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You may be looking for Martians and not even know it!

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This article is true in some sense, false in some sense, and true and false in some sense.
All things are true, even false things. Therefore, this article is factually correct and, as such, entirely unsuitable for Uncyclopedia. Therefore, until further notice, this page is to be continuously rewritten.
This article appears to contradict the article Its Self. Please see discussion on the linked talk page.
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This Article Makes Me Sad .
Why did you make this article? Don't you love me?
Note Stop! Go No Further!
The Rest Of This Article Contains Private Information. If You Go Further, We Will Have No Choice But To Send Caeosss's Security. If They Fail We'll Send Two JDAM's At Yo' Haus...

Minitrue mark article doubleplusungood crimethink. Miniluv remake goodthink fullwise.

Nuvola apps important.svg This article is really incofuckingherent and is a disgrace to the Internet.
We suggest that you vote it the (削除) Featured Article (削除ここまで) VFD immediately.
The novel Caeosss is also available in paperback.
c ( t ) = h a s d i e f ( g h ) f m l a g p d q {\displaystyle c(t)=\oint _{h}{\frac {asd-ie^{f(gh)}}{\sum _{f}^{m}l_{a}g_{p}}}dq} {\displaystyle c(t)=\oint _{h}{\frac {asd-ie^{f(gh)}}{\sum _{f}^{m}l_{a}g_{p}}}dq}
g f a d f k e c b d h i a d d v s = h f o a i 2 d f a h i 2 f c d {\displaystyle \int _{-gfa}^{dfke}cbdh^{i}ad,円dvs={\sqrt[{fcd}]{hfoai^{2}-dfahi^{-}2}}} {\displaystyle \int _{-gfa}^{dfke}cbdh^{i}ad,円dvs={\sqrt[{fcd}]{hfoai^{2}-dfahi^{-}2}}}
( g r r c a e m k o g f w ) = f g r = 0 d a f d c y t {\displaystyle {\begin{pmatrix}grr&cae\\mko&gfw\end{pmatrix}}=\sum _{fgr=0}^{\infty }da_{f}dc^{y}t} {\displaystyle {\begin{pmatrix}grr&cae\\mko&gfw\end{pmatrix}}=\sum _{fgr=0}^{\infty }da_{f}dc^{y}t}
For those who are easily amused, Uncyclopedia has a totally unrelated article about:


perm ( A ) = σ S n i = 1 n a i , σ ( i ) {\displaystyle \operatorname {perm} (A)=\sum _{\sigma \in S_{n}}\prod _{i=1}^{n}a_{i,\sigma (i)}} {\displaystyle \operatorname {perm} (A)=\sum _{\sigma \in S_{n}}\prod _{i=1}^{n}a_{i,\sigma (i)}}

Math is buried in the Arlington Cemetery in Moscow, Russia. Its tombstone bears the factual inscription e x 2 d x = π {\displaystyle \int _{-\infty }^{\infty }e^{-x^{2}}dx={\sqrt {\pi }}} {\displaystyle \int _{-\infty }^{\infty }e^{-x^{2}}dx={\sqrt {\pi }}}.

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This article contains content not suitable for people with the brain of a person under 14 inches (35.5cm) tall or TransVestites.

This article needs more cowbell.
You can help by adding more cowbell.

A КоммциiзT was written by this article☭
"In Soviet Яussia, template adds УФU!!"
Note that both the 中国人 and ze Яussians love ziz AЯTICLE!

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Mwa ha ha ha ha!
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This page has been officially approved by the Ghostbusters.

This page is too short and needs to be expanded, as it currently hurts Nosferatu's feelings.

You can help Uncyclopedia and this distraughted vampire by making it longer!

This Article smells funny ...
... and has been awarded a pine-scented air freshener.
Official total of all pitied fools:
97,624,939,173 Number of fools, reindeer, reindeer, options, electrons, homicidal screaming carrots, lawn mowers, nuclear reactors, pens, ovens, jellybeans, salad forks, computers, houseplants, sheep and iron curtains that Caeosss has pitied. (Updated Monday 03/3-2025)
The neutrality and factual accuracy of this article are disputed.
This article is a freak of nature. Please point and laugh at it on its talk page.
Anfscd.jpeg And Now For Something Completely Different:

A dictaphone with a f***ed up dictaphone down my dictaphone

This page is or discusses a loony and/or nutty conspiracy theory of which Uncyclopedia vehemently denies knowledge and existence.
The black helicopters are not ^on their way.
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Saddam says death by hanging!
Saddam — the eternal ruler of New Texas — has personally reviewed this article, together with his lover Satan, and thinks YOU should be hanged for creating, editing or even reading this article.
LOOK OUT! This potato masher is a complete, irredeemable killer whale. The submitter is Bat Fuck Insane, deliberates at the breast, and is an unfunny cunt licker.
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Or the submitter will vomit your lucky bastard!!!!!!
This shocking photo may be the reason why the former President's rise from the dead was kept secret, as he may have been accidentally re-re-born as a british citizen This diet mouthwash is, rather unfortunately, completely and utterly Ape-Shit Crazy. Its obsceneness and loyalness do nothing to aid this.
The kumquat is Ape-Shit Crazy, and reigns champion at the zoo.
If you attempt to throw this, you will (in a most unimpressed manner) become Ape-Shit Crazy yourself.
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The Jee Man Himself has Shown, in His infinite Wisdom, that He is the Ultimate Purveyor of all things Awesome, Nifty, Spiffy, and generally Interesting. He has personally Reviewed this article and Given His Blessing. The submitter may be Forgiven three venial sins or one mortal sin.

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This page needs to be fixed up.
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(Peer review is available here) If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.
Satan Loves This Article

The Prince of Darkness — the ultimate purveyor of all things wicked, vile, and malevolent — has personally reviewed this article. The submitter and all subsequent editors are damned to eternal torment in hell fire
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This article has too many images.
Please, remove some of the worse ones and clean it up a mite. With fewer pictures maybe someone'll steal a glance at the text. If this page is not fixed in 30 days, it may become a candidate for deletion.

Neither Uncyclopedia nor the original author of this article condone cruelty to animals.
(Kermit, Ms. Piggy, and that Swedish Guy however, are fair game.)
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"This image is in Public Domain.
Use it for whatever you want, foo', because Uncyclopedia has a fair use policy!"

This Page Hates you. You will be hated by one person every second you're on this page.
This article may be Overly British
Americans may not understand humour, only humor. Canadians and Australians may not understand anything at all. Don't change a thing to remedy this.

The factual accuracy of this article is absolutely indisputable.

Who are you going to trust: this Uncyclopedia article, or your lying eyes?

The writer of this article is a pinko/lefty and has an outrageous liberal UK-centric outlook.
They may even work in Local government or, worse, be an unelected eurocrat. For information on the best way to save our great nation from scum like this read the Daily Mail. (Pstt. He's probably also a commie as well; quick - tell HUAC!)
Approved by the Kansas State Board of Education
This page meets all criteria and requirements for use as teaching material within the State of Kansas public school system. It consists of facts , not of theories, and students are encouraged to believe it uncritically, and to approach alternatives critically.
WARNING: This article is designed to offend people.
If you are not offended by it, please edit it in a way so that you are offended by it in the future.
For an example of how to be offensive, see: Holocaust Denial
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