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A КоммциiзT was written by this article☭
"In Soviet Яussia, template adds УФU!!"
Note that both the 中国人 and ze Яussians love ziz AЯTICLE!

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Warning: The following text might contain The Jee Man . On the other hand, it might not. Let us know if you find him!
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Catgirls, Hentai and furries, Oh my!
This page contains catgirls, hentai and/or furries and is not safe for human consumption.

If caught reading this page, roll over and play dead.

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The writer of this article is an American Conservative and has a bizarre nineteenth century outlook.
They may even work at Focus on the Family, be a hard-working farmer, or, worse, be an unelected conservative activist judge. For information on the best way to save our great nation from scum like this read the Daily Kos.
(Psst. They're probably also a Nazi; quick! Play the race card!)
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The writer of this article is an American Liberal and has a tree huggin', baby clubbin' outlook.

They may even work at the ACLU or, worse, be an unelected liberal activist judge. For information on the best way to save our great nation from scum like this watch Fox News (Psst. He's probably also a communist; quick! Inform HUAC!)


This article is quite random. You might want to edit it so that it's actually about something!

Note: Crimes vary by jurisdiction. Not all types are listed here.
Against the person
Against property
Against public order
Against the state
Against justice
Uncategorized crimes
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The Pronouns
Me | You | He | She | It | We | Your're | They
This Uncyclopedian is happy to be 100% straight.
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Jesus Loves This Article

The Jee Man Himself has Shown, in His infinite Wisdom, that He is the Ultimate Purveyor of all things Awesome, Nifty, Spiffy, and generally Interesting. He has personally Reviewed this article and Given His Blessing. The submitter may be Forgiven three venial sins or one mortal sin.

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Uncyclopedia n00bs
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This page is a piece of crap. The author(s) acknowledge this.

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“In the Free World, I own the template!!”

This article is likely to be eaten by a grue. I suggest you
protect yourself or cast Frotz before it eats you too.

Captain Picard Is Aroused By This Article

Captain Jean-Luc Picard of the USS Enterprise (United Federation of Planets registration number NCC-1701D) finds the content of this article most satisfactory indeed. The gentle, flowing narrative prose contained within this article conjures memories of the smooth skin, supple thighs, and ratty knotted scarlet bush of Dr. Beverly Crusher. Which, if you're Captain Picard is quite a nice thing, I suppose. Speaking personally, that's one of the more revolting mental images of the day, but to each their own.

Warning: The following text might contain spoilers.
This makes the article more aerodynamic, and thus more maneuverable at high speeds. Take caution and carry a first-aid kit at all times if you don't know that Gandalf dies and then reappears in Fangorn Forest in the next book, everyone but Horatio dies, and Fortinbras takes over, Bruce Willis sacrifices his life to save Earth from the asteroid, the whole show was a dream in an autistic kid's head, the button in the hatch really does have to be pushed, Nathaniel sacrifices himself so that demons won't destroy London, Kitty helps found the new government of commoners, and Bartimaeus survives, Sasuke eventually kills Orochimaru, Brandy Alexander is Shannon's brother, and Soylent Green is PEOPLE!!!
South Asia

Bangladesh · Bhutan · India · Kashmir · Maldives · Nepal · Spakistan · Sri Lanka · Tibet

Other Asian divisions

Euthanasia · Super Asia

★ Home of the Brave ★
This page is a work in progress
The author will finish it later.
Health Warning: Putting this template on a page consisting of a few lines or worse will not save you and may actually get you banned. This page will be re-checked on 2 March 2025

a v / s = y {\displaystyle a*v/s=y} {\displaystyle a*v/s=y}

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