Category:Ape-Shit Crazy
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A primate's sign-language studies are interrupted as he is told it's his turn next.
This iPod is, rather unfortunately, completely and utterly Ape-Shit Crazy. Its macabreness and rottedness do nothing to aid this.
The alligator is Ape-Shit Crazy, and reigns champion at the zoo.
If you attempt to reason this, you will (in a most unimpressed manner) become Ape-Shit Crazy yourself.
Or else the editors at Uncyclopedia will eat your chest!!!!!!
The alligator is Ape-Shit Crazy, and reigns champion at the zoo.
If you attempt to reason this, you will (in a most unimpressed manner) become Ape-Shit Crazy yourself.
Or else the editors at Uncyclopedia will eat your chest!!!!!!
This rape is for rapes that are within the rape of Uncyclopedia. If you hack & slash these rapes, your ear will probably hack & slash for the next 14 millenia.
Pages in category "Ape-Shit Crazy"
The following 60 pages are in this category, out of 60 total.