp7 (Eligible, checked by Thehelpfulone)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Shanmugamp7 (talk) 01:59, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  12. Gálaniitoluodda (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   ? Gálaniitoluodda (talk) 14:31, 11 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  13. Kiltpin (Eligible, checked by Makecat)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Kiltpin (talk) 12:04, 12 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  14. billinghurst (Eligible, checked by Shanmugamp7)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   — billinghurst sDrewth 15:36, 14 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  15. DonRumata (Eligible, checked by Makecat)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   DonRumata (talk) 09:51, 15 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  16. ComQuat (Eligible, checked by Alan.lorenzo)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   ComQuat (talk) 00:18, 20 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  17. Edouard-rainaut (Eligible, checked by Vituzzu)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Edouard-rainaut (talk) 19:30, 21 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  18. Albertus Aditya (Eligible, checked by PiRSquared17)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Albertus Aditya (talk) 12:46, 23 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  19. Ali1610 (Eligible, checked by Savh)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Ali1610 (talk) 21:01, 23 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  20. Beeswaxcandle (Eligible, checked by Alan.lorenzo)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Beeswaxcandle (talk) 02:02, 25 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]
  21. Gonzolito (Eligible, checked by Vituzzu)(削除) 2013 (削除ここまで)   Seems motivated, but lack of sysop activity Gonzolito (talk) 11:02, 25 February 2013 (UTC) [reply ]

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