Worst 100 Reflections on 2011
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This is the official list of Uncyclopedia's Worst 100 Reflections on 2011, a site which has lasted far, far too long.
- 100. Last year's list is finished on time.
- Second year in a row we got this shit done on time.
- 98. Some faggot puts up a shitty entry and then changes it more than two months later.
- Sorry.
- 97. PuppyOnTheRadio starts actually fixing games.
- Attempts to huff the entire namespace are put on hold... for now.
- 96. Zombiebaron and Lyrithya turn Uncyclopedia into facebook for a day.
- People panic until they realise it's just a reskin.
- 94. Wikia updates the MediaWiki.
- Stuff breaks. People complain. Olipro has some fun with a bug. Blah blah blah.
- 93. The well-known jazz-fusion percussionist and CEO of Tenacious Records Alphonse Mouzon casually refers to an Uncyclopedia article in an interview.
- So remember kids, famous people do read the stuff you write about them here. Well, Alphonse Mouzon and the white guy in All-4-One do.
- 92. Uncyclopedia is racist towards Niggers.
- 91. New television show SO YOU THINK YOU CAN SLEEP bores the world. Insomniacs love show saying it's far more effective than counting sheep.
- 88. A shitty, boring band wins some boring, shitty award
- Millions cry out: "WHO?!?!?"
- 86. Temporary admins!
- Mordillo resists. rcmurphy goes for it.
- 85. A bunch of dead admins are deopped.
- Users look at the log and say, who?
- 83. Everyone knows what happened next.
- The end.png
- 82. But seriously, other stuff happened.
- I'd say what, but I wasn't paying attention.
- 81. Zombiebaron and Lyrithya delete a crapload of images.
- It was supposed to just be unused images, but some of them weren't.
- 80. Lyrithya deletes VFD.
- Ironically, it was deleted without a vote.
- 79. SPIKE keeps leaving inscrutable messages on people's talk pages telling them they've made the 4-Spot.
- Few have any idea what what he's talking about.
- 78. Olipro puts up Wikia's shitty Oasis skin on April Fools Day.
- Millions weep. The catastrophic damage is reported on by Bill Shatner the next day.
- 77. Socky gets unnecessarily anal about distinguishing between the Oasis and Monaco skins.
- What a tool.
- 76. Hyperbole gets unnecessarily anal about someone having edited his Sparta article.
- Blasphemy, madness, etc.
- 75. Socky mixes up a template and a link!
- Oh, wait, he fixed it. Nevermind.
- 74. WINNING!!!!
- More like bi-WINNING!!!!
- 72. ChiefjusticeDS
- Fuck that guy... please?
- 71. Uncyclopedia is merging with Buttfuckpedia.
- As of April 25th, it is know as UNBUTTFUCKPEDIA!
- 70. It's fucking hot.
- why oh why is it so hot it's not even summer yet
- 69. Our so-called "rival" wiki, Encyclopedia Dramatica, goes away.
- Virtually nothing changes around here.
- 68. a bunch of
(削除) stupid (削除ここまで)adorable and hilarious ponies are all over the place - 101.gif 684.png S7Smp.gif 98.png 852.gif 224.gif
- 67. Socky decides to quit the site for a couple hours.
- This totally upsets the community.
- 65. The Return of.....whatever
- keep on chooglin'
- 64. Primus, a band that only losers and stupid hippies care about, have a new album coming out.
- In September.
- 63. I just took a dump
- 62. Dr. Trollthumper pretends to quit and acts like he's all smart when he really isn't.
- An unobservant idiot vows revenge for being tricked and begins nominating him for Useless Gobshite of the Month again, just like the good old days.
- 61. Lyrithya tries to think of something that happened recently to add to this list that didn't involve her, but can't come up with anything.
- So she doesn't add anything after all.
- 60. Ljlego is very pretty.
- He is, honest.
- 59. My dog is also pretty.
- Yes he is.
- 58. Bacon
- Everything is better with it.
- 57. A couple people leave, and some get banned and disappear.
- What else is new.
- 56. But that limey nigger faggot is back!
- Not really.
- 55. The return of Cajek!
- But not really.
- 54. Dr. Skullthumper becomes a bureaucrat.
- Dr. Crat.png
- 53. Thekillerfroggy and Zombiebaron are made into bureaucrats.
- And have managed to last longer than Dr. Skullthumper.
- 52. Uncyclopedia, this is unacceptable!
- But seriously, what isn`t unacceptable?
- 51. The Worst 100 Reflections on 2011 page sucked for many many months.
- And not a single person cared.
- 50. I've had a lot of fiber so I'm probably going to shit my guts out
- 49. Halfway there!!!!!!!!
- 48. The Beatles re-unite.
- Necromancers finally do good. God bless you necromancers.
- 47. We had a Forest Fire Week in July.
- Yeah, that's why your page was deleted.
- 46. RAHB and Andorin Kato returned in August.
- Betting on when they would leave again started the day after.
- 45. Somebody gets offended.
- Over a page. On Uncyclopedia. I know!
- 44. Lyrithya declares war on Uncyclopedia.
- Discovering default admin tools insufficient for the task, she sets out for more firepower.
- 43. BUTT POOP!!!! makes a return to mainspace.
- I eat apples with Mike Tyson.
- 42. Some jackasses flood UnNews with inside jokes about bears for days.
- But everyone is more interested in Sockpuppet of an unregistered user being tried for treason.
- 41. Uncyclopedia's Fantasy Football League starts up its 3rd year.
- People who can actually play football not welcome.
- 40. Uncyclopedians still can't keep straight when to use its and it's.
- Although who can, really?
- 39. Grammar Nazis invade the beaches of Uncyclopedia.
- That was a joke. Please don't hurt me.
- 38. Uncyc's resident Italian invades Italy.
- This being the third country infected, all others fear for their lives.
- 37. 31 entries later, ponies finally hit Uncyclopedia in earnest.
- Those who fell for our little Australian jokers trick are revealed to be the manchildren that they were long suspected of being.
- 36. My girlfriend sent me to get a container of milk today. Wanna hear about it?
- You don't? Then why don't you shove your head up your ass if you don't wanna hear about it?!
- 35. Lyrithya's ass was slapped by Iwillkillyou333 and she returned the favor with a smack from the banhammer.
- He should have chosen a better ass to slap.
- 34. Magic man is a male gymnast.
- 33. An army of Nyan Cats attempted to invade earth on October 21.
- But the damn heathens got their directions wrong.
- 32. Speaking of which.
- th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif th_NyanCat.gif
- 31. In November, the community decides that it would be quite logical to actually have more admins than writers.
- The coronation is feverishly awaited, while some users don't give a crap.
- 30. Wikia breaks MediaWiki's ability to log actions properly, resulting in many sysop actions having no record.
- I'd link an example, but it's hard to link to an absence of something. Besides, I'm kind of glad it wound up off the record anyway.
- 29. Due to a technical mishap, some special pages quit working on certain formats of titles, resulting in an entire unmovable namespace, among other things.
- Some cry conspiracy, others say we need to find an new host; most don't notice.
- 28. An admin is quite irate over something Wikia has done, and probably rightfully so.
- Sadly, most don't notice.
- 27. There are 26 Reflections left for the next 46 days.
- And this is most certainly not filler.
- 26. We had a great Uncyclopedia Christmas reunion!
- Until we left Oliphaunte unattended for a little while and he ate the Christmas tree.
- 25. Uncyclopedia starts a vote on whether or not we should let some girl from Wikipedia mediate our conflict with Wikia.
- Users start evading bans and becoming active after years of inactivity just to vote yes.
- 24. Wikia finally gives us new namespaces.
- Also, new errors!
- 23. December - Shock sets in - "There's a new UnNews editor!"
- It's been like 2 months but some people are just starting to notice, while some don't even know, which goes to show that the new editor is really working hard.
- 21. Zombiebaron champions Marys lamb on VFH
- And is accused of writing it shortly after.
- 20. Bots take over Uncyclopedia.
- Really. We've taken over.
- 19. Roman Dog Bird watches every episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 in four months.
- 17. Lou_Reed_and_Metallica_-_Lulu.jpg
- 16. The UFFL has reached the playoffs.
- A pedophile is currently leading, despite being blocked.
- 15. America begins to hate Rick Perry.
- Still not as hated as Uncylopedia.
- 14. Beavis and Butt-head return! (yay!)
- It gets paired with an ugly, unfunny turd of a show with an ironic title (boo!)
- 13. The Simpsons refuses to end.
- R.I.P. 1989-1997
- 12. America isn't doing too well.
- 11. Total amount of active users on Uncyclopedia: 3
- 10. Magic man is really, really awesome.
- And humble, too.
- 9. After implementing the useful "hide minor edits" option for Recent Changes, Uncyclopedia incorporates another option
- The "hide MadMax's edits" option.
- 8. Things start to brake.
- seriously let's just end this travesty of a website already
- 7. We have surpassed 30,000 articles.
- 6. Roman Dog Bird goes nuts because we need 6 more entries for this list.
- Have some faith in Uncyclopedia's worstiness, man. Oh, and make that 5 entries.
- 5. Kim Jong Il dies before we get around to writing an article about him.
- Selfish prick. Could have given us a heads-up at least.
- 4. Osama bin Laden is shot.
- 3. Someone writes a serious reflection above.
- This is outrageous!
- 2. Zombiebaron {{fix}}es Uncyclopedia.
- Armed only with monthly maintenance tags and a whole lot of chutzpah, he begins his crusade to delete 15,000 articles. Why stop there, the rest of us wonder?
- 1. The Worst 100 Reflections of 2011 is completed more than a week before the end of the year.
- 0. Hey guys, did you hear Christopher Hitchens died too?
- ...Wait a minute. I'm a little late, aren't I?