Комитет по разработке Устава Движения
- Governance Committee
- Audit Committee
- Talent & Culture Committee
- Product & Technology Committee
- Community Affairs Committee
Staff committees
Community-wide committees
Movement governance committees
Movement-wide preparation committees
Resources allocation committees
Комитет по разработке Устава Движения (КРУД) осуществляет подготовку проекта Устава Движения.
Комитет был сформирован 1 ноября 2021 года путем проведения выборов и других методов отбора.
В состав КРУД входят члены проектов, аффилированных организаций и Фонда Викимедиа. Более подробную информацию можно найти в Матрицы Редакционных комитетов.
В соответствии с предварительным соглашением, члены КРУД могут получать денежное вознаграждение, компенсирующее расходы на участие. Сумма составляет US50ドル каждые два месяца.
Действующие члены КРУД (в произвольном порядке, нажмите для получения более подробной информации):
- Анасс Седрати (User:Anass Sedrati)
- Руна Бхаттачарджи (User:Runab WMF)
- Энн Клин (User:Risker)
- Richard Knipel (User:Pharos)
- Ciell (User:Ciell)
- Daria Cybulska (User:Daria Cybulska (WMUK))
- Пепе Флорес (User:Padaguan)
- Жорж Фодуоп (User:Geugeor)
- Michał Buczyński (User:Aegis Maelstrom)
- Хорхе Варгас (User:JVargas WMF)
- Манавприт Каур (User:Manavpreet Kaur)
Бывшие члены
- Alice Wiegand (User:Lyzzy) (ноябрь 2021 – январь 2022)
- Jamie Li-Yun Lin (User:Li-Yun Lin) (ноябрь 2021 – апрель 2022)
- Reda Kerbouche (User:Reda Kerbouche) (февраль 2022 – февраль 2023)
- Ravan J Al-Taie (User:Ravan) (ноябрь 2021 – май 2023)
- Ричард Хаслам (User:Nosebagbear) (ноябрь 2021 – September 2023)
- Эрика Аззеллини (User:EricaAzzellini) (ноябрь 2021 – февраль 2024)
Ноябрь 2021 - май 2023
- participated in certain MCDC working meetings and discussions under the Chatham House rule;
- worked on the furthering of drafts, by MCDC invitation; and
- received previews of the drafts for early input and feedback.
Advisors did not possess voting rights, were not required to travel, and were not granted access to confidential or privileged information beyond their involvement in Charter drafts. Advisors had access to Charter drafts that may be embargoed.
Advisors to the MCDC and their respective Wikimedia regions, as of 26 October 2023:
- Alhassan Mohammed Awal (Sub-Saharan Africa)
- Goodness Ignatius (Sub-Saharan Africa)
- Yop Rwang Pam (Sub-Saharan Africa)
- Abdul-Rafiu Fuseini (Sub-Saharan Africa)
- Anyanwu Chinwendu Peace (Sub-Saharan Africa)
- Lucy Iwuala (Sub-Saharan Africa)
- Nzubechukwu Ernest (Sub-Saharan Africa)
- Kinvidia (Sub-Saharan Africa)
- Ngozi Eunice Osadebe (Sub-Saharan Africa)
- Onwuka Glory (Sub-Saharan Africa)
- Ogali Hilary (Sub-Saharan Africa)
- Antoni Mtavangu (Sub-Saharan Africa)
- Delphine Ménard (Central & Eastern Europe & Central Asia)
- Gergő Tisza (Central & Eastern Europe & Central Asia)
- Alek Tarkowski (Central & Eastern Europe & Central Asia)
- Johnny Alegre (East, Southeast Asia, & Pacific)
- Muhammad Faisal Ansari (East, Southeast Asia, & Pacific)
- Joyce Chen (East, Southeast Asia, & Pacific)
- Anna Torres (Latin America & Caribbean)
- Adel Nehaoua (Middle East & North Africa)
- Abbad Diraneyya (Middle East & North Africa)
- Nanour Garabedian (Middle East & North Africa)
- Rachid Ourkia (Middle East & North Africa)
- LiAnna Davis (North America)
- Louis Germain (North America)
- Margeigh Novotny (North America)
- Steven Mantz (North America)
- Ander Wennersten (Northern & Western Europe)
- Nicole Ebber (Northern & Western Europe)
- Remy Gerbet (Northern & Western Europe)
- Capucine Marin (Northern & Western Europe)
- Eva Martin (Northern & Western Europe)
- Nikki Zeuner (Northern & Western Europe)
- Paulo Perneta (Northern & Western Europe)
- Frank Schulenburg (Northern & Western Europe)
- Tulsi Bhagat (South Asia)
- Tanveer Hasan (South Asia)
Поддерживающие сотрудники_цы
At the time of its dissolution on August 31, 2024, the MCDC was supported by the following staff from Wikimedia Foundation:
- Lead support staff: Kaarel Vaidla
- Project manager: Nhu Phan
- Communications: Aida Akhmedova & Natalia Szafran-Kozakowska
- Knowledge management: Ramzy Muliawan