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Diru laguntzak: KID

From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Grants:IEG and the translation is 6% complete.
Historical This page is kept for historical interest. Any grant programs, policies, or related details mentioned may be obsolete. You can find Wikimedia Foundation's current funding programs at Grants:Start.

The Project & Event Grant (PEG) and Individual Engagement Grant (IEG) programs are no longer active. Please read about our current grant programs on Grants:Start.

Konpromiso Indibidualeko Diru laguntzak

Individual Engagement Grants support Wikimedians to complete projects that benefit the Wikimedia movement. Our focus is on experimentation for online impact.

We fund individuals or small teams to organize, build, create, research or facilitate something that enhances the work of Wikimedia’s volunteers.

for a grant

open proposals

current grants



for a grant


open proposals

current grants

IEG Committee
Questions about IEG
Diru laguntza eskaera

round 2 2015 schedule

Proposals accepted: 31 August–29 September

Committee members finalized: 30 September

Community comment requested: 30 September–19 October

Committee review: 20 October – 2 November

Grantees announced: 4 December


Grants disbursed: December 2015 – January 2016

Midpoint reports: April

Final reports: July

2016 +

round 1 2016 schedule

IdeaLab Campaign: 28 February-29 March

Proposals accepted: 14 March through 12 April

Open feedback period[1] : 12 April through 2 May

Committee review: 3 May –16 May

Grantees announced: 17 June

Grants disbursed: June

Midpoint reports: September

Final reports: December

2016 +

1. urratsa

applying for grants
applying for grants
Konpromiso Indibidualeko Diru laguntzen ingurua

Proposals should support the achievement of Wikimedia's mission and strategic priorities . We favor high-impact requests with an intended online impact.

We want to see you do something that helps more Wikimedia volunteers serve more free knowledge to more people around the world.

eligible applicants

Individual or team of up to 4 individuals. See other grant options

Willing to provide full legal name and address. See more program rules

Able to independently complete the project.

Grantees are not awarded special access to WMF Engineering and Product Development or other non-grantmaking staff.
eligible projects

Scoped to 6 months, with potential to renew for 6 more if need is shown.

Maximum request USD 30,000. No minimum.

Aimed at improving one or more of Wikimedia's existing websites. Creating a new wiki instead?

Technical projects should be completed independently.

Development of templates, gadgets, bots, and standalone applications are welcome. Software projects requiring code review and integration must demonstrate commitment from the related maintainers.

Any code or other materials produced must be published and released as free and open-source.

Licensing should be compatible with current Wikimedia and MediaWiki practices.

Content-creation is not directly funded.

Projects should foster conditions that encourage editing by volunteers (e.g. editor recruitment campaigns), not replace volunteer action by funding someone to edit articles, upload photos, etc.

project selection criteria

We select proposals based on the following criteria:

  1. Impact potential - Does it fit with Wikimedia's strategic priorities? Does it have potential for online impact? Can it be sustained, scaled, or adapted elsewhere after the grant ends?
  2. Innovation and learning - Does it take an innovative approach to solving a key problem for the Wikimedia movement? Is the potential impact greater than the risks? Can we measure success?
  3. Ability to execute - Can the scope be accomplished in 6 months? How realistic/efficient is the budget? Do the participants have the necessary skills/experience?
  4. Community engagement - Does it have a specific target community within the Wikimedia movement, and plan to engage it often? Does it have community support? Does it support diversity?
  5. The total amount of funding available - annually approved by the WMF Board.
applying for grants
applying for grants

step 2

applying for grants
applying for grants
apply for an Individual Engagement Grant

Applications for Individual Engagement Grants are no longer accepted. Please consider reviewing our newer Rapid Grant and Project Grant programs for your application. Thanks!

IdeaLab logo
IdeaLab logo

Need help with your proposal? Visit the IdeaLab

Do you have an idea but not sure how to make it a complete proposal? Or perhaps you want to find other collaborators to work on the project. Get help turning your idea into action in the IdeaLab .

applying for grants
applying for grants

step 3

applying for grants
applying for grants

WMF grantmaking staff review proposals as they're submitted to ensure they meet the eligibility criteria. Those that do not meet the criteria are returned to draft status and applicants are notified. Those that are determined eligible are marked for committee review.

applying for grants
applying for grants

step 4

applying for grants
applying for grants
community discussion

The Wikimedia community is invited to endorse proposals or discuss any concerns or questions they have on proposal talk pages.

Applicants are responsible for making relevant communities aware of their proposal as early as possible.

As soon as you draft your proposal, you should notify areas of the community (via village pump, mailing list, talk page, or other project-appropriate venues) that are most likely to be impacted or involved in your project. Community support is a factor in review, so please post a link to the notification and any relevant discussions in the section provided on your proposal, and encourage community members to post feedback on your proposal page.

applying for grants
applying for grants

step 5

applying for grants
applying for grants

committee review

The Individual Engagement Grants committee reviews proposals by scoring and providing feedback, and then recommends a shortlist of proposals for WMF to fund.

applying for grants
applying for grants

step 6

applying for grants
applying for grants

selections finalized

The staff complete due diligence on the committee's recommended shortlist of proposals and finalize the selection of grantees. If necessary, this step may include an interview of the applicant with the program head. If your proposal is selected, you'll be notified and asked to submit verifying documentation (legal name, address, etc) to WMF for final approval.

applying for grants
applying for grants

step 7

applying for grants
applying for grants

grantees announced

All applicants are notified of results on proposal talk pages. If your proposal is selected and approved for a grant, the WMF will contact you with a grant agreement, disbursement setup, and other details.

Grantees are announced via mailing lists, social media, and the Wikimedia blog.

applying for grants
applying for grants

step 8

applying for grants
applying for grants

project reporting

Grantees submit brief monthly updates in a format of their choosing, as well as a midpoint report and final project report on-wiki.

applying for grants
applying for grants

applying for grants
applying for grants

About other Wikimedia Foundation grant programs

The Wikimedia Foundation’s grantmaking programs increase the quantity, quality, diversity, and reach of free knowledge by supporting allied organizations and people around the world.

Funding individuals and small teams to lead time‐intensive projects. Co-funding with WMDE, for individual contributors to travel to participate in events. Funding project expenses for individuals, groups, and organizations. Funding annual plans and programs for Wikimedia affiliate organizations.
Proposals accepted twice annually. Proposals accepted at any time. Proposals accepted at any time. Proposals accepted twice annually.
applying for grants
applying for grants



for a grant


open proposals

current grants

IEG Committee
Questions about IEG

reviewing proposals

Open discussion and evaluation of proposals brings multiple perspectives to the selection process. Funding limits the number of grantees in each round, and proposals are carefully reviewed according to selection criteria.

open proposals

project ideas

join the committee

reviewing grants
reviewing grants

join the discussion

The Wikimedia community's input helps WMF and the Individual Engagement Grants Committee understand if a project will be supported by the people it aims to serve.

You can get involved by reading through open proposals and posting feedback, questions, concerns, or suggestions on a proposal’s talk page. To recommend a proposal for selection, submit an endorsement in the space provided on the proposal page.

open proposals:

Renewal requests


Please visit IdeaLab to comment on new ideas in development!


No pages meet these criteria.

round 1 2016 schedule

IdeaLab Campaign: 28 February-29 March

Proposals accepted: 14 March through 12 April

Open feedback period[2] : 12 April through 2 May

Committee review: 3 May –16 May

Grantees announced: 17 June

Grants disbursed: June

Midpoint reports: September

Final reports: December

2016 +

round 2 2015 schedule

Proposals accepted: 31 August–29 September

Committee members finalized: 30 September

Community comment requested: 30 September–19 October

Committee review: 20 October – 2 November

Grantees announced: 4 December


Grants disbursed: December 2015 – January 2016

Midpoint reports: April

Final reports: July

2016 +

reviewing grants
reviewing grants
reviewing grants
reviewing grants

develop projects in the IdeaLab

Some projects start from just the spark of an idea. Over time, they gather collaborators and can be turned into complete IEG proposals.

You can help grow ideas into action by getting involved in the IdeaLab .

reviewing grants
reviewing grants
reviewing grants
reviewing grants

serve on the review committee

We rely on a committee of volunteers from the Wikimedia community to recommend proposals for funding.

join the committee

We enjoy a large committee and do not run elections. Those who are determined to meet the criteria are invited to become members during an open call period each year. Membership is for a 1-year term, which may be renewable.

To be considered for membership:
1. Review the membership criteria and make sure you meet them.

2. Review the committee's tasks and make sure you're willing and able to fulfill them (we'll show you how!).

3. Add your name to the list of candidates . Please include a brief statement about your background and Wikimedia involvement, demonstrating how you meet the criteria.


1. Provide feedback on grant proposals: Check on new ideas, drafts and proposals, engaging in talk page discussions to help improve them and asking questions to ensure that sufficient information is provided and that goals and estimates are realistic.

2. Review finalized proposals: Read and research submissions, join a working group to score proposals according to rubric determined by selection criteria and give feedback to applicants.

3. Recommend proposals for funding: Recommend a shortlist of proposals for funding to WMF staff based on the available budget.

membership criteria


  1. Experience with the Wikimedia movement and at least one Wikimedia project.
  2. Experience with some aspect of Wikimedia programmatic or project-based work, e.g. editor engagement, WikiProjects or other on-wiki organizing processes, outreach, events, partnerships, research, education, gadget or bot-building, etc.
  3. Ability to edit basic wiki-markup (grant proposal discussions are largely conducted on meta-wiki).
  4. Reasonable facility with English, for reviewing and discussing grant proposals.
  5. In good community- and legal- standing (not currently blocked or banned, involved in allegations of unethical financial behavior, etc).
  6. Availability to actively engage in the selection process during the published schedule for that round (time commitment is about 3 hours per week, plus 1 extra day for scoring).


  1. Experience leading, coordinating, or managing projects with an intended on-wiki or online impact.
  2. Experience handling externally provided money and working within budgets, preferably in a non-profit context.
  3. Experience applying for grants or working in grants programs (in the Wikimedia, academic, or wider non-profit world).
  4. Ability to read and write in multiple languages.


  1. Members may apply for an Individual Engagement Grant themselves, but they will recuse themselves from reviewing proposals in the same category as their own during that round.
  2. Membership does not conflict with membership in other Wikimedia committees, including the Grant Advisory Committee or the Wikimania Scholarships Committee.
reviewing grants
reviewing grants



for a grant


open proposals

current grants

IEG Committee
Questions about IEG

engaging with current grants

This is the organizing hub for grantees. Browse current projects below to see what Individual Engagement Grantees are working on!

current projects:

No pages meet these criteria.

provisionally approved projects:

No pages meet these criteria.

completed projects:

round 1 2016 schedule

IdeaLab Campaign: 28 February-29 March

Proposals accepted: 14 March through 12 April

Open feedback period[3] : 12 April through 2 May

Committee review: 3 May –16 May

Grantees announced: 17 June

Grants disbursed: June

Midpoint reports: September

Final reports: December

2016 +

round 2 2015 schedule

Proposals accepted: 31 August–29 September

Committee members finalized: 30 September

Community comment requested: 30 September–19 October

Committee review: 20 October – 2 November

Grantees announced: 4 December


Grants disbursed: December 2015 – January 2016

Midpoint reports: April

Final reports: July

2016 +

engaging current grants
engaging current grants
getting started

Welcome, new grantees! Please read everything below to learn how to launch your project, learn how payments work, become familiar with your reporting responsibilities, and what to do if you need more time. Please review the program rules. Then follow the instructions to get your project started!

Step 1 - Grant agreement

Before the grant can be approved, grantees must confirm the terms of the grant and provide their full legal name, address and date of birth for everyone listed on the bank account to which the grant will be disbursed. A request for this information will be emailed to you by WMF staff.

Photo identification and a copy of a bank statement listing the account holders must also be provided, along with a written description of the account and a completed wire transfer form. WMF uses this information to perform compliance checks in accordance with US law, and will then issue a grant agreement. After the grant agreement is signed and returned to WMF, payments can be disbursed.
Step 2 - Project page setup

Your grant proposal will now become a living plan for your project. Staff will update your proposal page with navigation to additional pages you'll need for documenting your project once it begins. Please visit your proposal and use the buttons to create all of your project pages. You should keep these pages up-to-date as much as possible as your project progresses. This documentation will help everyone to share in your progress and experiences over the course of the grant.

engaging current grants
engaging current grants
engaging current grants
engaging current grants

The total amount of your approved budget is listed in your grant agreement, and the approved use of funds for each line-item is detailed on your project finances page. We know that some details and expenses may change as your project progresses. That is ok, as long as you keep us updated and request approval for significant changes during the grant period, as follows:

  • Please use the button provided on your project finances page to request approval for any changes to the planned use of funds as your project progresses. Staff will reply there to confirm approval or request additional information.
  • Approval is required to make changes to any budget line-item with a variance greater than 20% for budgets of up to US15,000,ドル and 10% for budgets more than US15,000ドル (or the equivalents in foreign currency).

Grant disbursements are made to the grantee’s account using a payment processing service or wire transfer as agreed upon in the grant agreement. Disbursements can take up to 30 days to be received. Remember that you are responsible for any tax associated with your receipt of the grant funds in your country.

Your disbursement will come in 2 equal installments:

  1. After you sign and return the grant agreement.
  1. After your midpoint report is received and approved.


Grantees are responsible for tracking and documenting use of grant funds as follows:

engaging current grants
engaging current grants
engaging current grants
engaging current grants


Our focus with reporting is to share lessons and insights gained from the project and to measure impact. Lessons learned through these reports will be used to share best practices with the broader Wikimedia community. Reports must be published on Meta-Wiki as part of the grantee's project pages. They will be reviewed by IEG staff within 30 days of submission, and may be commented on by staff, committee members, and the community. To be accepted, reports must be complete and accurate.

monthly updates

A brief project update is requested each month to share your progress and lessons learned along the way. These updates should be created and linked from your project's progress page on Meta-Wiki at the end of each month.

The format these updates take is up to you. Aim for something suited to your project that you’ll enjoy doing!

Monthly update formats:

  • on-wiki newsletter or journal
  • blog post
  • YouTube video
  • podcast
  • annotated product demos
  • suggest something else, we're likely to approve it as long as it shares what you're doing or learning along the way!

The Head of Individual Engagement Grants will schedule a monthly check-in with each project team, to assess and support needs as a project progresses.

midpoint report

A midpoint report demonstrating progress and lessons learned thus far must be submitted on Meta-Wiki. This report is is due within 15 days after three months of the grant's start date.

To create your midpoint report, use the "Start your Midpoint" button from your IEGrant project page.

final report

A final report on the project’s outcomes, lessons, and impact assessment as measured against the project's targets and goals, must be submitted on Meta-Wiki. This report is is due within 30 days after the grant's end date.

To create your final report, use the "Start your Final" button from your IEGrant project page.

lesson dissemination

Grantees are encouraged to attend Wikimania or other movement gatherings to present findings to the community, in addition to providing the above written documentation.

To help the WMF learn about and improve its grantmaking programs, grantees are asked to complete occasional surveys during and after the grant period and to participate in longer-term follow-up interviews.

engaging current grants
engaging current grants
engaging current grants
engaging current grants

We know that occasionally something happens and more time may be needed to complete your project than expected. That is ok, as long as you keep us updated and request approval for significant changes.


If your final report is due but you need more time, please use the button provided on your timeline page to request an extension. Staff will reply there to confirm approval or request additional information.


Projects that demonstrate strong potential for impact and need for further funding may be considered for a renewal grant of six additional months.

  • If you see need for continued funding, discuss this with the your program officer or other advisors during project check-ins.
  • In the final grant report, you'll find a button to submit a renewal request. This should be created as soon after you submit the final report as possible.
  • Renewals should include a plan for the second six months, with clear scope, budget, and measures of success.
  • Staff will reply on the renewal request to confirm approval or request additional information.
engaging current grants
engaging current grants



contact us

Visit wikimediafoundation.org for more information about the Wikimedia Foundation.

need help with your idea?

Seriously, check out the IdeaLab , where experienced Wikimedians can help you develop your idea and your application.

other questions?

We have a page for that! We like to keep discussion in public so that everyone can benefit. Ask on the Individual Engagement Grants question page.

want grants news sent to you?

Sign up to have our newsletter delivered your talk page.

a question you can't ask in public?

Write to IEGrants(_AT_)wikimedia.org and our staff will get back to you.


  1. Submitted proposals may be improved during this period based on feedback.
  2. Submitted proposals may be improved during this period based on feedback.
  3. Submitted proposals may be improved during this period based on feedback.

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