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Steward requests/Miscellaneous/2024-04

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
Latest comment: 5 months ago by MdsShakil in topic Manual requests
Warning! Please do not post any new comments on this page. This is a discussion archive first created in April 2024, although the comments contained were likely posted before and after this date. See current discussion.

Manual requests

Latest comment: 5 months ago 59 comments18 people in discussion

Blocking by the administrator on the Azerbaijani wikipedia

Status: Not done

First of all, I apologize for writing here. The administrator and bureaucrat of the Azerbaijani Wikipedia named Turkmen blocked me again on the Azerbaijani Wikipedia. I have been active in Azerbaijani Wikipedia for almost 14 years, and the last 10 years of my activity consisted of activities as an administrator. In the last 5 years of 14 years, Turkmens tried to take my administrative rights 5-6 times at different times. I can't share those links with you right now because I'm blocked. As an example, you can see these steps taken by him to get my administrative status. In 2019, he wrote an extensive article on Azviki again to get my administrator status. This user also blocked my talk page, which is completely against these rules. At the same time, he blocked the user account belonging to my wife. I think, my wife's fault that she's married to me. In January 2020, he also applied to the meta to block me indefinitely. The user is also doing this because I was against him during the last steward election.

The user likes to give extensive interviews to the local press about the statuses he has achieved and is very proud of it. You can take a look at these links as an example: oxu.az, ens.az, azertag. It is illegal to block my discussion page and block my wife as well. Please help me.--Baskervill (talk) 12:45, 30 March 2024 (UTC)

--Baskervill (talk) 12:45, 30 March 2024 (UTC)

@Mehman, @HakanIST, @EPIC please take a look at this topic. Baskervill (talk) 12:46, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
Hi, a user was blocked for calling others contributions "trash" and then calling them "shame on you". Turkmen talk 12:57, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
first blocked it for 2 weeks, then increased the duration of the block. I said that users should be ashamed of such malicious activity because it harms Azwiki. Is it the right decision to close my discussion page because of these statements?--Baskervill (talk) 13:02, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
I wrote that it was 1 month in the statement. It was just a technical error. This has been the case many times. It is discussed, the block is opened and you continue. Turkmen talk 13:09, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Turkmen, every time the same administrators block me. Why did you close my discussion page? This is against the rules. Why did you block my wife's user account? Baskervill (talk) 13:18, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
I have blocked only 1 user today, that is only your account. I don't know your wife. Turkmen talk 13:23, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Turkmen, We use the same IP and have mentioned it in our user profile. You have implemented an IP block. Baskervill (talk) 13:42, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
If your wife is experiencing problems but has not been blocked directly it‘s probably because of the mw:Autoblock. Johannnes89 (talk) 14:43, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Johannnes89 Can be. I don't have enough knowledge about technical procedures. Can you please help us in this matter? Closing my talk page for editing is against the rules. That takes away my right to debate. Baskervill (talk) 15:06, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Baskervill, I didn't pay attention, I fixed it. Turkmen talk 15:52, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
So, we see that the problems in the Azerbaijani Wikipedia are still ongoing and I hope that the local community will finally analyze its actions and solve the problems. But if not, then unfortunately we will have to act as in the case of the Chechen Wikipedia (desysop all admins, or some of them). I urge the stewards to closely monitor the situation in AzWiki.
Regarding this specific situation, I checked this post from Baskervill and did'n't find a violation of what Turkmen stated. In this text (from the context) Baskervill voices his position, where he says that articles (written using the Content Translation tool) are "garbage," but I didn't see that Baskerville describes this in relation to a specific person. So the block is not justified. – Meh man 15:14, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Mehman @Baskervill: Stewards don't have special authority over local projects, we don't intervene in local matters unless in emergency situations (which this is not) or if a global RfC determines that there are systemic problems (example [1]). Note that blocking of a single user is usually not sufficient for determining systemic problems.
@Baskervill most projects allow removing talk page access (e.g. en:WP:TPA) under certain circumstances, though I don't know about azwiki policy. Please try to use local dispute resolution options, e.g. by contacting other azwiki admins [2] via metawiki and ask them to review of your block (unless that review has already happened and that's the reason why your azwiki talk page and email access have been removed).
@Turkmen if the user's wife has been affected by the auto block (see az:Xüsusi:AutoblockList) and you happen to know her account, you might want to consider granting her account an an IP block exemption or removing the autoblock option at az:Xüsusi:Blok/Baskervill. Best regards --Johannnes89 (talk) 15:39, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Johannnes89, Done. Turkmen talk 15:51, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Johannnes89, My talk page is still closed. You have been misinformed about this. Baskervill (talk) 16:00, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
Again: Stewards cannot intervene, this is a local matter, you will need to discuss this with local admins (or via RfC if there are systemic problems – which I don't see at first glance). And unless there's a local policy explicitly disallowing removing talk page access it is well within the right of the blocking administrator to close your talk page in certain cases. Johannnes89 (talk) 16:04, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
Mehman and Johannnes89, Baskervill, the user in question, had repeatedly tried to manipulate the system, told lies, canvassed votes, and leaked confidential information about AzWiki users to people outside of Wikipedia who intend to target them on social media or via police, which did garner the attention of Trust&Safety multiple times. Recently, the community decided to revoke Baskervill's administrative privileges due to such actions. Subsequently, Baskervill has been attempting to "retaliate" against their perceived "rivals". Baskervill violated AzWiki's rules, as outlined in az:VP:N, by making statements such as "these articles are trash" and suggesting that "[their authors] should be ashamed". It's astonishing how easily Mehman dismissed any breach of AzWiki rules after getting tagged by Baskervill. --► Sincerely: Sola Virum 15:54, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
And, regarding Baskervill's spouse's account, though unrelated, it remained inactive for many years until Baskervill was stripped of their sysop privileges. --► Sincerely: Sola Virum 15:56, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Solavirum, I have not shared anyone's personal information. This is slander. Do you have proof of this? Baskervill (talk) 15:57, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Solavirum No worries, I have enough knowledge to say that there are systematic issues in your community and this is not the first time it has come up on Meta (see 1, 2, 3, 4 and etc.). – Meh man 17:01, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Mehman, @Baskervill ilk dəfə deyil qayda pozur. Həmin rəyinin ardınca yenə Kənd Meydanında ayrı bir müzakirədə bu dəfə də ödənişli redaktorluq edənlərə "Bu ödənişli redaktorluq camaatın evini yıxacaq" yazıb. Daha əvvəl də inzibatçı ola-ola manipulyativ və yalan formada mənim şəxsi məlumatlarımı paylaşıb mənə böhtan atmışdı.[3] Normalda o bu hərəkətinə görə qlobal bloklanmalı idi. Samral (talk) 16:40, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Samral indiki halda siz Azvikidə bloklanmalısız. Qarşlılıqlı əlaqə blokunun qaydalarını pozmusunuz. Evini yıxacaq sadəcə sarkazmdır. Siz bu sözü niyə özünüzə şamil etmisiz ? Həm bura azərbaycanca danışılacaq yer deyil. Baskervill (talk) 16:47, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Baskervill, qaydalardan bixəbərsiniz. Bizim qarşılıqlı əlaqə blokumuz təkcə AzVikiyə aiddir, bütün Vikimedia layihələrinə yox. Mən də ödənişli redaktorluq edirəm, niyə də öz üstümə götürməyim? Ürəyim istəyir azərbaycanca danışıram, lap istəyərəm Translate-i qoşaram ermənicə danışaram. Bunun sizə heç bir aidiyyatı yoxdur. Mən əslində düşünürdüm ki, sizə təyin olunmuş 1 ay blok çoxdu. Hətta yazacaqdım ki, bəlkə 1 həftə olsun. Amma belə baxıram ki, elə düz edilib. Hətta bəlkə də 1 ay azdır. Baskervill sizin inzibatçı və bürokrat olub at oynatdığınız, MEK-dən ordan burdan səsvermələrə sosial şəbəkələr vasitəsilə kütləvi adam dəvət edib ürəyiniz istəyəni etdiyiniz dövr deyil artıq. Bununla barışın. Ya barışacaqsız, ya da bu cür bloklanacaqsız. Samral (talk) 23:00, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Samral sənə nəsə deməyin mənası var səncə ? Yazan adam yazardı. Mən əminəm ki, bu gün mənim haqqsız yerə bloklanmağım səni sadəcə olaraq sevindirir. Mən at oynatmamışam heç harda. Sən özün bizim real tanışlarımzdan birinə etiraf etmişdin ki, ondan öz heyifimi alacağam. Yazacaqdım.. Nə vaxt ? Gələn aymı ? Baskervill (talk) 07:09, 31 March 2024 (UTC)
@Samral Əgər belə bir problem var idisə, niyə T&S ilə əlaqə saxlamadınız? Bu barədə burada yazmaq deyil, WMF ilə əlaqə saxlamalısız. – Meh man 17:04, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
Mehman, Baskervill has been warned by Trust and Safety, this fact was evidenced by Nemoralis during Baskervill's desysoping process; see this. --► Sincerely: Sola Virum 17:24, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Mehman, həmin vaxt və ya son bir neçə ayda yazmamışamsa səbəbi var. Və çox tutarlı səbəbdir. Samral (talk) 22:55, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Mehman məni yenə 5 il əvvəl baş verdiyi iddia olunan xüsusiyyətlərlə ittiham edirlər. Bununla bağlı konkret fakt, sübut yoxdur. Sadəcə müəyyən ehtimal və gümanlar mövcuddur. Fonda mənim barədə o qədər şikayət yazıblar ki, axırda fond mənə başqasının məlumatlarını paylaşmaq doğru deyil, biz belə şeylərdəm narahat oluruq məzmunlu mesaj göndərib və bunu mənə edilmiş rəsmi xəbərdarlıq kimi təqdim edirlər. Bu günki, mövzu mənim haqqsız blokdan əziyyət çəkməyim və müzakirə səhifəmin qapadılması ilə bağlıdır, ancaq mövzu hər dəfə bu yerə gəlir. @Mehman mənə qarşı iddiaları yazan adam bir necə həftə əvvəl mənə bu e-maili göndərən adamdı. @Solavirum, @Nemoralis siz də tanış ola bilərsiz. Buna baxın Baskervill (talk) 07:04, 31 March 2024 (UTC)
@Baskervill Skrinşotdan da gördüyüm kimi, iştirakçı sizə qarşı qeyri-etik ifadələr işlədib, təhqir edib ki, bu da UCoC ziddir. Müvafiq sübutlarla T&S ilə əlaqə saxlamağınızı təklif edirəm. – Meh man 12:28, 31 March 2024 (UTC)
@Baskervill, bəs noldu deyirdiz, Fond mənə xəbərdarlıq etməyib? Bəs deyirdiz əgər belə bir şey olubsa mən filanam? Yuxarıda təsdiq etmisiz ki, Fond sizə belə bir mesaj göndərib. Hə bir də ki, sizə mail-skrin təqdim olunanda bəs deyirdiz bunu süni intellektlə də düzəltmək olur. İndi nə bilək sizin təqdim etdiyiniz skrini özünüz Fotoşop-la düzəltməmisiz? Və ya fərz edək ki, sizə elə bir e-mail yazmışam. Ola bilərmi ki, siz 7/24 məni bütün sosial şəbəkələrdə narahat etmisiz, bezdirmisiz, hər yerdə sizi bloka atmışam və sonda siz maildən də yazandan sonra reply olaraq sizə "məndən əl çək" niyyətilə yazmışam? Ola bilər? Ya o mail sizə durduq yerə gəlib? Nəysə, danışdıqca batırsız @Mehman bəyi də hədər yerə bu söhbətlərlə narahat edirsiz. Çox maraqlıdır ki, Mehman bəy də Fondun sizə o ür sərt xəbərdarlığına məhəl qoymayıb, amma sizin təqdim etdiyiniz hansısa şəxsi mail skrinşot iddiasına dərhal münasibət bildirib. Maraqlıdır... Samral (talk) 16:21, 31 March 2024 (UTC)
@Samral e-mailin əsil olduğunu siz özünüzdə gözəl bilirsiz. Mən bu şərhi oxuyan hər kəsə sözügedən təhqiramiz emailin orjinal pdfni göndərməyə hazıram. Sadəcə mənim bu ünvanıma müraciət etsinlər. Siz yuxardakı şərhinizdə gah emaili sizin göndərdiyinizi qəbul edir, gah da inkar edirsiniz. Mənə görə ruhu xəstə, (ruhi yox ha, ruhu) psixoliji problemli olan bir adam başqa bir adama belə bir məzunda mesaj yaza bilər. Heç bir halda heç kim bu formada təhqir olunmağa layiq deyil. Fondun mənə göndərilən məktubunda xəbərdarlıq yoxdur. Sadəcə tövsiyyə olunur. Sözügedən məsələ siz deyən kimi olsaydız çoxdan qlobal formada bloklanmışdım. Faktiki bu gün haqqsız yerə bloklanmışam, mənə olan nifrətiniz gözünüzü örtüb, həqiqəti görə bilmirsiz. Ədalətli olsaydız deyərdiz ki, blok doğru deyil. Hələ də, özünüzə aid nələrsə axtarırsız ki, ödənişli məqalələrə yazanlara belə dedi, elə dedi.--Baskervill (talk) 16:48, 31 March 2024 (UTC)
Not done per statement above, this is a local matter an needs to be resolved locally, there is nothing the stewards can do. --Johannnes89 (talk) 16:07, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
@Johannnes89, Who should we turn to in case of abuse of rights by the local wiki administrators? Baskervill (talk) 16:18, 30 March 2024 (UTC)
As mentioned above: If you think there are systemic problems with azwiki admins you might consider using global RfC. If you allege systemic violations of the wmf:UCoC you may turn to the U4C once it has been established. If there are no systemic problems, there is no global instance to check the blocking of a single user. Johannnes89 (talk) 16:32, 30 March 2024 (UTC)

Edit warring at bswikiquote

Status: Done

At bswikiquote, a couple of users on the pages Josip Broz Tito and Mustafa Busuladžić were edit warring because of some kind of content removal. An attempt to resolve the dispute is on a user's talk page.

AnToni just removes a lot of content without an adequate summary, instead only using the default undo summary in Bosnian.

Are there any attempts to resolve the dispute, or opinions? Thank you. – 64andtim (talk) 21:59, 30 January 2024 (UTC)

@64andtim: FYI, somehow a whole discussion about deleting bswq as whole, now leaning inconclusive, was made without prior application to Meta. A09 (talk) 09:23, 9 February 2024 (UTC)

One of the edit-warring users has been blocked by @Ajraddatz [4] --Johannnes89 (talk) 12:42, 1 April 2024 (UTC)

Thanks for the ping - hadn't noticed this section before. This is a somewhat difficult case, but I blocked the user who had been adding the very slanted quotes. He contacted me on my talk page and I offered to unblock if he stopped edit warring and discussed what quotes to include on the talk page, but he has not responded. Tagging as done though I'm still open to follow up communication from the user. – Ajraddatz (talk) 13:10, 1 April 2024 (UTC)

Troubleshoot javascript at is.wikibooks

Status: Done

Is.wikibooks has an upload link configured with mw:Manual:$wgUploadNavigationUrl. This link only shows with safemode on, verify link with safemode, verify link without safemode. The link is called "Hlaða inn skrá" under the "Verkfæri" section in the sidebar. I have tried to replicate the issue on is.wikipedia and my own common.js on is.wikibooks, without any luck, hence this request. Is.wikibooks does not have interface admins, verify link. Figure out if MediaWiki:Common.js on is.wikibooks is causing this, and if so fix it.

Is.wikibooks does not have gadgets or other javascript files other than b:is:MediaWiki:Common.js (for example no MediaWiki:Vector.js), so if there is an issue with any user saved javascript it is in MediaWiki:common.js. I have also tried blanking my user common.js, without any luck. The upload link should appear on the MediaWiki:Common.js page, so you could preview that page repeatedly until the issue is found; if common.js is the culprit, that is. Also try updating the "autocollape mw-collapse" code, in lines 4-24 in is.wikibooks MediaWiki:Common.js, with the same function from the english wikipedia, present in en:MediaWiki:Common.js lines 108-142. I am not aware of any other outdated code.--Snævar (talk) 12:13, 1 April 2024 (UTC)

@SnævarThe script has nothing to do with it, but I have now updated the script to the new version.
b:is:Special:Diff/34861 WikiBayer 👤💬 21:20, 1 April 2024 (UTC)

Force local account creations for User:CommonsDelinker

Status: Done

I help maintain CommonsDelinker. Due to a bug, and the fact I lack the web login credentials, please force local account creations for SUL using the following links:

Thanks and best, —‍Mdaniels5757 (talkcontribs) 18:35, 4 April 2024 (UTC)

Donexaosflux Talk 18:39, 4 April 2024 (UTC)

Global ban for Slowking4 (2)

Status: Not done

Consensus is to block him from everything except English Wikisource. Could you do that? Another Wiki User the 3rd (talk) 15:24, 22 March 2024 (UTC)

The discussion is not yet closed and thus there is no consensus for stewards to take any action here. Whether there is a consensus for any actions will be determined by the stewards when the discussion is closed, which there doesn't seem to be at this time either. Also, keep in mind the discussion is for a global ban, which is truly global - if there is a consensus to impose one when the RfC is closed, we will, but we can't do anything until then. EPIC (talk) 15:28, 22 March 2024 (UTC)
Closing this as premature. Should Requests for comment/Global ban for Slowking4 (2) close, required dispositions should occur at that time. — xaosflux Talk 23:48, 10 April 2024 (UTC)

Fa.wikibooks.org sysop doing whatever he wants

Status: Not done

You have been blocked in 2 other projects. But that's only incidental. This page is for requests. There is no request in your contribution.---WikiBayer 👤💬 15:37, 23 April 2024 (UTC)

did you even bother to take a look the site? the page has not been edited since 2011 Baratiiman (talk) 17:23, 23 April 2024 (UTC)
Yes. But you have not specified what you are requesting, and so this request is unactionable. EPIC (talk) 17:25, 23 April 2024 (UTC)
I request you desysop that guy it is better if there are 0 admins than 1 insane admmin Baratiiman (talk) 17:26, 23 April 2024 (UTC)
We can only de-sysop in three scenarios; self-resignation, community consensus or emergencies. None of these apply here, and so there is nothing we can do for now. In case of issues, please discuss them locally instead. EPIC (talk) 17:39, 23 April 2024 (UTC)
i was banned for moving book pages Baratiiman (talk) 17:25, 23 April 2024 (UTC)
About fawiki , iranian regime basically runs the sysops one of the stewards was banned by wikimedia last week Baratiiman (talk) 17:35, 23 April 2024 (UTC)

Harrasments and deceptions by Futurolog21

Status: Done

Hello, dear community. Futurolog21 is openly harassing me and trying to turn the community against me by spreading slander. Her activity has been bothering me for a long time, but in recent days, every time I enter Wikipedia, I'm genuinely tired of seeing my user name on a new page. The user has been harassing me for a long time because I nominated the article she created, "Lady Slim" for deletion in several languages (it was a cross-wiki spam, created in 16 languages, but remained in only a few). She write distorted reviews about me in every language edition, use the subject of the article to portray me as biased, ([5], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10] and try to rally the LGBT community against me. I've only issued warnings about this behavior, but she keep portraying themselves as a "victim" and me as a "perpetrator," accusing me of serious things and spreading slander.

This user's activity is a serious problem; she comfortably lie, distort or make up facts, and create false narratives. She is currently writing about me on various pages, claiming that I've insulted them and I am biased because of the topics of the articles she wrote. ([11], [12] I have never insulted the user. As can be seen from the link the user provides to claim I "insulted" her, this user believes that she never made mistakes, and my "baseless" warnings to her, pointing out her mistakes, is considered an insult. The problem is that even when I use Wikipedia's technical capabilities to prove she is wrong and she has been vialote a policy, the user repeatedly denies it and says I'm slandering her. There have been other cases like this, but the latest one is on another level: the user's puppet account has been confirmed by Checkuser, but the user says this result is wrong and there's some mistake. Look at what the user wrote about me here; she claims I have broad connections within Wikipedia :D She say the checkuser result is incorrect and I had a hand in it. (Can you believe it? They even deny this and try to blame it on me! Since the puppet account was confirmed, she's been writing several texts about me and deny the Checkuser result, claiming it's false and I'm responsible for this slander. ([13], [14] )

The user has previously denied facts and told lies, but this is the last straw. This user's activities are full of fabrications. Just look at her lie here. I think the reason for this is that the user is unfamiliar with Wikipedia's technical capabilities (look at the last link I provide; she didn't know that deleted articles are also can be seen, so they lied about the article's creation and fabricated a story). That's why they can lie so easily, spread slander, and believe that inciting certain communities will help them achieve their goals. Their recent posts ask for action against me, and their comments on Wikimedia LGBT+ page clearly show that the user is distorting facts about me and using sensitive topics like LGBT to try to incite the community against me.

However, technically, every fact proves that this user is playing games for their interests. Note that this user was blocked in the Azerbaijani Wikipedia for disrupting Wikipedia's normal operation, and in the Spanish Wikipedia for being a single-purpose account. I'm ready to answer any questions and provide any fact related to this user's activities. I also demand that this user takes responsibility for every sentence she's written about me and should provide evidence for their claims. Wikimedia is not a playground or a battlefield. --Sura Shukurlu (talk) 18:36, 23 April 2024 (UTC)

@Sura Shukurlu, Steward requests/Global request for a global lock ? WikiBayer 👤💬 21:56, 23 April 2024 (UTC)
@WikiBayer, thanks for your response, I requested. Sura Shukurlu (talk) 07:09, 24 April 2024 (UTC)
The user has been locked, thanks again. Sura Shukurlu (talk) 07:59, 24 April 2024 (UTC)

Marking as Done. The mentioned account has been globally locked by EPIC. You can also report this incident to Trust and Safety, who work to keep our communities safe. They can help you avoid such incidents in the future and ensure your safety within the Wikimedia movement. —MdsShakil (talk) 08:37, 24 April 2024 (UTC)

AltStyle によって変換されたページ (->オリジナル) /