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別名 英語: National Thowheeth Jama'ath
アラビア語: جماعة التوحيد الوطنية
指導者 Moulvi Zahran Hashim
目的 ISILが称するイスラム国への忠誠
活動地域 スリランカの旗 スリランカ
主義 サラフィー・ジハード主義
主要活動 自爆テロ
著名な攻撃 スリランカ同時爆発事件
規模 100~150人

ナショナル・タウヒード・ジャマア(英語: National Thowheeth Jama'ath; NTJ、アラビア語: جماعة التوحيد الوطنية‎)は、スリランカ同時爆発事件に関与したイスラム過激派組織である。スリランカを拠点として活動しており、同じくイスラム過激派組織であるISILと何らかの関わりがあるとみられている。2019年 4月27日、スリランカのマイトリーパーラ・シリセーナ大統領がテロ組織と認定した。


ナショナル・タウヒード・ジャマアは、「イスラムテロイデオロギー」を根幹として活動している。国際暴力的過激主義研究センター(英語: International Center for the Study of Violent Extremism; ICSVE)の所長は、同グループが「国際的なジハード主義運動をスリランカに広め、社会に憎悪、恐怖および分裂を引き起こすことを目的としている」と述べた。



NTJは、2016年頃に国内のイスラム主義の組織であるスリランカ・タウヒード・ジャマア(英語: Sri Lanka Thowheed Jamath; SLTJ)より分離したと考えられている。なお、SLTJは公式ウェブサイトにて、2019年4月21日に発生したスリランカ同時爆発事件について、「SLTJは平和を主張し、有意義なコミュニティ間対話を行い、スリランカ全土で人道的活動を積極的に推進する団体であり、NTJとは思想と機能の両方において正反対である」と述べ、両団体を混同して報道するメディアを非難した。


Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope
運営者 南アフリカ天文台
コード 051
所在地 南アフリカ共和国 ケープタウン
座標 南緯33度56分05秒 東経18度28分39秒 / 南緯33.9347度 東経18.4776度 / -33.9347; 18.4776 座標: 南緯33度56分05秒 東経18度28分39秒 / 南緯33.9347度 東経18.4776度 / -33.9347; 18.4776
標高 15m
開設 1820年 10月20日
閉鎖 1971年 12月31日
ウェブサイト http://www.saao.ac.za/

喜望峰王立天文台(: Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope)は、南アフリカ共和国で最も古くに存在した科学施設。1820年 10月20日イギリス支配下のケープ植民地に設立され、現在は南アフリカ天文台の本部として利用されている。




喜望峰王立天文台は、イギリスのジョージ4世枢密院勅令によって1820年に設立され、実際の建築物は1825年から1928年にかけて建設された。1972年ヨハネスブルグユニオン天文台(現: 南アフリカ天文台)と合併し、現在は南アフリカ天文台の本部として利用されている。

In accordance with its mandate, the principal activity of the Observatory was Astrometry and it was over its existence responsible for publishing many catalogues of star positions. In the 20th century it turned in part towards Astrophysics but by the nineteen-fifties the city lights of Cape Town had rendered work on faint objects impossible and a new site in the Karoo semi-desert was sought. An agreement to facilitate this was ratified on 23 September 1970.[1] Nevertheless, several telescopes remained in operation until the 1990s. These are rarely made use of today except for public outreach events. Alan Cousins was the last serious observer to work from the Royal Observatory site.

The Royal Observatory was responsible for a number of significant events in the history of astronomy. The second HM Astronomer, Thomas Henderson, aided by his assistant, Lieutenant William Meadows, made the first observations that led to a believable stellar parallax, namely of Alpha Centauri. However, he lost priority as the discoverer of stellar parallax to Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel who published his own (later) observations of 61 Cygni before Henderson got around to his.[2] [3] Around 1840, Thomas Maclear re-measured the controversial meridian of Nicolas-Louis de La Caille, showing that the latter's geodetic measurements had been correct but that nearby mountains had affected his latitude determinations[4] [5] In 1882 David Gill obtained long-exposure photographs of the great comet of that year showing the presence of stars in the background. This led him to undertake in collaboration with J.C. Kapteyn of Groningen the Cape Photographic Durchmusterung, the first stellar catalogue prepared by photographic means. In 1886, he proposed to Admiral A.E.B. Mouchez of Paris Observatory the holding of an international congress to promote a photographic catalogue of the whole sky. In 1887 this congress took place in Paris and resulted in the Carte du Ciel project. The Cape Observatory was assigned the zone between declinations −40° and −52°. The Carte du Ciel is regarded as the precursor of the International Astronomical Union.

In 1897 Frank McClean, a close friend of Gill's and the donor of the McClean telescope, discovered the presence of oxygen in a number of stars using an objective prism attached to the Astrographic Telescope.[6]

In 1911, J.K.E. Halm, then the Chief Assistant, put forward a pioneering paper on stellar dynamics in which he hypothesized that the star streams discovered by Kapteyn arose from a Maxwellian distribution of stellar velocities. This paper also contains the first suggestion that stars obey a mass-luminosity relationship.[7]

A later 20th-century HM Astronomer, H. Spencer Jones, was active in an international project for determining the solar parallax through observations of the minor planet Eros.[8]

In the second half of the twentieth century Alan Cousins set up very precise southern standards for UBV and introduced a widely used system of VRI photometry that enjoyed international recognition for precision.[9]

In 1977 the occultation of the star SAO 158687 was observed by Joseph Churms from the former Royal Observatory and these observations provided needed confirmation of the Uranian rings discovered from the Kuiper aeroplane by Elliot et al.[10] During the 19th century the Observatory was regarded as the main advisor to the colonial government on scientific matters. it served as the repository for standard weights and measures of the Colony and was responsible for timekeeping and geodetic surveying. A magnetic observatory was constructed in 1841 but burned down during the following decade. The Observatory also possesses a long series of meteorological records.

The history of the Royal Observatory has been the subject of several works.[11] [12] [13] [14] [15]

Astronomers at the Cape

Thomas Henderson. His Majesty's Astronomer at the Cape, 1831–1833

The Royal Observatory's directors were known as His or Her Majesty's Astronomers at the Cape. They were as follows:[13]

A full list of people who worked at the Royal Observatory and their publications, up to 1913, is given in Gill (1913).[11] Other notable staff included:

Principal buildings

A heritage survey was recorded in 2011 of a complete list of the buildings at the Observatory.[16] They include:

McClean building
  • Main Building, completed 1828. Greek revival style; Architect John Rennie. This contains today offices and a notable astronomical library.
  • Photoheliograph building, 1849 (formerly 7-inch Merz telescope building). Its dome rotates on cannon balls.
  • Heliometer, 1888 (now containing 18-inch reflector). Its dome (by Howard Grubb) was designed for flow-through ventilation.
  • McClean, 1896, designed by Herbert Baker and laboratory (now Astronomical Museum). Hydraulically driven rising floor. Dome by T. Cooke and Sons of York.
  • Astrographic, 1889. Dome by Howard Grubb.
  • Reversible Transit Circle 1905 (6-inch). Two each Collimator and Mark houses.
  • Technical Building (ca 1987)
  • Auditorium, constructed originally as an optical instrument repair workshop during World War II.

Principal telescopes

Historically, the main building contained a 10 feet focal length Transit by Dollond and a 6-feet Mural Circle by Thomas Jones. These were replaced by in 1855 by an 8-inch Transit Circle designed by George Biddell Airy, Astronomer Royal at Greenwich. The Airy instrument was removed in 1950.[17] Some parts of these telescopes are in the Observatory's Astronomical Museum.

  • 4-inch Photoheliograph (1875) by Dallmeyer
  • 6-inch visual refractor (1882) Howard Grubb
  • Astrographic, 1889 (13-inch photographic and 10-inch guide refractors by Howard Grubb). Used for the Cape Astrographic Zone (see above) and by F. McClean for spectroscopy.
  • McClean or Victoria telescope (18-inch visual, 24-inch photographic and 8-inch guide refractors by Howard Grubb)[18]
  • 6-inch Reversible Transit Circle 1905. Designed by Sir David Gill and constructed by Troughton and Simms. Used inter alia for the southern part of the Fundamental Katalog FK4.
  • 18-inch reflector by Cox, Hargreaves and Thomson, 1955. Guide telescope is 7-inch Merz

A 40-inch reflector by Grubb Parsons was installed in 1964 but was removed to Sutherland in 1972.

Astronomical Museum

The former spectroscopic laboratory of the McClean telescope was converted into a museum in 1987, retaining the original 19th-century fittings. The building still contains the original hydraulic apparatus for raising the observing floor and a darkroom which contains specimens of darkroom equipment taken from various domes after photography went out of use.[19] Items on display include telescope models, measuring machines, altazimuth instruments by Dollond (1820) and Bamberg (ca 1900), calculating machines, early office equipment, early electronic devices, lenses from early telescopes including the photographic telescopes of Gill, a clockwork telescope drive, a signal pistol, chemistry equipment etc.

Natural history

The Royal Observatory site is situated in the Two Rivers Urban Park, a wetland area. The underlying rock is Malmesbury shale with a zone of greywacke and quartzitic limestone. Some of its original ecology is preserved and it supports a wide variety of animals and plant life. It is the northern limit of the Western Leopard Toad (Bufo Pantherinus) and the only remaining natural habitat of the rare iris, Moraea aristata.[20]

Further reading


  1. ^ Chris de Coning. "ASSA Historical Section". Astronomical Society of South Africa. 10 November 2013閲覧。
  2. ^ Henderson, T. (1840). "On the Parallax of α Centauri". Memoirs of the Royal Astronomical Society XI: 61–68. 
  3. ^ Glass, I.S. (2008). Proxima: The Nearest Star (other than the Sun). Cape Town: Mons Mensa. http://www.saao.ac.za/~isg/proxima.html  
  4. ^ Maclear, Sir Thomas (1866). Verification and Extension of La Caille's Arc of Meridian at the Cape of Good Hope. Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty 
  5. ^ Glass, I.S. (2012). Nicolas-Louis de La Caille, Astronomer and Geodesist. Oxford University Press 
  6. ^ a b McClean, F.. "Comparison of Oxygen with the extra lines in the Spectra in the Helium Stars β Crucis &c....". Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 62: 417–423. doi:10.1098/rspl.1897.0130. 
  7. ^ a b Halm, J. (1911). "Stars, motion in space, etc. Further considerations relating to the systematic motions of the stars". Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 71: 610. Bibcode1911MNRAS..71..610H. doi:10.1093/mnras/71.8.610. 
  8. ^ Jones, H. Spencer (1941). "The Solar Parallax and the Mass of the Moon from Observations of Eros at the Opposition of 1931". Mem. Roy. Astron. Soc. 66: 11–66. 
  9. ^ a b Kilkenny, D. Alan Cousins (1903-2001): a life in astronomy. ASP Conference Proceedings. Vol. 256. p. 1.
  10. ^ Booth, Pat (2005). "Presidential Address: The Rings of Uranus – the South African Story". Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of South Africa 64: 165. Bibcode2005MNSSA..64..165B. 
  11. ^ a b Gill, Sir D. (1913). History and Description of the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. London: HMSO 
  12. ^ Laing, J.D. (1970). The Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope 1820–1970. Cape Town: Royal Observatory 
  13. ^ a b Warner, B. (1979). Astronomers at the Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope. Cape Town and Rotterdam: Balkema 
  14. ^ Warner, B. (1995). Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope 1820-1831: The Founding of a Colonial Observatory Incorporating a biography of Fearon Fallows. Springer. ISBN 978-0-7923-3527-6. OCLC 32465151  
  15. ^ Glass, I.S. (2015). The Royal Observatory at the Cape of Good Hope: History and Heritage. Mons Mensa. ISBN 978-0-9814126-2-7  
  16. ^ Baumann, N.; Winter, S. (2011). The South African Astronomical Observatory, A Heritage Survey. Observatory: South African Astronomical Observatory 
  17. ^ 引用エラー: 無効な <ref> タグです。「unesco」という名前の注釈に対するテキストが指定されていません
  18. ^ "Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope". The Observatory XXV. (August 1902). https://archive.org/stream/observatory03unkngoog#page/n373/mode/1up . 
  19. ^ Glass, I.S. (2010). "The Astronomical Museum of the SAAO". Monthly Notes of the Astronomical Society of Southern Africa 69: 20. Bibcode2010MNSSA..69...20G. 
  20. ^ "Red List of South African Plants - Moraea aristata (D.Delaroche) Asch. & Graebn". South African National Biodiversity Institute. Template:Cite webの呼び出しエラー:引数 accessdate は必須です。


ウィキメディア・コモンズには、Citrus1032/sandbox2 に関連するカテゴリがあります。
  • Glass, I.S., 2009. The Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, a Valuable Cultural Property, in Wolfschmidt,G. (ed), Cultural Heritage of Astronomical Observatories from Classical Antiquity to Modern Astrophysics, Proceedings of the International ICOMOS Symposium in Hamburg, 14–17 October 2008. Monuments and Sites XVIII, ICOMOS/Hendrik Bäßler-Verlag, Berlin.
  • Glass, I.S., 2011. The Royal Observatory, Cape of Good Hope, Republic of South Africa, in Ruggles, C. and Cotte, M. (eds) Heritage Sites of Astronomy and Archaeoastronomy in the Context of the UNESCO World Heritage Convention, ICOMOS and IAU, Paris.
  • Van der Walt, L., Strong, N. 2010. Observatory Landscape Framework, South African Astronomical Observatory, Observatory.

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