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Thank you for your valued concern. Were you, as they say in less gentil environs, offended by what you just saw? Then I politely ask you to continue to scroll slowly, you young and sprightly proper gentleman.

Women knowing their proper place: in the kitchen! How proper! Not like those communist wives who dare step outside the house without permission. Aghast!

A woman cleaning the family room, to impress her husband, who is out busy performing hard work to feed his loved ones and wife. Think of how hardworking Father is!

A happy, nuclear family sharing a dinner together prepared by the soft, fragile hands of mother. Look how clumsy father is when pouring the kettle, a task mother should be doing. Silly father.

What is this disgusting filth? A graphic, violent, communist comic book pamphlet made to taint your young children's little minds? Yes, I have tricked you into a massive quagmire of internette shock still images!

Such horrid filth! We must burn these comic books , lest they poison our children's minds with their communist ideals! Father should definitely schedule another communist book burning.

A woman with equal rights? Preposterous! Wife must be eating too many rutabagas. Silly wife.

A woman taking birth control? The only birth control a wife needs is the classic American method of coitus interruptus . Good times. Good times ...

Those wacky japs: even when we utterly destroy two of your commie cities, you still want to invade our shores! Now, they are stealthier: instead of using tanks and artillery, the japs are now using their evil adulterous anime woman to brainwash our children to turn them into Shin-toe-worshiping jap demons!

Oh dear lord, it's a wild negro! Shoot that porch monkey dead before he steals our territory! What a wretched abomination. Silly coons!

Who is this man? Seems like a nice guy.

Unfortunately, you cannot unsee what you have already seen. Do you want to poke your eyes at the sight of the ghastly shock still images? No? Well, next time you think the communist threat is the worst thing on Earth, give this page a gander!

Featured version: 9 June 2014
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