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英語版 Self-amplifying RNA の 2024年08月19日T03:09:03(UTC)版から翻訳のため転記


  • 自己増幅型RNA (削除) 自己増幅RNA (削除ここまで) self-amplifying RNA (saRNA)
  • 自己複製型RNA (削除) 自己複製RNA (削除ここまで) self-replicating RNA (srRNA)
  • (削除) 自己増殖型RNA (削除ここまで)


Next generation self-replicating RNA vectors for vaccines and immunotherapies



本記事「自己増幅型RNA」を、英語版の記事「en:Self-amplifying RNA」を翻訳して作成したことを報告します。


英語版の記事には「self-amplifying RNA」(自己増幅型RNA)と「self-replicating RNA」(自己複製型RNA) がこの順に記載されていました。また、科学技術用語として「J-GLOBAL」にはいずれも掲載されておらず、またGoogle検索やGoogle Trendsでも使われ方に違いは見つかりませんでした。以上から、この記事の名称は英語版と合わせることとしました。





  • 先頭
    • {{short description| A next-generation mRNA vaccine/therapeutic}}
    • {{distinguish|small activating RNA}}
    • {{cs1 config |name-list-style=vanc |display-authors=6}}
  • 末尾

Self-amplifying RNA (saRNA), also termed self-replicating RNA (srRNA), is a type of mRNA molecule engineered to replicate itself within host cells, enhancing protein expression and boosting the immune response, making it a promising tool for vaccines and other therapeutic applications. As a "next-generation" mRNA, saRNA is designed to achieve greater protein expression with a reduced dose compared to conventional mRNA. Unlike conventional mRNA, which has a short half-life and limited ability to express proteins for an extended time, saRNA can sustain protein expression for longer periods. saRNA are based on positive single stranded RNA viruses most commonly alphaviruses such as Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus.

自己増幅型RNA(じこぞうふくがたRNA、self-amplifying RNA、saRNA)は、自己複製型RNA(じこふくせいがたRNA、self-replicating RNA、srRNA)とも呼ばれ、宿主細胞内で自己複製するように設計されたmRNA分子の一種である。タンパク質の発現を促進し、免疫応答を高めることから、ワクチンやその他の治療用途に有望なツールとなっている。

次世代型mRNAワクチンにおいて使用されるsaRNAは、従来型のmRNAワクチンと比較して、少ない投与量でより多くのタンパク質を発現するように設計されている[1] [2] [3]


saRNAは、最も一般的なアルファウイルス (英語版)であるベネズエラウマ脳炎ウイルス (英語版)などの一本鎖(+)RNAウイルスに基づいている。

Conventional messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines only produce a finite amount of protein due to the short mRNA half-life. saRNA extends the kinetics of expression by a second ORF encoding the protein machinery necessary for its own replication. This self-replication dramatically increases both the amount of RNA and the time of expression. Consequently, the amount of protein produced from the initial dose is reduced as compared to conventional mRNA.




この結果、初回投与から生成されるタンパク質の量は、従来のmRNA型と比べて減少する[1] [2]


構造と作用機序 / Structure and mechanism of action

The structure of saRNA includes two key components:


レプリコン領域/ Replicon region

Comparison of coding sequence structure of conventional mRNA and self-amplifying RNA (saRNA) 従来のmRNAと自己増幅RNA(saRNA)のコーディング配列構造との比較。

saRNA encode for the machinery to replicate and amplify the mRNA in its open reading frame (shown in orange), which is the viral RNA dependent RNA polymerase (RdRp). This is a single polypeptide of viral non-structural proteins that is processed into the four protein components of the RNA dependent RNA polymerase (nsp1, nsp2, nsp3 and nsp4).

saRNAは、オープンリーディングフレーム (橙色で表示) 内のmRNAを複製および増幅する機構をコードしており、これは、ウイルス性のRNA依存性RNAポリメラーゼ(RdRp)である。


目的遺伝子 (or 対象遺伝子) Gene of interest

Mechanism of self-amplifying mRNA (saRNA) used for antigen production. The ORF encoding the antigen can also be substituted with a protein for use in protein replacement therapy 抗原生産に使用される自己増幅mRNA (saRNA) の機構。抗原をコードするORFは、タンパク質補充療法に使用するタンパク質に置き換えることも可能である。

This sequence encodes the protein of interest, used as an antigen in the case of vaccines or for protein replacement therapies. The gene of interest replaces the viral structural proteins. The RNA polymerase encoded by the non-structural proteins, transcribes the gene of interest from a specific promoter (the subgenomic promoter). This subgenomic mRNA encoding the gene of interest is produced at high levels and is capped by a protein component of the non-structural proteins.



非構造タンパク質によってコードされるRNAポリメラーゼは、特定のプロモーター(サブゲノムプロモーター (英語版))から目的遺伝子を転写する。

目的遺伝子をコードするこのサブゲノムmRNA (英語版)は高レベルで生成され、非構造タンパク質のタンパク質成分によって}キャップ (英語版)が付加される。

利点/ Advantages

The self-replicating and amplifying nature of saRNA results in high levels of protein expression even at small doses, significantly enhancing the immune response. Additionally, saRNA vaccines can be manufactured more rapidly and at a lower cost compared to traditional vaccines. saRNA also offers stability by inducing a prolonged immune response, potentially providing longer-lasting protection. Furthermore, this versatile technology can be adapted for a wide range of applications, including infectious diseases, cancer immunotherapy, and genetic disorders.





応用と研究 / Applications and research

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated research into RNA-based technologies, including saRNA. For instance, saRNA vaccines targeting SARS-CoV-2 have shown promising results in preclinical studies, indicating strong and durable immune responses with minimal adverse effects. Recently an saRNA booster vaccine developed by Arcturus (ARCT-154) has received full approval for use in adults by Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare.


たとえば、SARS-CoV-2を標的とするsaRNAワクチンは前臨床試験で有望な結果を示しており、副作用が最小限で強力かつ持続的な免疫応答を示している[5] [6] [7]


saRNA is also being explored for gene therapy. Its ability to produce high levels of therapeutic proteins makes it a promising candidate for treating genetic disorders where protein replacement is needed.[9]


課題と今後の方向性 / Challenges and future directions

While saRNA technology holds great promise, it also faces several challenges. Efficient and safe delivery of saRNA into target cells remains a critical hurdle, with lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) and other delivery systems currently being optimized to address this issue. Ensuring the long-term safety of saRNA is also important, and ongoing research is focused on minimizing potential side effects and immune reactions. Other delivery vehicles have been used in clinical trials to promote inflammation helpful for antibody production, such as the LION cationic nanocarrier formulation. This has been used in the GEMCOVAC-19 vaccine with the saRNA being adsorbed on the surface of the LION nano-lipid emulsion and has received emergency licensure in India.





A challenge with saRNAs as a therapeutic remains interferon production from the innate immune response. It has been asserted that modified nucleosides are incompatibile with the saRNA replication. Nevertheless, to circumvent the induction of innate immune response, newer saRNA formats have been developed that incorporate modified nucleoside substitutions such as 5-methylcytosine, 5-methyluridine, N1-methylpseudouridine (the same nucleoside used in the Moderna and Pfizer/Biontech COVID mRNA vaccines) with varying degree of efficacy. At low doses (10 ng/mouse), one study found use of the 5-methylcytosine nucleoside in synthesis having 5-fold higher protein expression than unmodified saRNA, which had in turn over 100x higher expression than N1-methylpseudouridine substituted saRNA.



それでも、自然免疫応答の誘導を回避するために、5-メチルシトシン5-メチルウリジンN1-メチルシュードウリジン (英語版)(モデルナやファイザー/ビオンテックによるCOVID mRNAワクチンで使用されているのと同じヌクレオシド)などの修飾ヌクレオシド置換を組み込んだ、さまざまな有効性を持つ新規のsaRNAフォーマットが開発されている[12] [14] [15]

ある研究では、低用量(10 ng/マウス)では、5-メチルシトシンヌクレオシドを合成に使用することで、修飾されていないsaRNAよりも5倍高いタンパク質発現が見られ、さらにN1-メチルシュードウリジン置換saRNAよりも100倍以上高い発現を示した[12]

脚注 / References

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