User talk:Thogo
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Moin Thogo,
magst Du bitte mal meinen Spuren bei der fr-WP folgen? Da liegt auf meiner Disk noch was 'rum...;-) Herzlich, --Felistoria 20:30, 17 January 2011 (UTC) Reply
- ... --თოგო (D) 11:58, 18 January 2011 (UTC) Reply
გამარჯობა თოგო! :)
Vielleicht wüsten Sie, wie kann ich in meiner Bearbeiten-Werkzeugleiste neue Knöpfe hinzufügen? In MonoBook habe ich es schon lange ganz leicht gemacht, aber in Vector fällt es mir schwer... Ich habe danach auch in deutschem Wikiwörterbuch gefragt... Sehen Sie bitte BD:Crux. Er hat mir geholfen, aber ausgeblendete toolbar ist fuer mich auch nicht so gut :)... Vielleicht ist es Möglichkeit, beide zu bleiben? (toolbar von Vector und meine eigene Knöpfe )...
Danke sehr und liebe Grüße, — Dawid talk 10:48, 30 January 2011 (UTC) Reply
- Hi Dawid. Da kann ich Dir leider nicht helfen. :( Ich benütze den Vector-Skin nicht und habe keine Ahnung, wie man das anpasst. Sorry. --თოგო (D) 17:26, 30 January 2011 (UTC) Reply
- 0.K., თოგო, kein Problem. Danke schon doch für Antwort :). — Dawid talk 10:22, 4 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
- P. S. Deine georgische Signatur sieht ganz schön aus :). Darf ich doch duzen? — Dawid talk 10:26, 4 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
- Aber natürlich. :) In der Wikipedia duzt man sich immer, auch die Mediawiki-Übersetzung ist mit du geschrieben. Zu Deinem Vector-Problem könntest Du übrigens den User:DerHexer fragen, er kennt sich da viel besser aus als ich. ;) Grüße, --თოგო (D) 12:07, 4 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
- Danke sehr! Ich habe schon kein Problem mit der Werkzeugleiste :)... Jetzt habe ich noch eine Frage: Ist es Moeglichkeit meine Einstellungen (preferences) global zu ändern? Oder villeicht könntest Du mir sagenn, wer kann das wissen? — Dawid talk 17:18, 14 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
- Ich glaube es gibt diese Möglichkeit noch nicht. Nur das Passwort ist überall gleich, aber die übrigen Einstellungen muss man in jedem Wiki neu machen. :( --თოგო (D) 11:14, 15 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
- *einmisch* :) Hallöchen, das gibts noch nicht, vielleicht irgendwann mal, sowas wurde bereits mehrfach gewuenscht bugzilla:14950. Schöne Gruesze lieber Thoguito :) --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 13:43, 15 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
- huhu >:o) Ja, dann hoffe ich mal, dass dieser Bug bald dran ist... Ô.o Liebe Grüße, --თოგო (D) 13:51, 15 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
- :)) Vielen Dank. :) — Dawid talk 18:23, 16 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
- huhu >:o) Ja, dann hoffe ich mal, dass dieser Bug bald dran ist... Ô.o Liebe Grüße, --თოგო (D) 13:51, 15 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
- *einmisch* :) Hallöchen, das gibts noch nicht, vielleicht irgendwann mal, sowas wurde bereits mehrfach gewuenscht bugzilla:14950. Schöne Gruesze lieber Thoguito :) --birdy geimfyglið (:> )=| 13:43, 15 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
- Ich glaube es gibt diese Möglichkeit noch nicht. Nur das Passwort ist überall gleich, aber die übrigen Einstellungen muss man in jedem Wiki neu machen. :( --თოგო (D) 11:14, 15 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
- Danke sehr! Ich habe schon kein Problem mit der Werkzeugleiste :)... Jetzt habe ich noch eine Frage: Ist es Moeglichkeit meine Einstellungen (preferences) global zu ändern? Oder villeicht könntest Du mir sagenn, wer kann das wissen? — Dawid talk 17:18, 14 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
- Aber natürlich. :) In der Wikipedia duzt man sich immer, auch die Mediawiki-Übersetzung ist mit du geschrieben. Zu Deinem Vector-Problem könntest Du übrigens den User:DerHexer fragen, er kennt sich da viel besser aus als ich. ;) Grüße, --თოგო (D) 12:07, 4 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
- P. S. Deine georgische Signatur sieht ganz schön aus :). Darf ich doch duzen? — Dawid talk 10:26, 4 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
- 0.K., თოგო, kein Problem. Danke schon doch für Antwort :). — Dawid talk 10:22, 4 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
I've during the last few days completely cleaned out the access list of our IRC admin channel. Per this clean up, we've also updated and re-organized the on-wiki record of this channel here. This list is now exactly the same as the access list on IRC. Please always remember to update this list when making changes to the channel on IRC. It's just a reminder. Best, -Barras 12:39, 6 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
Okay, it's too late at night :) Ciao, M/ 00:44, 11 February 2011 (UTC) Reply
Hi. I posted the reasons for de-sysop here. I personally believe that it is not appropriate to bring it up there because those who are in favour of the de-adminship are ignoring others' comments or their attempts to solve the dispute on local discussion pages. If you'd like to know about factual details I am glad to do so. --Bencmq 13:27, 15 June 2011 (UTC) Reply
Sad, but I respect your decission. I hope we can benefit from your services and help again later. Best regards, -- Dferg ☎ talk 13:35, 28 June 2011 (UTC) Reply
- Well, but I didn't really help the project in the past months (years?), as I was just basically inactive, so it's not a loss. :) And I know for sure that I won't have any time to do sysop tasks in the next half year, anyway. --თოგო (D) 14:28, 28 June 2011 (UTC) Reply
Dear Thogo,
You have helped us in previous years with translations and for that we are most grateful. Now we turn towards the 2011/12 fundraiser. It may seem forever away, but work has already begun getting everything ready to go. This year we want to have landing pages covering as many countries in as many languages as possible.
Right now, we want to figure out who is interested in translating for the fundraiser. This year we're hoping to have more of a solidified "core" group of translators that we can count on to have work done by a few key dates, but we'd also welcome help from people who are willing to just help out when they can.
If you would be interested please take a look at this little sign-up survey and fill it out With that we can start building a list of people and filling any gaps in the languages we serve.
Many Thanks
Joseph Seddon (User:Jseddon (WMF))
Production Coordinator
Wikimedia Foundation
Jseddon (WMF) 00:42, 9 July 2011 (UTC) Reply
- Huh?? I'm here... --თოგო (D) 10:22, 13 July 2011 (UTC) Reply
- But not active like before.. also missing your presence on IRC. Well, TBH, I woke up this morning, and found out that I am missing you. :) — [ Tanvir | Talk ] 11:01, 13 July 2011 (UTC) Reply
- That's sweet. :) Thanks. --თოგო (D) 11:06, 13 July 2011 (UTC) Reply
- But not active like before.. also missing your presence on IRC. Well, TBH, I woke up this morning, and found out that I am missing you. :) — [ Tanvir | Talk ] 11:01, 13 July 2011 (UTC) Reply
Please see Checkuser#Brox.40lt.wikipedia and User:Brox/Brox and Tik-Kon in WP LT. --Brox 07:53, 10 August 2011 (UTC) Reply
- What exactly am I supposed to see there? Please elaborate. --თოგო (D) 09:43, 10 August 2011 (UTC) Reply
- Users Brox and Tik-Kon (from WP LT) was in Metawiki "confirmed". I want re-check (by Checkusers) of contributions (Brox/Tik-Kon), especially 11 May 2011 and 25 May 2011. --Brox 10:32, 10 August 2011 (UTC) Reply
- Ah ok. Please make a request on SRCU, I can be of no help with this, sorry. --თოგო (D) 16:28, 10 August 2011 (UTC) Reply
Hallo Thogo, nach einem Gespräch mit WizardOfOz fiel mir auf, dass es noch keine deutsche Übersetzung der Ombudsman commission gab. Schau Dir bitte mal Ombudsman commission/de an, ob das inhaltlich stimmt. Danke a×ばつpde Hello! 17:13, 18 September 2011 (UTC) Reply
- Ja, danke. Das wollte ich schon vor Monaten mal machen. Aber man wird ja nicht jünger... Auch wenn es inhaltlich nicht mehr so ganz stimmt, was da auf der Seite steht (es gab z.B. durchaus einen Aufruf zur Bewerbung für die OC. Der ging, da normalerweise nur Leute mit Steward- oder CU-Rechten eingesetzt werden, allerdings natürlich nur an die entsprechenden Mailinglisten). Das sechste Mitglied (mmnt. Dweller) wird von der restlichen Kommission übrigens als Vollmitglied behandelt (man ist ja froh um jeden, der aktiv dabei ist...), also "nicht stimmberechtigt" ist auch nicht so ganz korrekt, müsste man mal mit Philippe bereden, wie wir den Status besser beschreiben. Es ist aber eh noch nicht ganz klar, ob die Kommission in dieser Form fortbestehen wird, oder ob sie in das zukünftige Global Requests Committee eingegliedert wird. Von daher könnte es in nächster Zeit noch zu anderen Änderungen bzw. zu einer kompletten Neufassung der Seite kommen. --თოგო (D) 10:46, 27 September 2011 (UTC) Reply
hi. i sent a email for Ombudsman commission a few days ago. my username is : miladkhoshtip98 . how long it take the Ombudsman commission consider my request?
thank you-- 08:21, 20 September 2011 (UTC) Reply
- You should have got a confirmation of receivement already shortly after you sent the request. If we find that there was no breach of the privacy policy, you might not get any further answer. Otherwise it can last a while as we usually have to consider a lot of data to come to a conclusion. --თოგო (D) 10:28, 27 September 2011 (UTC) Reply
Здравствуйте! Для развития википедии на языке дзонг-кэ очень важно сделать шрифт большим. Например, таким, как в тибетской википедии. Помогите, пожалуйста, решить этот вопрос. Я не говорю по-английски, поэтому не смогу написать соответствующие запросы.
Hello! For the development of Dzongkha Wikipedia is very important to make the font larger. For example, such as Tibetan Wikipedia. Please help me solve this problem. I do not speak in English, so I can not write requests. --Impro 17:22, 28 September 2011 (UTC) Reply
- I can't help with that, sorry. Please file a request on bugzilla. --თოგო (D) 12:09, 29 September 2011 (UTC) Reply
Hi, and thank you for your activity with fundraiser translations so far!! I have one small request to make: We had to change three of the appeals; the change is the same in all of them, and the replacement text is quite short, so I don't want to e-mail people just to fix that, and that's why I'm asking you instead. It would be great if you could do the following fixes in German:
- Jimmy Letter 002
- Kaldari Letter (remember the change from 420 million to 422 million)
- Alan Letter
Since these are small changes you don't have to go through the cycle of having it proofread and everything, unless you are unsure about the translation. Thanks in advance. :-) Jon Harald Søby (WMF) 05:01, 27 October 2011 (UTC) Reply
- done. --თოგო (D) 10:34, 27 October 2011 (UTC) Reply
In Wikiquote Tamil, no present administrator's are there. It is difficult to delete a unwanted page in that Wikiquote page. Can you please tell me what is the actual procedure to be a admin in Tamil Wikiquote. Thank you --Krishnaprasaths 10:57, 1 January 2012 (UTC) Reply
- You need to ask the community to elect you. --თოგო (D) 00:05, 4 January 2012 (UTC) Reply
Hi! I just want to thank you and give you this barnstar for your help with the translation of the 2011 fundraiser! The fundraiser was the best we ever had, both in terms of the amount we collected and in terms of number of translations. We couldn't have done either one without the help we got from you and other translators. If you are interested, we made a report, which has some statistics about the translations.
And: I have one more request, and that is that you take this survey . You may have got an e-mail about it, and if you did, please ignore this. But if you didn't it would be great if you would take this survey too, so we can learn to improve the translation experience.
Again, thanks for your help with translations – you're awesome! Jon Harald Søby (WMF) 14:32, 24 January 2012 (UTC) Reply
- *hug* --თოგო (D) 23:04, 26 January 2012 (UTC) Reply
Hello Thogo. I am MacedonianBoy, an administrator on the Macedonian Wikipedia and Wikisource. I am the only admin on MK Wikisource, and one of few active users there. However, we need a bureaucrat there, and I candidate myself. Since there are highly limited number of users on MK Wikisource, I thought it would be better if I consult with a steward. Should I wait a whole week before you give me the bureaucrat rights, or should I do something else? You gave me the admin rights as well, after I candidate myself for admin on mk Wikisource more than a year ago. Here is my request, locally, and here are my edits (more than half of the articles are crated by me :) ). Best--MacedonianBoy (talk) 17:49, 10 March 2012 (UTC) Reply
- Moreover, we have to flag this bot, its a bot from one of the admins on MK Wikipedia and it opens the talk pages and welcomes users, but no one on MK Wikisource has the rights to do it. Can you do flag the bot? Thanks, --MacedonianBoy (talk) 17:51, 10 March 2012 (UTC) Reply
- Actually, Thogo left his stewardship temporarily vacant due to his job as ombudsman. Please consider placing your request at Steward requests/Permissions. Regards a×ばつpde Hello! 21:32, 10 March 2012 (UTC) Reply
- Moreover, we have to flag this bot, its a bot from one of the admins on MK Wikipedia and it opens the talk pages and welcomes users, but no one on MK Wikisource has the rights to do it. Can you do flag the bot? Thanks, --MacedonianBoy (talk) 17:51, 10 March 2012 (UTC) Reply
Dear Thogo :-) Thanks for keeping up with the GRC discussion. I cleaned up the language, and would like to start compiling recent feedback on how it might be used so we can have a wider discussion and move to approve it if possible.
You are special again because you have lots of steward experience and are an ombudsman now and can reflect on the possible overlaps in role. Can you comment on the talk page re: how a GRC and the ombudsman commission might coordinate their work in response to requests? Many difficult global requests involve checkusering people or otherwise handling private data (sometimes running checkuser on multiple projects). It seems to me the ombudsmen would handle all requests involving use of private data that would otherwise come to the GRC.
Regards, –SJ talk 00:17, 21 June 2012 (UTC) Reply
- Uhm... Ok... I'll try. ;) --თოგო (D) 17:19, 25 June 2012 (UTC) Reply
Hi Thogo, I've read your message here stating that there is no inactivity in the Commission and given that my complaint is eight months old (with no news since the reception of the complaint), could you describe me a little bit the status of my complaint? I can provide further details by mail if needed. Best regards --Ecemaml (talk) 20:46, 26 January 2013 (UTC) Reply
- I send you an email. --თოგო (D) 23:24, 26 January 2013 (UTC) Reply
Hi Thogo. Note that I gave your steward rights back per request of Mdennis (WMF). I guess you need to be confirmed too ...? Regards, Trijnstel talk 19:07, 4 February 2013 (UTC) Reply
- I don't think so. Thogo's steward rights were suspended. He's not performed steward actions, so there's nothing steward-related to review since he last performed steward actions; which is why confirmations are for. -- MarcoAurelio (talk) 21:27, 4 February 2013 (UTC) Reply
- The confirmations aren't only for reviewing steward actions -- also for informing the community...and why Thogo is suddenly a steward again. Trijnstel talk 21:59, 4 February 2013 (UTC) Reply
- Actually, the community was successfully informed by Maggie's email to the WMF mailing list. ;) (Btw., I was only informed about this by that email, too.) Anyway, if anyone has concerns about me being steward, please feel free to express them (here or anywhere suitable). --თოგო (D) 09:21, 5 February 2013 (UTC) Reply
- Added you to the list - please create your statement with a short explanation via Stewards/Confirm/2013. Trijnstel talk 20:08, 5 February 2013 (UTC) Reply
- Actually, the community was successfully informed by Maggie's email to the WMF mailing list. ;) (Btw., I was only informed about this by that email, too.) Anyway, if anyone has concerns about me being steward, please feel free to express them (here or anywhere suitable). --თოგო (D) 09:21, 5 February 2013 (UTC) Reply
- The confirmations aren't only for reviewing steward actions -- also for informing the community...and why Thogo is suddenly a steward again. Trijnstel talk 21:59, 4 February 2013 (UTC) Reply
Hey Thogo, I have a bit of a request to ask from you. We pulled down our banners nearly a fortnight ago for what was a highly successful international fundraiser and brought the curtain down on last years fundraiser. This week however we will be changing payment processors and during the testing of the new system it would be useful to use the time productively on on testing banner text.
To help us out with this I wonder if you would be willing to help us improve our geman text using This Link
Simply follow the simple instructions on that page and if you have any questions feel free to contact me on my talk page.
We are going to run the test on tuesday so if you dont see this message till 24 hours after it was sent you can ignore me :) Many Thanks though.
Jseddon (WMF) (talk) 21:39, 28 April 2013 (UTC) Reply
- Looks very good already. --თოგო (D) 22:28, 28 April 2013 (UTC) Reply
Hello. I would like to inform you that I have granted you editor flag at the Arabic Wikipedia, all your edits there will be automatically marked as patrolled. Best regards.--Avocato (talk) 06:39, 7 December 2013 (UTC) Reply
- Aha... Well, thank you. --თოგო (D) 12:26, 7 December 2013 (UTC) Reply
Dear Thogo, I am contacting you to introduce myself. My name is Jessica Robell and I have recently joined the Wikimedia Foundation as a part of the fundraising team. My work will be focused to a large extent around translations. I am very interested in finding engaged Wikipedians, such as yourself, who would be interested in contributing with their time to translate shorter text from English to German. I know that you have been active as a translator in previous years and I would be most grateful if we could count on your support also this year. To begin with, we have for example recently put up a 'Thank you letter' from the Wikimedia Foundation's ED Sue Gardner for translation, using the translation extension. You can find the letter here:
Furthermore, in addition to using the translation extension, my aim is to develop a few personal contacts to whom I can reach out with potential questions regarding a particular word choice etc. As an engaged Wikipedia translator, I would be very interested in hearing your view on this.
Thank you very much for your support. I look forward to hearing from you. Kind regards,
Jessica Robell Global Fundraising Coordinator Jrobell (talk) 10:47, 2 January 2014 (UTC) Reply
magst du bitte einmal bei Steward requests/Global vorbeischauen. Wir brauchen unsere Steawrts, den jene Accounts, die Administratoren oder andere Benutzer beleidigen, müssen nähmlich global hidden gemacht warden. Gruß --Olmoj (talk) 14:50, 3 May 2014 (UTC) Reply
- das verstehe ich nicht. --თოგო (D) 22:36, 3 May 2014 (UTC) Reply
- I think I've dealt with this request now; there were some accounts that he wanted hidden as they had offensive usernames. Ajraddatz (talk) 22:38, 3 May 2014 (UTC) Reply
- Aha, well. He could have said that. ^^ --თოგო (D) 22:23, 4 May 2014 (UTC) Reply
- I think I've dealt with this request now; there were some accounts that he wanted hidden as they had offensive usernames. Ajraddatz (talk) 22:38, 3 May 2014 (UTC) Reply
Hi Thogo. I edited your monobook.js to update you to the latest version of StewardScript, which is compatible with the latest MediaWiki changes and resides on the Wikimedia Tool Labs for easier updates. I also updated a deprecated function and made your scripts HTTPS-compatible. Let me know if anything breaks. :) —Pathoschild 02:41, 22 March 2015 (UTC)
- Hi Pathoschild. :) Thank you, but as I'm not a steward anymore, it's very unlikely I see whether it works or not. ;) --თოგო (D) 13:00, 22 March 2015 (UTC) Reply
Dear member of the Ombudsman Commission. Yesterday (July 18) I filed a formal complaint by sending an email to the OC (see here). I've been falsely accused of having a sockpuppet and, in spite of my requests, the checkusers at the Spanish Wikipedia keep on claiming I control Pelayo Calderón account. That's not true and, IMHO, the only way to clarify it is to perform a global checkuser verification in order to compare my alleged sockpuppet editions (AFAIK, all of them in the Spanish Wikipedia) with mine (mostly in commons, but also in wikidata and other wikipedias... possibly there are a few records of mine also in the Spanish Wikipedia). I'm perfectly aware of the expiration of logs and therefore I'd like to get a fast response, as it seems to be the only way to clean my name. I'd like to get, at least, an acknowledgement, as I haven't received any news after sending my email. If necessary, I can contact you by mail. Just let me know. Many thanks into advance --Discasto (talk) 21:34, 19 July 2015 (UTC) PS: I'm leaving this message to all the members of the OC. Sorry for the spam.Reply
Please sign new Wikimedia confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information by 15 December
[edit ]This is a message from the Wikimedia Foundation. Translations are available.
As you may know, the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees approved a new "Access to nonpublic information policy" on 25 April 2014 after a community consultation. The former policy has remained in place until the new policy could be implemented. That implementation work is now being done, and we are beginning the transition to the new policy.
An important part of that transition is helping volunteers like you sign the required confidentiality agreement. All Wikimedia volunteers with access to nonpublic information are required to sign this new agreement, and we have prepared some documentation to help you do so.
The Wikimedia Foundation is requiring that anyone with access to nonpublic information sign the new confidentiality agreement by 15 December 2015 (OTRS users have until 22 December 2015) to retain their access. You are receiving this email because you have access to nonpublic information and are required to sign the confidentiality agreement under the new policy.
Signing the confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information is conducted and tracked using Legalpad on Phabricator. The general confidentiality agreement is now ready, and the OTRS agreement will be ready after 22 September 2015. We have prepared a guide on Meta-Wiki to help you create your Phabricator account and sign the new agreement: Confidentiality agreement for nonpublic information/How to sign
If you have any questions or experience any problems while signing the new agreement, please visit this talk page or email me (gvarnum(_AT_) Again, please sign this confidentiality agreement by 15 December 2015 (OTRS users have until 22 December 2015) to retain your access to nonpublic information. If you do not wish to retain this access, please let me know and we will forward your request to the appropriate individuals.
Thank you,
Gregory Varnum (User:GVarnum-WMF), Wikimedia Foundation
Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 23:33, 15 September 2015 (UTC) • Translate • Get help
Greetings SWMT member,
I'm letting you know in advance about a meeting I'd like to invite you to regarding the Universal Code of Conduct and the community's ownership of its future enforcement. I'm still in the process of putting together the details, but I wanted to share the date with you: 10 July, 2021. I do not have a time on this date yet, but I will let you soon. We have created a meta page with basic information. Please take a look at the meta page and sign up your name under the appropriate section.
Thank you for your time.--BAnand (WMF) 03:21, 3 June 2021 (UTC) Reply