Meta:Administratori središnjih priopćenja
Dopuštenje administrator središnjih priopćenja dodano je kao način za izbjeći dodjelu cijelog paketa administratorskih prava onima koji samo trebaju uređivati kampanje oglasnim zastavicama. Zbog potencijalno vrlo šokovitog učinka oglasnih zastavica na wikiprojekte, ovo bi se trebalo dodjeljivati vrlo pažljivo i ograničeno.
Requests for CentralNotice banner campaigns should be placed at CentralNotice/Request.
Administratori središnjih priopćenja imaju sljedeća prava:
- Izmjene su automatski označene kao ophođene
- Protect translatable messages handled by the Translate extension and included in CentralNotice banners
- Uređivanje središnjih obavjesnica
- Uređivanje suradničkog sučelja
- Omogući dvostruku provjeru autentičnosti
- Mijenjanje postavki zaštićivanja i uređivanje zaštićenih stranica
Election and removal
Meta-Wiki bureaucrats can grant and remove this permission. The election and removal procedure is outlined below. However, Wikimedia Foundation employees or contractors requiring CentralNotice adminship access for their work shall follow a specific procedure instead.
Requesting CentralNotice adminship
Volunteers willing to access CentralNotice adminship shall file a request for CentralNotice adminship. The election process is governed by the same rules used for requesting regular adminship.
Removal of access
- Meta-Wiki administrators lose their CentralNotice adminship if their administrator permissions are removed pursuant to Meta:Administrators/Removal (inactivity). CentralNotice administrator actions count as administrator actions for inactivity purposes.
- CentralNotice administrators that are not Meta-Wiki administrators will automatically lose the permission if they have not made any edit or logged action for which this permission is required in the last 12 months immediately prior to the designated review date (1. listopad).