Smurf attack

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Even Smurfs can suffer Smurf attacks - though this is normally classed as a Smurf-on-Smurf crime.
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A Smurf attack is a type of violent crime that has been reported amongst people who live within close proximity to the subculture known as the Smurfs. The rise of the Smurf attack phenomena has resulted in a considerable backlash against Smurfs and led to discrimination of the Smurfs as a people. In some regions, things have become so bad that Smurfs are isolated from other races and forced to live in ghettos known as "Smurf Villages", which are easily recognised by the mushroom-shaped architecture.

History[edit | edit source ]

Early Examples[edit | edit source ]

The Smurf attack phenomena dates back to the late 17th century at the very latest, though it was historically a very rare crime - perhaps due to the Smurfs at the time having a limited freedom, being used in the Smurf trade and often being treated as second-class citizens even after the Smurf trade was abandoned in many countries.

The Smurf attack phenomena became more prevalent in the latter half of the 20th century, when Smurfs were finally given equal rights and began to integrate with other races after years of traditional separation.

Although a great many Smurfs integrated well and became outstanding members of society, a few began to exhibit problematic behavior that would ultimately erupt to a very serious social problem that was especially widespread in urban areas - where young Smurfs would begin to attack other races and sometimes even each other (though Smurf-on-Smurf crime is generally not classed as Smurf attack - since Smurfs have always fought amongst themselves).

Mid-90s[edit | edit source ]

In the mid-90s a series of particularly disturbing Smurf attacks occurred in several major cities, prompting the controversial exile of several communities of Smurfs into "Smurf Villages", which have been condemned as little more than modern ghettos by Smurf Rights groups. Despite Smurfs moving to these villages by choice, it has been widely reported that many Smurfs who refused to do so were threatened with violence and loss of property if they did not go.

In turn the tensions caused by this backlash worsened the Smurf attack phenomena and a group of militant Smurfs took the streets and tried to march to Washington. The use of water-cannons by authorities to deter the Smurfs was once again condemned by Smurf Rights groups, though it was effective in dispersing the group and thus averting a potential riot.

Nevertheless, for several weeks following these incidents, small-scale skirmishes occurred between authorities and groups of Smurfs across the globe. Eventually, the crisis calmed down and society began to return to relative normality.

Modern times[edit | edit source ]

Smurf attacks have steadily began to decline in modern times and this has been used by some radical groups to defend the use of "Smurf Villages" - other groups feel it is simply the way things have always been and warn that Smurf attacks, by their very nature, is a volatile phenomena that often varies in intensity over the years.

Despite the relative peace in most communities, there are still some notable cases of Smurf attacks occurring in the world today, with the inner cities being especially prone to this crime. However, police and social services are much more equipped to deal with the crime than they were in previous generations, and most modern outbreaks are contained fairly rapidly with minimum damage to everyday life.

Possible Causes[edit | edit source ]

Sex in the media[edit | edit source ]

An example of supposed "excessive sexual content in media".

Some Smurf mothers have blamed the Smurf attack phenomena on what they deem as excessive sexual content in media, which they argue causes young Smurf boys to grow up with a lack of control or morals. For example, they may start seeing women as objects and males as competitors to their "prize". Despite numerous attempts by a certain group to try and prove a link so far, there is no evidence to suggest one exists, and, in general, Smurf attacks do not have sexual content. This makes this argument dubious at best.

Violence in the media[edit | edit source ]

Often paired with the aforementioned argument but sometimes put as an independent argument of itself is the supposed violence in media, especially violence which certain groups note depicts major Smurf characters as being aggressive, vulgar and generally criminal in nature.

This coupled with the often violent lives of many inner-city Smurfs is believed by some to desensitize young Smurfs while also making them believe that, as a Smurf, they are prone to natural criminal tendencies. This in turn creates a sort of self-fulfilling destiny.

Although many tests have been performed to try and see if this theory is correct, there has been no scientific proof of such a link existing - though this has not stopped a number of Smurf Activist groups from forming with the intent of forcing the mass media to portray Smurfs in a more positive light and lower the violence level on television and cinema.

Videogames[edit | edit source ]

Some have also blamed videogames for the Smurf attack phenomena. According the acclaimed activist Jack Thompson, it is unsurprising that young Smurfs resort to crime when confronted with images of violence, sex and depravity in games such as the controversial Grant Theft Auto: Smurf City or Smurfs of War, both of which have been criticised as portraying Smurfs as stereotypical criminals and allowing players to engage in free-style mayhem.

Jack Thompson has also noted that many Smurf attacks seem to parallel those committed in videogames and believes that young Smurfs try to copy what they see in videogames, which in turn can lead to tragic consequences as well as serious effects to society as a whole.

Jack Thompson has demanded an intensive research of videogame content to try and prove the link, but as of yet, no scientist has shown interest in getting involved in the project.

Smurf music[edit | edit source ]

Papa Smurf. a notorious Smurf artist blamed for glorifying Smurf crime.

With the rising popularity of Smurf music in the early 90s, many parents and religious organizations were quick to seize upon the fact that this craze reached its peak during a time when Smurf attacks were at the worst ever recorded. Thus, some blamed artists such as Papa Smurf for glorifying Smurf crime and giving young Smurfs a twisted view on reality.

Many Smurf artists have lyrics that relate to drugs, violence and sex. This is blasted as reckless, illegal and sexist by those who oppose the movement and some Smurf artists have deliberately played upon the movement's controversy to sell tracks and attract fans.

Prevention[edit | edit source ]

There is no universally accepted way to prevent Smurf attack incidents from occurring, but the general belief of now is that education and anti-discrimination measures can be used to prevent the most severe cases of Smurf attack. It is hoped that by further educating people on the Smurf culture that the Smurf attack phenomena will remain low.

Warner Bros.
Looney Tunes
Cartoon Network
Hannah Barbera
The Simpsons
Family Guy
South Park
My Little Pony
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