Ulasan kagiatan kuncén
From Meta, a Wikimedia project coordination wiki
This page is a translated version of the page Admin activity review and the translation is 56% complete.
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The following page is a translation of global policy into Sundanese language.
Please note that in the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation between the original English version of this document and a translation, the original English version takes precedence.
This page has been developed and approved by the community and its compliance is mandatory for all projects. It must not be modified without prior community approval.
Please note that in the event of any differences in meaning or interpretation between the original English version of this document and a translation, the original English version takes precedence.
This page has been developed and approved by the community and its compliance is mandatory for all projects. It must not be modified without prior community approval.
Dumasar kana jajal kamandang ti April-Juni 2013, dijieun kasapukan pikeun nangtukeun, pikeun kuncén jeung anu boga hak leuwih lianna, yén inaktivitas tanpa bahasan komunitas diwates dua taun.
Ulasan mandor ngeunaan kagiatan birokrat jeung kuncén di sakabéh wiki (tumali jeung éditan jeung peta administratif) nuduhkeun yén loba birokrat jeung kuncén anu
- teu kungsi maké hakna;
- kungsi maké hakna, tapi geus lila teu aktif dina wiki anu sakuduna aranjeunna ngalaksanakeun hakna
Salajengna, dina ulasan anékdotal "pamundut mandor pikeun ngaganti sandiasma" aya indikasi yén di sababaraha wiki ieu pamundut teu ditedunan ku birokrat lokal, atawa ukur ditedunan sanggeus lila pisan.
- Periode inaktivitas panglilana tanpa ulasan komunitas pikeun anu nyepeng hak kuncén ditangtukeun dua taun.
- Inaktivitas dina ieu kasus diwatesan salaku enol éditan jeung enol peta kuncén dina wiki anu aya hakna.
- Mandor bakal ngayakeun audit matuh ngeunaan kadar kagiatan anu nyarepeng hak leuwih éta.Auditna bakal lumangsung taunan atawa semi-taunan, luyu jeung kaputusan para mandorna.
Ieu prosés ulasan bakal nguji sakabéh wiki umum. Najan kitu, wiki anu mandorna moal ngayakeun wawar atawa peta panyabutan ngawengku:- wiki anu boga Komite Arbitrasi, misalna Wikipédia basa Inggris, kusabab proyék kitu bisa nangtukeun panyabutan inaktivitasna;
- wiki anu keur ngalaksanakeun prosés ulasan, contona Commons Wiki;
- special wikis designated by the Wikimedia Foundation, including private wikis, fishbowl wikis and wikis operated by Wikimedia chapters.
- The following outlines the procedure for contacting inactive rights holders, the expected response from these rights holders on their respective wikis, and the process for removal of rights. On wikis where no formal advanced rights review process exists locally, the stewards or their delegates will:
- notify those advanced rights holders who have exceeded the maximum allowed time period for inactivity. Such a notification (notice of maximum inactivity) will be sent as a message to the user's talk page on the wiki where they hold their respective rights.
- The notified users should then post information to the local community about the notice of maximum inactivity they received from the stewards in order to discuss the matter. If the community then decides to manage these inactive advanced administrative rights holders on their own, they should contact the stewards at the stewards' noticeboard, where the messaged user could provide evidence to the stewards about the local community's decision.
- If the stewards do not receive a suitable reply as outlined above after approximately one month, they will evaluate the responses and decide whether to refer the management decisions back to the local communities for comment and review, or to remove the advanced administrative rights from the inactive user. The aim of this process is ultimately to leave each decision to local communities if there are any, which will be upheld and supported by the stewards.
Please note
- Some WMF communities already have processes to review holders of advanced administrative rights. Examples of such processes currently in use are:
- minimum activity levels by number of edits or administrative actions;
- maximum inactivity by time period;
- a recall process;
- a confirmation process.
- Most of these wikis with such processes also use an approximately twelve-month time period as part of the processes for reviewing activity levels of advanced administrative rights holders.
- This policy does not override the authority of any currently existing review processes of any communities, including any such more restrictive systems currently used by the communities. For example, stewards are currently confirmed on an annual basis by the global Wikimedia Foundation community; whereas checkusers and oversighters are currently subject to a higher standard of inactivity policies.